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#302 Sep 15 2008 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Solo healed Curator with 1650 base heals, when the other healer DCed about 30 seconds into the fight. Went OOM at 3%, tank died at 2%, bolt tank held him for those 2% and we got him.

I was lucky, in a group with a moonkin and an ele shammy for +8% crit, +101 healing.

Would have been easier but it was a druid tank with 15k HP buffed and 18% dodge. There were a lot of battles that went far worse than that one.
#303 Sep 15 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I didn't have time to read up on the Maiden fight ahead of time since I was still trying to get my last Badge for my Libram prior to the Kara raid... Now I have read up on it, and we should have downed her with the group we had...

Prot Pally MT/OT (me)
Warrior OT (could MT on Maiden theoretically)
Holy Pally (crap gear, but not too bad... I think he respecced from Ret for this raid and used whatever holy gear he had in the bank)
Holy Priest
Holy Priest
Fury Warr
Fury Warr
MM Hunter

With that many priests and a holy pally, the DoTs shouldn't have been an issue if we had coordinated better and just known the fight better. Hopefully we try again before the instance resets, but if not, we should be able to get the first 2 down again even faster this time! I am not wearing my uncrush set right now... more my "Heroics and try to survive dailies as a Prot" set, but I am definitely getting there...

Edited, Sep 15th 2008 2:58pm by jeromesimina
#304 Oct 07 2008 at 11:16 PM Rating: Excellent
56 posts
Illidan DOWN !!!!!

I tanked him during the last phase in my fire resistance gear, being the last tank alive !!!
My dead tank' team showed its' respect to tankadins ;p
#305 Oct 09 2008 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
DING! I finally hit level 70 tonight. My first 70 ever. Gives me a month to gear up a bit before WotLK comes out.
#306 Oct 13 2008 at 2:59 AM Rating: Good
I tanked my first heroic, heroic Caverns of Time: The Dark Portal, last night. Not the easiest to start out with, but I needed the rep and it was the daily Heroic.

The only one who died was a Rogue who didn't care for threat, and he died at the beginning of the last boss fight.
#307 Oct 13 2008 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Just got my amani bear before the patch so I'm a happy Belf Paladin.
#308 Oct 16 2008 at 10:06 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
I soloed Onyxia tonight for the first time (though probably not the last, since half my guild will want a boost for the achievement).

It's the most epic thing i've ever done, racing down into that shattered pit and hitting her again and again until her 1.1 mil HP went away. The fight is tough as nails. At the start, i got my back to a wall, and start plugging away and basically using every Art of War proc as it came up, but her knockback will interrupt any casted heals you need. Fire resist aura is an absolute must, as her flame breath hits for about 4K without it.

She zooms up and starts launching 2k damage fireballs at 730K hp (without aura, you'll typically ignore half that with the aura up) while a slew, 12 or so, whelps attack you. The whelps are a lot of extra damage, but can be quickly cleared with Divine Storm and consecrate. They have the advantage, because of their low level, of guaranteeing the crits you need for AoW procs. Onyxia blasts 6 fireballs at a time, then swoops around to a better position and repeats. Till about 400k health. Whelps spawn slowly durning this phase (They will build up unless you focus them).

At random, she will "take a deep breath" and launch 4-6 waves of flame around you, doing about 5-7k damage without resist aura (i learned the hard way it's impossible to survive these, and a subsequent fireball. And a few drakes pushing heals back).

After she lands, she'll immediately use Bellowing roar, a seemingly AoE fear that sends you running for a few seconds, so it's very important that until she dies you have either high health, or an AoW instant flash of light waiting when you're unfeared. Having a 2 minute dps trinket saved my life once here. Bubble also helps a lot. Her damage starts to increase as she dies and bellowing roars come much more frequently so things only get more hectic!

Whew! Then it's time to enjoy the loot! She dropped for me: 150 gold, a bind on pickup 18-slot bag, and about 8 assorted BoE and BoP pieces of gear; blues and epix. And a dragon sinew. And of course her head!

Turning in the quest got me to exalted with Orgrimmar, a nice way to cross the finish line.

Edited, Oct 17th 2008 2:10am by ArtemisEnteri
#309 Oct 17 2008 at 4:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
I killed Prince in Kara for the first time last night. We had a rogue that went AFK for so long that he eventually dropped connection, so we only had 9 people left. With only Netherspite and Prince left to kill, we skipped Netherspite and went straight to prince to see if we could 9-man him.

It was a good thing we had a resto druid and a feral druid in the group! Two battle-rez's came in handy since many of us had never even attempted this fight before.

In the end, only 2 of our party were left standing, but Prince WAS DOWN!

We tried Netherspite once, but almost all of us were new to the fight and it was getting pretty late, so we messed it up bad and decided to leave him alone until we could get a full group in there instead of just 9. No one had the Nightbane summon in my group, so we didn't do Nightbane either.

Overall though, in 2 nights this week my guild cleared everything in Kara except Netherspite and Nightbane. Best run for my guild ever, and the 18 badges was sure nice!

I also got;source=live which seem better now for a Prot Paladin than they used to be now that Strenght is GOOD for us again!
#310 Oct 24 2008 at 5:02 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
My goal this week was to finish the questline to get the Urn to summon Nightbane in Kara. I managed to do that, and last night in Kara my guild 1-shotted him. I suppose this isn't really that much of an accomplishment anymore post-nerf, but for 7 of the 10 of us it was the first time we had seen nightbane, so it still was nice.

Then I went to turn in the quest for killing Nightbane to Archmage Alturus outside of Kara, and just as I was about to pick which gem I wanted and collect my gold, he turned into a Zombie and I had to kill him :(

Fun, but bad timing! Luckily we stopped after Attumen, Moroes, Maiden, Opera, and Nightbane, so hopefully when I go back tomorrow to finish up Alturus will be alive.
#311 Oct 30 2008 at 8:30 PM Rating: Default
Lets see today was a good day... i got 5 purple drops. Three from headless horseman. 2 from world drop. I got Exalted with Shattered sun Offensive and got the tabard and the necklace. I also got a magic broom from HH. Oh and i topped 300,000 damage in a BG... YA! So all in all it was a good day. Oh and tons of achievments.
#312 Nov 07 2008 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I went to Gruul's Lair for the first time ever yesterday. After the nerf it was almost a disappointment to be honest. The raid leader spent more time explaining the High King Maulgaur fight than it took to execute the fight, (although I think 2 people did die out of 25 on that fight), and it took us 2 minutes 20 seconds to down Gruul. The entire thing lasted about 25 minutes and that was with a wordy raid leader. Also, I got nothing but badges, but that really wasn't a big deal.

Overall, I would say that it was indeed fun since I had never been there, but it was basically too easy. I suppose I shouldn't complain about that... at least it inspired me to schedule an SSC raid for my guild this weekend to see how we do!
#313 Nov 11 2008 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
308 posts
Achievement: Arathi Basin Perfection
Achievement: Let's Get This Done

Game starts and I (retribution paladin) run straight to the BS. As I start capping, I see 3-4 allies running up so I disengage the flag and stun the first, repent the second, and went to work on a bear druid running around.

More allies show up and a few more horde, but we were outnumbered maybe 8-5. This was truly an epic battle. I went under 200 HP about 4 times, but I was getting some heals and kept using my instant FoL whenever Art of War procced. Bubbled at the perfect time. I know I personally killed about 6 allies in that few minutes.

When the dust settled, I went back to cap and checked the map. We were holding all 5 flags!

I mounted up and ran to the ally starting area to start offing the allies as they spawned. A few minutes later we won the game 2000-0. I think the whole game lasted maybe 5 minutes.
#314 Jan 04 2009 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
*cough, cough* This thread has gotten kind of dusty. Hope you don't mind if I necro it, cause I liked this thread :) And I needed a place to celebrate.

My guild's very casual, and maybe a month ago we finally got enough people to 80 that we could start hitting Naxx 10. Anyway, we cleared arachnid quarter our first night in there, and have been making steady progress each week since. Tonight we finished our first clearing of all 4 quarters (woo hoo!) earning our first look at Sapphiron. Did fairly well, I think we'll get him next week.

Anyway, was a big night for me netting my first and second piece of T7! Heroes' Redemption Breastplate and Heroes' Redemption Shoulderguards.

Again, sorry for the necro, but I think this thread is worth keeping on the front page: even if it hasn't been posted in for a while :) Guess everyone been too busy leveling? hehe
#315 Jan 04 2009 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
502 posts
LOL Gratz to you and your guild. TY for starting this up, I also wasn't aware of this thread.

Well my guild also is VERY casual and next week will be starting an "official" Naxx 10 raid but this weekend we pugged it with some friends, we cleared the Spider Wing, got to and cleared the Plague Wing and had a hard time with Loatheb but a few times the 2 pallies (Holy & Prot) were the last ones standing.


Got Patchwerk down easy and had to crawl away from Grobbylus. Headed over to the Military wing, and got our plate handed to us by the 4 horsemen, so we called it a night. Was very fun, a few were a little antsy but that's what progression is about, not besting the entire place in one night and nothing to do after.

As the only Holy pally in the group I was kept quite busy, my sacred shield came in quite handy on Loatheb (spread it around liberally), in addition to using Beacon throughout the night, a lot of the fights are very mobile which is something new to me and quite a few paladins. No T7 for me but 3 nice purps.
#316 Jan 04 2009 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
I soloed Onyxia tonight for the first time (though probably not the last, since half my guild will want a boost for the achievement).

It's the most epic thing i've ever done, racing down into that shattered pit and hitting her again and again until her 1.1 mil HP went away. The fight is tough as nails. At the start, i got my back to a wall, and start plugging away and basically using every Art of War proc as it came up, but her knockback will interrupt any casted heals you need. Fire resist aura is an absolute must, as her flame breath hits for about 4K without it.

She zooms up and starts launching 2k damage fireballs at 730K hp (without aura, you'll typically ignore half that with the aura up) while a slew, 12 or so, whelps attack you. The whelps are a lot of extra damage, but can be quickly cleared with Divine Storm and consecrate. They have the advantage, because of their low level, of guaranteeing the crits you need for AoW procs. Onyxia blasts 6 fireballs at a time, then swoops around to a better position and repeats. Till about 400k health. Whelps spawn slowly durning this phase (They will build up unless you focus them).

At random, she will "take a deep breath" and launch 4-6 waves of flame around you, doing about 5-7k damage without resist aura (i learned the hard way it's impossible to survive these, and a subsequent fireball. And a few drakes pushing heals back).

After she lands, she'll immediately use Bellowing roar, a seemingly AoE fear that sends you running for a few seconds, so it's very important that until she dies you have either high health, or an AoW instant flash of light waiting when you're unfeared. Having a 2 minute dps trinket saved my life once here. Bubble also helps a lot. Her damage starts to increase as she dies and bellowing roars come much more frequently so things only get more hectic!

Whew! Then it's time to enjoy the loot! She dropped for me: 150 gold, a bind on pickup 18-slot bag, and about 8 assorted BoE and BoP pieces of gear; blues and epix. And a dragon sinew. And of course her head!

Turning in the quest got me to exalted with Orgrimmar, a nice way to cross the finish line.

Do you know if the quest buff still comes up anymore for low levels in Org/SW? I soloed her a week or two ago for the first time and handed in the quest but lo and behold Onyxia's corpse wasn't hanging from the Stormwind arches =(

Picked up my first ever piece of tier gear (the 25man Gloves) a couple of days ago when my guild and a couple of others combined to raid 25man Obsidian woot!

Just waiting on a few more in the guild before we run a guild-only raid into Naxx. 4-5 of us tried MC but found out after downing almost every boss that we couldnt go any further because we couldnt summon one of the last bosses lol

Edited, Jan 8th 2009 3:45am by arthoriuss
#317 Jan 09 2009 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Do you know if the quest buff still comes up anymore for low levels in Org/SW?

Yes, it does in Orgrimmar because i've had it a few times on alts while passing through.

As for an achievements, i just earlier picked up a new trinket:

Ludicrously powerful, it consistantly procs every time after the 45 second internal cooldown is up. Nice to pair with the Mirror of Truth though threat can become a problem (i've opened up on a trash mob with 10K+ judgements of blood and it draws some attention apparently).
#318 Feb 16 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
i just got both my Betrayer of Humanity and the Drape of Deadly Foe last night! so i lost a ton of AP from my last weapon so im kinda sad about that, but im sure ill get over it. ^.^
#319 Feb 18 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
I'm pretty damn jealous of that axe tbh. My little casual guild has managed to down all of the 10 man content, but i'l having to pug heroic naxx. I've lost rolls on the Jawbone and Cryptfiend's Bite a few times. Still running around with the Titansteel Destroyer, *sob*
#320 Feb 19 2009 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
That Axe has now dropped 3 times in a row for us. . . isnt it suppose to be rare or something?

Edited, Feb 19th 2009 9:53am by RuenBahamut
#321 Feb 19 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
Run naxx 25 about 5 or 6 times and only had it drop once.
#322 Feb 19 2009 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
1 in 6 sounds about right. None of Kel'thuzad's drops are particularly rare; it's just that he has such a huge loot table. If you're after a particular epic he drops you may be disappointed a few times.

Case in point, when we first cleared Naxx 10, our rogue (combat-CQC spec) swapped out to his resto druid because our healers were having some trouble with the Icy Tombs, he just has quite fast reflexes and didn't let a single one drop anyone. Then of course, this drops.

Edited, Feb 19th 2009 6:28pm by ArtemisEnteri
#323 Mar 03 2009 at 1:22 AM Rating: Excellent
73 posts
I know I'm about 2 months behind everyone else on this, but I'm so chuffed I absolutely had to share. Ran Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle for the first time last night. Am slightly ashamed to say that we wiped on Skaldi twice; reading the method and executing correctly are oft times wholly seperate thing:)

Anyhoo, dropped King Ymiron without wiping- despite some poxed rogue ignoring the whole Bane thing and whaling on him regardless...tit. But the best thing was I got a very shiney sword- Red Sword of Courage, I think. First crack at it and the bugger drops my sword :) Scared She Who Must to half to death I whooped so loud:)

May be small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but I'm pleased as punch and wanted to share.


#324 Mar 03 2009 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Anyhoo, dropped King Ymiron without wiping- despite some poxed rogue ignoring the whole Bane thing and whaling on him regardless...tit. But the best thing was I got a very shiney sword- Red Sword of Courage, I think. First crack at it and the bugger drops my sword :) Scared She Who Must to half to death I whooped so loud:)

I hate you.

I've attempted it so many times. I've only seen it drop once when I was healing it too. That sword and the shield from COS will just NOT drop for me, I swear.

As for my own accomplishments, I tanked all of 10 man Naxx up to Kel last week and put a few attempts on Kel himself. Didn't down him as we started late and people had to leave after only 2 attempts, but at least I got to see him.

I healed 25 Naxx this weekend too, and helped down Patchwork for a guild first. Felt good to contribute to that.
#325 Mar 03 2009 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
73 posts
As for my own accomplishments, I tanked all of 10 man Naxx up to Kel last week

Feel the hate flowing back, Bav; my guilds dips just isn't where it needs to be to head Nax-wards. Refuse to pug as well; think it's just a lack of confidence/ knowledge more than owt else ( I don't mind learning/ fluffing up with mates, just not with strangers)

Meh, I'll get there as I'm sure the sword will come your way soon matey :)


#326 Mar 05 2009 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Normally I run raids on my main, who is a Prot Paladin. This past Tuesday, my guild schedules a raid of OS-10 no drakes and the mix of people that sign up ends up being:

1 Warrior Tank
3 Paladin Tanks (including me)
1 Holy Priest
1 Resto Druid
1 Holy Paladin
1 SV Hunter
1 Balance Druid
2 Ret Paladins
1 Combat Rogue

OK so that makes 12. Also way too many tanks and one healer too many (could go with 3, don't need 3).

The Warrior tank decides to sit out, and the Holy Priest decides to sit out, which gets us down to 10, but we still have 3 tanks. One of my guildies says to me, "hey you rolled that new Ret Pally a while back and she just hit 80 didn't she? I say yes, my Ret Pally is 80 now (as of about 90 minutes ago), and I at least have the Titansteel Destroyer and the spiked Titansteel helm and boots, so the guildies convince me to get on the Ret Pally and DPS. (I know I could just have a Ret set on my main and respec, but I needed a farm toon, and a new Ret Pally with mining/skinning makes an excellent farm toon... plus I HATE to respec and collect multiple gear sets, leveling a new Pally to be my Ret was more fun!).

My DPS was pretty low (1215) and the Rogue who was also a brand new 80 (maybe 2 heroics under his belt) had terribad DPS (893). We got all the trash and drakes down with no real problems, and we did wipe twice on Sarth (mainly because the 2 tanks had never done the fight before and had to learn how to position Sarth (MT) and pick up the adds correctly (OT) and some people had idiot problems with the flame waves (even I got nailed by one on the first Sarth attempt O_o)

Third try we killed him! The plate DPS helm drops, and the Pally T7 glove token drops, but we had 2 prot, 3 ret, and 1 holy Pally in the group, so I got nothing... except for being able to say that I got my first 4 Emblems of Heroism from an OS-10 raid, which was pretty cool.

Then last night on my first H UK attempt ever on my Ret Pally, I got the Plate DPS legs, and it was the heroic daily so I got two extra emblems. To celebrate getting the legs on my first attempt I promptly gemmed them and put leg armor on them and then went to run H VH which I got no drops from but was also a sucessful run. So after two days of being 80 on my Ret I have done pretty decent I would say....

As a postscript, my DPS after some experience as a Ret and after getting those legs went up from 1215 in that first raid to about 1650 in H VH. Still not where I want it to be, but a big step up in a very short time!

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 12:35pm by jeromesimina

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 12:37pm by jeromesimina
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