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Arena: 2v2 and 3v3 matrix help.Follow

#27 Nov 27 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
Theolo wrote:
I 2v2 with a mage and we usually CAN'T kill hunter/paladin and warrior/paladin teams. Since you've already done the warrior/paladin one, how about the hunter/paladin?
When the hunter goes BM and the paladin bubbles, we're usually toast.
I've been thinking of trying to get the hunter to use his Bestial Wrath early through CC and whacking the paladin (hoping for a bubble) then me vanishing and the mage ice blocking. Would that work? Or what else should we try? Because right now I'm slamming my head on the key board against them.

From what I remember as Rogue/Mage, War/Pally is a *****. I think that was one of the teams we just could not win against consistently. It requires really good execution.

This might be the one fight I am really wary against. Your mage wants to mount up and stay away from the Warrior for as long as possible until you can get to the Pally. Open on the Pally (save your cooldowns!!!!!!). Have your mage ready on counter spells and you keep steady on kicks. Your Mage should be trying to cc the warrior as much as possible while still dps'ing the pally (don't use polymorphs. this means nova's and slowing him).

Once the Pally bubbles, you want to run away while your Mage sheeps the warrior. Once Poly hits DR get on the Warrior and play lockdown (save cd's) on him while the mage sheeps the pally over and over. You are doing this to reset the DR from poly's on the warrior.

Once you can resheep the Warrior, do so and then get on that Pally. Bumrush him (remember those cd's? use them now). Keep the mage ready on a clutch counterspell and have him keep the warrior at bay as long as possible.

If you don't get the pally down by now, you lost.

On this one, I would love opinions. This was what best worked for us around 1950 or so, but it just wasn't great.

For Hunter/Pally, I would do the same thing. Open on Pally until bubble. Once he bubbles get on the Hunter.

Here is where it switches though. Instead of going back on the Pally after bubble, get your mage ready on Counterspell, then chain sheep the Pally while you are killing the Hunter and trying to keep him off your Mage. Toss a Blind on the Pally for a heal interrupt (he is gonna have to use a big one). It shouldn't take you to long to get down that Hunter.

Moral of the story for any double dps vs dps/healer is this though. If they get one "reset" (huge heal 5%-100%) then it is almost game over. Double dps is incredibly tight knit and your games have to go perfect to pull out wins, because you just don't have survivability. At the same time, it is very easy to win with double dps, provided you do things right, but when you hit a counter matrix, there isn't much you can do.

Edited, Nov 27th 2007 12:21pm by MYteddy
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#28 Nov 27 2007 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
What's your spec? That can change the tactic on this one a bit. Get back to me and I'll see what would make sense.

I'm 41/20 combat mutilate.
#29 Nov 29 2007 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
morgorg wrote:
What's your spec? That can change the tactic on this one a bit. Get back to me and I'll see what would make sense.

I'm 41/20 combat mutilate.

How about Disc priest + BM hunter in the 2's?

I'm paired with an 8/11/42 (the last point in resto might be somewhere else, i'm not 100% sure) druid, and we get crushed when we're faced up against a team like this, even if they have mediocre gear. The hunter will manadrain the druid, and I can't do squat against him with TBW popped, and the druid is hard-pressed to keep me healed with this giant red hunter and pet tearing my face apart and the Disc priest adding their low, but mana efficient, dps along the way. So, obviously I go on the priest, who is content with Psychic Scream spam. Along with hunter traps (I burn CloS on the first trap or in anticipation of a psychic scream when the Priest is about to die, but then he uses desperate prayer or the hunter pops intimidation) and from then on we're pretty much screwed. While I can usually take down the priest if they have bad gear, the hunter will have focused on the druid by then as he knows the priest is dying no matter what, and with the MS aimed shot and the druid's purely PvE gear (and some of it cloth, to make matters even worse) the druid will go down fast and I will have to deal with a hunter, with the spirit of redemption probably still up on Priest for a few more sec.

Ok. Didn't mean to leave you hanging in the dark here or think I lost effort in maintaining this.

I really had to put a lot of thought into this.

I personally think, this is a hard counter to your setup, especially after Hunter buffs in the last patch.

Ok, when the match starts you both want to be stealthed. You need to open up on the Hunter. This is for a reason. If you attack him immediately, he is going to be defensive and want to get away(thus being offensive) so he will pop BIGRED.

Your Druid needs to stay stealthed during this.

When you get the Hunter to pop BM, CoS any magic you might have on you, and find a safe spot to Vanish (this entire strategy is based off you getting this Vanish).

Wait out the BM. Watch out for Flares.

When it wears off, open up on the Priest. Get a 5pt EA on him and interrupt heals. Your Druid needs to pop out now and if you are lower on health, use a quick NS>HT on you then needs to Cyclone harrass/root(los) the hunter's dps off you. Once you get a 5pt EA, and run out of ways to keep the Priest from healing, the Druid needs to Cyclone the Priest. This is to keep him from healing. Then, have your druid Cyclone, Feral Charge, Bash, etc and lock down all the Priest's heals and re Cyclone. Meanwhile you should go over to the Hunter and start locking him down. Get him back for all the trouble he has been giving you. Work him down in a stunlock. If you can, LOS him from the Priest.

When your Druid is out of time/interrupts (this could be anywhere from 15-35ish seconds) he needs to Cyclone/root the Hunter.

**At this point the Hunter should be anywhere from 55-65% and cycloned. Priest at about the same. You will be around 80% and your Druid maybe 85% with some HoTs on.**

Ok, get to the Priest. The Druid is going to be stalling the Hunter (his BIGRED might be almost ready). So do what you can with Cyclone's and roots. You need to be on the Priest. Remember that 5pt EA? It is almost up. Mutilate, mutilate, KS, pop that CB, Mutilate. The Priest has to be close to dead by now. I would suggest a Blind here. If the Hunter is roaring back and your Druid is out of options, you have two choices. If the Hunter is attacking the Druid (this may be to offensive and rare) then stay by the Priest. If the Hunter decides to attack your Druid, have your Druid HoT up and go Bear and tough it out while you wait for a restealth and sap the Priest.

If that happens, regain energy, put the Priest in a stunlock, and finish him.

Now I don't think that will happen. I think the Hunter would attack you, but that is what you do should you guys get lucky. If he attacks you, stay by the Priest, working on his last bit, and have your Druid heal through the Hunter's attacks on you. Keep energy for interrupts on the Priest, and try to finish him here. If your Druid can, Cyclone if you really can't finish him, so you can build up energy. The Hunter's BIGRED might be gone by now, if it is, you have the option to Cyclone him and the Priest should be dead. Your Druid tops you both off, and get on the Hunter for the finish.

Now, in thinking on this, I would want to try this everytime. This would be my strategy. But this is going to be extremely best case. So many things can go wrong in this setup, and I think Hunter/Priest may just be a very tough matrix.

Edited, Nov 29th 2007 5:55pm by MYteddy
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#30 Nov 29 2007 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
First I'd like to say that this is a great thread and I hope it continues, it has already answered some of the questions I've had.

Lately I've been 2v2ing with a feral druid and a pve specced/geared mage, and have yet to form a 3v3 team (looking for one atm, the last one i had was a large fail).

First the Druid. The only teams we have continuous trouble with are Lock/Mage and SPriest/Mage. Mostly we've been trying to DPS down one target and make it a 2v1 match, but since he has 0 ways to remove DoTs and cant preemptively spell resist a mage's nuke, it tends to be MEv2 and at 80% health or less, which is a quick loss.

Either of these two teams can keep us CCd for long enough to take out one of us, any suggestions on how to go about beating these caster groups?

Second the Mage. Healer/anything groups are usually a cake walk unless its a druid healer with a stealth buddy, i can open on any thing and the other group focuses on me while he nukes them (down a war/pally team in record time the other day, less than 30 seconds). It seams as long as the other team has at least 1 person unstealthed we have a decent chance at winning.

Rogue/Rogue or Rogue/Druid are the teams that eat us alive. Since the mage has all of 13 resil. and 6k health (can get to 7.3k if switches to a slightly worse set of gear) once his invis wears off he goes down in no time at all. He raids way more than he does arena so re-speccing isnt really an option atm, and his spec works well against all other teams that we've played so far.

Any tips on the first few seconds in these match-ups, that seems to be crucial to our survival? And also, any easy ways you can think of to improve his survivability slightly without a complete respec?

Lastly Me. I have been Assassination since hitting level 55, I leveled to 70 as assa/sub then switched to assa/com (much better for everything except dueling imo).

I love the spec, but it is too difficult with my lack of weapons. With all the hype about AR/Prep (and the beating I've been taking in BGs and Arena from it) I'm thinking about picking up the S1 maces to try it out. I'm going to miss all the great talents from the assa tree, but the way it sounds, with a little tweaking I can make AR/Prep work.

My question for me is gear based. Since before the patch i have been leveling an alt and not honor farming like I should of, now I'm stuck with about 8k honor and badly needing the S1 gear, how should i go about getting the gear? Weapons then armor for increased DPS? Armor then weapons?

It seems that all the competent PvPers in my battlegroup did all the BGs they needed before 2.3 and now winning a BG on the alliance side is about 1 in 10 if you're lucky. Getting honor is gonna be a B%^&#.
#31 Nov 29 2007 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
ipureownz wrote:
My question for me is gear based. Since before the patch i have been leveling an alt and not honor farming like I should of, now I'm stuck with about 8k honor and badly needing the S1 gear, how should i go about getting the gear? Weapons then armor for increased DPS? Armor then weapons?

It seems that all the competent PvPers in my battlegroup did all the BGs they needed before 2.3 and now winning a BG on the alliance side is about 1 in 10 if you're lucky. Getting honor is gonna be a B%^&#.

I know it isn't my thread and the question wasn't directed at me, but I would suggest getting the s1 maces first for the ar/prep hemo spec. I am currently waiting on my honor points to get the s3 MH if I manage to get my ratings high enough. Not sure if I can with my current set ups though.

And I still run bg's Smiley: nod.

Now for my question(s);

I run 2v2 and 3v3 with a priest partner. He now has 4/5 s1 gear, and over 400 resilience.

Tonight when we were playing we had high trouble with 2 teams,

1) Hunter/Paladin:

The hunter slowed me with his awesome inventory, and the pala kept Blessing of Freedom up the whole time, so I was basically kited by them while my priest got slowly killed by the hunter. First game I was on hunter, didn't work, second game I was on pala, didn't work. He kited me with the hunter laying traps etc, then around blade's edge and by the time we were close to the priest hunter again, my priest was dead.

2) Mage/Rogue: Mage starts invi, rogue is stealthed, by the time I open on the rogue (after he is on the priest most likely) the priest is at <50% health. And before you know it, dead.

PS: Anybody know if I should get my priest to spec Disc(pain suppresion) or he should stay holy?
#32 Nov 29 2007 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
I know it's hard on the mage/rogue, but you need to trust your priest to keep himself up. You need to get on the mage asap or your team is pretty much *******

Wait 15 secs when you see a double stealth team. If a mage doesn't pop out, it's either a rogue/rogue team or a rogue/druid team. Locking down the mage is the only way to win against a mage/rogue team, because the opposing rogue is going to get off an evasion and pretty much ***** you out of damage for 15 secs.

Against hunter/paladin, you need to stay on the hunter and have your priest mana burn the paladin. With you up in the hunters face, he can't really do anything, and if he goes for your priest, your priest should be good enough that he can LoS the hunter.

You absolutely need to be shivving crippling poison on and making sure it never goes below 5-8 secs on the duration timer. If the hunter is BM, this should be a really easy fight, especially as AR/Prep. Use Sprint to keep up with the hunter if he uses BW and use evasion liberally.

Generally a bad idea to use AR while they're in BW since they can't be slowed, nor can they be stunned.
#33 Nov 29 2007 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
ipureownz wrote:

Lately I've been 2v2ing with a feral druid and a pve specced/geared mage, and have yet to form a 3v3 team (looking for one atm, the last one i had was a large fail).

First the Druid. The only teams we have continuous trouble with are Lock/Mage and SPriest/Mage. Mostly we've been trying to DPS down one target and make it a 2v1 match, but since he has 0 ways to remove DoTs and cant preemptively spell resist a mage's nuke, it tends to be MEv2 and at 80% health or less, which is a quick loss.

Either of these two teams can keep us CCd for long enough to take out one of us, any suggestions on how to go about beating these caster groups?

For teams like that, your best way is to play very offensive, and then fall on defense. By this I mean both of you should open on the same target (out of your two, it would be the Mage and the SPriest), and try to burst him down as far as possible. Your Druid will want to pop out of feral and throw a cyclone or two on the partner while you work on the main target. Watch out for cc's, so keep a trinket ready and just suffer through any damage. Have your druid throw a HoT and then needs to help you keep on that mage or SPriest. They will try to instantly cc you guys, so watch out and be quick with trinkets. Just suffer the damage the partner puts out, and get that primary guy down. If need be, your Druid needs to LOS and fall back and heal you both and toss out cyclones. If you get the first target down, get on the other, and have your Druid fall back and top you both off before finishing the fight.

Second the Mage. Healer/anything groups are usually a cake walk unless its a druid healer with a stealth buddy, i can open on any thing and the other group focuses on me while he nukes them (down a war/pally team in record time the other day, less than 30 seconds). It seams as long as the other team has at least 1 person unstealthed we have a decent chance at winning.

Rogue/Rogue or Rogue/Druid are the teams that eat us alive. Since the mage has all of 13 resil. and 6k health (can get to 7.3k if switches to a slightly worse set of gear) once his invis wears off he goes down in no time at all. He raids way more than he does arena so re-speccing isnt really an option atm, and his spec works well against all other teams that we've played so far.

Any tips on the first few seconds in these match-ups, that seems to be crucial to our survival? And also, any easy ways you can think of to improve his survivability slightly without a complete respec?

This is really where a Frost Mage partner comes in handy Smiley: wink. It's good to see your success so far, I have a few tips that will help for Rogue/Rogue and /Druid.

For your setup, your mage doesn't need Invis. You want your mage to run out and you stay right behind him. When you think the two stealthers are near, your mage needs to Rank 1 Arcane Explosion and get them unstealthed. You are right by him spamming CS. You want your partner to bring them out, so you can stop them from getting on him.

Once you put them into CS, your mage will want to blink away and kite one, or turn around and dps if they stay on you.

You need to be locking down the target you open on and apply as much dps as possible. Now if the partner is a druid, your mage will turn around, dps the Rogue a bit and wait for the Druid to come out. Be ready, the Druid might come out swinging with a Cyclone on one of you. If it is on you, your mage needs to be fast with his Counter-Spell, which will ***** the Druid. Use this silence time to sheep the Druid. Your mage needs to play interrupt on the Druid. The Rogue is going to be around 65% or so right now, so your Mage needs to help dps as much as possible. Use your Blind to interrupt the Druid. Let the mage unload and try to burst down the rogue here.

Now if it was Rogue/Rogue. Once you open on one your mage will blink away. If the second rogue opens on you, your mage needs to turn and play sheep harrass to make them blow CoS or trinkets. Make sure you Rupture the first guy after CS, then while the mage is going back and forth, throw a combo point on the other and get a rupture. Now you have two ruptured rogues who might have blown Cos or at least trinkets. So get back on the first guy, both of you focus him and burst. If the other rogue stays on you, both of you do all you can to keep him off with sheeps and your blind. Maybe even gouge, it's good for a couple of white hits in dps.

If the other rogue instead chases the mage, have your mage dps your target as much as possible, and do anything he can to slow the rogue coming to him. Have your mage burst all you got here on thier rogue while he tries to get away and stay alive from the rogue. This is where Frost comes in :( With that, you just got to stall the one long enough for you to finish one guy. Him being arcane really limits the chances.

Lastly Me.
With all the hype about AR/Prep (and the beating I've been taking in BGs and Arena from it) I'm thinking about picking up the S1 maces to try it out. I'm going to miss all the great talents from the assa tree, but the way it sounds, with a little tweaking I can make AR/Prep work.

My question for me is gear based. Since before the patch i have been leveling an alt and not honor farming like I should of, now I'm stuck with about 8k honor and badly needing the S1 gear, how should i go about getting the gear? Weapons then armor for increased DPS? Armor then weapons?

Your best bet, is to get the weapons first. Get yourself practiced for AR/Prep and having new weapons is the best way.

Bust ***. Get that honor. Just because you got weapons first, doesn't mean you shouldn't be in a few S1 pieces in another week.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#34 Nov 29 2007 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
devzzz, Assassin Reject wrote:

1) Hunter/Paladin:

The hunter slowed me with his awesome inventory, and the pala kept Blessing of Freedom up the whole time, so I was basically kited by them while my priest got slowly killed by the hunter. First game I was on hunter, didn't work, second game I was on pala, didn't work. He kited me with the hunter laying traps etc, then around blade's edge and by the time we were close to the priest hunter again, my priest was dead.

2) Mage/Rogue: Mage starts invi, rogue is stealthed, by the time I open on the rogue (after he is on the priest most likely) the priest is at <50% health. And before you know it, dead.

PS: Anybody know if I should get my priest to spec Disc(pain suppresion) or he should stay holy?

I wish I could answer your question about the best Arena Priest spec, but I haven't followed that class after 2.3

As for your two fights, there are a few easy things to do.

Hunter/Paladin: You want to open on the Paladin, put a lot of pressure on him, but try not to blow many cooldowns. Just try to get him to bubble here. Meanwhile, your Priest needs to be mana burning the Hunter, and healing you. Mana burn the Hunter priority, while you are working the Paladin. Once the Paladin bubbles hop on the Hunter and try to annoy him while your Priest drains him. From there, hop back on the Paladin, once the Hunter is out of mana, your Priest needs to use interrupts on the Pally and finish him off.

: Stay by your Priest. When the Rogue opens you need to be on him instantly. Your Priest needs to run away while trying to keep healed once the mage is on. Here is the bad news. If the Rogue and Mage know what they are doing, they are going to out CC you. This is a very hard setup for you guys to face.

You are going to be on the rogue, but switching to the mage to try and interrupt any Polymorph. Your Priest will be running. The mage will dps on you while the rogue works what he can on you. Your Priest will bubble you and then will be sheeped. A quick trinket will get a renew on you, but then there will be another sheep. By now you are at about 50%. Your Priest is going to receive a god awful counterspell on any heal right now. You are at 35-40%. If you can't get the mage down by now (very hard task) the fight is over. A blind will be thrown on your Priest and you are about to go down. If by some miracle you get the mage down, the fight is yours, but getting that mage down will be tough.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#35 Nov 30 2007 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the reply, definitely a few things there we haven't tried yet, can't wait to get back on and have a decent base to work off of.

But it will have to wait till after this weekend, my English paper and Physics lab are going to eat up all my free time. It's a good thing my play time ran out this afternoon so as I won't be distracted by the game.
#36 Nov 30 2007 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
I know i asked how a SL/SL lock pairs with a AR/prep rogue. Due to some of the changes to life drain, my warlock partner wants to stay full demo. He paired with a holy/disc priest last season as full demo and ended around a 2k rating. Would his demo spec amplify warlock/rogue or hinder it? He, 90% of the time, has the felguard out which puts out some sick dps...just looking for your thoughts.
#37 Dec 02 2007 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
My current 2v2 team is a mage (heavy frost) and me (11/8/42). I got pretty tough time last night facing Rogue/Druid team, they just make us feel so naked.

First match
All stay stealth, mage mount around waiting stealth unit to hit him. Rogue CS him, then I CS the rogue, before I can land KS the druid cyclone me, trinket but rogue already get away and sticking to the mage. Step to rogue, then I get cyclone again, mage can't even have chance to iceblock and died.

Second match
All stay stealth, similiar to first but this time we aim druid since the druid immume to all kind of our CC. Druid kite me like hell where the rogue down my mage pretty easy...

We can't see them after second match then, which is lucky but also phobia to me. >.< Seem like we just can't beat this team setup at all.. any suggestions I can try out or improve?
#38 Dec 03 2007 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Well, your 2v2 matrix is quite similar to mine with the exception that im AR prepped and the mage on my team is about 50 points into frost.
Against a team like that, we would CC the rogue.
Counterspell the cyclone then sprint after the druid and whittle him down.
If he breaks travel form to heal use vanish and lock him down with CS and KS while the mage blasts the **** out of him.
Remember to blind the rogue once he trinkets out of polymorph.

Tedd i need help though, ive been wanting to try 2v2 with a healer but i have been hesitant do to the fact that it just doesnt seem like i do much damage.
btw we just passed 1600 =D
#39 Dec 03 2007 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
crazeecracker wrote:
I know i asked how a SL/SL lock pairs with a AR/prep rogue. Due to some of the changes to life drain, my warlock partner wants to stay full demo. He paired with a holy/disc priest last season as full demo and ended around a 2k rating. Would his demo spec amplify warlock/rogue or hinder it? He, 90% of the time, has the felguard out which puts out some sick dps...just looking for your thoughts.

Rogue/Lock is great with the Lock as SL/SL. There are a few counters, and the Warlock and Rogue need to be geared up to compete 2000+, but it is very good. Demo also works only when the Warlock is geared to the fullest and can afford the lack of survivability SLSL brings.

evielwine wrote:
My current 2v2 team is a mage (heavy frost) and me (11/8/42). I got pretty tough time last night facing Rogue/Druid team, they just make us feel so naked.

First match
All stay stealth, mage mount around waiting stealth unit to hit him. Rogue CS him, then I CS the rogue, before I can land KS the druid cyclone me, trinket but rogue already get away and sticking to the mage. Step to rogue, then I get cyclone again, mage can't even have chance to iceblock and died.

Second match
All stay stealth, similiar to first but this time we aim druid since the druid immume to all kind of our CC. Druid kite me like hell where the rogue down my mage pretty easy...

We can't see them after second match then, which is lucky but also phobia to me. >.< Seem like we just can't beat this team setup at all.. any suggestions I can try out or improve?

For Rogue/Mage any team with a Druid will give you a challenge. Your best bet is to stay on the Druid the whole time. Otherwise, you guys are going to get Cycloned to all hell, and you can't afford that.

Your best bet, is to stay by the Rogue, once he opens, CS him to let your mage get away, and then put some pressure on the Rogue to coax out the Druid (try to get a 3-4pt Rupture on him). Have your mage ready with a Counterspell when the Druid comes out. Once you get the Druid out, ShS over to him and start locking him down. Probably ShS, Vanish, CS and start a stunlock. Always, always have energy to shiv crip. The Druid is going to try and Nature's Grasp you, Feral Charge, etc, and to anything to get distance. Luckily, you have ShS, so if he does get away, ShS, and Shiv immediately and just work down the Druid. Kick Cyclone's or crucial heals.

Meanwhile your Mage needs to put his pet on the Druid, and play around with the Rogue. Keep the Rogue busy with kiting, iceblock > blink, etc. Just hold him at bay with anything you can.

Work the Druid down, have your mage dps when he can afford it, and once the Druid is down, finish the Rogue.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#40 Dec 03 2007 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Rogue/Lock/Any non-healer vs. Paladin/BW Hunter/Warrior

Who do you target in that lineup? Hunters are easy for me 2v2, but we got completely owned by this lineup in 3v3. Twice. I say "any non-healer" because the 3rd was a MS warr filling in for our usual druid--we probably won't have him back next week.
#41 Dec 03 2007 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Tromo wrote:
Rogue/Lock/Any non-healer vs. Paladin/BW Hunter/Warrior

Who do you target in that lineup? Hunters are easy for me 2v2, but we got completely owned by this lineup in 3v3. Twice. I say "any non-healer" because the 3rd was a MS warr filling in for our usual druid--we probably won't have him back next week.

It all depends on your third.

But depending what CC you guys have, kill the Hunter, CC the Warrior and have your Lock harass the Paladin with silences and DOTs while DPS'ing the Hunter.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#42 Dec 03 2007 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
Theolo wrote:

Tedd i need help though, ive been wanting to try 2v2 with a healer but i have been hesitant do to the fact that it just doesnt seem like i do much damage.
btw we just passed 1600 =D

Your gear isn't to far behind, and it looks liek you are 1-2 upgrades from being in an ideal PVP setup. Get a bit more health then start rounding out your AP while staying over 10k HP.

If you can find a competent Druid who knows how to heal in PVP, it can be very rewarding.

Priest works, I don't prefer it though. There is a real limit to cc's with a Priest that I have a distaste for.

Paladin is terrible, don't get one.

Shaman is between Priest and paladin.

You might want to think about trying to get an SL/SL lock to add to your team. They work very well with Frost Mages as well, should you not be on.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#43 Dec 03 2007 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
lol thanks.
when i just rated you up, your score went from Decent to Good ^.^
#44 Dec 03 2007 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
Theolo wrote:
lol thanks.
when i just rated you up, your score went from Decent to Good ^.^

Smiley: thumbsup

It tends to do that.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#45 Dec 03 2007 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
lol why doesnt it stay good?
i feel less important now >.>
however i did just find a druid that i hope will work out
#46 Dec 04 2007 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
For Rogue/Mage any team with a Druid will give you a challenge. Your best bet is to stay on the Druid the whole time. Otherwise, you guys are going to get Cycloned to all hell, and you can't afford that.

Your best bet, is to stay by the Rogue, once he opens, CS him to let your mage get away, and then put some pressure on the Rogue to coax out the Druid (try to get a 3-4pt Rupture on him). Have your mage ready with a Counterspell when the Druid comes out. Once you get the Druid out, ShS over to him and start locking him down. Probably ShS, Vanish, CS and start a stunlock. Always, always have energy to shiv crip. The Druid is going to try and Nature's Grasp you, Feral Charge, etc, and to anything to get distance. Luckily, you have ShS, so if he does get away, ShS, and Shiv immediately and just work down the Druid. Kick Cyclone's or crucial heals.

Meanwhile your Mage needs to put his pet on the Druid, and play around with the Rogue. Keep the Rogue busy with kiting, iceblock > blink, etc. Just hold him at bay with anything you can.

Work the Druid down, have your mage dps when he can afford it, and once the Druid is down, finish the Rogue.

Rated up! Thanks so much for the tips, need to try it out, so far we still being beaten badly by this combo :( Need more practice I guess, as well as get more stamina for my partner (mage).
#47 Dec 10 2007 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#48 Dec 10 2007 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe you could give me a hand on a team that's been giving me(AR/Prep) and my partner(spriest) some trouble.

SL/SL Lock + Resto Shaman

We try and keep the shaman out of the picture as long as we can for the first 30-40 seconds and burn the lock down quickly. Usually getting the sap off, when sap wears, I'll blind, if he trinkets the blind, the spriest usually fears.

He was pretty well geared(as well as my spriest, and my gear isn't too shabby, but it just seemed like we couldn't get him down quick enough.
#49 Dec 10 2007 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Maybe you could give me a hand on a team that's been giving me(AR/Prep) and my partner(spriest) some trouble.

SL/SL Lock + Resto Shaman

We try and keep the shaman out of the picture as long as we can for the first 30-40 seconds and burn the lock down quickly. Usually getting the sap off, when sap wears, I'll blind, if he trinkets the blind, the spriest usually fears.

He was pretty well geared(as well as my spriest, and my gear isn't too shabby, but it just seemed like we couldn't get him down quick enough.

The trouble here is that "burning down" an SL/SL lock is like breaking rocks with a nail file. I'd say your best bet would be to keep the lock CC'ed as best you can, while chewing up the shaman. Sap the lock, garrote the shaman, and go to work.

It should go without saying, but make sure your priest is dispelling earth shield as much as possible. Burn your first AR after you see the lock play his nubcoil card, and trinket any fears you might take. Make absolutely sure you have enough energy at all times for a kick, and if you've got a low ping, wait for the heal's cast bar to go past halfway, in case the shaman is faking a heal.

Something you might try is to have your priest friend stand on top of the shaman while you're doing your thing. Since the felpup will most likely be chewing on the priest, there's a good chance you'll spill some decent damage onto the pet. If this ends up being the case, have your priest drop a fearbomb, refresh slice and dice off whatever points you had on the shaman, and kill the felhunter (a couple seconds of your dps along with a SW: death should do the trick).
#50 Dec 11 2007 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Salwrathis wrote:
Maybe you could give me a hand on a team that's been giving me(AR/Prep) and my partner(spriest) some trouble.

SL/SL Lock + Resto Shaman

We try and keep the shaman out of the picture as long as we can for the first 30-40 seconds and burn the lock down quickly. Usually getting the sap off, when sap wears, I'll blind, if he trinkets the blind, the spriest usually fears.

He was pretty well geared(as well as my spriest, and my gear isn't too shabby, but it just seemed like we couldn't get him down quick enough.

With this team, you need to play very reserved. You need to be on the Shaman as much as possible, while your Priest is playing support role in this one.

Open on the Shaman and get ready for all the incoming cc's. Your Priest is playing a defensive role this time, while assisting dps. This means, your Priest needs to be focusing on offensive dispelling, and also dispelling any magic on you. Basically meaning you guys are taking limited damage.

Keep on the Shaman, if you ever get cc'd and can't get in range for a kick, this is the moment your Priest will throw a silence on the Shaman for a heal interrupt.

Your Priest is going to keep dispelling both you and the Shaman while you work down the Shaman. If he can, fit in mana burns on the Shaman. If you ever get low, your Priest should heal you. Keep in mind, the Lock is probably going to try and mana drain your Priest. So have your Priest LOS and drink as much as possible. You aren't going to die fast, you are fighting an outlast team, so your Priest shouldn't have trouble finding 5-10 seconds to drink occasionally.

Read the above poster for a few other quick tips in this match as well.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#51 Dec 17 2007 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Updated the quick list of fights summarized. It does not include all tips, but mainly the advice on fights I gave in great detail.

Open to more questions.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
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