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Best Kept Secret for DPS Wep?Follow

#1 Nov 11 2007 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
The DPS wep at the top of my wish list has been Dreamer's Dragonstaff (+46 str, +27 agi, +28 stam, +423 FAP) off Thorngrin the Tender in Botanica.

But I was running Auchenai Crypts for the first time last night (I haven't done a lot of instances you'd think a 70 woulda done--three lvl 70 guildies and I four-manned the sucker) and in looking up the loot I noticed the last boss drops "Draenic Wildstaff" with +34 str, +32 agi, +33 stam, +423 FAP, and +22 hit.

Crypts is a fast and easy 67+/- instance with just two bosses, so it seems like this is a really good weapon to farm for, but I've never seen this one in-game. I know 5% droprate off a boss sucks, but it still seems good enough that I'd expect it to be high on peoples' shopping list. So have I just found a best-kept-secret? This thing would be sick with +35 agility on it...drooool.
#2 Nov 11 2007 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
think it only drops on heroic...
#3 Nov 11 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
Dang. You're right. Thotbott and some posts within the item's message board confirm that it drops in heroic crypts. Probably couldn't four-man that. : )

That's the last time I get excited about something based on Allakhazam's drop rates, which show it with 5+% on normal and 0% on heroic.

Never mind, nothin to see here, move back to Bot for my Dreamers' Dragonstaff. : )
#4 Nov 12 2007 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Hope you get yopur staff :D

I personally have never seen it drop,ever...finally I gave up,and bought Staff of natural fury from the AH :D
#5 Nov 12 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Or you can get yourself in any arena team and in about 10 weeks of 30mins a week and you can find yourself the proud owner of [wowitem=32014]Merciless Gladiator's Maul[/wowitem]

Now THAT is a nice DPS weapon!
#6 Nov 12 2007 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
RareBeast wrote:
Or you can get yourself in any arena team and in about 10 weeks of 30mins a week and you can find yourself the proud owner of [wowitem=32014]Merciless Gladiator's Maul[/wowitem]

Now THAT is a nice DPS weapon!

I figure you're allowed to hijack your own thread, right? Especially if the original premise of the thread turned out to be a dumb question. : )


30 minutes a week times 10 weeks to get this top-shelf weapon seems good, but I've never arena'd and am pretty intimidated by the prospect. Not the prospect of losing, mind you, but the prospect of being a annoyingly bad anchor on a team.

You said "any arena team." Does that mean even a BAD arena team can pay off this huge? I ask because I've never done arena and only minimal PvP, so whatever team I'm on would inherently not be very good...first because I'd be on it and second because they'd be willing to have me on the team.

Aside from finding a team of in-game buds that won't mind supporting my "learning curve" are there any other Arena 101 tips I should know to not be the guy that they're whispering about after we get our *** kicked AGAIN because of me?
#7 Nov 12 2007 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Well, first of all, if you're Feral you may not have the "best" spec for Arena. Then again, as long as you're not shooting for the top, Feral can work pretty well, too.

Imo, if you don't want to respec, your best bet is to play the annoying CCer. :P

Of course, you start in Kitty so you can stealth and try to avoid them as you make your way to the back of their team. Try to find their healer or a soft clothy that could be a threat. (A.k.a. SP, Lock, Mage, etc)

Once the match begins, just harass them. DPS is good, but your real goal should be to incapacitate them and render them useless. No need to build 5 CP's, just a few, and then Maim at the opportune time. You can also go Bear and use Feral Charge and Bash as needed. And finally shift out to cast Roots or Cyclone.

Once you become more accustomed to how Arena matches work, you can start to multi-target people. Roots that Rogue, then switch over to the Mage and FC him to prevent him from casting for a few seconds, and then go back to that healer, Bash him, shift to Cat, quick Mangle and Maim if one of their guys is near death.

Ideally, you'd need a Vent server to coordinate everything but that's the base of what I'd try to do with a Druid. When you're not annoying someone, feel free to help with the DPS, but remember you're not the best class for that and your abilities could be put to a better use.

And finally, if you do feel like respecing, the infamous 8/11/42 build is awesome. Nature's Grasp, talented Roots and Cyclone, Brutal Impact and Feral Charge and the rest into healing to support your team.

And by the way, I'd suggest doing 5v5. Even though it's a bit harder, it'll give you a lot more points than the other team setups.
#8 Nov 13 2007 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
This difference between an "average team" and a bad team would only be 2-3 extra weeks. I was the same with PvP (even battlegrounds) but have now started to enjoy it. Try a 2v2 with a friend who won't get too uptight about losing. If you just treat it as fun, it won't matter if you win or lose - but it is fantastic when you pull off a good win :)

Some teams will absolutley wipe the floor with you, but others will give you a closer fight.
#9 Nov 16 2007 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I, too, have been playing with the thought of trying out the Arena, but like JeeBar I'm completely clueless as to how the whole system works. Most of all I'm afraid I'll join a group, lose a lot to all the epic geared folks and end up at the bottom of the list with no chance of ever getting back up.

I've heard something about having to do a certain amount of Arena fights every week or so to get any points. If my team's rating drops too low, will I stop receiving Arena points?

I'm clueless and scared. Help.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Nov 16 2007 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
First: You'll always get arena points as long as you fight 10 matches each week!
Second: You'll be set up against teams with approximately the same rating as you, so you won't meet all the epic-geared people unless they really suck.
#11 Nov 16 2007 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
as long as you fight 10 matches each week!

Small correction: Your team needs to fight at least 10 matches, and you need at least 30% of matches fought each week.

Teams can hold twice the amount of people needed for a fight. (2v2 can have 4 members, 3v3 6 members and 5v5 10 members) So basically, people will have to do rotation for everyone to get points.

You could do just 5 fights yourself but as long as that amounts to 30% of all matches played by your team you'll be fine. There's a tooltip on the Arena panel that tells you the percentage you're at so you don't have to worry about it too much.

And yeah, you'll always get at least a few points and you'll always always be able to get better. Let's say you end up falling to 500 rating. (You start with 1500 by default, awesome teams have around 2800-3000) If you win against a team which has a much higher rating than you, you'll gain a LOT more points and they'll lose equally more so you'll do 500-1000 faster than 1000-1500. (At least in theory, matching system may cause that to vary)
#12 Nov 16 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I see. Thanks a lot for bending it in neon, Selverein. I might just try it out one of these days. Just need to convince my cousin to start killing something not controlled by AI.

He's such a chicken. Smiley: oyvey
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#13 Nov 16 2007 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Even if you're mediocre you should come out with ~100 points/week, so use that to judge how long it'll take to get the stuff.

Personally, the idea of spending ~9 months of doing arena every weekend for a weapon is not thrilling, even if it is only 30 minutes to an hour each weekend. :/
#14 Nov 16 2007 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
100 points a week is 37 weeks or more than nine months to get enough points for the Maul.

Christ. And that's just one item.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Nov 16 2007 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
In my 2v2 & 3v3 teams, we have had pretty ordinary ratings (13-1400) but still get 2-300 pts a week. That makes a big difference to 100 pts a week.

And it is not a chore! I don't know anybody who once they try it doesn't enjoy it. I'm not a fanatic about PvP, just doing a little bit each week, but it is a nice break from raiding/farming.

#16 Nov 18 2007 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
JeeBar, I hope you'll forgive me for hijacking this thread even further, but I didn't want to make a seperate thread for my question. Sorry.

I'm looking to create a 2v2 team with my cousin who plays a Rogue. Would a Feral Druid & Rogue combo work, or should I go healbot? I figured most people will say healbot simply because the Rogue can't heal and is worthless dead. However, wouldn't two damage dealers be pretty evil in the Arena? I can always pop out to heal us and with the Rogue's Sap and Blind abilities we'd be able to CC one and kill the other.

Here's how I imagine it happening (note that I have no idea if it's viable or not):

We both stealth and the Rogue Saps the second opponent. I then Pounce the first opponent and proceed to shred him to pieces, applying Faerie Fire and Mangle debuffs. Rogue then Cheap Shots and we both go nuts on his ***, using Gouge and Maim to prevent him from doing pretty much anything.

Worst case scenario: Opponent uses trinket to break the stun, in which case I shift to Bear and Bash, giving my buddy enough time to get back and apply Cheap Shot.

By now Sap is wearing off (10 seconds, right?) and I shift out to Cyclone or Root the other guy, I'm not sure if Roots work in the Arena. Our first target should be dead about now, unless he's a Paladin (he's not, unless there's two of them.. the healer gets CC'd first). The Rogue uses Vanish and I shift to Bear to "tank" the second opponent. With 11k health and 13k armor, I should be able to hold him off until my Rogue buddy can put a Cheap Shot on him. I then stop attacking and run out of range, changing to Cat form and preparing to Prowl the moment I can (again, I'm not sure if this is possible in Arenas).

If everything goes well up until now, I can now open with Pounce and the person is pretty much screwed.

Right? Smiley: dubious

Edited, Nov 18th 2007 5:43pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Nov 18 2007 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
you really thought that out huh? sounds good to me but then again, I know absolutely nothing about arena. . .

stupid noobness
#18 Nov 19 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
256 posts
Well, it pretty much depends on who you meet. If you meet two other stealth units (could be any combo of mage with invis, rogue, druid or any nightelf in shadowmeld). I find it a good idea to go into bearform and wait where the detect invisiblity item spawns. That way your opponent will reveal itself and target you, leaving your rogue to sap and then go nuts on the remaining foe. If they do nothing, you get to see through stealth and use fearie fire or whatever to bring them out of stealth. This ofcourse put them in combat, so your rogue would need to use blind instead of sap.

In case you meet a lock with felhunter out, your plan of stealthing in is also bound to fail, as he will see you well before you get close. Best bet is trying to sap the other guy, if you can get close, and then try to feral charge/bash the lock. If you attack first, there's a good chance he won't see the rogue comming. In any case it's always good if you make the opening move, so the other team targets you. In bearform you can take the beating and let the rogue do the hurting.

If you meet two frost mage, say a silent prayer to some evil god and have him smite them, because you certainly won't. The will own you! Curse them and move on.

Well, those are some of the nasty teams you can run into. There are too many combinations to explain specific tactics to all of them. Any team will have ways to spoil your attempts anyway, so don't expect any standard tactics to work. It just something to start with and then adabt as things play out. As druid, use all your forms and all of you abilities, and you will be very annoying for the other team. Use your heal over time spells, tranquility if you can, cyclone, roots, bash (with cyclone and roots you can completely pacify a warrior :D)

Hope this helps a bit
#19 Nov 19 2007 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Definitely helps a lot, thanks.

I'm "practicing" in Eye of the Storm at the moment and I think a lot of Horde players are cursing whenever my name pops up on the list. I tend to shift constantly, much to the annoyance of the Mages who can't snare me, and while I'm not invincible in Dire Bear form, I sure do give them a run for their money.

Especially when I've got a Holy Paladin standing waaaay back, healing me. Smiley: wink
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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