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Ret Pallies, how's 2.3 treatin ya?Follow

#1 Nov 14 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Hey Ret Pallies,

how's your dps in 2.3 with your talent tree buffs? Is it substantial, do you think that getting invites in 5 mans/raids will be easier now as a solid dps role? Has anyone had the chance to run a 5 man as a decently geared Ret and gave it their all? How'd you do on the damage meters in comparison to the other DPSers? The ignorance towards Ret pally DPS was bad before, just wondering if we can expect a change for the better.

I want to level up my 30 Pally but as a DPSer. I've got a healer, and tanking isn't for me, and I've seen some kick butt ret pallies pre2.3 that made me want to level up one for PvP.

Edited, Nov 14th 2007 10:04pm by Zornov
#2 Nov 15 2007 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
yeah, i've been busy getting ready to go to Iraq, but i did have time tuesday to run blood furnace on my 61 ret pally. we had a 60 BM hunter, a 61 rogue (didn't look at spec) and myself as DPS. the hunter was talking trash the whole time about how pallys can't dps... meanwhile i was nearly doubling his dps. the rogue stayed ahead of me by about 1% the whole time. actually ending about 2% ahead by the end. at first i was running with BoW to keep my mana up, but about halfway through i had to switch to salv. 30% threat reduction is good, but 51% is better. overall i was pretty happy with the changes.
#3 Nov 15 2007 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Limited experience so far, but yesterday I was asked to heal a PUG for Arc since there was a daily for it. It was on regular so I thought it would be a breeze.
Hell, I was wrong.

Me, Enhance Shammy who asked me to heal the run, a Mage. Then he got another Pally who I ran with in the past with him as a tank, and then another Mage. We make our way to the instance, etc, etc. We then realize the Pally has gone Ret, most likely because of the patch. (He had some good gear, but not a full set so I suppose he had been trying to build one up but didn't have time before the patch)

Anyway, we started the first pulls with the Pally trying to tank since he still carried some of his Prot gear with him. (Sun Eater, that blue shield from badges) But since he had zero in Prot, it was a bit of a pain. At some point the second Mage leaves and we get a Warr to come and tank.

Well, with Salv and Might, the Ret Pally still pulled aggro. And so did the Enhance Shammies so perhaps they were just mediocre. Who knows. =/
#4 Nov 15 2007 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Selverein wrote:

Well, with Salv and Might, the Ret Pally still pulled aggro.

Just a hunch, but since the guy was tanking before that, did he actually click off RF?
#5 Nov 15 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Haha, yeah. Knowing about the changes myself, I made sure to check his buff bar before we began and told him to take RF off. :P
#6 Nov 15 2007 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Ret Pally vs Raid Mage.

2 heroic dungeons, Heroic SP and Heroic Crypts the mage topped out the Ret pally by about 14% total damage. There is a gear difference to take into account, but the damage was nothing phenomenal from the ret pally.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#7 Nov 15 2007 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
That mage could have done more damage by actually gearing for an instance, too. Raid gear is not instance gear. I spend SO much budget on hit rating it makes me ill.
#8 Nov 16 2007 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I thought about pre-empting the new and improved "Retribution fever" before the scores of "oMfG rEt Iz TeH pWn NoW" posts showed up, but then I realized it probably wouldn't do any good and would be a colossal waste of time.

Make no mistake about it, 2.3 is a huge improvement for Retribution Paladins, but there are still several crippling issues they face that keep them from being as good as they have the potential to be.

1. Bad itemization. This is the biggest problem currently and is not at all their fault. Retribution Paladins need very nearly every stat in the game to some degree for offense, making their gear extremely hard to budget and leaving no room for defense unless you start taking other stats away, as was the case with S2 arena gear and the loss of spell damage on the shift to S3. I'm told Crusader Strike actually hits for less than a 3.6 speed auto-attack in S3 gear.

IMO, this could be solved easily and immediately by removing all +spell/healing aspects from both Retribution gear and talents, and letting the abilities draw extra spell damage from the Paladin's melee attack power in exactly the same fashion as the new and improved Mental Quickness gives Enhancement Shaman +spell/healing. Problem solved.

2. Many of their talents are still poorly conceived and executed. I recall one thread in particular reporting a bug during 2.3 that wasn't even addressed by a blue. JoC is apparently functioning on +spell hit, which works out fine for most of the game, but impairs the Paladin in end-game raiding. They really can't afford (and shouldn't have to) to stack +spell hit in addition to regular +hit.

3. They still fail in PvP due to a lack of mobility.

4. Perhaps more than any other spec/class, a greater portion of their player base is retarded. =/
#9 Nov 16 2007 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Loki the Sly wrote:
That mage could have done more damage by actually gearing for an instance, too. Raid gear is not instance gear. I spend SO much budget on hit rating it makes me ill.

Indeed. It's why I actually have a solo/5 man set filled with crit gear.
#10 Nov 16 2007 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
i haven't experienced ret pallies post-patch yet. but to compare an arcane mage to a ret pally in a 5 man is...why?

gimme melee vs melee or dont compare at all. my last SL run my mage topped the rogue by almost TRIPLE! we had an aoe tank with no CC, nuff said.

bottom line is i was kickin out 500 dps on my ret pally(1400 AP, 26 crit, 89 hit UB w/ Thunder) pre-patch in Kara. im guessing at least another 100 dps now with same gear. i might switch back to ret soon, cuz i need to smash something...just need a tank to hold it in place for me.
#11 Nov 20 2007 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Yesterday I ran Herioc Ramp with 3 Pally's, Warrior and Myself (Lock). Had one pally on dps, one on heals and one on dps. The pally and I fought for dps the entire time. With me dying on the dragon, he beat me by 3%. Aggro wasn't a problem b/c we had a pally tanking. I talked to him about the changes and him being ret. He said that it was very gear dependent but on the other side he really did some crazy dps without pulling aggro.
#12 Nov 20 2007 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Indeed. It's why I actually have a solo/5 man set filled with crit gear.

Actually, if you spec arcane as a mage.... then you don't need a bunch of +hit and your raid gear can be your instance gear without a problem. Plus, raid gear usually has a ton more spell damage, stamina and int than gear you get from instances (thus the purplez vs bluez).

....Now... back to trying to figure out how to play my newly-retified-pally by reading these posts...
#13 Nov 20 2007 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
In my first LFG after the patch, I got back on my old Ret Paladin (who had only ever been Ret), the Rogue starting the group asked me if I was a tank, healer or DPS.

That is the first time I have ever been asked if I was DPS and if I was not already in love, I would be now.
#14 Nov 24 2007 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
I've been retri for a couple of levels now (just respecced back to prot since I love tanking), and they do put out some pretty good damage - not compareable with real dps classes, but still a-okay. I think what ppl fail to see is, that a retribution paladin ain't a dps class. It's a suport class, just like shadow priests. They can do some damage, but where they shine is theire ability to make the run smooth, with off healing and offtanking (when needed), further more they now come with some buffing ability + 3% critt for the entire party.
From lvl 60 - 63 I have mainly been running instances with my pala, and I have only heard positively words from my fellow wow'ers.

I can give a couple of exampels:

Our tank made a nasty pull - getting 3 groups instead of one. Had I been a rogue we would all have died. Instead I fast equiped my healing mace and shield, throw out BoL and started assinting our healer. Result: We survived

Our tank died at the second boss in BF. Instead of wiping I equiped my sword and tanking shield, throw on RF and tanked the boss. We made it

our entire dps group died due to bad pulling (and maybe bad tanking :|)... The healer tried to keep the tank alive, and so did I. but with to many mobs, and no dps we lost the tank (we could not heal him enought to keep him alive and kicking). So instead of wiping, I DI the healer.

Further more it's nice to have a dps who can throw down a huge heal on the mt, should it be needed (LoH).

So in the future whatever I dps with my hunter or tank with my pala I will welcome loladins into the party :D
#15 Nov 24 2007 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I dunno... I certainly don't want to make him representative of the spec as a whole, but the first Retribution Paladin I ran with after 2.3 ranked fourth on the meter, just below the tank and above the healer.
#16 Nov 24 2007 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
ashbazg wrote:
I've been retri for a couple of levels now (just respecced back to prot since I love tanking), and they do put out some pretty good damage - not compareable with real dps classes, but still a-okay. I think what ppl fail to see is, that a retribution paladin ain't a dps class. It's a suport class, just like shadow priests.....From lvl 60 - 63......

um, i know my ret isn't 70 yet and i'll have to get back to you when i am about ret dps at 70... but my ret is 64 and so far in outlands instances i've had one mage and about 40% of rogues beat me in damage done. most of the time that is when problems with the group require me to off-heal or off-tank. other than those in the top 2 dps classes noone else beats my dps. most don't even come close. if you were 61-63 and not keeping up with dps classes, then yes, please stay prot. i love a good prot pally about as much as a poor ret embarrasses me. like i said, things may change as i reach 70, but at these levels, ret still rocks the dps charts. my DPS this morning in underbog was between 350-400dps. the lvl 70 druid tanking in bear form came close. the rogue was a little behind him. the dps warrior with us was a solid contribution, but thats about all I can say for him. i'm sure if i spent some gold i could do better, but i've geared entirely with instance drops and quest rewards.

ashbazg wrote:
but where they shine is theire ability to make the run smooth, with off healing and offtanking (when needed), further more they now come with some buffing ability + 3% critt for the entire party

yes, i do agree with you here. while the personal dps is great, the lack of CC still would leave us a second choice over a rogue or a mage who in addittion to close dps can also keep an enemy out of the fight entirely for a limited time. fortunately dps isn't all a re has to offer. we are also pallys.... as such we still have the best buffing ability with our variety of blessings and auras and jotc on bosses (kinda useless on anything smaller)

ashbazg wrote:
So in the future whatever I dps with my hunter or tank with my pala I will welcome loladins into the party :D

again i agree with you here. and i ommitted your examples and yes that is another strength of the ret pally. the time the mage beat me it was cause we had an elemental shammy healing, so i had to cast quite a few heals. i still ended 2% behind her... so i didn't feel too bad. my dps set has a lot of rogue and hunter gear so i try to stay away from off-tanking. i keep it to off-healing if needed. if i can keep the tank alive i don't need to off-tank.

anyway, glad you at least gave it a try before discussing it. and prot pallys are my fav tanks, so thats a good choice too. oh, and for motivating your rets than join you... tell them they can't dps... ;) i love when another DPS'er (usually a hunter) tells me i can't DPS while i'm looking at the damage meters 10% or more ahead of them... feels good haha. i like letting them say that a could time and then posting the damage done in party... usually they don't say anything more. and if they do i don't have to say anything in my defense. the rest of the party usually does. especially when damage+healing puts me even farther ahead.

oh well. some will never get rid of old prejudices.
#17 Nov 24 2007 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Had some more experience with ret pallies and I am still underwhelmed, any utility they bring to the party is not great enough to make up for the sub par dps. Our Ret pally hasn't been parsing well at all, he is fighting to parse with people with lesser gear. Now he is great on his hunter and other dps classes and has shown he can play, however he is just not getting the dps out of the ret pally that he needs. Even factoring in 3% crit raid wide and other utility he is not worth bringing at the expense of an actual dps class such as Hunter, Rogue or even a Fury War. They eventually ended the experiment and told him to go back to Holy for raiding.

If I see a ret pally in 2v2 or 3v3 Arena it is a guaranteed win for our side, that is how pathetic they are. The burst dps if played right can be a pain but its nothing special. No root, no CC worth mentioning (I will slap anyone who says repentance). If a ret pally has to stop to heal either themselves or a teammate they have lost. A small mana inefficient heal that does nothing but curb dps and make them an easy target. I haven't lost a single game to a ret pally so far this season, before or after the patch.

Edited, Nov 24th 2007 4:28pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#18 Nov 24 2007 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Had some more experience with ret pallies and I am still underwhelmed, any utility they bring to the party is not great enough to make up for the sub par dps. Our Ret pally hasn't been parsing well at all, he is fighting to parse with people with lesser gear. Now he is great on his hunter and other dps classes and has shown he can play, however he is just not getting the dps out of the ret pally that he needs. Even factoring in 3% crit raid wide and other utility he is not worth bringing at the expense of an actual dps class such as Hunter, Rogue or even a Fury War. They eventually ended the experiment and told him to go back to Holy for raiding.

If I see a ret pally in 2v2 or 3v3 Arena it is a guaranteed win for our side, that is how pathetic they are. The burst dps if played right can be a pain but its nothing special. No root, no CC worth mentioning (I will slap anyone who says repentance). If a ret pally has to stop to heal either themselves or a teammate they have lost. A small mana inefficient heal that does nothing but curb dps and make them an easy target. I haven't lost a single game to a ret pally so far this season, before or after the patch.

Edited, Nov 24th 2007 4:28pm by bodhisattva

first i realize i'm badly outclassed here both in posting history and even end game content, especially on my ret. however, i'd have to say one guild pally isn't "experience with ret pallies"... thats just one pally. i'm sure if he has a vet like you then he probably does well as a healadin. however, going from holy to ret isn't the easiest to do. personal experience (as limited as it may be) is that holy pallys tend to look at ret as a caster dps. while our dps abilities uses mana, it seems most retadins who rely on +spell damage don't compete in dps. i have stacked str/ap and agil/crit and to be honest my dps is well above mages and above average compared to rogues. while its possible that in the remaining 6 levels till 70 a rogue or mages dps will pass mine, i'd have to say i have a hard time beleiving that i'd go from often being 10% ahead of mages and with or ahead of rogues to suddenly being "sub-par". i'll keep you updated of course. at this point i have all quest rewards or instance drops. as i get towads 70 i'll start investing more in really improving my gear.

on another note, i just got hatebringer today. made me happy.
#19 Nov 24 2007 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
I did end up running heroic Slave Pens shortly after this post with a well geared Ret Pally. At the time I was a 41/20/0 Rogue(not a top dps build for instances) and I was able to stay above him by 15-20% or so in the meters. He did pretty good though.
#20 Nov 24 2007 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
i'll tell you this they have to be doing better dps than me as dps seeing i'm prot pally. got ST group lastnight i get there look at the other two pallies both are prot one 53 and one like 51 i'm only 45 so i backed off and tossed on a 2 hander. needless to say not haveing shield spike and mobs hitting my damage sheilds really showed how much i wasnt doing. other two pallies finished with twice my damage each. at least i got acouple upgrades. i should have needed on more but didnt wanna need the whole instance even though i dont think the others was gonna wear any of it. glad to say even though i was lower i still had more hp than the other two pallies 6+ lvls higher pays to be an enchanter and enchant your own stuff.

quick question when will dps start toping the tank. i out damage everyone in group like 19 times out of 20 still when i'm tanking. even on my warrior who was my main lvl 48 he was top damage then again he was arms.
#21 Nov 24 2007 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
punkspider wrote:
i'll tell you this they have to be doing better dps than me as dps seeing i'm prot pally. got ST group lastnight i get there look at the other two pallies both are prot one 53 and one like 51 i'm only 45 so i backed off and tossed on a 2 hander. needless to say not haveing shield spike and mobs hitting my damage sheilds really showed how much i wasnt doing. other two pallies finished with twice my damage each. at least i got acouple upgrades. i should have needed on more but didnt wanna need the whole instance even though i dont think the others was gonna wear any of it. glad to say even though i was lower i still had more hp than the other two pallies 6+ lvls higher pays to be an enchanter and enchant your own stuff.

quick question when will dps start toping the tank. i out damage everyone in group like 19 times out of 20 still when i'm tanking. even on my warrior who was my main lvl 48 he was top damage then again he was arms.

prot pallys can be some aweome dps while tanking for exactly what you describe. i ran shadow labs with my holy pally a few weeks ago with a prot pally tank, 2 hunters and a mage. the prot pally came in first with one hunter close behind him and the other hunter and the mage pretty far behind.

in answer to your question though, when you get to heroics and higher levels of avoidance start being necessary your dps from shield spikes and reckoning start dropping a lot. also as CC gets to be more important, damage from consecration drops off too. basically the better you'll be at tanking at higher levels, the less your dps will be. unless you can stack a good amount of spell damage also.
#22 Nov 25 2007 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
toolofjesus wrote:
basically the better you'll be at tanking at higher levels, the less your dps will be. unless you can stack a good amount of spell damage also.

Not necessarily true. I am still constantly putting out 20% minimum damage in Heroics because I use as little CC as possible based on healer's gear/skill and the types of mobs. Mobs that fear, MC, charge random people, or otherwise cause havor get CCd as possible/needed, but other then that, I just round them up and tell the DPS to go to town. Been as high recently as 30% in Heroic Sethekk Halls.
#23REDACTED, Posted: Nov 25 2007 at 7:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) totally off subject
#24 Nov 25 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
Maulgak wrote:
toolofjesus wrote:
basically the better you'll be at tanking at higher levels, the less your dps will be. unless you can stack a good amount of spell damage also.

Not necessarily true. I am still constantly putting out 20% minimum damage in Heroics because I use as little CC as possible based on healer's gear/skill and the types of mobs. Mobs that fear, MC, charge random people, or otherwise cause havor get CCd as possible/needed, but other then that, I just round them up and tell the DPS to go to town. Been as high recently as 30% in Heroic Sethekk Halls.

hmm, perhaps the tanks i've grouped with lately haven't been of your caliber. so correct me if i'm wrong. my understanding was as you boost your avoidance reckoning becomes nearly useless. and as you push block into a smaller chunk of the chart even a shield spike becomes minimally usefull... am i wrong? if i'm not where does your dps come from?

#25 Nov 25 2007 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I just wanted to take a moment to say something.

toolofjesus, you've got a lot of good posts in this thread, really. Even if I or the other vets of this board disagree with you, as long as you're polite and respect what others around you say, we'll respect what you have to offer in turn. We don't care how many posts you have or what color your name is as long as you make reasonable posts like these ones and contribute to the discussions of the board as a whole.

It's just been a really long time since I've read something like that from a newer board member, and good posting Retadins are few and far between (tommyguns needs some company). It was refreshing. Rate ups for you.

toolofjesus wrote:
Maulgak wrote:
toolofjesus wrote:
basically the better you'll be at tanking at higher levels, the less your dps will be. unless you can stack a good amount of spell damage also.

Not necessarily true. I am still constantly putting out 20% minimum damage in Heroics because I use as little CC as possible based on healer's gear/skill and the types of mobs. Mobs that fear, MC, charge random people, or otherwise cause havor get CCd as possible/needed, but other then that, I just round them up and tell the DPS to go to town. Been as high recently as 30% in Heroic Sethekk Halls.

hmm, perhaps the tanks i've grouped with lately haven't been of your caliber. so correct me if i'm wrong. my understanding was as you boost your avoidance reckoning becomes nearly useless. and as you push block into a smaller chunk of the chart even a shield spike becomes minimally usefull... am i wrong? if i'm not where does your dps come from?

Reckoning actually contributes a much smaller portion of a Protadin's DPS than most people think. Most of the Prot Pally's damage comes from "porcupining". Retribution Aura, Holy Shield, and BoS may come in small increments, but they rack up huge sums of damage over time. Add in Consecration ticks on multiple mobs, Avenger's Shield if you've got it, Judgements, and, of course, Reckoning, all while your JoR/JoV ticks... The sum of the whole is truly greater than its parts, even with a high dodge %.

EDIT: Forgot BoS.

Edited, Nov 25th 2007 12:12pm by Gaudion
#26 Nov 25 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
toolofjesus, you've got a lot of good posts in this thread, really. Even if I or the other vets of this board disagree with you, as long as you're polite and respect what others around you say, we'll respect what you have to offer in turn.

G, you beat me to it. tools' posts make sense, but they are cluttered with bits of misinformation or misconceptions, but still make for good discussion.

as for running heroics, you need to know that the mobs will be hitting you harder, therefor require more heals, which leads to more mana for the tank. this allows you to be more liberal with your spell rotation. for instance, i've been doing SV rep runs on regular. i don my 400 spell set and aoe tank everything w/o consecrations. i still take minimal dmg/minimal heals, thus need to drink after each pull. however, in Heroic Mech mana is not an issue. i can use minimal CC and unload the mana-hurt, even exocisms and consecrations, and still be full for the next pull. all this using max avoidance/hp set.

also note, a tankadins % dmg SHOULD be lower in heroics. by heroics the dpsers should be adaquatly geared to push the tank to the bottom of the dmg meter, though with the patch this is often not the case. but if you are holding aggro from 600 dps mages, then you are still doing some mean tanking dmg.
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