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#327 Mar 11 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
This probably isn't that big of a deal, but I thought it was pretty huge. I was doing my dailies in Storm Peaks when a guild mate says "Hey, anyone wanna help me with these Ice Crown Group quests". So me and another fella said sure. Helped him out and rolled on through them. Finishing up the last quest (The one where you end up fighting Mal'ganis who is disguised as some Scarlet crusade dude) and on the way out we fight some trash mobs. Guess what drops - Wapach's Spaulders of Solidarity. Freakin' sweeet! I'm pretty good to go for heroics but it's been a pain with my small casual guild to do too many of them yet, and this was one of the couple pieces I was hoping to pick up but could never see it on the AH. It almost never happens that you get a random purple world drop that is EXACTLY what you have been looking for. They kick butt and look cool too! :) I'm still stoked today about it. Yay me!
#328 Mar 11 2009 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
It dropped! The sword dropped this weekend!

Had the guild almost all ready and inside Naxx for a 25 man run when I was finishing up UP. I shouldn't have run it, but I really wanted another shot at the sword.

We ended up finishing it in record time. I pushed as fast as I could since I was the tank and the shammy healer wasn't going OOM. Got to the last boss and wiped because people attacking during bane. Tried again, got the drop, hearthed, re-specced to holy, re-glyphed, and had a great couple of hours in Naxx.

It was a good day, to say the least. :P

Edited, Mar 11th 2009 6:38pm by baveux
#329 Mar 11 2009 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
baveux wrote:
It dropped! The sword dropped this weekend!

Had the guild almost all ready and inside Naxx for a 25 man run when I was finishing up UP. I shouldn't have run it, but I really wanted another shot at the sword.

We ended up finishing it in record time. I pushed as fast as I could since I was the tank and the shammy healer wasn't going OOM. Got to the last boss and wiped because people attacking during bane. Tried again, got the drop, hearthed, re-specced to holy, re-glyphed, and had a great couple of hours in Naxx.

It was a good day, to say the least. :P

Edited, Mar 11th 2009 6:38pm by baveux

Grats Baveux. That sword wouldnt drop for me in the 18+ UP runs that I did. I picked up Sword of the Lifeless from Naxx10 then the very next UP run it dropped...

Not quite as bad as my CoS drake luck. 22 successful runs on the drake and still haven't rolled high enough to win it. Worst was when me and a dps warrior both rolled 37 and he got it for rolling first! >.<
#330 Mar 12 2009 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Woot! This was a good week. I would up getting the 2 trinkets I wanted most, Soul of the Dead and Forethought Talisman, and I also got 4pc T7.5. Now I'm just chasing an iLvl 226 weapon, belt/bracers/neck, the ring off Kel and the shield.

Our ret pally is fairly geared (he used to have a ridiculous amount of blues), our tanks are geared, so off spec is starting to get /rolled on. I have most of my gear now, so I'll wind up with tons of DKP to grab the remaining few things I want. And nothing left to buy on the emblem vendor, so I can start using emblems for hateful PVP gear.

Current PVE stats with kings in a 51/5/15 build:
17,284 HP
24,304 mana
2062 spellpower
36.59% holy crit
453 haste rating (13.82%)

Tempted to go 51/0/20 for 3% more crit, especially now that we have a steady ret paladin who keeps kings.

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 9:35pm by mikelolol
#331 Mar 13 2009 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
73 posts
It dropped! The sword dropped this weekend!

Nice one mate:) Told you the bloody thing would come.

And, vice versa, I've been down (up?) Naxx and OT'd Spider Wing, Noth and half the Construct wing. Oh, and managed to stay alive in the Sarth fight...him and his bloody flame waves.

So, sounds like we both gettin where we need to be:)


#332 Mar 13 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Uhm... I ran my first heroic, ever, today. Utgarde Keep, went pretty well if I may say so.

Nothing dropped but I'm happy anyways, at least I wasn't last on the charts. ^^

Anyway, a question for you rets. Is it 8% hit or 9%? Because I read the ret sticky and it says 9% but other guides says 8%.
I'm confused...
#333 Mar 13 2009 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I've been gearing for 8%, and when I have that 8%, have not been missing any attacks. Recently dropped a little below that, so I miss on occasion, but I think it's safe to say that it is 8%. Either that, or when I go Ret, I'm just really lucky =P

As for news: it's a little late, but our guild was finally able to take a couple trips into 25Naxx (with a few PuGs). I must say, I was not prepared, lol. Not because it was more difficult, or anything like that, but OMG the lag in 25 man is TERRIBLE!!! I don't lag at all in 10 man, but 25, with all the AOEs going off - I could barely do anything half the time. First time there we got through all 4 wings except Thaddius, cause people were getting tired. I missed night 2, and go figure, Last Laugh dropped :(. My second time in there was just for the last 2 bosses, and I was smart: disabling all my addons (except the raid essentials ;) ), and that seemed to help a lot. No Last Laugh or <insert name of uber shield that escapes my memory right now>. Still, was a lot of fun, and imo a different experience than 10 man, even with most fights being exactly the same mechanic wise.

Heading back today, so let's see how bad the lag is this time :)
#334 Mar 14 2009 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Yeah its 8% +hit(7% if you have a draeni in the grp) for raid bosses. As to lag issues, try turning your spell detail to medium or even low, especially if you are running with multiple DKs.
#335 Mar 14 2009 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I tried that yesterday, and was much better. Very hard to see the "****" spots, as my GM calls them, during the Grobbulus fight though :S At least I was MTing him, not tanking the adds, so I didn't have to worry about it :)

Walked away with 3 pieces of gear too! Heritage, Bindings of the Hapless Prey, and Sabatons of Endurance. 3 wings downed. Too bad I have to miss night 2 =/
#336 Mar 15 2009 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
3,973 posts
The Red Sword of no Dropage finnaly dropped for me on my epic 17th try! Hooray!! I think my dual spec may end up being prot and holy becuase my guild needs that more often than my Ret sadly. Willing to buy Tri-spec...

I repecced 3 times this weekend alone and actually played all three specs at different points. I love my pally so its all good either way.
An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

~ Matsuo Basho
#337 Mar 19 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Got my Maly Key and Favor of the Dragon Queen!

Then Melancholy Sabatons drops and the Warior with more DKP then me was kind enough to pass em to me. ^.^ which is a huge upgrade from my rep boots that for some reason, have not been able to replace in the 20 Nax runs ive done . . .

Edited, Mar 19th 2009 12:33pm by RuenBahamut
#338 Mar 22 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
Three Words:

Twilight Vanquisher Zignaestos.

**** yeah!

And 3/4 of the loot table got dissed >_>.

#339 Mar 22 2009 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
On a related subject, just did my first 10 man OS, was top on DPS at about 3k for the boss. Glove token dropped but I did not win it, oh well.
#340 Mar 22 2009 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Seems my loot karma has swung around to my favour at last. I picked up the drake from the Culling of Stratholme after just about giving up that it would ever drop. Only down side is now I have to save up 2.5k more for the training =(

Finally picked up the Red Sword of Courage from heroic UP last night! After 6 guild runs (one I had to pass it to a DK since I had the Naxx10 sword), 15 successful PuGs and 6 unsuccessful PuGs its off my list of "To get" heroic drops.

Just need those tanking bracers from heroic Old Kingdom and I'm set.
#341 Mar 22 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
My tank is now officially a Wall of Terror!!!

Yes, I get a geekgasm when getting a new shield ^^
#342 Mar 23 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
I got a new shield this weekend as well. Too bad it's just the one for emblems - the Protective Barricade of the Light. However, I also got the Heroes shoulders, which look daft to me, but with a +27 int gem they took me over 20k mana so I can't complain.

EDIT: removed a comma.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2009 4:34pm by Leodis
#343 Mar 26 2009 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
45 posts
OK, so my accomplishment isn't as cool as most in this thread, but...
My ret paladin, Tirdel, went through the Dark Portal last night at level 58 and is now in Hellfire Penninsula. The nice part is that, many buzzards, demons and pigs later, I made 59th!
#344 Mar 29 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
i single tanked 25 man patchwerk from 60% to 20% with no melee up (takeing 2 sets of hatefulls and melee attacks), go me
i single tanked 25 man widow through her enrage without dying

i went into wintergrasp and made a dash for the ally controlled wall...spamming /rofl while i stood back to the wall with consecrate up watching allies drop like flies because there werent any casters and melee couldnt hit me and stood in my consecrate spamming miss's, not really an accomplishment but its hillarious...
#345 Mar 30 2009 at 5:24 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
Well, it may not seem like that big of an accomplishment to some of you here, but as a lot of you know, I am the guild leader of a smaller guild composed mostly of men and women who are married, have kids, have jobs, and all of that fun stuff, but we still like to raid.

I accomplished the following things this weekend:

1. Got the guild up to 32 80s and 2 79s and are basically ready to be doing guild-only runs of the 25-mans (finally).

2. Got my first KT kill in Naxx-10 on my main (Prot Pally) and the group only wiped once the entire run. That was from a botched attempt on Faerlina where the OTHER tank (not me luckily) kept Faerlina too far from the acolytes so even though we killed one when she went into Frenzy, she did not go into Widow's Embrace and simply frenzied everyone to death. Easily avoidable problem, so maybe we won't wipe at all this week.

3. I am now block-capped for the first time in WotLK! 103.0% avoidance with holy shield up!
Now I just have to start swapping block for more dodge and parry while still maintaining the block-capped figure! (Right now my block is almost 24% + HS which is making up a large percentage of that 103%)

All in all a pretty good weekend!
#346 Apr 07 2009 at 5:05 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Wave after wave of recruitment, I remain the guilds palatank. I don't devote more than 2 nights a week to raiding as I have IRL stuff to take care of, but somehow any and all palatanks that join us eventually respecc holy or dps and leave the tanking to me. I don't at all make them respecc, and my own respecc bills have been known to exceed 1000g per week. It just so happens that people like how I tank I guess.

So there, that's my coolest achievement as a paladin in the game.
#347 Apr 07 2009 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
I MT'd all of Naxx last week for the first time ever after going in there only twice before as an offtank (for Patch). I suppose all those Naxx runs as Ret paid off as I didnt have to do any homework before going in there.

My favourite moment was when the 7/10 raiders died on Heigan leaving me to bust my Paladin dance moves while the two holy priests showered me in approving heals.

There was lots of "So you think you can dance" jokes on vent while I proceeded to tank/dps him down. This was then followed by the traditional 'teabagging of the unworthy dancers' before they all got there rezzes and we proceeded to Loatheb.

I ended up with my 4 set tier bonus by the end of the run so I was pretty chuffed. First time I have had this many tier pieces on a toon ever!

Grats Jerome on getting KT down. I'm glad you guys were able to overcome your problems with him in the end =P

Edited, Apr 8th 2009 1:35pm by arthoriuss
#348 Apr 07 2009 at 8:40 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Turning Tide! It is mine!

After roughly 15 attempts at Heroic Naxx, but only 7 kills of KT, TTT drops for the first time, and it went to me. I call it karma for winning a single other healing item in the past two months. Even if it was the chest piece to finish my 4-piece T7.
#349 Apr 07 2009 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Ehcks wrote:
Turning Tide! It is mine!

After roughly 15 attempts at Heroic Naxx, but only 7 kills of KT, TTT drops for the first time, and it went to me. I call it karma for winning a single other healing item in the past two months. Even if it was the chest piece to finish my 4-piece T7.

Grats, I lost mine to a scrub mage tonight lol. GG DKP when I'm the #1 healer in the guild by a mile and the mage is like 10th on the damage meters with a Life And Death. This might boost him to 9th *rolleyes*

I got the same 4 set, stupid chest with crap stats. Only time I've ever seen the Sarth chest drop was in a PUG and I lost to a freaking ret paladin. Haven't seen it drop in like 3 months now (that, and I don't have my T7.5 helm).

Basically all my upgrades now come from 25 man KT, so everytime I get there I have high hopes, then I leave disappointed lol.

Turning Tide
Torch of Holy Fire (honestly I'll take either one right now and be happy)
The ring with insane stats
The shield
T7.5 helm

hate my life
#350 Apr 07 2009 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
Done 10 and 25 man Naxx this week for the first time, got the chest from Anub'arak then nothing from the rest of the 10 man. Me and another holy pally took turns on loot in 25man and got 2 items each, sadly one of his 2 was the awesome sheild from KT.

Done Maly 10 and 25 last night, was screwed over by multiple bugs... hit by an arcane breath while 30 yards+ to the side of Maltgos, and then in phase 3 my Drake's actionbar refused to appear. Thankfully Maly died about 10 seconds after enrage with one person out of the 25 left alive. No loot for me.

On the plus side, my gear is now entirely epicced, apart from some trinkets that I really like. But I would quite like that one from Sarth that gives constantly stacking spellpower, it seems nice.
#351 Apr 09 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Got my 4pc T7 gear today - Valorous Redemption Tunic. It dropped in heroic VoA on a pug and the other pally healer rolled a 10. Quids in for me!
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