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To the Ret Family, mostly TommygunsFollow

#1 Oct 30 2007 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
I want to try Ret, or more specifically, i want to PvP. after reading the FAQ again, i realize that the info is kind of broad. Also has no real specific info on Ret pallies, likes what stats to min/max, tactics for just one on one pvp or two on one pvp. stuff like that. i dont really want to be a team player, i just want to free lance PK or world pvp.

ive gotten nearly everything i set out to do for Prot, but i dont have the kind of dedication(at least not right now) to work my way into kara environment. although that will more then likely change at a latter date. probably when ive exausted my need to play Hellgate: London.

So i wanted to ask what detailed look on Ret would be like. im not looking for a gear piece for every slot type of thing, i can look that up on my own. the thing is, i dont have the first clue on what im looking for.

i would like to get the most important stats in some kind of order, why they are important for a Ret(possibly a comparison of said stat to other DPS), what talents are good for PvP perpouses(Not PvE DPS), the order of powers you start every pvp fight with etc, good comboes of powers (like my favorate of stun+healing light), what blessings and auras and seal to use, why i need them, and any contingancy blessings/auras and anything else you feel is worth the time to tell me.

as of right now, the only thing i know about Ret is they like Slow weapons for SoC and they need lots of Crit.

i will link a build to give you an idea of what im going for, but its prolly terrible and look forward to some feed back.
Ret Build
i can explain my choices if need be, hopefully this isnt some dumb gimpd build.
Edit:also note that i have 2 left over points.

and of course if im asking for too much then let this thread float off the charts, im sure i can figure it out for my self eventually. i just hate playing any aspect of a game uninformed.

Edited, Oct 30th 2007 1:13pm by RuenBahamut
#2 Oct 30 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Disclaimer: I've only been Retro for the first 40ish levels and I do not have much love for the spec, but for the sake of helping, I'll try to see what I can do.

As a first point, you have to be aware of the upcoming changes in the next patch. I haven't really kept up to date but I'll take what I remember about it into consideration.

For stats, I know Retro Pallies are supposed to be free of SpellDmg in the next patch. That means you don't have to sacrifice some other stats just for the sake of some SpellDmg. Overall I'd say you focus mostly on melee stats and a bit of Int thrown in to fuel your skills because an OoM Retro Pally is about as dangerous as a kitten.

Fights would be pretty straightforward, I imagine. Run up to whoever you wanna kill, judge SotC for the added power and put up SoC, judging it as much as your mana allows you. Crusader Strike for the most of your burst damage.

Other than that, I'd keep BoW on myself in BG's or maybe keep it while on the move and switch to BoM when getting close to the action. Sanc Aura should pretty much always be kept up, except maybe a resist aura if you're chasing a caster. Turn it back to Sanc once you catch him.

As for the build, it's probably what I'm most inexperienced with, so I'll just make an attempt for the sake of it... At first glance it looks too Ret-heavy, but I suppose it's what you're looking for anyway.

I wouldn't bother going too far into Holy if you say you're not looking to be a team player. You'd pretty much bubble to heal or stun before or heal between fights so meh. Divine Int for the added mana to fuel your stuff. Maybe if you get a F-load of Strength you could drop something and take Divine Str, but I dunno how good it actually is for Retro Pallies.

Basically what I changed from your build:
-Dropped most of the Holy stuff.
-Took Sanctified Crusader and Imp SotC. I guess you'll always be judging SotC so better make the most of it.
-Took PoJ cause it's gonna be boosted next patch to, what, 15%? I think it's good enough to catch up casters. (Good enough as in, your best bet)
-Maxed Fanaticism for the sake of it.
-Tempted to try to take Vindication since next patch it'll be 15% of all stats so it'll be good against everyone and 15% less Stam is actually pretty sweet. Maybe I'm missing something though.

Hope this helps a bit. Hopefully someone with more experience can drop in and comment as well.
#3 Oct 30 2007 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
I don't have much else to say besides, keep the holy talent for 70% non- interuption on heals. I've used that in conjunction with concentartion aura so many times to save my life that I couldn't count them. With heals that cannot be affected by damage, you can buy time in an instance for a rezzer to fix a wipe. It is also useful if you happen to be tanking (which you won't), when the healer is OOM you can switch auras and pop a heal while 5 mobs are beating on you. Anyhow, thats a good talent.
#4 Oct 31 2007 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
um, he was asking about ret pvp, not pve. :p

unfortunately due to the nature of the game, retribution is currently (and possibly forevermore) incomplete. The armors, the talents, the encounters, all of it, is NOT 100% friendly to retribution spec. and people in general aren't going to be very friendly towards you either.

but to be the best ret paladin you currently can be, is through pvp'ing(for those 60/70 sets or the gladiator stuff, which i think is THE best gear) or being the holy b**ch in raids to get those tokens for tier4/5 and random gear. There's very little retribution'esque gear that is easy to get, and to play and do it well, takes time and patience(and the mindset of a paladin, not a warrior with healz).

oh and btw, be prepared to be insta-killed by mages, a ton.
#5 Oct 31 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
maybe world pvp, or BGs ret is good for pvp, but all my guildies that have over 1800 rating in arena see a ret paladin and immediately know that arena game is a win before it even starts.
#6 Oct 31 2007 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Holy is still better for PvP!

Heals = Win in BG. In arena it is pretty much like Dilbrt stated, I see a ret pally and I know it is a win.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#7 Oct 31 2007 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Holy is still better for PvP!
Heals = Win in BG.

I agree, but as a Holy you're also subject to more grief. Random people in BG's aren't always the smartest sort and it happened far too many times than I'd like to remember that I'd get attacked and no one would actually try to defend me. I'd have to bubble to keep healing and then I'd die and they'd give me **** for not healing them.

Let's just say I cursed at many players while BG'ing in the past. -_-

As Retro, you're pretty much independent so I can understand the appeal. Holy still nets the greatest results, however.
#8 Oct 31 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
i haven't done many bgs on my holy pally but lately i've been trying to do a few and i've discovered how nice it is to be at the back not being touched at all.... and when they do start beating on me, not too worried, cause its just another heal uninterupted most of the time. while they're busy trying kill me my fellow alliance can beat on them... in pvp holy holds aggro easy and dies super slow.

arenas aren't too bad considering my gear is only what i'd consider tolerable. and holy shock w/ divine favor is a nice start to any arena.

my ret does well in pvp as a healer (better than nothing) who can switch over to dish out a good bit of damage when thats gonna be more efficient than another heal. but i don't heal as well on my ret as my holy (obviously) and the damage i can deal while healing isn't really even as useful as an auto crit holy shock.

however, one on one my ret rocks and 2 stuns + unexpected damage and bubble/heal almost never lets me down. my holy can't win a one on one...ever. maybe its just me... my ret has a couple of time done practice arenas (while waiting for bgs) and several times ended up two on one... despite that she hasn't been beat yet...i'll wait till i get her to 70 to make a real judgement on ret arena though.

as far as spec and play style and stats, my reccomendation is if you're going ret and not shockdin go all into ret, except divine int (and maybe str) from holy. you damage comes from abilities that use mana and scale based on your strength and melee crit chance. those are therefore the three stats you want to work on. at 70 i reccomend str, int then crit since crit is going to be less guaranteed being a chance and being reduced by resil. if you have enough ap and mana, your non-crits can almost feel like a crit. i base this on what i see at 70 from my holy pally and playing my 56 ret. so there is a small chance i'm wrong...

um, someone said judge sotc at the start of every fight. i've watched my dps via damage meter and dps is higher when you start a fight with judge of cmmand.... experiment for yourself of course, but sotc i only use on boss fights. those are the only ones that last long enough for it to make a difference. if you take long enough killing someone w/ ret for itto help, you need to seriously reassess how you're geared.

definitey make a macro to auto reapply soc after every judge. soc is too important not to have up.
/cast judgement
/cast seal of command

and then judge every time its up. specc'd right you get half the seal mana back anyway and the seal and judgement are 15% less mana anyway, so this is mana efficient bonus damage right here.

hope ths helps a little.
#9 Oct 31 2007 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
............... i just about died laughing. i admit i'm a little slow. just realized though that you're the person that started the thread "RET IN GROUP /WRIST"... and now your respecc'ing ret and want rets to suddenly suddenly be giving you advice. interesting.... at least you know how popular you'll be in groups and raids...
#10 Oct 31 2007 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
toolofjesus wrote:
............... i just about died laughing. i admit i'm a little slow. just realized though that you're the person that started the thread "RET IN GROUP /WRIST"... and now your respecc'ing ret and want rets to suddenly suddenly be giving you advice. interesting.... at least you know how popular you'll be in groups and raids...

quite right, however, i have no more interest in running instances at the moment. i wanted to try PvP out, but my highest alt is 28. . . and im no healer, its nearly the same in both worlds(pvp/pve), with some minor changes to strat.

what im looking for is some quick fun here and there. and currently, I, for reasons i cant explain, pwn at pvp on my prot pally, at least in world pvp. And ive seen some epic people try to take me down. So i wanted to actually spec more toward that purpose and have even more fun doing it.

Im basicly looking for several points of view and i can filter the information i need to apply to my play style. so far im pleased with everyones willingness to help out, despite my . . . . opinion . . of Rets.

I appreciate it.
#11 Oct 31 2007 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
i was thinking of a power cycle and came up with this. let me know if this sounds good to you.

while Buffed with SoC,BoM,Sanctity Aura(almost said RF but rememberd i wont have the talents in it for DR)

Open with
Crusader strike > repentance > JoC > SoC then repeat with
Crusader Strike > Hammer of J> JoC > Healing Light/SoC while they are still stunned from Hammer of Justice.
that should put anyone i encounter in a pretty bad situation. i can mearly finish them off at my leasure.

also modify that with any of my pally life lines if something doesnt go as smooth as i expect.

The reason i want to avoid SotC is that is seems like alot of time for, what amounts to, more spell damage. which isnt terribly usefull for a Ret(correct me if im wrong) when i could spend that time bursting my target down. although in practice if that doesnt work i will try it out also.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 10:22am by RuenBahamut
#12 Oct 31 2007 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Hello world.

sry i couldnt get here sooner. here i go:
keep the holy talent for 70% non- interuption on heals.


The armors, the talents, the encounters, all of it, is NOT 100% friendly to retribution spec.

huh? what 100% friendly to anything?

gladiator stuff, which i think is THE best gear


be prepared to be insta-killed by mages, a ton.

no, unless they have a 10k POM pyro and have more than 3k health

but all my guildies that have over 1800 rating in arena see a ret paladin and immediately know that arena game is a win before it even starts.

well they made it to 1800 with a Ret...obviously not always a win. but i cant speak for all your "guildies"

Holy is still better for PvP!

as in anything, a mix of different characters always takes the prize. as Ret you still always want a Holy behind your back.

while Buffed with SoC,BoM,Sanctity Aura(almost said RF but rememberd i wont have the talents in it for DR)

Open with
Crusader strike > repentance > JoC > SoC then repeat with
Crusader Strike > Hammer of J> JoC > Healing Light/SoC while they are still stunned from Hammer of Justice.
that should put anyone i encounter in a pretty bad situation. i can mearly finish them off at my leasure.

you cant cookie-cut a Ret playstyle like you can a mage or a lock. Ret has so many tricks at your disposal and you need to be able to adapt and add unpredictablity in order to be successful.

i see alot of heresay coming from this board and alot of defamation but nobody with any real suggestions or 1st hand info...therein lies the biggest problem plagueing the Ret Pally spec.

"i think i know how to build a house cuz i live in one" then when someone asks "how do you build a house?" you say "live in an apartment...they're easier"

anywho, some Ret pvp strategy:
-keep BoW, Sanc aura, RF, and SoC up at all times, SoC can easily be switched to JoJ for mounties.
-make macros to self cast things via 1 click(esp cleanse), autoshot still works while cleansing
-dont judge needlessly, JoC > JotC to open a fight. mana is part of the strategy
-use Repent and/or HoJ to stop casters or to heal, 1 heal should do it and then a JoC
-in arena, be the 1st to be seen and targeted...pallies can attack 100% while being attacked. this will allow teammates to attack freely. then you bubble and heal for round 2
-use bubble for offensive. dont use it when your at 10% hp...they just wait and let their own CDs catch up and blast you.
-always be ready to heal a teammate, especially in arena while bubbled
-Hammer of Wrath is .5 sec cast now, use it always
-BoF is great, macro it
-Perception and/or lvl 1 consecrate to start most arenas
-watch casting bars, stun the nukes or big heals
-3 shot felhounds, ignore other pets
-know who you are fighting, know when to burst(casters, range), know when to control(healers, melee)
-drink every chance you get...Capt n coke is my choice

the OP build is fine atm, i would take PoJ. but, 2.3 will hit soon and things will change. stats and gear: look at the Merc Glad gear for an idea, get some resil, 3.6+ 2H. again things may change in 2.3

that should do it for me. gl

#13 Oct 31 2007 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
tommyguns wrote:

keep the holy talent for 70% non- interuption on heals.


am i to assume i can rely solely on my stuns for self healing? ive always found it quite frustrating when another pally was healing himself with 5 other beating on him, blowing their cool down and mana.

would those points in holy serve better purpose else where? although thats the kind of play style i was going for was 100% heal under pressure.

tommyguns wrote:
you cant cookie-cut a Ret playstyle like you can a mage or a lock. Ret has so many tricks at your disposal and you need to be able to adapt and add unpredictablity in order to be successful.

that i understood, that was more or less a base line that i could branch off from as i get better with the spec.

tommyguns wrote:
anywho, some Ret pvp strategy:
-keep BoW, Sanc aura, RF, and SoC up at all times, SoC can easily be switched to JoJ for mounties.
-make macros to self cast things via 1 click(esp cleanse), autoshot still works while cleansing
-dont judge needlessly, JoC > JotC to open a fight. mana is part of the strategy
-use Repent and/or HoJ to stop casters or to heal, 1 heal should do it and then a JoC
-in arena, be the 1st to be seen and targeted...pallies can attack 100% while being attacked. this will allow teammates to attack freely. then you bubble and heal for round 2
-use bubble for offensive. dont use it when your at 10% hp...they just wait and let their own CDs catch up and blast you.
-always be ready to heal a teammate, especially in arena while bubbled
-Hammer of Wrath is .5 sec cast now, use it always
-BoF is great, macro it
-Perception and/or lvl 1 consecrate to start most arenas
-watch casting bars, stun the nukes or big heals
-3 shot felhounds, ignore other pets
-know who you are fighting, know when to burst(casters, range), know when to control(healers, melee)
-drink every chance you get...Capt n coke is my choice

the OP build is fine atm, i would take PoJ. but, 2.3 will hit soon and things will change. stats and gear: look at the Merc Glad gear for an idea, get some resil, 3.6+ 2H. again things may change in 2.3

I love you, that is extremely usefull info. today is my last day of prot for a bit, hopefully i can get that Horsemen Helm(that laugh kicks ***).

Thank you, and keep up the discussion for the benefit of everyone. there is not quite enough info about Ret on this board that doesnt involve suggesting rerolling. . .
#14 Oct 31 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
would those points in holy serve better purpose else where? although thats the kind of play style i was going for was 100% heal under pressure.

unless its 100% uninteruptable, they still gonna F you up or silence you. however, given the extra pts after speccing full dont really have a choice. take the talent cuz prot offers junk. glad to offer some direction.
#15 Nov 01 2007 at 4:33 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Yeah, even as Holy with lotsa points to prevent spell pushback on my heals I would often have to bubble to land heals safely. Interrupts, stuns, silence and all those forms of CC can really F you up.
#16 Nov 01 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Oh and here is a my guildy who is one of our main Holy Paladin healers who has built a Ret set. DPS is crazy, threat sucks. Thank bob 2.3 will fix that
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 Nov 01 2007 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Everything tommy wrote is solid advice that you can and should adhere to. There's just one thing I felt I had to comment on:

tommyguns wrote:
you cant cookie-cut a Ret playstyle like you can a mage or a lock. Ret has so many tricks at your disposal and you need to be able to adapt and add unpredictablity in order to be successful.

Actually, for all the Paladin is toted for being hybrid in nature, Retribution is about as close to a one-trick pony as you can find in PvP. Once you've mastered the basic nuances of Retribution PvP and become "good at it" there's just not a lot you can really change up or do differently beyond that point to affect the outcome of fights.

Even if you play to your fullest potential every time all the time, whether or not you win or lose is more or less going to be in the hands of your opponent(s). What classes they are and how proficient they are at playing them. You should expect to rape melee classes with relative ease, especially if they lack support, but be prepared to be violated equally as hard by any spell-casting/kiting class and be able to do very little about it.
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