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/Blush... Heroics. I'm I ready?Follow

#27 Nov 17 2007 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
4,297 posts
okay two more things:

1 - get a tank chest! there's half a dozen that are easily attainable... i l<3ved the hell outta my warbringer chest. it's low on armor but has tons of stam, def, and HIT. all that hit will give it a loooong life in your kit.

2 - get your epic mount first, before gems. gems will be replaced and vendored, but your epic mount will last forever.

ALSO --- while farming up that devilshark cape in steamvaults you'll be racking up ce rep. at ce honored you can get the adamantite sharpening stone plans. these things add a ton of threat to fast weapons... and ... CHEAP BLACKSMITHING SKILLUPS. srsly. make these things until they go grey, you'll eventually use every single one you make.
#28 Nov 18 2007 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for the pointers Axhed.

I'll have to start working on the Camp Forge chain.. I'm on the 1st part where you kill X amount of each mob.... Just can't get people to run it, thanks to it being a chain. Maybe I'll just sit in Nardia (movie) and shout for people to join in the fun. That will take all day, but yet.. that would be a nice tanking body.

Maybe I'll do that, and look for Mech party. Either way I'll have a shot at a good tanking chest.

Replace my cape Smiley: cry I love the defense on it... but the dodge will prolly help a bit more I guess.

I also need to get my tanking gun mats. I've really been dreading that.

I've been playing my Priest as of late. I like having options on what I'll do (quest, instance, craft) instead of "I must run this instance for this item or I can't progress". Lol, if my lv 25 Priest does not get robe of argus or w/e I'll just leveling until there's something better.

As for the epic flyer... I still can't get it lol. lv 60-70 greens just don't sell. I've managed to get 100g from them I think. I don't see me ever getting one. 5000g is just crazy, I'm at like 1000g... still.

Edited, Nov 18th 2007 7:25am by GYFFORD
#29 Nov 18 2007 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
I hit 70 myself a little over a month ago, have yet to get into heroics/kara but feel like I'm close to ready.


(if i'm in farming gear ignore, should update soon - I'll be buying the S1 shield and shoulders when S3 starts, Murmur was stingy with me as well)

First thing I did at 70 was work on faction reputation. Getting to revered with Aldor shouldn't be too hard, they have plenty of quests (the Area 52 chain in Netherstorm and quests from the altar in SMV helped me) as well as Marks of Sargeras and Fel Armaments that can be farmed or bought on the AH. At revered you can purchase Vindicator's Hauberk. Also grab the shoulder inscription for dodge from the Aldor - if you want you can push on to exalted for an even better inscription and a great farming mainhand epic sword.

Running SV repeatedly for the Devilshark Cape might seem annoying, but it really is an excellent option that will last for a long time (it does have defense, dodge, shield block, and stamina - i mean, WOW). Also you'll be gaining CE rep, and can pick up Strength of the Untamed at revered if you like. Less stam than what you're wearing, but the avoidance is nice.

Finally, revered with the good 'ol Keepers of Time pays off nicely. Doesn't take too many Old Hillsbrad and BM runs to get there and pick up Timewarden's Leggings and a nifty Glyph of the Defender for your head slot. Also a nice tanking ring drops in Old Hillsbrad, and BM has lots of goodies. BM is kind of ez mode for tanks anyhow; no multiple mob pulls to worry about.

One more HUGE upgrade is the S1 shield, soon to be available for honor and marks. If you can get the defense and avoidance you need elsewhere, the armor, block, and stam from this baby in your shield slot is godly. (The resilience also lowers the defense value you need to achieve PVE "uncritability", don't want to be too technical here though.)

That's my advice, take it for what it's worth (as I said, I've got zero heroic and raid experience). Pick a handful of goals like these and when you start to burn out on one, switch it up. What's the point if it ain't fun? :D

Good luck and happy tanking!

Edited, Nov 18th 2007 5:16pm by WipesOnTrash
#30 Nov 18 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
Hit 70 last night on Blackhand server (Kinkayed) and tanked Heroic Ramps. I am the MS-Death wish PVP build from the sticky.
My Kara guild's MT dropped and they asked me to reroll a warrior because of my success on a warrior from a different server, so I did. Needless to say they were biting at the bit to get me to come run with them. I had been 70 about 20 min before they pressured me into going.
I was worried but the people in the guild are awesome and the healer was over geared so we did awesome.

Love the patch for extra MS threat!

I bought the whole faith in felsteal set (About 60g for all 3 items!) and had the Warchiefs mantle and Warbringer chest guard, and some green boots: / so basically suck gear. My defense is about 470 11k HP unbuffed.
1 wipe on a bad pull (Mage standing around joking) everything else was one shot.
I did burn shield wall on the first and last boss (That's what it’s for). The belt didn't drop, dam shaman gloves : /

But I agree be very careful with your rep, I ran it with friends who wanted me to go. If I had wiped us in a pug it would have been different.
#31 Nov 18 2007 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
Well.. I got one step closer on my tanking set.

Ran SL again... got the hunter a Sonic spear, got no one some Kilt, and ... .shoulders... of....... Arcanic protection!!! Do'h!

I was depressed, but started lfg for SV for kara frag piece. While waiting I ran EotS 4 times. Not too bad, with concus blow, and spell reflect, I don't do 1/2 bad. Even managed to get top 5 in the overall damage department lol.... as protect spec'd!

Got into a PUG for SV. Really great people. It was all our first run in there, and 1/2 needed the fragment.

End boss gave up....[wowitem=27804]Devilshark Cape[/wowitem] Boo yaa. One step closer to the 30% evasion. The lock in the party even gave me a free +Armor enchant. I offered up 20g but he refused the money. Again really great group.

I even got 2 compliments my tanking and marking (even though it was our 1st runs in there). Smiley: blush
#32 Nov 19 2007 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
362 posts
Caldone the Shady wrote:
Anybody else notice you all are talking about "Make sure you have over 490 defense" and he has stated (twice actually) that he has 505 defense...

Personally- go for it, Heroic Ramps would be the test, if you can't do that then you know you got some work to do.

Actually I'm going to change that... again.

Apparently my math that I used in school (adding) is not used by Blizzard. I put on the gear that I stated (trinket and sword) and it's no where near 505. I /sigh'd when I seen the 'new' total.

Hmm you do know that those items give defence rating which is not defence skill.

I am not sure but I think 8 rating gives 1 skill and you need skill not rating....

As a protection warrior you can bump your defence skill with a talent.

As for heroics I find Sleve Pens the easiest one. The only hard part of it are 2 pulls after second boss and last boss who prefers tank with a bit more HPs. Still its much easier then last two Mechanar bosses and Ramparts where as I remember mobs have a bad habbit of disarming and fearing and last boss can one shoot your group when you miss taunt or aren't fast enough, and where party needs some basic skills at positioning on a two last bosses actually.
#33 Nov 19 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
Hmm you do know that those items give defence rating which is not defence skill.
I did after I put on all that equipment lol.

I got that devilshark cape yesterday, and am getting the of the bold chest and shoulders, then by golly if I'm not up to par I'm literally quitting. I keep saying that, but how many freaking runs thru SL must I try. It even has my most hated boss... the Incitor "IT'S FUN TIME" yay Smiley: rolleyes Even in a awesome party like last night... it's still always a tough fight.

As a protection warrior you can bump your defence skill with a talent.
I have Anticipation filled... is there another?
#34 Nov 19 2007 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
Earlier in the thread someone said:

"I'd try to get your Aldor rep up to revered so you can get the plate chest piece off of them - Vindicator's Hauberk - and slap a +150 health enchant on it. It will also help your defense and other stats as well."

I have to tell you this now... DONT BUY THAT GOD$#%^@# PEICE OF TRASH!!!! It may look good and have good stats, but the amount of defense rating on it will cripple you when you get a replacement. The best thing you can do is farm Mechanar for Jade Skull Breastplate or Arcatraz for Bold Chestguard.
#35 Nov 19 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
That chest piece from aldor rep is VERY nice, it's great for trash, if you don't have a trash piece yet. The avoidance on it is very top notch. Which allows you to put more crit/hit/block value gear for threat. You should have at least 4 or 5 fully different sets of gear available for different fights. Yes this includes a resist set or 2.

For trash I put on some pvp/pve dps gear, and build threat asap. Having avoidance as opposed to TTL is better for trash pulls than boss fights (For the most part). But by far, that chest is very top notch.

(But i suggest +6 to all stats instead of +150 HP for a trash set).
#36 Nov 21 2007 at 11:47 PM Rating: Excellent
305 posts
Thank you all for this discussion.

I just got 70 maybe a month ago.
All Solo.

Switched to Prot and a Shield and am starting to move up the instance ladder.
Thanks for letting me know what I need to work for to be ready for Heroics (*AFTER* I get my fast flying mount!)

In the meantime I'll continue doing higher and higher level instances, hopefully getting some nice upgrades somewhere along the line.

Due to this and many other threads I know what to look for.

Thank you GYFFORD for starting this thread :)
Much appreciated.
#37 Nov 22 2007 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
Mongolikescandy wrote:
Earlier in the thread someone said:

"I'd try to get your Aldor rep up to revered so you can get the plate chest piece off of them - Vindicator's Hauberk - and slap a +150 health enchant on it. It will also help your defense and other stats as well."

I have to tell you this now... DONT BUY THAT GOD$#%^@# PEICE OF TRASH!!!! It may look good and have good stats, but the amount of defense rating on it will cripple you when you get a replacement. The best thing you can do is farm Mechanar for Jade Skull Breastplate or Arcatraz for Bold Chestguard.


1) this chestpiece is readily available. i've run mech at least ten times with no jadeskull breastplate drop (SL and murmur probably twice as much and no shoulder drop, but that's a different story).
2) you can make up for the missing defense from switching to another chest with items in other slots fairly easily (once you start getting T4/kara/epics)

Edited, Nov 22nd 2007 12:03pm by fromanthebarbarian
#38 Nov 22 2007 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
I love my Breastplate of the Warbringer :) It's a fairly easy quest (even more so at 70) and has a good amount of stamina, defense and hit. I give up a bit of avoidance, but that hit is awesome!
#39 Nov 23 2007 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
OP: In theory your gear is enough...

The worst piece of gear you have is prolly the ring because its green, and well thats not good. =) but rings have a low stat value so it not importent.

Your weapon is a joke, Your a tank and you are supposed to hold threat. Some tanks may think other wise, they think that the least important slot for stats and most important slot for threat generation should be used to make you dodge more often, and that is sad.

Or as as Björn Gustavsson said "..take out onyxia, and then he comes with his paladin and have a level 12 sword. like he expect to pat the dragon to death or what?.."

Since were not talking raid here you will not find yourself in a situation were you sit on more rage that you can use, so get a slow weapon for better devastate and occational cleaves. Ether you try arcatraz for a half decent weapon. Its not the best avaible, but getting 350 unarmed skill helps you in the long run.

Personally i use this cool weapon, Since you want exalted with aldor at one point soner or later anyway.

Your gear is sligtly above the gear i got when i hit level 70 with my warrior. I don't think you are ready to go into any heroic yet, with that gear of yours it will prolly require a healer with better gear than you, and I dont think you should expect other to come more prepared that you. I doubt your tps is enough for a standard shadow priest to use DoT's on bosses. Don't get me wrong, you might be able to get though one, and with a great healer it might not even be a pain in the ***.

Hmm. i bet i should link you my armory profile after rating your down, if you want i bet you can find much on it that is "out of ordinary".
#40 Nov 24 2007 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Actually, slow weapons are almost always a worse choice for tanking over a fast weapon. Your rage-generation becomes spiky (making it harder to rely on, and if you miss that first hit it makes things that much trickier) and it devalues heroic strike. If you use HS with a slow weapon, you waste more rage for marginally more threat.
#41 Nov 25 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Common misconception, slow weapons is better taking rage effectivity in consideration.

First attack comes at the same time regardless of weapon speed, weapon speed is rather like cooldown so the first strike will be harder, generate more threat and give more rage to start with. This advantage is minor, or even neglectable.

When you parry your next attack comes 40% faster, most of the times this result that you attack immediatly after the parry. A fast weapon gains more from this.

Devastate deals half the weapon damage when used, and you spam devastate when tanking.

Honor's Call have an avarage damage/hit of 153, thats 77/devastate.
Vindicator's Brand have an avarage damage/hit of 222, thats 111/devastate.

In an avarage 6sec cycle you use 1 shield bash, 1 revenge & 2 devastate.

With HC thats 153 damage over 6 seconds. 145% threat for defensive stance gives 203 threat. thats 37 tps. Using the same math for VB gives 54 tps.

But I give you half a right here, there is actually situations where a 1.60 speed weapon would give a high tps than a 2.60 weapons. And that is when you have enough rage to dump it into a heroic strike more than once every 2.6 seconds.

The wounderfull debuff sunderarmor makes enemies take more damage, thus make you generate more threat and die faster. I usualy start of my fight with 5 devastate before i use any other attack. And as long as devastate applies sunder armor it gives high threat/use, so the extra damage does help some during initial threat generation.

At level 70, you can get greens in AH thats better than Crysalline Kopesh. Any non dagger blue weapon should be better then Crysalline Kopesh at level 70.
#42 Nov 25 2007 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Well, there's your first problem right there: You always open with shield slam. Your priority to get the highest threat should be Shield slam -> Revenge -> Sunder/Devestate. Not Devestate on top.

And in most boss fights you'll have enough rage to spam HS, so a fast weapon becomes much better for TPS then.

And unfortunately you can't rely on the parry to increase your attack rate, which is why a fast weapon is better, as you can rely on it more to hit at the start of a fight.
#43 Nov 25 2007 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
910 posts
Grom'tor's Charge is my current tanking weapon. It's a little better than Crystalline Kopesh. Long chain quest but it was pretty worth it.

I got the belt from Heroic Ramps yesterday. Glad to be in a group of friends who were SSC geared so I got most of the loots without even rolling lol.

I'm looking to get Pauldrons of Brute Force first, since Fan Blade Pauldrons is a little harder to get as it drops in heroic mode.

My time for a respec is near !!!
#44 Nov 26 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
31 posts
Oh well. Actually I just stated that Crystalline Kopesh is a toothpick and gave some suggestions on alternatives. I had a time with stated fist weapon, and having 350 unarmed skill is obviusly one step closer to be optimized, so Im glad I had a peroid with it. the stanima, attack speed and hit rating makes it an exellent weapon at its level. ;)

Non raid bosses usualy don't allow me to dump rage into heroic strike that often. Mayhaps you suggest that in terms of rage effectivity its better to have a fast weapon for cheaper Heroic Strike than a slow for better devastate? I don't know the answer on that, but obviously it depends on how often you have rage to spare for heroic strike.

Parry haste should not be discarded. ofc if you meet the big bad hardhitter who hits once ever 2-3 seconds it doesn't do that much. But if your tanking multiple mobs or someone who hits fasters it's more important. It ups both you threat from white damage and rage generation. OP have 16.5% parry, if he tanks four mobs that have an attack speed of 2.00 he will recive 12 attacks every 6 seconds. slighty less then two of those attacks will be parried. Effectively this means that he will get a free attack during those 6, and that free attack ain't even normalized.

Ye know, Iv'e played with both fast and slow weapons, and I have never noticed that my rage generation is harder to handle with a slow weapon. I suppose that's after personal prefferences, but it doesn't affect your tps. =P

When i use devastate, the first attack usualy hits for around 150 damage, thats around 220 threat, in addition to that it generates 100 extra threat and 300 threat from the sunder armor effect. thats over 500 threat for 9 rage. Each stack generates more threat. Each devastate after that untill you get 5 stacks of it gains roughly 60 more threat for each sunder. The 5:th devastate generate over 700 threat. My shield slam deals slightly more than 500 damage (with sunder armor up) thats 1000 threat for the cost of 17 rage.

I usualy don't bother using Shield Slam untill 5 sunders are up anymore. Devastate is a smoother way to do it, better rage effectivity and you get sunder armor debuff up faster.

btw, on my earlier post, I meant Shield Slam, not shield bash, I do that mistake all the time. ^^
Shield Bash, Revenge, Devastate, Devastate...
#45 Nov 26 2007 at 10:06 PM Rating: Good
83 posts
Personally, the way I see it is that if you aren't getting hit for enough on a boss to be getting a lot of rage most of the time, you should switch some gear around (usually) so that it does happen, as that will max out your TPS and thus allow the DPS to aggro that much harder.

Eh, yeah. It's nice for that, but if you have 4 mobs beating on you, you really should have a pile of rage as is and should thus be able to cleave/TC and then single-target TPS enough that it shouldn't be a huge issue.

And yeah, I suppose realistically it is personal preference in the end. If you can make it work with a slow weapon, sure. I'll stick with a fast weapon. ;)

Yeah, but the effectiveness of SS at the start is that it's a pile of burst threat, which lets your DPS start that much sooner. And as I said, you should always have enough rage to do whatever you need on a boss fight anyhow, so you may as well keep that burst threat going all the time and keep SS on cool down.

btw, on my earlier post, I meant Shield Slam, not shield bash, I do that mistake all the time. ^^
Shield Bash, Revenge, Devastate, Devastate...

Congrats. :P I can't count how many times I've typed/said bash instead of slam. It's annoying, and now I almost unconsciously convert shield bash to shield slam when I'm reading about threat, hehe.

Edit: Oh, keep in mind that devestate is normalized, so the speed matters just a little less.

Edited, Nov 27th 2007 2:52am by Taeraq
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