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Quick Holy Priest GuideFollow

#1 Nov 20 2007 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
This is a guide I've written. Well it is parts of it, as it isnt nearly finished yet, but I decided to post what I have written, since my interest in wow is lacking, and it might help someone else.

It will be put into these sections for now;

Belf holy priest guide.
Talent Specc Suggestions
Crafted Kit
Pots and Buff food.
Enchants and Sockets.
You and Your Threat
Prayer Of Mending.

Edited, Nov 20th 2007 8:07pm by Yasua
#2 Nov 20 2007 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
I will start by posting a holy belf guide, which also holds tips and tricks for other races, it is just mainly minded on belfs.

Hello fellow Blood Elf holy priests.
(and other priests, there might be tips for you to gain here as well)

This is a quick tips and tricks guide to belf priests, if you got things I haven’t written down, please feel free to let me know, so I can add them to an updated version. This means it isn’t the ultimate guide, it is what works for me, what I have experienced will work, meaning it might not be the ultimate solution for everybody.
Enjoy, and hope you can use it.

There are a few things you will want to check, when you encounter new mobs/enemies in this game as a belf, hence I will go over your racials as a priest. As a belf priest you get two very useful things, when it comes to keeping your mana going for a longer while;

- Mana Tap/Arcane Torrent. This ability stacks 3 times (Mana Tap) and at 70 when consumed it will refund you 161 mana pr mana tap. Meaning 3 stacking taps will grant you 483 mana. The CD on Arcane Torrent is 2 minutes. Each Mana Tap will be active for 10 minutes, and they will be renewed, all of them, if you tap a new target. Also note that Arcane Torrent is a short range (8 yards) aoe silence effect. (I am aware of that all belfs get this)

- Consume Magic; This is your special priest racial. It is a very useful ability in longer fights, it is an instant cast spell, costs no mana. It consumes one of your priest buffs, and please note that is has to be a priest buff, meaning that things like mana tap doesn’t count, as they are a belf spell, and not a priest spell. Doing this will refund you 660-694 mana. It has a 2 minutes CD. On the bad side is that you cant choose which buff it will consume, this is random.

Now, when we have this clear, we can move on.
When you encounter something new, or just in general want to keep your mana on the good side, there are some things you will want to take into your planning, to achieve this goal easier. Mp5 is all good, but there are many other ways, besides pure regen, to make sure your mana won’t go too low, if administered correct.

Let us assume you are to prepare for a really long fight. The first thing to be aware of is your CD’s. After all, everybody wants you to keep your mana, including you, wants you to keep your mana going. You will approach this logically and calculate them, but firstly, let us go over what CD’s a blood elf has to use;

- The above mentioned Mana Tap/Arcane Torrent. 30 seconds CD on taps, and 2 minutes CD on torrent.
- Consume Magic, 2 minutes CD.
- Mana potion, 2 minutes CD
- Inner Focus (Disc talent), 3 minutes CD. Grants you a spell free of mana charge.
- Shadowfiend, 5 minutes CD.

The first thing you will do is check if the mob you are fighting is mana tap-able. If it is, tap it, and make sure to stack 3, before using Torrent, unless your tap is running out. Next is to use your Inner Focus, if you are talented for this one. This initiates your 3 minutes CD and will make sure you can use it twice in this fight.

When these things are put to work, we can talk about potting and your shadowfiend. When it comes to mana pots, then it is a very bad idea to wait with potting till you are almost dry, this can technically cause a wipe, due to you running out of mana too fast. Instead pot when you have used the first 3 or tops 4k of your mana. At this time the mana pot will return you almost to full.
As for your Shadowfiend, then use it when you are at 50-60 % of your total mana. At this point it should easily return you to full mana again. However, remember to calculate it with your other CD’s. It will be a bad idea to tricker the fiend just before your mana pot CD ticks in, as an example. We don’t need to abuse our CD’s, just use them correctly. Potting, and then using your fiend will cause you to go to full very fast, and hence your fiend will regen mana you wont benefit from, due to you already being at max mana.
Do however be vary of that in some fights you will use your mana faster, due to spamhealing or the likes, and in these situations you will need to calculate your fiend individually. This means the 50-60% mana rule, technically is just a pointer, and not really something you can rely on. Use your knowledge, and learn to time it right.

Always remember that you keeping your head cool and keeping the situation under control is very important. One ***** up can mean a wipe, so when you are in 5 man instances, test it out, learn how to use your CD’s for the optimal mana usage and regain.

Now, I didn’t mention Consume Magic in the above, because it is a dangerous spell in some fights. In most fights, it wont matter if you lack one of your buffs, or for that matter all of them, but if your health buff is what drags you above the required amount of hitpoints you need for an encounter, then logically enough, you can not afford to take the risk of consuming this buff. Therefore, get to know the mob you are facing, then you will know when this ability is welcomed and when it is not.

In some fights it is all about CD timing after all. This is what makes it challenging.

So, let us assume we are having a very long fight, you have consumed all your buffs by now, and think; what do I do now? I have nothing more to consume.
It is quite simple; you go into your spellbook and find Touch of Weakness R1. This spell costs you 25 mana to cast, and one Consume Magic will return 660-694 mana. Now that’s a fair trade if you ask me. Personally I’ve got ToW on my cast bar all the time.

Also keep in mind, that if you want your mana to last, then do not go into flash heal spamming. This you can get away with in 5 man groups, most heroics and even Karazhan. It will not work later on. Firstly, let us look at the differences between Flash heal and our normal Heal spell. To do this I will make an example.

Let’s assume we deal with this priest who obviously will be holy, meaning you get healing boosts and cheaper mana spells from your holy tree. In this situation we can put it up like this;

2.5 seconds cast
259 mana
Avg. heal around 2000

Flash Heal
1.5 seconds cast
470 mana
Avg. heal around 2200.

As we can see, we trade around 200 mana, for 1 seconds longer cast time. This is a lot if you do a lot of lesser healing. This is one of the bad sides of Flash Heal, it is a good heal in some situations, but it will drain you dry very, very fast, it is extremely mana consuming, so don’t pick up the bad habit of Flash Heal being something you are relying on. Instead make it your last resort, when things ***** up. Use your other heal spells, as a priest you can have up to 11 different kinds of heal spells, not counting down ranking. (Some of these are talented though) This means you will want to train yourself into a decent routine, to make sure you use all your abilities. For normal basic healing use Greater Heal and normal Heal. Only Flash heal in encounters where you are either 110 % sure it won’t be a long fight, or if it is the last call to save someone from dying.

Should someone be close to dying, you will need to do some calculation. How much damage is this person taking, and how fast? This needs to be calculated up with your heal timers, so you can be sure the person is saved. To do this you have certain tools at your disposal, such as Power Word: Shield. A lot of priests tend to forget their shield, but it is actually quite a powerful tool if used right. But to return to the situation, then you can do one of several things, to pull this person out of danger;

Bubble – Flash Heal – Renew (Eventually a PoM, but read the PoM guide for more info about this specific spell)

Flash Heal – Greater Heal

Or simply go for a straight Greater Heal, if the target doesn’t take damage anymore. The options are many, and it is up to you, to make sure your calculations will suffice, to make this person survive. Therefore always calculate casting time versus damage taken. And this needs to be done in very short time, often less than a second, so do pressure train yourself. This will make sure you can adapt, optimize and get faster reflexes. It also ensures that you will keep your head cool under pressure.

I will also recommend keeping an eye on if people are continuing to take damage, or if they are just low on health. If they don’t take any more damage, then make sure they have more than 50 % health, and then use Renew. It is a powerful tool, and also an instant spell, meaning this won’t take time out of your casting schedule. You can renew, then go back to healing whoever needs it.

Now aggro. Boring topic, but needs to be talked about. Make it a nice habit to fade on CD, instead of fading when you get aggro, unless otherwise is clearly stated. This should suffice in keeping your aggro wonderfully low, meaning some nasty mob won’t come running to eat you. You dying can, in worst case, wipe the raid.

From here I will move very shortly to priorities on gear. This is very much an individual choice, it depends on play style and talents, but for myself this will be my priority list;

+Crit rating

No I'm not kidding. I love mp5. In normal groups it lets me run a full run without running out of mana, nor spending downtime drinking, and in long fights it allows me to regen massively. I mean, in the long run, then it’s free mana, what’s to complain about?

Please do mind though, that until you have around 1300-1500 +healing, I’d rate +healing higher in most cases, and then start to compromise. Meaning that you can get upgrades where you will trade +healing for mp5, and can do it with good conscience, since you still have enough +healing to heal heroics without suffering. For the basic pointer then around 800-900 +healing will be enough for most normal instances.

Why do I rate +crit so low then? Because I can not calculate with a crit, like I can with a normal standard heal. If I know my heal will heal the target for 4.5k, then I can calculate with 4.5k damage taken on the target. Sure it’s cool to get high crits, but being a crit priest isn’t my thing, since you rely a lot on crits to keep people alive. Inspiration is a nice talent, but you can have it without going crit priest, and it is, after all just a bonus. Relying so totally on crits is a little bit unstable, and in high end raiding you will need stability, you will need to be reliable.

Stamina/Intellect gives itself. Stamina is survivability, intellect is more heals for the party.

Now spirit. Spirit is a funny thing, since a lot of priests are spirit minded these days.
Cant blame them since Blizzard put insane amounts of spirit on our high end gear, and after all hybrid specs are popular these days, and as a such your spirit will give you regen and +healing. And sure that is nice, but, and a big but; spirit is affected by the infamous 5 seconds rule, which so many priest doesn’t seem to know of these days.
This rule is why mp5 is so much better than spirit is when it comes to long fights, where you spam heal, as it makes you able to hold mana. While spirit boosts your out of combat regen a lot (around 60% better than mp5 does), then it is close to useless when spam healing. I’ll explain why with this example;

Yas casts gheal rank whatever.
5 seconds rule kicks in. For the next 5 seconds I don’t regen anything but my pure mp5. Spirit regen doesn’t kick in before AFTER these 5 seconds. Which means if you’re spam healing to keep the main tank up, your amount of spirit is close to useless. You don’t benefit from the regen it would normally give you.

However, since we are given a lot of spirit regen if we go into discipline, as I personally have, then a perfect combo of very high mp5, and the granted spirit on classgear and most cloth healing kit, these days, then your spirit will automatically go up, while your mp5 wont, unless you invest time in it. This allows you to utilize for longer fights and be able to keep mana during spamhealing, but still have a nice out of combat/not casting regen.

A short look at our competition;

We will have to compete with paladins.
Give them a shadow priest and they never oom.
They’re a steady healer, very reliable, however they lack HoTs and aoe heals.
They bring blessings to the raid. Individual buffs.
Plate users, high armor, higher hit points.

We compete with druids.
They’ve got higher heals than us with lower +healing, they get tree bonus and have very high HoTs. However, their casting time is longer than priests on heals, and their aoe heals have CD's. They also bring MotW to the raids.
Leather users, again more hit points, and a tad more armor.

Then we have shamans. They've got an extremely good way of keeping the melee party up, due to chain heal, they don’t have HoT, but they bring totems, which buffs in many different ways, and again: We have a mail user, more armor and usually also higher hit points. From what I have noticed though, the shaman often will have a lower mana pool than us, and often their mp5 isn’t that good either.

This is not a complete list over other healing classes’ abilities, there’s many left out, or not thought about, but anyone who scout the forums will notice that priests have to be very careful with their choice of gear, since other classes often get picked ahead of them these days. There has been a lot of talks about priests losing spots to other heal classes, and when I look at the general quality of priests, then I can’t really blame the raid leaders and recruitment officers.

As a conclusion to all of this, the best advice I can give to any one priest would be;
Love your class, it is an awesome class, as I mentioned above we can have up to 11 different heal spells, of all types, ranging from aoe heals, massive heals and HoTs to something like PoM that will jump randomly upon damage infliction and heal targets.
Challenge yourself, push yourself to the limit, so that you may become better, and above all, know your class, know its abilities, skills and use them. A good priest will easily get new groups, because god knows they’re hard to find, and when you do find one, they do an impressive job.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2007 6:29pm by Yasua
#3 Nov 20 2007 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
This section will feature a few different talent specs you can try out. Please bear in mind that these are only suggestions and pointers, which means you will have to adjust them to your own playstyle, for them to work perfect for you. It will feature some very normal specs, but also some untraditional ones.


A mixed disc/holy talent build, that will supply you with a little bit of everything. I wont be listing all the chosen talents, but I will explain some of them, to give you an idea of what is chosen and why.

This build is based over having a large viability to different situations. It’s a steady build that allows you to heal most situations without trouble, but it lacks the powerful healing affects a pure holy build would have. It is build up over the idea of the priest using all of his abilities as the talents are used on mana regen, spirit, dispelling, buffing, and cheaper/faster healing effects. It will feature things like this;

- Imp. Spirit; Increases your own and your buffed party’s damage and healing with an amount equal to 10 % of their spirit.
- Imp. Fort, which increases Power Word; Fort and Prayer of Fort with 30%.
- Silent Resolve; Holy and disc threat reduction by 20 %. Also reduces chance your spells will get dispelled with 20 %
- Inner Focus; Free spell of your choice. 3 mins CD.
- Inspiration; Increases the targets armor with 25 % for 15 secs after getting a critical heal effect on him. This will often be linked to Holy Specialization, that increases your holy crit chance with 5 %. These talents will often be chosen by crit specced priests. If you wish to know more of these, then check the section about Gear, where there will be an explanation of what a crit priest actually is.
- Sprit of Redemption; A talent that many priests choose to skip these days. It increases your spirit with 5 %, and allows you to take the form of a Spirit of Redemption upon death. This state lasts 15 seconds, in which you are invulnerable. You are not allowed to attack anything, but you can cast all the heals you want, free of mana charge. This means that one priest can with his/her death save a wipe by dying.

It is a hybrid build, that allows you to have some of the good things from both holy and discipline, but you will loose some of the strong massive healing that a full holy build holds, and the extremely viable survivability a full disc build holds.


Mainly being a holy build this build will offer you the strong healing from the holy tree, and only few things from discipline. It varies from the build listed above due to the fact that this build is less minded over spirit, viability and instead supply you with massive +healing effects and some other abilities to play with.

To build grants you some of these things;

- Inner Focus; Free spell of your choice. 3 mins CD.
- Sprit of Redemption; A talent that many priests choose to skip these days. It increases your spirit with 5 %, and allows you to take the form of a Spirit of Redemption upon death. This state lasts 15 seconds, in which you are invulnerable. You are not allowed to attack anything, but you can cast all the heals you want, free of mana charge. This means that one priest can with his/her death save a wipe by dying.
- Holy Concentration; 6 % chance to enter a clearcasting state, after casting any Flash, Greater or Binding heal spell. It will reduce the mana cost of your next Flash, Greater or Binding heal with 100 %.
- Lightwell; Creates a lightwell with 5 charges. Any raid or party member can click on it to receive a certain amount of healing over the next 6 seconds. Any damage taken will cancel the effect. This talent is nice for allowing your party to take care of their own health, and get ready for more action without it demanding you to heal them up.
- Circle of Healing; Heals your targeted party member and all other party members within 15 yards for a specific amount. This spell is both cheaper and stronger than holy nova.

This build forces you to loose some of the cheaper mana costs on dispelling, instant spells and the mana increase talents in discipline, along with the spirit buff, but if you are a raid priest chances are that there will be another priest in the raid with imp. spirit.


Another hybrid build, however this one has its root mainly in the discipline build. This will mainly be a support healing build, and not often seen in raids. It holds some things that can buff yourself and your party, but also holds some of the easy healing solutions and heal boosts from the holy tree.

This will grant you things like this;

- Inner Focus; Free spell of your choice. 3 mins CD.
- Mental Strength; Increases your maximum mana with 10 %. More mana is more spells, what’s not to like? ;)
- Mental Agility; Reduces mana cost of all your instant spells by 10 %. Cheaper spells is, again, more mana to use on other things.
- Power Infusion; Infuses your target with power for 15 seconds. This increases the targets spell damage and healing by 20 % during these 15 seconds. 3 min CD.
- Holy Nova; A holy aoe spell that causes no aggro, while damaging all enemies and healing all friendly targets within 10 yards. This is Circle of Healings little sister. It is more expensive to use, but also far further down in the talents, hence easier to gain. It is also an instant cast, which means Mental Agility will make it cheaper.
- Sprit of Redemption; A talent that many priests choose to skip these days. It increases your spirit with 5 %, and allows you to take the form of a Spirit of Redemption upon death. This state lasts 15 seconds, in which you are invulnerable. You are not allowed to attack anything, but you can cast all the heals you want, free of mana charge. This means that one priest can with his/her death save a wipe by dying.
- Inspiration; Increases the targets armor with 25 % for 15 secs after getting a critical heal effect on him.

On the bad side, there is that not many raids will accept this as a viable raid build, since it is more of a support build, than a main healing build.


This build is a heavy discipline build. It is based over survivability, cheap spells, support abilities and while it can be a hard build to use for healing for a badly kitted priest, it will be a decent challenge and hold many possibilities if you have the kit to support it. Also it will become more raid/group viable in 2.3 when they chance Pain Suppression, so that it can be cast on other targets than the priest himself.

This specc holds some of these things;

- Power Infusion; Infuses your target with power for 15 seconds. This increases the targets spell damage and healing by 20 % during these 15 seconds. 3 min CD.
- Inner Focus; Free spell of your choice. 3 mins CD.
- Imp. Spirit; Increases your own and your buffed party’s damage and healing with an amount equal to 10 % of their spirit.
- Imp. Fort, which increases Power Word; Fort and Prayer of Fort with 30 %.
- Enlightenment; Increases your total Sta, Int and Spi with 5 %.
- Pain Suppression; Reduces all damage taken with 65 % and increases resistance to dispel mechanics by 65 %.
- Holy Nova; A holy aoe spell that causes no aggro, while damaging all enemies and healing all friendly targets within 10 yards. This is Circle of Healings little sister. It is more expensive to use, but also far further down in the talents, hence easier to gain. It is also an instant cast, which means Mental Agility will make it cheaper.

It is a build that takes all the good things in discipline, but by doing so it takes out all the talents to boost your healing from the holy tree. This build is for the independent priest, that likes to experiment and play with different playstyles.

#4 Nov 20 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
This section will be about some of the typical professions a lot of healers choose, minded on holy priests. It is by no means a “you must choose this” guide, it’s only pointers and ideas to what could prove useful. Please mind that these are suggestions.

Something very typical for healers will be Herbalism. It allows them to collect their pot materials for mana pots, elixirs and flasks themselves, and thereby spare big money on buying herbs/pots on ah. Some take Alchemism as well, just for the practical purpose of having both professions, but if you know an alchemist or don’t mind tipping someone to make you a bunch of pots, then it is far from necessary.

Enchanting will offer you all the basic enchants, and make you save the tips for making someone else enchant your kit, plus it supplies you with the option to disenchant things yourself, to make an endless supply of enchanting mats. It also benefits you with the +20 healing enchants for rings, that you only can make on your own rings. Some enchanters will, if they can’t craft things themselves, supply a Leatherworker or Tailor with materials to craft them things to disenchant.

Engineering will supply you with a handy pot injector for mana pots and a very nice healing helmet which you can see in the crafted gear section :)

Also a lot of holy priests these days will choose tailoring, because tailoring offers some very nice crafted items for clothies. This profession also goes very well along with enchanting, as you can craft things to disenchant for more materials. Please check into the kit section for more ideas and links for this :)

You can also go Jewelcrafter, which means you can supply yourself with the gems you need, hence you don’t need to buy them at AH, or tip someone to cut them for you.

Besides this we got the “money” professions, collectors professions, which basically has little relevance unless you select mining for Jewelcrafting or Engineering for example. This is the typical mining, skinning and herbalism (Which I’d still say is quite useful)
These professions are typically chosen to make easy money, or for skilling up another profession.

Blacksmithing and Leatherworking are quite useless to clothies though, so these I’d recommend staying away from.
#5 Nov 20 2007 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Crafted gear section.


As a Primal Mooncloth Tailor you can make this set at 70;
They’re all BOP and unique, so they’re for you only, also they require you to be and stay a Mooncloth Tailor to use. So if you respecc shadow and figure you want the shadow kit, you wont be able to use your Mooncloth kit while specced shadowweave tailor and vice versa :) This set is vendor bought at the Primal Mooncloth specialist in Shattrath.

Primal Mooncloth Robe
+20 Intellect
+20 Spirit
Yellow and blue socket.
Socket bonus; +3 intellect
+121 healing
+10 mp5

Primal Mooncloth Shoulders
+16 Intellect
+15 Spirit
+92 healing
+7 mp5

Primal Mooncloth Belt
+12 Intellect
+11 Spirit
Yellow and blue socket.
Socket bonus; +3 intellect
+81 healing
+8 mp5

3 set bonus will allow 5 % of your mana regeneration to continue while casting :)

Then we’ve got Whitemend; This set is a good add for your Primal Mooncloth set, since it supplies pants and hood, which Primal Mooncloth doesn’t. It drops in Arca (Pants) and Bota (Hood) if you want to collect it, however you technically don’t need to, as the craftings are BOE, meaning you just have to find a tailor with nethers, supply mats and the money for the nether (on my server the nethers typically goes for 50-70g a piece) and voila. This means non tailors can use this kit as well, however you need to be a tailor to get the 2 set bonus; It will increase your +healing with up to 10 % of your total intellect.

Whitemend Pants
+21 Stamina
+21 Intellect
Blue, yellow and red socket.
Socket bonus; +4 intellect
+62 healing
+11 mp5

Whitemend Hood
+15 Stamina
+15 Intellect
Blue, yellow and red socket.
Socket bonus; +4 intellect
+79 healing
+11 mp5

A world drop on a cloak; (Quite common though, shouldn’t be hard to find a tailor for this)

White Remedy Cape
+59 healing
+7 mp5

After this we’ll pretty much move to SSC, the patterns I’m gonna link here are BOE, meaning you can find them on ah, however the items are BOP when crafted, so you do need to have this pattern yourself to have these.

Belt of the Long Road
+13 Stamina
+18 Intellect
+33 Spirit
Blue and yellow socket.
Socket bonus; +7 healing
+73 healing

Boots of the Long Road
+25 Stamina
+26 Intellect
+22 Spirit
+73 healing
+9 mp5

Now its Black Temple pretty much, however this set is BOP recipes, which are BOE when crafted, so if you really love your character you can get these crafted without even having been to Black Temple or close. However it will be quite expensive ;)

Swiftheal Wraps
+24 Stamina
+22 Intellect
Equip; Improves spell haste rating with 28 (1.8%)
+64 healing

Swiftheal Mantle
+21 Stamina
+16 Intellect
+28 Spirit
Equip; Improves spell haste rating with 27 (1.3%)
+84 healing

Also tailors who are Aldor can craft these;

Golden Spellthread
+66 healing and +20 stamina

Silver Spellthread
+46 healing and +15 stamina


Powerheal 4000 Lens
+14 Stamina
+38 Intellect
+28 Spirit
Meta socket, blue socket.
+9 healing socket bonus.
Equip; +101 healing
And a few other fancy abilities ;)


Figurine - Talasite Owl;

This trinket is BOP, hence you need to be a Jewelcrafter for this item to work.
It gives an equip bonus, that will grant you 14 mp5 and a use effect that will return 900 mana to you when used. It is unique.

Figurine - Living Ruby Serpent
+33 Stamina
+23 Intellect
Use; increases dmg/healing with 150 for 20 seconds.
It is a trinket, its unique and BOP, so again, gotta be a Jewelcrafter for this.

Embrace of the Dawn

+27 Stamina
+19 Intellect
Equip; 7 mp5
Use; increases stats of all party members by 10 for 30 minutes.

Living Ruby Pendant
+24 Stamina
+15 Intellect
Equip; +35 healing
Equip; +6 mp5
Use; Restores 6 health pr second to nearby party members for 30 mins.

#6 Nov 20 2007 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Pots and buff-food worth considering for different encounters, tips to where to use what and why, links so you know mats and what else will be nice to know about buff food and pots.

For a raid I always bring an entire bag of food, pots etc.
In it I will be keeping;

Super Mana Potion x 15 or 20.

I would also recommend getting an engi to make you a mana potion injector

Flask of Mighty Restoration x5 or 10.

Elixir of Draenic Wisdom x20

Elixir of Healing Power x20

Adept's Elixir x20 (this one isn’t necessary, I just like to be prepared for all kinds of situations I like being able to switch fast if we need dps instead of healing.)

Elixir of Major Fortitude x10 (might seem a strange choice, but at Aran a fireball can one shot you, if you got very low hps. Anything less than 7k hps will usually be too low for this fight. Ofc you can get lucky and still survive with less, but if you really do have low hps, you wanna do anything you can to boost them some.)

Elixir of Major Mageblood x20 (Do I even have to explain?)

Additional things I got sometimes;

Flask of Distilled Wisdom x5 or 10

Super Rejuvenation Potion x5 or 10 (usefull for mana consuming fights where you tend to take dmg)

Elixir of Mastery x20 (I'm a wannabe San :/ Gimme kings! but again, far from neccesary I just like having them for certain encounters, again its more int, more sta, more spirit, more, more, more!...)

Thatll be it for the pots. Buff food then!

Golden Fish Sticks x20 (for healing)

Blackened Sporefish x20 (For mp5 encounters, ei. looong encounters Also works at Aran since it also gives you more hps, which is survivability.)

Other sta food I'd recommend for really tricky encounters;

Spicy Crawdad x10


Fisherman's Feast x10

And please have an eye out for which ones are flasks and which ones are normal elixirs etc

Flasks are good for progressive raiding, if you die often, since they persist through death, hence its not wasted mats. Normal pots/elixirs are better if you die less, as theyll get to stay the duration out then.

Edited, Nov 20th 2007 7:40pm by Yasua
#7 Nov 20 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Enchants for a holy priest depends a lot on your playstyle, on what priorities you have.
There’s a few different types to choose from, depending on what you want enchanted ofc.

Here ill list a few enchants as pointers to what you can get as a holy priest. In this section I’ll go shortly over the different enchants for some of your kit, I’ve probably missed enchants, as this only were to be pointers and not a full guide down to every detail. If there’s lacking an enchant here, you feel is essential, then please let me know, so I can adjust.


Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats;
+6 to all stats.

Enchant Chest - Restore Mana Prime;

Enchant Chest - Exceptional Mana;
+150 mana

Enchant Chest - Major Spirit;
+15 spirit


Your feet then! Well, actually its your boots and not your feet we’re interested in. Here there’s a little variety, depending, again, on your play style and the encounters you plan on using the boots for.

Enchant Boots – Vitality;
+4 mp5/hp5

Enchant Boots – Fortitude;
+12 stamina


Enchant Weapon - Major Healing;
+81 healing

Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect
+30 intellect

Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge
3% chance on spellcast to restore 100
mana to all party members over 10 seconds


Enchant Ring - Healing Power
+20 healing, on your own rings only.

Enchant Ring – Stats
+4 stats. This do require you to be
revered with Scale of the Sands though. ;)


Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike
+15 spell hit rating.

Enchant Gloves - Major Healing
+35 healing on gloves


Enchant Cloak - Spell Penetration
+20 Spell Penetration

Enchant Cloak – Subtlety
-2% threat.


Enchant Bracer – Fortitude
+12 stamina

Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime
+6 mp5

Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing
+30 healing.

Enchant Bracer - Major Intellect
+12 intellect

Enchant Bracer – Stats
+4 stats

For your head slot items, I’d recommend this;
Glyph of Renewal;
+35 healing and 7 mp5.
Reg. Thrallmar/Honor Hold; Revered.

As for shoulder enchants they will differ depending on weather your Scryer or Aldor;

Greater Inscription of the Oracle;
+22 healing and 6 mp5
Reg. Scryer; Exalted.

Inscription of the Oracle;
+5 mp5
Reg. Scryer; Honored.

Greater Inscription of Faith;
+33 healing and 4 mp5
Req. Aldor; Exalted

Inscription of Faith;
+ 29 healing.
Req. Aldor; Honored.

As for sockets, again there’s a few choices here and there ;)

As for epic healing gems you’ll want to farm heroic instances like Ramparts, Sethekk Halls, Durnholde, Botanica, Shattered Halls, Slave Pens and the likes. All of them drops different gems that can be of use for you. Do however note that theyre unique-equipped meaning that you can only have one of them socketed in your gear at the time. However you can have as many you want stacked away in your bank. No need to get greedy though ;)

The gems you can get these places would be stuff like:

Royal Tanzanite
+11 healing, +2 mp5.
Matches red or blue socket.

Luminous Fire Opal
+11 healing, +4 int
Matches red or yellow socket.

Iridescent Fire Opal
+11 healing, +4 Spell Critical Rating
Matches a red or yellow socket.

Dazzling Chrysoprase
+5 int, +2 mp5
Matches a yellow or blue socket.

Blessed Tanzanite
+11 healing, +6 sta
Matches a red or blue socket.

As for the basic gems, it would be stuff like +healing, mp5 etc. They sell for around 2-5g at your local ah, so go browse and enjoy ;) Here’s a few examples;

Teardrop Blood Garnet
+13 healing
Matches a red socket.

Purified Jaggal Pearl
+7 healing and +3 spirit
Matches a red or a blue socket.

Lustrous Azure Moonstone
+2 mp5
Matches a blue socket.

If you’re interested in more gems, then you should go check out either thottbots Jewelcraft list, or go to And scroll aaaaaaall the way down to the bottom ;) There’s a small lookup for gems, that will be decent for priests :)

There’s another thing you would want to consider when browsing sockets though.
That’s socket bonuses versus gemming for pure stats. As in example you get this chest piece [Imaginary chest piece of pure imbaness] where you’ll get 3 sockets; 2 red ones and a blue one. The socket bonus could be +7 healing.

If this is the case I’d socket for the socket bonus, as it’s easy sockets to achieve and still get good stats from your gems. I’d for example some of consider these sockets;

Teardrop Living Ruby
It gives +18 healing.
Matches a red socket.

Royal Nightseye
+9 healing spells and 2 mp5
Matches a red or blue socket.

Luminous Noble Topaz
+9 healing and +4 intellect
Matches a red or yellow socket.

Now lets change the sockets to having 2 yellow and a blue socket on our chest. Socket bonus is still +7 healing.
Above we can see we’d have choices like Royal Nightseye and Luminous Noble Topaz, but for this case we could also consider this one;

Brilliant Dawnstone
+ 8 intellect
Matches a yellow socket.

Now, it would still be somewhat easy to gain an alright amount of pure stats from this, depending on what you prefer, so here it’s pretty individual. You can socket all healing, and forget the bonus (But don’t forget to calculate what you get and loose. 18x3 would give +54 healing, but no socket bonus. 9x3 gives 27, then you can add the socket bonus of +7 healing and get 34 +healing. Besides this you’d get base stats like int or mp5 depending on your choice. Its really up to what you lack and prefer here)

If we however change the chest again, same sockets (2 yellow and a blue) but redo the socket bonus to +3 spirit or likewise, then I’d simply skip the socket bonus and socket for pure stats, as I’d get much more out of my socket stats, than the little I’ll get from the socket bonus. Its not worth it sacrificing the pure stats for that little bit I’d get from the spirit :)

And while we’re at these tricky socket things, I’d like to go into meta sockets too ;) These are rather expensive, so you’ll want to choose your meta gem carefully. Before you choose it, you should consider your gear, as you’ll get some requirements you need to match, for it to become active. (You can still socket it, it just wont kick in before you fulfill the requirements)

As an example a requirement could be that you need to have more blue gems than yellow gems. It could also be having 2 red gems, 2 blue gems, 2 yellow gems. Hence you’ll want to study your meta closely, so you don’t pick one that will demand you to resocket all your carefully socketed gear.

On a sidenote for this, to make it easier, you’ll want to know that a gem (as an example) that matches a red and a blue socket (Like the Royal Nighteye) will count for both a red and a blue gem when socketed. Same goes for all other types too. Meaning if you socket clever it won’t be too hard to achieve what your meta requires.

Here’s a few meta examples to look at;

Insightful Earthstorm Diamond
+12 intellect and chance to restore mana on spellcast.
Requires at least 2 Red gems
Requires at least 2 Yellow gems
Requires at least 2 Blue gems

Powerful Earthstorm Diamond
+18 Stamina and 5 % stunresist.
Requires at least 3 Blue gems

Mystical Skyfire Diamond
5 % on spellcast – next spell cast in half time
Requires more Blue gems than Yellow gems

Bracing Earthstorm Diamond
+26 healing spells and 2 % reduced threat
Requires more Yellow gems than Blue gems
Requires more Red gems than Blue gems

This would be it about enchants and sockets for healing priests :) Hope you could use it.

Edited, Nov 20th 2007 8:01pm by Yasua
#8 Nov 20 2007 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
This section is about understanding and managing your threat, so you can avoid getting aggro, instead of wondering how to get rid of the aggro when you have it. I will post some facts and tips here, which I hope you can use.

- Threat is applied the second your heal lands, not before. This means if you got a renew going on the target and you’re high on the aggro list already, then you’ll need to time your heals carefully.

- Your heals will usually cause 1 point of threat for each 2 point you’ve healed. This only applies to the actual amount of healing healed, hence overhealing doesn’t count. If your tank tanks several mobs, and you heal him for 2000, your aggro will get spread over all the mobs, and not just stack on one. Meaning 2000 would split to 200 threat on 5 mobs for example.

- If you got serious problems with threat you’ll want to pick up Silent Resolve in Disc. 5/5 talents will give you a 20 % threat reduce on your holy and discipline spells. It also reduces the chance your spells will be dispelled by 20 %.

- Buffing people in combat will give you threat. Buffing a single target shouldn’t harm a fly, but mass buffing in combat will cause you to gain some threat, and it is also very manadraining. Therefore be sure to inform your group that you want to buff before combat starts.

- Keep an eye on your tanks aggro, so you can make sure you stay below him. This is best done with one of the typical raid addons such as KTM threatmeter or Omen.

- When you enter combat, give your tank a few seconds to gain aggro on all the mobs. This is to avoid your first greater heal pulling aggro on one of the mobs he hasn’t build aggro on. You can cast renew on him before he goes in, but save your massive heals for a little while, if you do that make sure to stay out of combat though. This will save you from some threat. Also, if your tank is going to pull the mobs back, around a corner or anything like it, then spare the renew, cause it will pull aggro from him to you.

- Use your fade button. It’s a gift. Many priests won’t use it before they get hit, but if you make a habbit out of constantly lowering your aggro you will rarely get hit. Master your aggro, keep it low, and you will find instancing a lot easier. Personally I use it on CD every time during boss fights, and in some situations on trash too.

- You will be more likely to draw aggro if you stand close to your tank, than further away.

Now you might wonder; What do I do if I already did gain aggro, and I cant get rid of the mob? Quite simple. You keep your head cool, figure out where your tank is, and run towards him. I know your instincts will tell you to run away, when you get hit, but your tank don’t have longer legs than you do, so he wont ever be able to pick the mob off you, if you run away. Keep a cool head, and run to your tank. He might not have noticed the mob running off, so in some cases he would appreciate it, if you find time, to tell him you get hit.

How to stay alive until the tank pick up the mob?
Personally I use PoM, when I’m close to the tank, as it will jump to him next then, and it heals me, then him when he takes dmg, then back to me, if I’m closest to him. Next I’ve got my bubble, which gives me time to heal freely. Third I’ve got binding heal, that will heal both me and my target. These 3 things combined with your normal heals work wonderfully, in these few stressful seconds it should take the tank to get the mob off you. The routine you will need to work out on instinct in the specific situation, as it will depend on how much damage you take, and how long it will take the tank to get the mob off you.

Also notice that we deal with 3 different types of tanks;
Feral druids.

Each of these have their own ways of gaining and keeping aggro, so get to know all 3 types, get familiar with them, so you know what to expect from your tank.
Here’s some brief info about them;

Warriors; Warriors can safely be considered the slowest to establish a healthy amount of aggro, but eventually end up being more persistant and reliable than any other thank class. The better their kit is however, the lesser dmg they take. Warriors are therefor also the worst tank class to scale with gear. A fully equipped endgame tank will have trouble tanking in a (non) heroic, since he will barely take any damage, and hence not create any threat. Right now it’s unavoidable concluding that the better the gear gets; the more cautious a healer needs to be during the first few seconds. They are, however, in their right environment a massive threat machine. They will have a high amount of parry, block and dodge.

Paladins; They build up very high at the beginning of the fight. This makes them very bad offtanks, but in 5 man grps they’re really awesome to group with. Basically he builds up an insanely stupid amount of threat in the first 15-20 seconds, and then he has to manage his mana, to continue generating an average amount of aggro for the rest of the fight. This means for fast speed runs a paladin will be awesome, but for long fights he will often go out of mana, which will cause him to loose aggro. Also paladins aint allergic to your shield, as a warrior would be, as he doesn’t generate rage.

Feral druids; These friendly fuzzy ones will need you to give them a few seconds to build up some aggro. Druids will often take burst dmg in spikes, so be sure to keep an eye on them. They got a high amount of armor and dodge, which means they’ll most likely stack mobs to build up more aggro.
#9 Nov 20 2007 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
This is a short section about how to use your Prayer of Mending, also known as PoM.
I will be writing down some of my personal tips and tricks for this awesome spell, and how to use it for the best possible value and healing effect.

Firstly, I’ll recommend checking out the section about priest addons, as I’ll strongly recommend getting a PoM tracker. This is an addon that tells you where your PoM is at the very moment, how much it heals for and where it jumps to. This way you always know where it is. Some PoM trackers even supply information about other priests PoM’s as well.

Next I’ll have to make you aware of the way heal aggro and PoM works together. PoM isn’t like most of your other heal spells that will cause you to gain additional aggro, upon healing done. You will cast PoM on a target, then as you know, when the target takes damage, the PoM will bounce. The threat gained from this amount healed will go to the target the PoM healed, not you. Meaning casting a PoM on the tank before he goes into combat is doing him a favor, since he gains additional threat when it heals it.

Now there are 2 situations where your PoM will suit you very well. One of them is a typical melee party that includes your tank, which for example can be some Kara mobs where the dps tend to be very trigger-happy or you’ll deal with aoe mobs. The other will be a party that does NOT include your tank. Here the Curator fight is a good example, as the dps don’t have to worry about the aggro they’ll gain from it bouncing. The sparks the Curator spawns will hit the melee dps when they stand close, and make it jump very happily around, causing you to get full benefit from the mana used.

However, be aware of that in some higher end content, the aggro the dps will gain from the PoM, can easily result in them gaining aggro, when they shouldn’t. This can mean a wipe, so bear in mind how and where you use it. In fights where the dps doesn’t have to worry about aggro, it’s a huge bonus, in others it will be a completely wipe.

Also you’ll want to be aware of that you PoM do not stack. I’ll give you an example;

Say we've got 3 priests in the party, that all cast PoM on the tank.
1 priest casts, then nr 2 cast it too. This will overwrite the PoM nr. 1 cast. When nr 3 cast, this will overwrite nr 2's PoM. Hence priest 1 and 2 wasted their mana.
This means when nr 1 cast his/her PoM. Then nr 2 should wait till the PoM has bounced the first time, and THEN cast his/her PoM on the tank. It's either that, or have one priest PoM the tank, and the others the dps, if everybody takes a lot of damage.

Also, you can end up in a situation where your PoM lands on yourself, and you aren’t taking any dmg, so what do you do? Simple;
PoM lands on you, so you find your SW:D, which will cause it to jump to a nearby target. This will also heal you of the dmg taken from SW:D. If you’ve been taken dmg before, which you’d like to heal up, then find SW:D rank 1, instead of rank 2. This will make you take less dmg, and hence heal more, since your PoM still heals for the same.

If you do it like this, you’ll easily get full benefit for your mana used, and also know when to use it, and when you shouldn’t.

#10 Nov 20 2007 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
And last a quick addon selection;

Ress monitor. Ora supplies one. CT Raidassist does too, i think. If you use CT you can use this for extra information

PoM Tracker. - Tells you where your PoM is, how much it heals for, and how many charges theres left on it
I've used this one myself, and I loved it

Dispel mod or macro. - Isnt it logic? Fast dispelling is people alive!
Personally I use Decursive;
Smart debuff should do too;
Theres half a dousin others, so feel free to browse around

Shackle timer addon - Comes in a lot of larger timer packages too though. Pick one after your choice.
and again.. a dousin others The one I use is a part of a bigger timer package though.

Fiend watch of sorts - additional info about your fiend.
#11 Nov 20 2007 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts

i will start reading since i really want to know more...
only 1 thing.. the links don't work. they do not move the browser to the appropriate post.. thet just open the same page over and over.. try to fix that 'cose there is a ton of reading involved :) (and scrolling).

other than that great (for the moment..) gz
#12 Nov 20 2007 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
Very nice. This is a Great guide and needs to be a sticky.

I agree to open with PoM. If you time it right, you will have time to cast a second PoM on the tank after the first bounces, prior to casting your first renew. That gives him the most agro, and you the least.

It would be nice to link the items to allakhazam pages, rather than thotbot.

Edited, Nov 20th 2007 4:54pm by dadanox
#13 Nov 20 2007 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Kick *** man! Very, very nice. Definately worthy to be a sticky. I didnt read half of it and I learned a ton of stuff (Sorry, but I think this is easily the longest guide on Alla besides the leveling guide.)

I have a couple of suggestions though. Instead of providing links to every section of a the guide, just give a special "code" that lets the users jump from on section to the next by using the "Find" command (Its activated by pressing Ctrl+F). This will be exceptionally helpful for readers with slow comps or internet speed and it is what I am going to use in my guide.

Another thing I suggest is the use of multiple colors. While the guide is written well all the white and the occasional yellow (from links) will strain the eye.

since my interest in wow is lacking, and it might help someone else.

=( It saddens me to see someone willing to write an excellent guide like this, but not be as dedicated to the game. The WoW community could certainly benefit from people such as yourself.

Well it is parts of it, as it isnt nearly finished yet,

Your kidding right =P
#14 Nov 20 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
just one thing about your fade useage. unless they changed it without me hearing about it fade does not lower aggro it temporarly lowers it a set ammount that returns after fade ends. and usually if u have enough treat to pull aggro from your tank it usually dosent stop the mob from comeing your way. altho this is comeing from a shadow priest :). great guide thanks for the post
#15 Nov 20 2007 at 9:49 PM Rating: Excellent
978 posts
I haven't read all of it yet but I can tell this is a great post. I say remove the current priest sticky and replace it with this one as the current non-shadow priest one hasn't been updated in months and frankly isn't very good to begin with.

#16 Nov 27 2007 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Cheers for the positive feedback ^^
#17 Dec 07 2007 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, i love this guide, its very clear and learned a lot that i didnt know... i vote for sticky :-)
BTW yasua i would like to know what build are u using and if u can post it here


Edited, Dec 9th 2007 12:56am by mohawas
#18 Dec 08 2007 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
The problem I see first off is he only talks Belf, so you cut out all the Alliance and half the horde. If the difference is small, then you can add other races. I know it is simple but I play Nelf or dwarf
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