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#102 Jan 21 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
can someone summarize for me, that's above my reading level
#103 Jan 21 2008 at 10:31 AM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
can someone summarize for me, that's above my reading level

He and his mage wife beat a crappy rogue. Twice.
#104 Jan 22 2008 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
83 posts
I have a lvl 29 Ret Pally named Tharzul on Mok'Nathal. I'm not providing my armory because my spec isn't the best and neither is my gear. However, that didn't seem to matter last night in WSG...

I'm not a pvper. I pvped once on my Shaman (lvl 23 at the time...didn't go well) and decided, utterly humiliated, that it wasn't my thing. I leveled a rogue (my main) without pvping once. Once my Pally hit 29 I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I hooked him up with a decent weapon (Dense Triangle Mace- not a huge twink item, but it's not too shabby either), and let him create his own armor via BS and quests. I wouldn't consider him an uber twink by any stretch of the imagination.

WSG starts out. Not a premade, just a bunch of people I don't know. I buff them, they buff, all is well. We take horde flag, they take ours- nothing new. Except that we couldn't find their flag carrier...for 30 minutes. Storm after storm of their base and we couldn't find it. A rogue finally pointed it out for me. There he was, a lvl 20 (!!!!) warrior holding our flag. I attack him, 6 horde swarm me. I think I took 15% of his life away.

So we arrange a raid- yes, get this- Alliance organized something! A raid no less! 5 of us on offense pick off the horde until we finally get to the FC. People we dying left and right. I stayed on him (he was now a lvl 28 Druid...apparently they changed it), got him down to 30%. Saw a priest starting a heal, Hammered the priest, and finally Consecration, a handy crit and a judgement had their way with him. I got the flag back.

I'm not saying I soloed WSG or anything close. We had awesome D, the horde wasn't as strong as they usually were, and a number of things lead to victory. I will say that I felt pretty darn good about getting that flag back given that my pvp experience equals 5 bgs (4AB and 1WSG). Also pretty neat- I (somehow) did the second highest damage in the group, had second highest heals and the most HKs. Doesn't mean a lot to any of you power-pvpers, but it made my evening.
#105 Jan 22 2008 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
I'd like to thank CapJack for his suggestion on Prince to not attack at all in phase 2. I tanked him with my new raiding guild on Sunday and one-shotted him. Was A LOT easier than previous runs with my old guild.

I also tanked Maiden for the first time(always had the OT tank her). It wasn't as easy as some make it out to be, but we one shotted her even with her constant silence and the frustration that caused me.

We also one shotted Nightbane on this cleanup run. I was the 3rd healer kinda on phase 1 and the smoking bomb on phase 2(woohoo for Improved Rigtheous Fury and a healing set lol).

No gear for me on this run. I already have everything from Maiden and Prince, and Nightbane has yet to drop my chest or shield.. =( Maybe next week!
#106 Jan 22 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
You're welcome. Smiley: schooled
#107 Jan 22 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Suddenly the wife gets sapped/backstab (61 undead rogue). As is usually the case with these pussies, he waited until we were not only fighting many mobs, but a bit low on health/mana.

Of course he's going to wait until you're worn down. He is one fragile leather-wearer taking on two people his own level. He has to do something to level the playing field.

Though he was still pretty idiotic taking on a prot paladin. Any sensible rogue knows to /wave at paladins, turn around and hit Sprint. They aren't worth the incredible amount of time and effort you have to put into killing them.

#108 Jan 22 2008 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
Ran a ton of heroics, and got my badge healing boots Smiley: grin

Also got an invite from one of the top raiding guilds on my server. Thanks for all the advice over the months, guys!
#110 Jan 22 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
"Dilberrt" wrote:
Haha, no kidding. More than once, non-casters have killed my wife only to find out that by the time they bring me down she's had time to ghost run back, res, and wind up a nasty nuke on them.

HAHA, this one made me el oh el IRL. My g/f played a Mage for the first 30 levels of my Pally. Ran across this a lot whenever we wanted to flag.
#111 Jan 24 2008 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
277 posts
Guild let me MT Gruul for the first time last night. We have killed him 3 times previously, last 2 attempts one shotted both Gruul and HKM, so we considered him on farm.

We had 2 wipes last night, the warrior MT kept dying around grow six and the blames were starting to fly around when the MT said 'Ok, I don't mind if anyone else thinks they have the gear to do this' and I peeped up. Much to the dismay of the rest of the guild a couple of officers said I could go on the grounds that the MT always dies anyway.

Everything went fine up to grow 9 when the freeze\shatter came. The shatter took me down to 10% health and the healers had all been thrown to far away so I didn't get healed, I watch my health creep down for about 5 seconds then died. The OT, the guilds main tank (a druid) picked up Gruul and we downed him. I was really annoyed with myself after as I looked at my LoH off cooldown and realised it would of saved my ***, but at least next time I'll know :)

I think I had a pretty good shot, I tanked him down to 20% which is way more than anyone expected. I proved to alot of guildies that a Paladin can tank the big bosses and do it well, although most of the healers spent the whole fight on TS shouting things like 'ZOMG! He just took 7k, omg 8k hit there!' etc. etc. There were also some encouraging shouts like 'OMG, his aggro is insane!' and 'wow, he just did dodge, dodge, parry, dodge, parry' :)

They said I could MT him next week and I'm determined to bring him down completely without dying :D
#112 Jan 24 2008 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
Does #1 dmg done from Attumen to Curator in 3hrs count?
#114 Jan 25 2008 at 7:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
well, we had 1 drood tank, 2 pally healers, 1 fury warrior, 1 lock, 1 mage, 1 hunter, 2 rogues, 1 ret pally.

i MT'd Berrybuck and later OT'd on Moroes.
i OT'd the Stewards, Spectral Performers, the ice block guys, and the giant robots.
i controlled the flares on Curator.

having no shackles and only one spec'd tank made things interesting. i died a total of 4 times, no raid wipes though.

dmg done after Opera:

effective dps after Curator:
#115 Jan 26 2008 at 10:01 PM Rating: Default
Dilbrt wrote:
Oh yeah I totally forgot about this thread! No new gear changes but...

Hyjal - Fully cleared
Black Temple - Fully cleared

Well done, congratulations.

Well, I started playing my pally again O.o It's been 25 days of starting and getting a Horde Shaman to 30.

I also finished a nice chunk of my 50 pally quest, leveling to 53 on the way.
#116 Jan 27 2008 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
Fully Cleared Kara. Got my nice holy pally a Decapitator.. :D
#117 Jan 27 2008 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
my guild is 3 bosses into ssc
just went prot
have tanked all bosses except nightbane in kara
he's next on my list ;)
might try gruul next
prince was pretty easy got lucky drops on 3rd try
just made sure everyone was stabbing him in the but
maiden was alright to just spammed my buttons till it went off
with all the talk about troubles with those bosses
i was worried about main tanking them
curious is 800-1000 TPS good enough to tank gruul
Armory Link need to enchant shield yet
#118 Jan 27 2008 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
So this weekend I helped Pally one get his Waters for his Charger and ran Pally 2 to actually get his charger.

Always feels good to help a fellow Pally get his Epic. I so remember threads all about should/shouldn't I get my Charger not to long ago.

Good to see that they are still making the effort, and proud to help.

Oh, and I got my Epic for my alt (Ahlexis). Went with the Green Elek. Woot!
#119 Jan 28 2008 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
308 posts
I'm levelling my THIRD paladin, horde this time. I was level 25ish with all my talents in RET for questing, of course.

And I get invited to a RFK group.
"Can you tank or heal?"

Umm, is this a trick question? Yes? I decide to cast my sarcasm aside and answer what I assume the question was supposed to be:

"I suppose I could do either."

Without specifying my future role, I'm invited to the party and I accept. Party has no tank and no healer (except for me), so I'm left anticipating what our 5th member might be.

Finally, they find a warrior and invite him. Of course, I'm left healing, my least favorite role. But I digress.

We get to the instance and the HUNTER (why is it always a hunter?) asks me my spec. I'm ret, I tell him.

"OMG we have a RETNOOB healing!!! We r going to die"

Ok, first of all, I'm no retnoob. I'm not the best wow player, but I know the paladin class very well. Second, 15 talent points will get me some int and uninterrupted heals in the holy tree? Third, you all invited me. I said I was ret before you all invited me. You want to go healerless, be my guest.

"Yeah, spec doesn't really matter too much at level 25..."

By the end of the run, I lead the damage meters, main healed, and off-tanked all in the same run. I kept everyone blessed appropriately and we had 0 deaths. Take that Mr. Hunter.

[i][sm]Edited, Jan 28th 2008 4:04pm by ********************
#120 Jan 30 2008 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
My guild tried Gruul's Lair for the first time yesterday just to see if we could do it (I didn't think we could shhhh), and we ended up clearing it.

And guess who was the main tank on Gruuls? :D

Go pally tanks!!!
#121 Jan 31 2008 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Gratz Luna! I had my first experience tanking the Grull fight as well tonight. Normally they put me in my healing gear for him, and I dance in and out of melee keeping a Judgement up, while spot healing. But this time we only had our MT, myself, and an undergeared Druid for tanks, so it fell to me to absorb the Hurtful Strikes.

I was pretty nervous seeing how Paladin threat can't compete very well when we are not taking hits, but really there was only 1 person who had to cut back on their DPS to keep going above my threat: an Enhancement Shaman.

First attempt we lost both of our top healers and myself in one clump to the first shatter. Yea, that ended real fast, lol.

Second attempt we got our game faces on and took Grull down to about 25% before wiping. Had a couple moments where I was getting no heals, so I'd have to start throwing myself some heals, then our MT moved Grull due to a Cave In putting other melee in the way of his Hurtful Strikes. Well, there's some dead melee. As Grull was getting to about 30% or so, the MT died, so I picked him up and tanked him for a while, but there was no one left in melee, so I took a regular hit and a Hurtful at once: dead Paladin.

Third attempt was going very smoothly for the most part, but ended when again out MT fell. Once I got control of Grull we were doing ok, but melee were dropping to the Hurtfuls one at a time, till eventually there were none left and I took them instead. Grull to 8% from about 15-17 somewhere in there with me tanking.

All in all, with the people we were missing and those fairly new to the fight, we did extremely well. Harder for a Paladin to OT something like Grull, but now proven to myself that it's not impossible. PoJ really helped here as well to get back in after the Ground Slams.

EDIT: I put "Luma" instead of "Luna" ... The keys are so close, ya know? :)

Edited, Jan 31st 2008 12:06am by Maulgak
#122 Jan 31 2008 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
1,117 posts
Not only do I have my 4/5 vortices for my Stormherald, but I also completed Heroic Arc last night after SSC and so I only need to kill Mag now (and we one shot him) to get my ever-elusive title.

I'm excited. I've wanted both those things for so long.
#123 Jan 31 2008 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
#124 Jan 31 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,225 posts
Got me a new mace. Now to get it enchanted.
#125 Jan 31 2008 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Don't bother enchanting it, that's a terrible mace. Get this. Sell that mace, you could probably make enough money to buy pure light and still have several hundred gold left over to pay for its enchant, plus other goodies.
#126 Jan 31 2008 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
1,117 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Don't bother enchanting it, that's a terrible mace. Get this. Sell that mace, you could probably make enough money to buy pure light and still have several hundred gold left over to pay for its enchant, plus other goodies.

Agreed. The Scepter is truly lackluster in comparison, and pretty easy to get.
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