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Guildie complaintFollow

#1 Oct 30 2007 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
271 posts
If you have seen my armory before I recently joined a guild (was level 44). Seing the guild roster makes it kinda easy to figure out who it is I am talking about, but I'll avoid it if possible...

So I was gaining about a level a day since I joined the guild. Not unusual, on my off days I'll do a ton of quests, and fly around turning them in before I go to work the next morning while I run around and get myself ready. Not all that unusual for a level 40+ toon. (Which is why this irritates me, the GM has gained a level a day as well)

Problems arose this morning. I logged on my main for only a few moments to send mail to bank alt etc, etc. I had mail. When I read it, it was from a guild member expressing concern that I was using a leveling service, a 'cheating method' or something else (can't remember exact wording) to gain an unfair advantage. He said that he had wispered me in the morning and I didn't respond, and I had surpassed him in level, which "wasn't possible" given the time since I had joined the guild, not to mention that my "logging habits" are strange, meaning I log out for two minutes and then get back on. He said he reported me to the guildmaster as well as Blizzard via gm ticket. (Save a copy of the letter because some of the language he used was rediculous. He called me a *** and a few other choice words.)

Now, I'm not concerned about being reported, I'm not doing anything wrong. I am more concerned about him thinking I cheat. I wrote him back explaining to him that I don't cheat. I research my quests at my incredibly boring job, and have a plan before I log on. I also mentioned to him that it helped me shave time off by not doing instances (waiting for people to get their act together), having a bank alt, and the fact I've never step foot in a BG on this toon. I also tried to explain to him the best way I knew how that I jump on in the morning only to do some afk flying from quest turn in to quest turn in.

I'm angry, to a point, I don't think he's played as long as I have, and he's really being a jerk about this. I wanted to scream at him that if he hadn't spend 3 days in BG's I wouldn't have had the extra 15 hours (we both were on over those three days) to pass him in level. I've mentioned that I'm trying to get as close to 60 as possible before the 7th (when I buy BC) and I am trying to do my best, and I've been please with myself up until now. I've leveled I don't know how many characters in the past two years trying to find the right toon for me, and now that I found hunters, even though I switched factions, the zones are still the same, and quests are similar... Urg I'm still getting defesive over it. It's kinda buggin me out.

I know he's friendly with the Guild Leader, and I'm not too worried about the GL kicking me (I've donated quite a bit to him and spent two hours helping him on some quests that were outta my way), but I can't imagine staying in a guild where this jerk thinks I'm cheating.

So my question is this... Dependant upon his response, What should I do?
#2 Oct 30 2007 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
365 posts
I really have no clue what you should do atm.

But as for getting reported, open up your own GM ticket copy paste the letter into it, also explain your leveling procedure and the bank toon logging. This is in case a GM actually takes this guy seriously and doesn't whisper you for an explanation. State that also.

... Try to explain to the a hole how you out leveled him because he wastes his time doing BG's and what not.
Honestly this guy's just a pr!ck, I would spend hours running around IF and SW out of lazy boredom and I never complained when I got out leveled.
#3 Oct 30 2007 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I'd just put this guy on your ignore list if he persists. I've had guildies that have been annoying (like when I got a pendulum of doom on my 39 warrior, and I show it off and the guildie says "...that axe sucks it doesnt have any stats..."). Looking at it from a "I want to level fast" perspective, if you're continually bogged down explaining yourself to this (insert explicative here) then you're not going to level as fast. So tell him "I'm smarter than you, shut up" and if he doesnt /ignore him (after explaining your levelling procedure of course).
#4 Oct 30 2007 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
797 posts
I'm left wondering why he's unhappy you're leveling faster than he. Perhaps he feels you'd take his slot in an instance run? However unless you are both hunters that would not make sense.
#5 Oct 30 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
I've thought about that too, but upon entering the guild I told them that I wouldn't be taking any slot in any raids. I don't have the time to do anything other than maybe an instance a week. (4 or 5 hours top on an off day)

Honestly I just think he's trying to have a pissing contest with me. I honestly don't know what his problem is. Hell, when I was on allied I asked this guy in my old guild to give me a few tips cause he was leveling like crazy. That's how I learned most of my tricks. Instead of being a jerk and wondering why I am he could ask.
#6 Oct 30 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
If you know you're not doing anything wrong and you like your guild, just put him on the ignore list and be done with it. At this point, thats not going to be a big problem, but honestly this issue should be done with in a few days anyway and this will just blow over.

Don't sweat it, keep doing what you're doing.

And as for the GM actually taking that guy seriously... If you know for a fact that noone else has your logon and password, and you haven't logged into WoW from anywhere else than your PC, you're fine. The first thing Blizzard would check is your logon times and the IP addresses asociated with those logons, so if the only IP address on their list belongs to you, they won't take that guy seriously, or if the different places you've logged on from have enough time in between logons (ie you live in one part of town, leave and go to another part of town to logon and the time between each logon is sufficient to allow travel time etc..)

Hope that made sense, but you're not doing anything wrong so don't think about it and if the guild gives you crap, leave the guild there are others.
#7 Oct 30 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Obviously...he is just a jealous fool...the world is full of them...LOL
#8 Oct 30 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
This is silly. People need to mind their own business. I'd only respond to the jerk if the GM said something. If you get booted, then it wasn't the guild for you anyway.

A good guild supports you, not attacks you. I'd not worry about this. Go about levelling. Game GM's are only looking for bots, you don't match the profile. Don't worry about it.
#9 Oct 30 2007 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
So I was gaining about a level a day since I joined the guild. Not unusual, on my off days I'll do a ton of quests, and fly around turning them in before I go to work the next morning while I run around and get myself ready. Not all that unusual for a level 40+ toon. (Which is why this irritates me, the GM has gained a level a day as well)

This is not unusual, this is normal, you can even gain a level a day once you hit the outlands.

He said that he had wispered me in the morning and I didn't respond, and I had surpassed him in level, which "wasn't possible" given the time since I had joined the guild, not to mention that my "logging habits" are strange, meaning I log out for two minutes and then get back on. He said he reported me to the guildmaster as well as Blizzard via gm ticket.

Personally, **** him, he doesn't have a say in it, and if the GM kicks you oh well, you don't need a guild, and if you spend all time out of instances, well then you have no reason for a guild whatsoever, cept maybe social. He is just being a **** cause you passed him in leveling ;)

(Save a copy of the letter because some of the language he used was rediculous. He called me a *** and a few other choice words.)

If you can, report it to a GM and say that you have the letter available to show him, if he wants to play hardball, let him know you can play back and hit him between the eyes.

So my question is this... Dependant upon his response, What should I do?

Personally I would leave. If after 60 you decide to instance, go with P.U.G's and do some research. Ask people how they like their guild, what times are most people on, stuff like that, then by the time you hit 70 (or sooner) you should have a good idea of what guild you want to join.

P.S.: Does anybody else find it horribly ironic a self proclaimed lesbian chick has the name of Raynebow?

#10 Oct 30 2007 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Yes, I do only play from home so Blizz doesn't worry me. I may log in 6 different times on an off day, taking breaks and such, but always from my home computer. I wondered about this other guy butting in too, I honestly just think he's mad cause those three days he wasted in Bg's got me 4 levels above him.

To an extent, I can see where he is coming from. He doesn't seem to pay much attention to anything, I've mentioned being a girl several times (once in group with said askhole) and he still talked to me as if I was a guy. Referring to my *****. So I can see that he'd be pissed that I joined on the 24th and have gained 8 levels since he doesn't pay attention to simple things like I don't BG (or pee standing up). (Had three off days to myself and got higher than usual.)

If Guild Leader says anything to me (which I doubt he will, we've grouped and I've given gernerously to the guild already) I'll just leave, after of course explaining my methods and telling him to stick his own d*ck up his ***. Honestly I only joined cause Nyte matched my name with a 'y' instead of an 'i'.

*edit* It is ironic I'm named Raynebow. I had intended it differently. (said before about pet named Rayne after horrible person, I intended it to mean bow to me kinda thing)
Robin suggests I change my S/N to *********. Waddya think?

Edited, Oct 30th 2007 3:35pm by Raynebow
#11 Oct 30 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
So I can see that he'd be pissed that I joined on the 24th and have gained 8 levels since he doesn't pay attention to simple things like I don't BG (or pee standing up).

You fail as a *****! I knew a VERY butch gal who used to pee in the urinals >.<

*edit* It is ironic I'm named Raynebow. I had intended it differently. (said before about pet named Rayne after horrible person, I intended it to mean bow to me kinda thing)
Robin suggests I change my S/N to *********. Waddya think?

That might bring on attention not otherwise wanted :D

Might I mention I have made Lesbians not so Lesbian before :D
#12 Oct 30 2007 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
"I guess I'm faster at leveling than you are."

"Sorry if I don't always respond to /w. I often /afk on long flights."

If he persists, /ignore him. I wouldn't waste any more time or energy than necessary dealing with this guy. Seems every guild has to have a jerk or two that just can't avoid being an a-hole.

And Caldone, grow up.
#13 Oct 30 2007 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Might I mention I have made Lesbians not so Lesbian before :D

It's your large man-boobs that make the transition easier ;p

Quite honestly I think on nearly all my characters (except my 1st 2 where I had no idea what I was doing) a level a day is perfectly reasonable. The only times I haven't been able to do it is 57-58 (now officially the longest level in the game!) and 60-70 where the exp needed to level jumps considerably. A more hardcore player could probably still manage it in those brackets also. I know I'm not the fastest leveller in my guild, I certainly hold no ill-will against anyone quicker either. Your guild-mate is an idiot.

Although I did once have the "honour" of being the highest level Blood Elf Paladin on Lightbringer for about 2 hours when TBC came out.

#14 Oct 30 2007 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Gah doublepost.

Edited, Oct 30th 2007 6:53pm by Rasen
#15 Oct 30 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts

Those look like man boobs?

You can't have man boobs when your 5'8 and 150 lbs

Edited, Oct 30th 2007 4:19pm by Caldone
#16 Oct 30 2007 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Raynebow wrote:
Now, I'm not concerned about being reported, I'm not doing anything wrong. I am more concerned about him thinking I cheat. I wrote him back explaining to him that I don't cheat. I research my quests at my incredibly boring job, and have a plan before I log on. I also mentioned to him that it helped me shave time off by not doing instances (waiting for people to get their act together), having a bank alt, and the fact I've never step foot in a BG on this toon. I also tried to explain to him the best way I knew how that I jump on in the morning only to do some afk flying from quest turn in to quest turn in.

I think the only mistake you made was explaining yourself to him. I would have told him to file another GM ticket in case the first one didn't go through. I'd also tell him that you've forwarded his mail to Blizzard for review as harassment and any other mail he sends to you will be sent along the same route.

If I were you, I would confront the Guild Master directly. I would forward a copy of the mail from the person making the accusations to him. I would explain to him that I don't feel comfortable in a guild that supports that kind of behavior from its members, and if he didn't offer suitable reassurances that the situation would be dealt with, I'd leave the guild. I don't hold Guild Masters accountable for the behavior of other guildies. I do hold them accountable for addressing those behaviors as they arise.
#17 Oct 30 2007 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
Aurelius wrote:
I think the only mistake you made was explaining yourself to him. I would have told him to file another GM ticket in case the first one didn't go through. I'd also tell him that you've forwarded his mail to Blizzard for review as harassment and any other mail he sends to you will be sent along the same route.

If I were you, I would confront the Guild Master directly. I would forward a copy of the mail from the person making the accusations to him. I would explain to him that I don't feel comfortable in a guild that supports that kind of behavior from its members, and if he didn't offer suitable reassurances that the situation would be dealt with, I'd leave the guild. I don't hold Guild Masters accountable for the behavior of other guildies. I do hold them accountable for addressing those behaviors as they arise.

Holy sh*t, Aurelius, we actually agree! :)

Seriously, while part of me would want to just smooth things over with this guy easily with a quick explanation, his manner means he doesn't deserve it. He's screaming and having a hissy-fit because he ****** around in the BG's and doesn't understand that someone questing will out-level him. And he's obviously never seen Kindergarten Cop, or he'd know that "boys have a *****, girls have a ******".

I wouldn't be too worried about Blizzard either. They won't ban you cause one person jumped to a certain conclusion. But I would forward this little snake's ****** mouth to the Guild Leader. It's not the GL's fault that someone pulled this whine-fest. If they're a smart and friendly person, though, they'd want to know about it, so they can weed pricks like that out of the guild.

Unfortunately there are no rate-down buttons in WoW. You'll just have to get this guy slapped with karma another way.
#18 Oct 30 2007 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
I kind of agree with pretty much everything everyone has said. In reality if you have any sort of social life you don't really need a guild; especially if you don't do instances and aren't high enough to do any of the raiding everyone seems to go on and on about.

From what I can tell this guy is just a small little man and is pissed that a girl is leveling faster than he is; it's just a male ego thing. In the end I'd just start ignoring him as everyone else has said, and then if that doesn't work,just find a new guild to hang out with.
#19 Oct 31 2007 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
I have to agree with Aurelius on this one.

People like this simply do NOT deserve explanations. You sound like a very intelligent, well organized player that makes the most of HER time.

Getting one level a day is not uncommon at all, especially pre-Outlands and if this is not your first toon. Once you get to know the areas, you can fly through the quests.

If your GL says anything (which I doubt since you said he gets a level a day) then explain it to him if you want. I wouldn't. I'd find a new guild, but I get really cranky about false accusations.

The ONLY explanation I would offer is to Blizz if they even contact you. Again, I doubt it since you only log on at home.

I WOULD however, forward that letter to your GL and ask him what he intends to do about it. You don't need to be subject to that kind of thing just because you're more intelligent than this a**hat. If nothing gets done, like kicking the guy from the guild, I'd leave then too. But like I said, I get REALLY cranky about idiots making false accusations to cover their own shortcomings.

#20 Oct 31 2007 at 5:20 AM Rating: Default
Wow wat a noob thats what everyone does on wow threatin to report it all depends on knowledge of game and quest locations, ive went from 58-68 in a week but that was with thottbot always open and type in quest as soon as i get it and look up the next few and go at it i mean its not hard to get a lvl per day even at higher lvls and another time ive went from 1-20 in a day lvling is only hard because u dont know what to do for quests and gms cant do nething to you unless they have proof ur using lvling services or gliding programs. i log on to my friends account all the time to pvp with his twink rogue does that mean im a lvling service cuz it looks like hes on all the time when hes not i usually am
#21 Oct 31 2007 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
1,259 posts
Caldone the Shady wrote:

Those look like man boobs?

You can't have man boobs when your 5'8 and 150 lbs

Edited, Oct 30th 2007 4:19pm by Caldone

All I can think of when I hear man boobs is the movie 'Fight Club' haha.

This guys a serious douche'. I would /ignore him w/out an explanation. Also if anyone else in the guild gives you guff I would just /gquit and call it a day. It doesn't sound like you are too attached to them right now.

#22 Oct 31 2007 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
438 posts
To the OP

if he keeps it up, show the letter to the guild leader, and explain your situation.


#23 Oct 31 2007 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
It would bug me knowing that someone is so obsessed about my character that they pay attention to my logging habits.

I have friends who I group with who will whisp me when I log on or who will joke about me logging into about 5 characters in ten minutes (checking mail and stuff on alts) but for someone who I don't actually play 'with' to suddenly start commenting on my leveling, location, login times, etc... , it's just not normal.

Some people just can't seem to understand that other people play differently than they do and will consequently level faster or slower or get super gear or fancy arena titles or high crafting skills or whatever else. I don't waste a lot of time trying to educate people. A simple explanation is about all I will give unless the person is someone I like (and then I'll 'talk' their ear off if they let me!)

If the guild leader asks you about the situation then by all means tell them. If Blizzard asks you then of course you give them the full explanation. If a loser that spends their time 'spying' on people and making wild assumptions instead of actually playing the game asks you what's going on then just ignore them and tell them you are too busy leveling to chat with them. :P
#24 Oct 31 2007 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
2,388 posts
All I can think of when I hear man boobs is the movie 'Fight Club' haha.

You know that guy was Meatloaf right?


If I were you, I would confront the Guild Master directly. I would forward a copy of the mail from the person making the accusations to him. I would explain to him that I don't feel comfortable in a guild that supports that kind of behavior from its members, and if he didn't offer suitable reassurances that the situation would be dealt with, I'd leave the guild. I don't hold Guild Masters accountable for the behavior of other guildies. I do hold them accountable for addressing those behaviors as they arise.

Holy ****!

Goodbye guysd, I think I am having a heart attack from the fact that Aurelis finally posted something that gave me a reason to hit the green arrow instead of the red one!

Goodbye cruel world!

#25 Oct 31 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
271 posts
I wasn't able to log in today (early shift at work, no time), so I don't know if anyone has tried to contact me. (Although I did check my account just to
make sure it was still active.)

I'm thinking I'm just going to let the Guild Leader know what's going on and put said d*ckweed on my ignore list. Maybe lack of sleep has made me grumpy but I'm so no longer in the mood to deal with him.

The more I thought about it and listened to other people, I kept thinking (mostly in curse words) that he really didn't have a place to say something like that to me, especially being so uninformed. Lord knows if I thought Robin was cheating I go to her with more than speculation. LOL =)

Of course if he stops bugging me and being a jerk, I can move on and I'm sure become friendly with him sometime in the future. Although I've notcie some guy-gamers have a difficult time saying they are wrong. This guy really doesn't seem to be a guy that would. I mean after all, it's 'not possible' to gain 8 levels in 6 days.
#26 Oct 31 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
**** I did 20 Levels in 1 day...

Granted they were 1-20, but I still did it :D (was bored, wanted another toon, and had no job at the time, took me 22 hours, thank god for MapNotes
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