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Your pet is not on my top 5 priorities!!!Follow

#1 Nov 13 2007 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Last night I was in ZF with a 49 war, 48 hunter, 43 rogue, and a 46 lock. I am a 42 priest. a lil low? nah I was able to heal jsut fine I died 2 times but thanks for the SS I was right back up... anyways on to my point.

Where do these Hunters think that their pet is more important for me to heal than anyone else.

I don't care if they are BM spec and if their pet dies they are 1/2 as useful. Im focusing on the entire group.

there were times where I would have 90% of my mana and the hunter kept bothering me to heal his pet ... even though his pet was at only 70%.

i tried to explain to him that since I'm so low I dont have all that much mana as would a 48 priest. and in ZF we could be fine one second and the next have 5 mobs on us and I can burn through my mana in the matter of a min. currently have about 2.2k hp and 3.2mana.

this didnt get through his head, and kept asking me to heal his pet... well I was about to go god complex on him and his pet and just not heal. then i fig nah Ill be nice since they dont know how much im doing, until I stop doing it.

I also think this was thier first time in a ZF group, and also with a lock in the party... he didnt understand why not to step on the graves,a nd also he didnt knwo what a Soulstone was or how it worked.

I guess after the amount of time I spend on the forums, mainly reading cuase most of the questions I have have already been answered, and I dont really want to keep posting the same stuff over and over... but this rant i jsut had to get out.

Sigh... if only more people read these forums and the official ones.

#2 Nov 13 2007 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
Sadly enough i feel your pain. i don't think a hunter should ever ask for his pet heals, if the priest has the extra mana and wants to.. then have at it.. For one thing the pet should never have aggro to take all that much damage, and for aoe splash over onto the pet avoidance will cure that, even then if the pet takes damage mend pet is an awesome HOT.

So whenever i see retarded hunters like that begging for heals on there pet. being a hunter too i get a lil pissed. Cause most often times if a hunter is stupid enough to beg for pet heals. he is stupid enough to have growl on in an instance.

so i feel your pain just don't let it get to ya.

Edited, Nov 13th 2007 1:59pm by Slammerofkooter
#3 Nov 13 2007 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
I had almost the exact same scenario in ZF when I was level 43 or so.

Dwarf hunter kept yelling at me to heal his pet as he was the off tank.

I remember at the time I had mana issues, too, being such a low level to be in ZF in the first place. I tried explaining to this guy that all my mana was currently being used on the tank (warrior) and that he should cast mend pet.

At the time, mend pet had been changed so it was no longer channeled, and the hunter had plenty of mana left, so there should have been no issue. But of course, the hunter says "your the priest, noob, do your job!" So I did. I kept the tank alive and let the pet die. Careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

It's not that I'm opposed to healing pets in instances... I do it all the time as long as I have enough time and mana to do it without sacrificing either the tank or other member of the group. I usually cast renew on the pet so I'm not spending alot of time on it.

What I learned from that is to have a discussion with any hunters right up front. I will be happy to keep your pet alive as long as the tank isn't in real trouble. If I'm having trouble keeping the tank alive, you should really consider hitting mend pet.

Also, once you get to 68 (I know, it's a long way off) but Prayer of Mending is great for these situations. The heal bounces back and forth between party members after they take damage. It helps a great deal.

Edited, Nov 13th 2007 2:14pm by Wizarrdress
#4 Nov 13 2007 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
Slammer, you're wrong.

1. Pets should have aggro on certain fights. In mana tombs my pet made a much better tank than the warrior on the void terrors, simply because with BW I could avoid getting feared. This meant that instead of going for the healer after fearing, the terror would stay on my pet. Pets also make great off-tanks, either on boss fights with one add that cant be CC'd or on boss fights where the boss will target #2 on the threat list with a magic attack (pets have high resistances in comparison to other tanks). On those occasions, healing the pet should be MANDATORY because the pet is a very important part of the group. And if the pet didn't have aggro, chances are the healer would take a lot of damage.
2. Mend pet isn't that great of an HoT. It doesn't recieve any bonuses from +heal, it's talent simply decreases mana cost, and as druids will tell you - HoT's aren't very good at keeping tanks up on boss fights. That's why the preferred druid 5-man heal spec actually puts more points into balance than it does into resto, it focuses on +heal and healing touch instead of HoTs, which are great for raids. I will admit MP has a good amount of base heal on it, but a talented and well-geared renew can easily top it.

I will admit though, that in most situations a hunter's pet should be the last priority. Especially for wastedromance, who would have a hard time healing multiple targets at his/her level. And if a hunter is not going to keep up with mend pet, he should not get heals for his pet at all, because he should be lightening the load of the healer.
But if the pet is an important part of the group (on some groups I've been in my pet's been over 20% of the groups DD, or if it's off-tanking a lot, etc) and the hunter is doing as much healing as he can, yeah I'd say healing his pet is important.
#5 Nov 13 2007 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
I guess I'm in the minority. There are 2 hunters in my static group and I treat their pets like any other group member, which is to say, I prioritize them just below the tank. They act as OT's, take adds or casters who got out of the tank's range, and also come and get mobs off me if I draw healing aggro and the tank doesn't get it back fast enough. In my book, anything that's taking hits (I mean when they're supposed to be, not DPS mistakes), especially taking hits away from me, gets healed.

It is nice that hunters can heal their pets, and if I'm low on mana, I just tell them and they heal their own. But for us, the pets are contributing group members and I treat them that way.
#6 Nov 13 2007 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
Heal the pets in the scenario that the pet is tanking a mob that would otherwise be on a party member that would be much harder to heal or take more dmg. Try to heal otherwise if you have spare mana, if you don't well not really anything to do about it.
#7 Nov 13 2007 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
If the pet wasn't offtanking an add and the hunter was being so picky about it... you could have just thrown a rank 1 renew on the pet :) or got out your bandages.

If I am in shadow form and in a battleground and a warr asks for a heal I give him a nice linen bandage :)
#8 Nov 13 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
If you hear a pet is low, toss him a renew. Don't worry other than that unless the pet is playing a strategic role in the encounter.
#9 Nov 13 2007 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
My main is a Hunter, and I saw the post name, so I had to read it.

This is what we refer to as a "Huntard". The Huntard is part of a growing Parasite in MMO world, especially the world of warcraft. Huntards give off several signs that indicate their nature, so can be avoided fairly easily.
Huntards often show up to an instance with broken gear, often out of ammo, or without food for their pet. Huntards Do not understand certain words such as "aggro" or "crowd control". Most Huntards are blissfully unaware of other players health and mana, and are sadly under the impression that they are the most improtant player in a group.

some memorable quotes by spec:

Beast Master- "HEL PET PLZ!!!"

Marksman- "UR A CRAPPY TANK!"

Survival- "I CAN TANK"

If you find yourself in a group with a Huntard, DO NOT, under any circumstances make eye contact. Do not try to run, or they will use aspect of the Cheetah. Best way is to whisper in party and have everyone not do anything or speak until the Huntard goes elsewhere to find other people to irritate. Under no circumstances should you ever try to explain to Huntards how a party works, as their brain is unable to grasp concepts involving teamwork. DO NOT waste your time in the company of Huntards. At lower levels they can be seen roaming around Dun Morogh in packs, but as they rise in levels, each member of a Huntard spawning will break off on their own and attempt to form a symbiotic bond with decent players who can enable them to continue to suck, and still get better gear in the form of instance drops. DO NOT enable a huntard.

If a pet is off tanking then heals may be in order, but the Huntard is usually aware of only half his abilities, and that half does not include Mend pet, Misdirect, Distracting Shot, or freezing trap.

There are other signs of Huntardary, and it is my hope that this will help you avoid getting mired in their stupidity. I repeat, DO NOT try to teach, or rehabilitate a Huntard IT CAN NOT BE DONE!

Marcosuave-lvl 70 Hunter Aerie peak
#10 Nov 13 2007 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Im soo happy I basically did take the steps that were needed in that situation.. I did throw forts on the pet and everyone else... cause that little bit of down time to regain the mana will hopefully help in the long run. so I fort everything.. I always dispel any harmful effects on my party ( and will hopefully do so with the enemies in 2.3, instead of guessing if they are using a shield or have a renew on themselves)

I never rolled a hunter, well I have but after lvl 12 I deleted them, it didn't feel like I was really playing, just hitting 2 buttons and then grabbing another mob while a pet thwacked at the first pull.

I love casters cause I believe we watch the group a little more than a gung-ho player... there are those exceptions of the tanks that know how to take and are always tabbing all over the place and I can just focus on heals, dispelling, and shackles. I wouldn't say I like to Micro-Manage when Im playing... I LOVE IT!

Cant wait for the later levels, thanks everyone for the replies. now tonight I hope to finish the mallet quest so I can get my own and run ZF a few more time even after I get all I really need out of the instance.
#11 Nov 13 2007 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Well, there have been times on my hunter where I was the most important part of the group, but that's because I was making up for the rest of the group...
#12 Nov 13 2007 at 5:00 PM Rating: Default
1,594 posts
Sometimes, I just have to tank something with my pet in an intance.

Usually my Mend Pet, +9% dodge, and -5% to enemy's hit is enough, but if the tank dies, and I have to have the pig keep more than two at once, you better heal him!

Otherwise I'll just FD and let you die..

Luckily, I've not needed to do that yet. Even my last ZF run, with absolutely no heals on my pet except from me, even with multiple deaths in one battle, my pet and I survived just fine. I just ended up wasting all of my mana pots.
#13 Nov 14 2007 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
81 posts
I tend to heal pets, if any are in the group. This comes from my former main being Hunter and the fact that I played it before Mend Pet was a HoT. Now unless the pet is actually off-tanking or in the rare case of actually tanking I will throw Renew on them whenever I see their bar drop below 70%, just like any other party member besides the tank.
#14 Nov 14 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
149 posts
Considering that Mend Pet is an HoT, and that pets generally should not be taking the brunt of the damage in an instance, it does seem pretty stupid for a hunter to be asking someone else to heal his pet.

I could see a circumstance where the pet is near death and the mend pet wouldn't work fast enough to keep the pet from dying, but hopefully, the hunter would be able to change things up a bit at that point to dump aggro on the pet.

Just my 2 coppers.

BTW, my main is a hunter and I see it as my responsibility (not the healer's) to keep my pet alive for the most part.
#15 Nov 14 2007 at 8:38 AM Rating: Default
1,419 posts
There is absolutely no reason a pet being used as an off tank should need heals from the priest. I haven't done heroics yet, but so far I haven't had an instance where mend pet hasn't done the job.

As to those saying that mend pet isn't that good? It's a one button hit for a huge amount of health to your pet. It costs about as much as one arcane shot and heals for about 50% of the pet's health. It's an absolutely godly HoT.

Tell the hunter to throw on mend pet as soon as the fight starts and to keep renewing it when its done. I've off tanked ZF a few times myself and its nothing to be worried about... especially if he was lvl 48... lol. He won't be losing very much damage overall either since there is no more channeling involved.

Edited, Nov 14th 2007 11:39am by baveux
#16 Nov 14 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Right, so 50% of his health in 15 seconds is an acceptable amount of healing against fights where bosses can 1-shot most targets?
My healing 2400 in 15 seconds is better than a priest in 2k +healing pulling 3k+ on a renew?
I should also add that I am not even in very good gear on my hunter, and my pet has almost 6k HP. Mend pet is closer to 1/3 of his health than 1/2 of it.
I've done a fight where my pet was off-tanking a shaman class while the main tank was fighting another boss. Mend pet wasn't enough to keep my pet alive.

For all those priests who think that even in situations where the pet is supposed to take damage that MP is enough, why don't you try going through an instance using nothing but renew? I know resto druids have to use swiftmend and 3 different HoTs, some with burst healing on the front or the back. On most fights pre-BC yeah maybe MP is enough. But once you hit OL, mobs hit harder. And you need someone who is more capable of healing doing the job than the hunter.
The hunter's job isn't to heal his pet, it's to make sure the healer doesn't do all the work.
#17 Nov 14 2007 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
Right, so 50% of his health in 15 seconds is an acceptable amount of healing against fights where bosses can 1-shot most targets?
My healing 2400 in 15 seconds is better than a priest in 2k +healing pulling 3k+ on a renew?
I should also add that I am not even in very good gear on my hunter, and my pet has almost 6k HP. Mend pet is closer to 1/3 of his health than 1/2 of it.
I've done a fight where my pet was off-tanking a shaman class while the main tank was fighting another boss. Mend pet wasn't enough to keep my pet alive.

For all those priests who think that even in situations where the pet is supposed to take damage that MP is enough, why don't you try going through an instance using nothing but renew? I know resto druids have to use swiftmend and 3 different HoTs, some with burst healing on the front or the back. On most fights pre-BC yeah maybe MP is enough. But once you hit OL, mobs hit harder. And you need someone who is more capable of healing doing the job than the hunter.
The hunter's job isn't to heal his pet, it's to make sure the healer doesn't do all the work.

Skribs i agree with you that pets can be offtanks. but in all honesty if your in a group who's cc is so poor that they actually need a pet to offtank. then you have much bigger problems. all your examples have been extremely situational.

In a normal (not crappy) outland five man group your pet should NEVER have to off tank a mob, Not even in shattered halls If ya don't believe me have a look at my character profile i am exalted with thralmar believe me i have ran shattered halls a ton

Also you are very wrong when you said this
The hunter's job isn't to heal his pet, it's to make sure the healer doesn't do all the work

The hunters job is to heal his pet. and also to pull his pet out when it takes to much damage. and even if i was given the job to cc somthing with my pet (aka offtank) then i would still pull it out and wingclip the mob and kite it. all while keeping my traps up.

This is what a hunter does. we survive well against multiple mobs withought the need for much healing.

Your terribly wrong if you think the healer should waste heals on a damn pet. and if you ever think that in a heroic your pet can offtank your gonna get very surprised as he is one shotted.. Learn to cc multiple mobs by yourself,

The healer is going to keep the tank and your party alive.. not pets.. he does not throw heals to voidwalkers or succys he is not throwing your pet one.
and your pet should never need one.. EVEN IF HE OFFTANKS
#18 Nov 14 2007 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Mend Pet is NOT enough. If you think it is, you haven't noticed the healer healing him. A 50% damage reduction on your pet means he's still going to be taking what... 300-500DPS? A far cry from the 160hps that your Mend Pet does.

And a decent healer will heal a succy. She's so damn squishy, I watch her more than the tank because I know the tank can take hits.
#19 Nov 14 2007 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
513 posts
I play 3 healer capable classes and I have a lvl 62 hunter as well. As a healer, I heal the tank first, me 2nd everyone else 3rd. Which includes pets. However I expect the hunter to use mend pet as well. I do when playing my hunter. I'm happy if a healer throws my cat a heal, else I handle it myself.

Just my 2 coppers worth.
#20 Nov 14 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
IF I sic my pet to pull aggro from a healer and she ends tanking for more than 20 sec for whatever reason I expect heals for her if possible. Same goes for my felguard.

In perfect situation hardly any pet will need healing, but how many times do you have bad and messy pulls?

If I can drop traps under healers feet 3-4 times in row, shoot around, offtank with pet, or banish/seduce/fear juggle all at once on my lock - I do expect the healer standing behind with full mana pool and wanding to heal my pets. Because I saw just that couple of times.

I dont think my pets are more important that anyone else in the group, but I saw too many times my pet going down while saving the healers a$$ and the precious one never even tried to toss a heal.
I even had a guy telling me very arrogantly "I NEVER heal pets". Next time when he was screaming "I got aggro" I just disregarded him. I was dpsing, that is my job, no?

#21 Nov 14 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts

I even had a guy telling me very arrogantly "I NEVER heal pets". Next time when he was screaming "I got aggro" I just disregarded him. I was dpsing, that is my job, no?

Bit OT, but I was doing BG's on my 39 warrior with a 39 pally friend. And this 37 druid comes in, casts MOTW on himself and goes to cat form. We all cry "buffs" but he doesn't buff any of us. So a few minutes in he has the flag (he ran in there in cheetah form to get there by himself) and he's getting beaten down, and my friend just watches him die as we run past him to get inside so we can grab it. He goes "Man I had no heals." So I said "Man, we had no buffs." We never really bothered helping him even though we played a few more with him. Why? Because, beginning of every BG he'd cast mark on himself and go to cat. And he wonders why he never had BoM...

Anyway, here's a simple "should I heal the pet" thought process I think healers should take:
Is the hunter using mend pet?
Is the pet keeping me and/or other members of the group alive?
If the answer is yes to both questions, heal the darn thing!
#22 Nov 14 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
194 posts
Your terribly wrong if you think the healer should waste heals on a damn pet. and if you ever think that in a heroic your pet can offtank your gonna get very surprised as he is one shotted.. Learn to cc multiple mobs by yourself,

The healer is going to keep the tank and your party alive.. not pets.. he does not throw heals to voidwalkers or succys he is not throwing your pet one.
and your pet should never need one.. EVEN IF HE OFFTANKS

These are very absolute comments about situations that are never very absolute. To go into an instance with the attitude that you're not healing pets or minions is very narrow minded and short sighted imo.

Heals on pets are not "wasted" as long as the tank is in good shape and the healer has no mana issues.

Yes, the healer is there to keep the tank and the party alive. This DOES, IN FACT, include pets. They are in the party, are they not? And they are doing damage, or cc, yes? And if they're taking damage, they're taking damage that someone else (tank or otherwise) would be taking instead, yes? I will always TRY to heal the pet, but not at the expense of the tank or other more critical party member. If I'm having trouble keeping up, and/or OOM, that's when mend pet can buy me just enough time to get to the pet.

I play a hunter and I play a priest, so I can appreciate both classes. If I'm on my hunter and my kitty never gets a heal from the healer and dies, but no one else does? Kudos to them. You won't hear me complain. If I'm playing priest and a hunter starts calling me a noob when his pet dies, but the group lives on even when I'm at 2% mana in the end, THEN I complain. Especially if said hunter(ard) still has mana and never bothered to try to heal his own pet.

Edited, Nov 14th 2007 2:42pm by Wizarrdress
#23 Nov 14 2007 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
Due to the fact that i hardly go OoM, even on quite a lot of boss fights, i always toss the hunters pet a heal every now and then, and usually i get complimented on it. I also throw a res on the hunters pet if it dies, I think it helps get me a good rep with other players :)
#24 Nov 14 2007 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
My pally was heal spec from 40 ->54 and I found this quite annoying. No offence, but at the end of the day its the healer that knows who needs heals within the party, not a dps'r. The worst I have encountered are huntards and locktards demanding pet heals after battle has finished just because they cant be bothered healing there own pets. Dont get me wrong if your pet is OT, the tank is above 85% health and I have spare mana i might throw a heal to your pet but not at the risk of a wipe. One of the reasons i respecced to a porcupine.

Arthorius - 70 Prot Paladin
#25 Nov 14 2007 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
Another important thought is.....

Not taking care of a hunters pet is a good way to get Misdirected. Smiley: grin
(Just Kidding)

In my regular group my pet counts as much as a party member as everyone else.
But, seeing we are a regular group I have gotten used to that. I never call for my pet to be healed unless it's me and him and the tank is down.
Even then the Hunter SHOULD be able to heal his pet by "ping ponging" agro while the Mend pet does it's stuff.

As far as the OP, yeah sounds like a Huntard.
#26 Nov 14 2007 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
I also throw a res on the hunters pet if it dies, I think it helps get me a good rep with other players :)

My pet doesn't die much, and I can rez him faster than you can, but I just love healers that rez my pet; or at least try. I get a lot of /cheers when I get my shaman to rez other people's pets. It only costs me a water or a little time anyway.

The worst I have encountered are huntards and locktards demanding pet heals after battle has finished just because they cant be bothered healing there own pets.

Of course, *after* a battle, that's just stupid; but then everyone can heal themselves after a battle anyway, except for the noobs with no first aid. On my lock, I actually get annoyed when people heal me just after I start to use a bandage or cast cannibalize..
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