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....o man, keep this please!Follow

#27 Nov 03 2007 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
RPZip wrote:
What the @#%^?

There's no way that the Hemo change isn't accompanied by normalization. There's just... no way.

EDIT: PTR tests confirm that Hemo is now normalized as of sometime in the afternoon/early evening.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2007 8:12pm by RPZip

Ahh i figured it would get normalized. :\
#28 Nov 03 2007 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
Okay, time for a bit of math. Both Hemo and SS are normalized, which means that weapon speed is a much smaller concern for Hemo now (more of a concern than it is with SS due to an additional 25% weapon damage applied, but not to the degree you'd see with it being unnormalized).

Assuming that 100% of the Hemo debuff is consumed, let's see where the SS/Hemo breakpoint is to the best of my ability. Sinister Strike is credited with Lethality (crit = crit * 1.3 = newcrit for modeling purposes), Aggression (6%) and Suprise Attacks (10%). Hemo is credited with Dirty Deeds (120% damage 35% of the time assuming normal distribution patterns, or an average of 7% increased damage) and Serrated Blades (560 ArPen, or ~4.5% Damage in typical raid situations). Weapons are assumed to be the Blade of Infamy/Savagery combo.

SS: ((100.3 * 2.6 + AP * 2.4 + 98) * 1.06 * 1.1) * 1.39
Hemo: ((100.3 * 2.6 + AP * 2.4) * 1.25 * 1.07 * 1.045) * 1.3 + 360

Head asplode. Simplifying...

(260.78 + AP * 2.4 + 98) * 1.621
422.72 + AP * 3.89 + 158.86
581.58 + AP * 3.89

(260.78 + AP * 2.4) * 1.817 + 360
473.837 + AP * 4.36 + 360
833.837 + AP * 4.36

581.58 + AP * 3.89 = 833.84 + AP * 4.36

Uh. Okay. That's not quite what I was expecting... with these weapons, you'd need to have a _negative_ AP score for Sinister Strike to win. Without ANY AP, the 'breakpoint' for parity would be at... hm... 62 DPS. So, if you're using outdaed blue weapons (or greens) at 70 there might be a point at which they'd be the same, but otherwise... no.

Okay then. That was unexpected. Time to do the math again without factoring in the damage bonus then. Cheating and taking some of the final results...

SS: 581.58 + AP * 3.89
Hemo: 473.837 + AP * 4.36
107.74 = AP * .47
229.23 = AP

Also... unexpected, but not as hideously so. Without counting the debuff at _all_, Sinister Strike outdamages Hemo... when you have 229 AP. The factors I did _not_ consider are Adrenaline Rush and Combat Potency, but over a long fight the lower base Hemo cost compensates for this using my Guesstimath, which is of course always accurate.* (* Or not, but someone else gets to do _that_ math).

Interesting. Very... interesting.
#29 Nov 03 2007 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
So Hemo is still leaps ad bounds better at this point, correct?
#30 Nov 03 2007 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
ArundelvalEstar wrote:
So Hemo is still leaps ad bounds better at this point, correct?

Pretty much.

In answer to your earlier question - normalization is when you use a set value to determine the AP modifier on the attack. 'Normalized' attacks all use a unified value - 2.4 for one-handers except daggers, 1.7 for daggers - to calculate the bonus damage AP applies to the attack. Unnormalized attacks just use the weapon speed - this catergory includes the Warrior Slam (channeled attack) and previous Rogue Hemo.

The reason for normalization is that, way back when in the Times of Yore, you were better off using a weapon with much lower DPS but slower speed over a slightly faster but much higher DPS epic. This had the... unfortunate side effect of making pretty much every Epic weapon drop in Molten Core inferior to Blues you could pick up via questing or just doing level 60 instances. In many cases certain _greens_ were superior to epic weapons because of how important speed was with all the instant attacks.

Normalization goes in, speed becomes much, much, much less important.
#31 Nov 03 2007 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
Ah, I see. Thank you.

I've realized my only job in this thread is to simplify impressive math into short statements for those of us who aren't you, nooble, theo, demea, try, etc.
#32 Nov 03 2007 at 5:20 PM Rating: Excellent
So if Hemo is now better dmg and combo regeneration then deep combat SS...

Why even bother going 41 in combat?

5/33/23 new cookie cutter pvp spec?

From my understanding, that build will do more damage then 1x/4x/0 while having Preparation... not to mention that mobility is greatly helped by having 2 imp sprint and 2 vanish.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2007 9:21pm by Tyrandor
#33 Nov 03 2007 at 5:27 PM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
This is going to seriously rock our world.

I have to say it again cause I don't beleive it.

Sub is viable. All those neat isolated talents can be chosen.
#34 Nov 03 2007 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
I don't know. I also don't know how this could possibly stay in the current form, but I guess we'll see.

Raid-wise it's not even close unless I made a serious calculation error, and I don't see where.


Sub is viable. All those neat isolated talents can be chosen.

Going any deeper into Sub is still a bad idea, though.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2007 9:29pm by RPZip
#35 Nov 03 2007 at 5:39 PM Rating: Excellent
For raiding, yeah... for pvp? Remains to be seen.
#36 Nov 03 2007 at 5:41 PM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
I don't think so for PvP. Shadowstep still isn't great, and hemo has far too many dependancies.
#37 Nov 03 2007 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,538 posts
Not sure what buffs you're missing Tyr, but I know I've seen my AP spike to the mid 3000s and I'm in the same gear level as you (1666 unbuffed). I don't use AP trinkets either. I'm gonna have to pay more attention in SSC tomorrow. My AP pretty much never drops below 2500, though, so that's why I chose that as the low end. 3500 seemed like a good upper test since I've gotten there myself in mostly Kara gear and a few pieces from T5 instances.

Also, thanks for the info on normalization RPZip. Changes the numbers significantly. Kudos for taking the time to factor in DD and SB as well, I've gotten lazy in my mathcrafting lately.

Anyway, I don't think any serious player is going to have more than 33 points in Combat ever again after 2.3.
#38 Nov 03 2007 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
Theory time.

Ignoring the AE effects, Blade Flurry is 20% haste 12.5% of the time, or 2.5% passive haste... which is quite good for a single talent point. The question becomes if 4/5 (Sword or Fist Spec) and 2/2 WE is better or worse than 8% AP and Premed or 5/5 Lethality.

Okay. That wasn't really a question. 4% Crit (or x2 Swing) and 2.5% increased hit chance on _all_ abilities > 8% AP and Premed. If you're using a Mace it'd be a different story, but PvE-wise now that Hemo is normalized again there's no real impetus to use a Mace (i.e. Syphon of the Natherazim or similar).

As for Energy generation... I don't have any idea at all what the Spreadsheet or mathcraft says the ideal Hemo combination is, but I can't see Combat Potency beating it even with a 1.4 speed OH and a fair chunk of haste/capped +hit. It's looking more and more like Hemo is crushing Combat with this change.
#39 Nov 03 2007 at 6:12 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't think so for PvP. Shadowstep still isn't great, and hemo has far too many dependancies.

What dependancy tho?

The main problem of the current 5/33/23 build is that it loses a lot of damage - it works with SS because Hemo is crap, and since you lose out Aggression, Surprise Attack, Combat Potency as well as the Assassination talent, your energy management/damage takes a nose dive.

But with Hemo now outdamaging AND out energy-ing SS...

Remember that you no longer get weapon skill (or expertise) from Mace spec anymore Rp...

Here's what the 'pvp spec of the future' could look like imo...

Edited, Nov 3rd 2007 10:13pm by Tyrandor
#40 Nov 03 2007 at 6:25 PM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
By dependencies for Hemo, I meant raid buffs. RP's new theorycraft might blow that out of the water tho.
#41 Nov 03 2007 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good

Remember that you no longer get weapon skill (or expertise) from Mace spec anymore Rp...

No, but you do get 5% more damage to all crits. It's not as good as +skill is in raiding but it is something.
#42 Nov 03 2007 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Tyr, it may not be a big deal but I'm sure one of the buffs you're missing is a Flask of some kind.

Just thought I'd point that out.
#43 Nov 03 2007 at 9:02 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm already counting flask of relentless assault (120atk) up there.

BTW, for what it's worth, Ming is on the bandwagon too.

Edited, Nov 4th 2007 11:31am by Tyrandor
#44 Nov 03 2007 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
Ming is on the "don't spend all your talent points, that would be cheating" bandwagon?
#45 Nov 04 2007 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
question with hemo changes and dirty deed changes im really considering it even tho the talk of huge AP needed, what im curious about is any of you planning to drop the fast OH you see with a combat build and return to two slow weapons like hemo builds before TBC? also for you serious raider's how much hit is enough hit now that you dont have to worry about combat potency? stay the same?

if 12% or so was decent i could up my AP by quite a lot i believe.

i have always been a fan of hemo even tho it was lackluster, in part due to the fact i never once spec'd combat before 70 because it was the tree i disliked the most.

i pray these change's go live and aren't nerfed 2weeks later because PoS warlocks are QQ again (devs listen to warlocks) then i can go back to hemo where i had the most fun being a rogue.

am i crazy ? (sole purpose pve)
before the flame's just a few reason's.. 5 opportunity 99% of the time i open with garrote, this increase's its damage, hemo is all about AP as well so say your pushing 3k AP that garrote just got a lot nastier.
with 5MoD i feel dirty trick's isn't worth it, i dont know how often you have to sap but with 5MoD you can pretty much walk right up to the mob and dance with it.
ghostly strike might be decent for pvp but come pve why use it? maybe for evasion tanking but still.. it will rarely be used while your spamming hemo so no reason for it if feel, could also drop imp gouge for rest of LR if you want dodge so much.

all i wish i had was one last point to fill out WE.
#46 Nov 04 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
1,538 posts
Ming apparently missed the memo that Hemo was normalized now. That's the problem when you assume you're better than everyone else and don't discuss these things with other people. I mad the same assumption, and was corrected, and now our information is accurate. His information will just continue to be flawed.
#47 Nov 04 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Heh, that error aside, the rest of his article pretty much goes on covering everything we're saying here and he seems to agree AR/Hemo/Prep is going to be the way to go for pvp.

For what it's worth, his Priest partner is saying FW priest + Hemo Rogue have much greater chance against war/pld or war/druid. The fact that plate wearer/bear druid aren't giggling when a rogue get on them because they're mistaking is attack for tickles plays a big part.
#48 Nov 04 2007 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
Heh, that error aside, the rest of his article pretty much goes on covering everything we're saying here and he seems to agree AR/Hemo/Prep is going to be the way to go for pvp.

For what it's worth, his Priest partner is saying FW priest + Hemo Rogue have much greater chance against war/pld or war/druid. The fact that plate wearer/bear druid aren't giggling when a rogue get on them because they're mistaking is attack for tickles plays a big part.

Well, your original link was to an incomplete WoWHead talent link, so I dunno.

I can't see this change staying... unchanged, but we'll see if it hits live or not. Viable Hemo is one thing, Hemo outdamaging SS _and_ giving a bonus debuff is another.


all i wish i had was one last point to fill out WE.

4/5 Sword Spec and 2/2 WE > 5/5 Sword Spec and 1/2 WE.
#49 Nov 04 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, I didn't link the proper thing obviously, I think it's not going to his blog, 2nd article was the one I was going for.

And yeah, it seems to good to be true to be honest. Rogues actually doing the pvp damage they should be doing? Madness.

One can hope :)
#50 Nov 04 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
I'm talking PvE here. =p
#51 Nov 04 2007 at 9:03 AM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
Its interesting how rogue are finally factioning out into PvE and PvP camps. I was wondering when that was going to happen.
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