Dunter is sitting at level 70 as a 41/12/8 BM, shooting for head, leg, hands, and chest pieces of the Beast Lord set and about 600 arena pts from grabbing the Merciless Gladiator's Crossbow of the Phoenix and i love me some Shifting Nightseye and Balanced Nightseye, but i want to change my meta head gem to Relentless Earthstorm Diamond, except i can't for the lack of yellow gems in my gear (EVERYTHING is red/blue).
I just started playing this hunter again, and started doing arena 2v2 with a warlock friend and it's been really sketchy. trying again later tonight, so we'll see how that goes. My hp doesnt go much above 8k and drops WAY too fast in the arena. Besides replacing the chest and hands (plus the enchants) how much more hp am i shooting for?
I've been trying to decide between the two Nightseye gems, but don't know how high my crit should be. Once i manage to get the Arena xbow, it's getting the crit scope and my dps should jump way up, but until then i need to be able to match my arena partner with his +1k spell damage and it get's tough.
Anyways, comment on my hunter or give me some input as to how to approach the arena with a warlock teammate.