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#252 Jun 04 2008 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
146 posts
More tanky news! Our usual pally tank couldn't make the hyjal raid today, so I was "volunteered" for the job. I'd only ever tanked heroics and kara before, but we managed to one shot four bosses (ironically rage winterlol was scrappy as hell, and we got steadily better and better). Aoe tanking is really good fun! I specced back to the usual holy for archi and we got him after a couple of tries too. I got the pink mace of doom for my troubles.

Edited, Jun 4th 2008 7:29pm by Tinyknight
#253 Jun 04 2008 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
I won my first arena game (2v2) against a resto druid/MS warrior team.

The druid disconnected.
#254 Jun 18 2008 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
We downed Hydros last night, then Lurker.
week before we downed VR and i got my T5 Shoulders . . the ugly things. .
#255 Jun 18 2008 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts

Grats on your win Belfadin. I wonder though, had it been the warrior that dc'd it may have been quite longer fight.

Maybe long enough that the warrior could have reconnected =O
#256 Jun 19 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
17 posts
Well mine is minor. Did my first battleground as a Paladin.
Quickly realized why we are called tanks, without ranged support we are
sitting ducks.
But I did have a great this is fun moment that made me
appreciate our classes surviabilty.
While running to the next set of towers,
we ran into a Horde picket line of Hunters. Well they all decided that
Blueberry was a tasty pet treat I guess,
because I had 6 pets on me in about 2 seconds.
I ducked into a tower to lose los. Bubbled when 2 of the pets
turned red and slowly killed 5 of the 6 pets.
One disappeared while we were fighting, guess his owner perished.
We failed to win as the Alliance often does,
but it was fun and a great welcome to a battleground as a non pew pew class.

#257 Jun 19 2008 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
Just wanted to add that tonight was my first total clear of Kara =)

Very fun.
#258 Jun 20 2008 at 4:16 AM Rating: Excellent
212 posts
Respecced Prot for a week for a bit of a change (run heroics etc...)

Successfully MT'd Kara for the first time :D
#259 Jun 20 2008 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
T5 shoulders Wed night and last night: guild's 1st Kael'thas kill in which i received the T5 chest.
#260 Jun 22 2008 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
yesterday I was doing BGs and even it was not premade it was excellent party. We have been communicating a lot about incs and when one reported incs, then ppl responded and helped her/him. I happend to arrive on fighting spot when I was needed and about 5 times safed party by my great holy healing. :P

The most interesting part was when I stand on node and plenty (6) of hordes around... so what? Ok, so lets start with healing when I was going to die, then I bubble. :D Heal up and next round... I died but eat quite a long time of 6 ppl trying to kill singe toon. I love being pally.

#261 Jun 23 2008 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
So! I know it's not much, but I got to level 50 last night! Go me! First time I've ever had a character at 50. I'm rather proud of myself! Now I just have 20 more to go! bad my game time ran out this morning. :( Not sure when I'll be able to reactivate it, lol.

OH, quick edit, just because this quote:

Quickly realized why we are called tanks, without ranged support we are
sitting ducks.

made me do some thinking.

You know, in the real world, tanks are long range masters. Hell, at extremely short ranges (think, MELEE range), they're actually sitting ducks. You get in close, you can get inside their minimum range, and then all it takes is a couple of well-placed explosives and the tank is dead. All that armor does is protects them from ranged small-arms.

So, in all honestly, TANK is an inappropriate term. Things like 'Damage Sponge' or 'Meat Shield' are more appropriate. We need to change our terminology. Maybe 'Aggro Magnet.'

This being said, wouldn't a Mage in light or medium armor be more like a tank? Massive firepower at range, and a decent ability to soak some minor ranged damage, but up close it's squished? Or maybe something like a Hunter (WoW-wise)... they can wear leather armor and use bows or firearms... Aren't they more like tanks?

Edited, Jun 23rd 2008 10:27am by TheRogueX
#262 Jun 23 2008 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
TheRogueX wrote:
You know, in the real world

This is a funny way to start a thought about a fantasy game :)

The term "tank" is more referred to armor level. Tanks are pretty much the most armored vehicle. So if you've got tons of armor, then you are a tank. "He is built like a tank". That kind of saying. I'm not in the military, so I'm not aware of a more armored vehicle. If there is one, then that would be the only appropriate alternate term.

Either way, I wouldn't think too much of it.

As for your mage reference - they are not tanks because they don't have squat for armor. They are, however, referred to as "glass cannons". :)

But seriously, I wouldn't refer to anyone wearing cloth, leather, or mail as a tank (> lvl 40). Tanks are big chuncks of solid metal that are hardest to physically kill. Cloth, leather, and mail don't fall into that category. The only exception is a bear tank - but their hide is even stronger than plate :)
#263 Jun 24 2008 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
In Lineage II (and a few times in WoW) we used to call the priests and mages who would constantly draw aggro 'Paper Tanks.' In L2 though, if one person died during an endgame raid, it didn't necessarily lead to a wipe like it can WoW. Hell, the larger raids in that game could sometimes consist of 100-200 players. And most of them would die at least once, maybe twice, with the raid still being successful. WoW raids, on the other hand, seem to be much much different. I've read about some of them where a single death can lead to the wipe of the entire raid group, if it's not mitigated just right.
#264 Jun 26 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
Holy crap I had an eventfull evening yesterday. On our second day at Rage Winterchill (Mt. Hyjal) we one shotted him. With 2 hours left on our raid time, we decided to have our first attempt at Leo the blind, which we killed on our first night! I think we wiped more on the trash then we did on him. so over all, a very good night.

Winterchill dropped me some sweet shoulders too. after i already spent 50% of my DKP on T5 shoulders the 2 weeks before . . . /cry, and 30 badges for epic gems, and 8 tokens for enchant . . . oh well. at least they look better, aye?
#265 Jun 27 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
I've read about some of them where a single death can lead to the wipe of the entire raid group, if it's not mitigated just right.

It's not quite that bad on most fights, only on Archimonde will one death cause an auto wipe (and even then you can occasionally get away with it, depending on the class who dies).

As for me, i've hit the ground running in S4, won 8 lost 1, I know 9 is an odd number but we stopped to buy our S4 chests and never got going again, now i've ended up retri specced and my partner is prot, oh well :). It is astonishing the gap in abilities there is between lower and higher rated players, we've taken on both since the ratings got reset, and its strange fighting tooth and nail to beat a lock/priest combo, then beating another without breaking a sweat right after. We had a right laugh taking on a double feral druid team, they took a while to kill but they didnt even get one of us to half health!

On the raid front my guild has made huge progress, since my last whinge on how hard gurtogg was, I killed RoS and Sharaz, then missed the illidari council kill (on the first night after sharaz, which is a mighty good effort). We had a night of tries on Illidan and got to P3 (might even have been the start of P4, all hell had broke loose but I think I saw him in demon form before I died) the tanks seem to have got S2 right now so hopefully we'll get him down shortly. On a personal level I got my second piece of T6 and am enjoying the lovely 5% crit bonus in both PvP and PvE.
#266 Jun 30 2008 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Kael Thas down! Hyjal / BT will be easier now that many raid members got the OP rings of Hyjal :)
#267 Jul 04 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
My biggest paladin achievement is the bubble kill, AoE Grinding in WPL horde pally shows up and starts doing the same, right before he pulls I hit him with Avenger's Shield, run up judge SoR stun him and take him down in a couple shots after that. Mana up pull about 8 mobs the guy rezzes and attacks me.

I quickly turn around judge SoR and get a nice crit from it, I'm reaching 10% health so I bubble ALL 8 mobs bounce to him and roflpwn his *** :P
#268 Jul 04 2008 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
1k stamina!!!

#269 Jul 04 2008 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,609 posts
Ding 70! And now i have no idea what to do next....

#270 Jul 04 2008 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Ding 70! And now i have no idea what to do next....

Gratz! Welcome to the world of rep grinds, endless dailies, and seeking a guild that has your level of progression in mind ;)
#271 Jul 07 2008 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Pardon the "double post", but it's been a few days, so editing just didn't feel right :P Think of it as a *bump*.

Finally was in a Kara run with people who felt comfortable doing Moroes with no CC, and man did I feel overpowered. I know the Shadow Priest and Ret Paly were 2 of his adds, but I really didn't pay attention to the other 2. Went off without a hitch too!

Yea, Kara may not be the difficulty it was as a fresh 70, but it's still an accomplishment nonetheless :) When you do something that doesn't challenge you, find a way to make it a challenge I say :D
#272 Jul 09 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
Was in a kara pug with everything going well. Our group had me, protadin, and a healadin. While on Illhoof, we managed to ***** up and MT warrior died. The raid managed to down Illhoof, but in the end all that was left was Kilrek, and 2 bubbled pallies. Even though it was slow as dirt, we 2 manned Kilrek with the rest of the raid watching from their dirt naps. Pallies FTW!
#273 Jul 09 2008 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
65 posts
Maulgak wrote:
Gratz! Welcome to the world of rep grinds, endless dailies, and seeking a guild that has your level of progression in mind ;)

Don't forget the endless instance runs for gear upgrades, and a bit later, the endless heroic runs for badges. ;)

And if you go tank, all the whispers asking if you can come and tank so and so instance. On my server it seems everyone has heard about imba pallytanks in 5-mans.

Cheers :)
#274 Jul 09 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
869 posts
Its been a long road... My BE Pally, who I rolled when TBC launched**, dinged 70 last night.

I dinged turning in the last quest in the Ring of Blood chain. Hadnt noticed I was that close so I missed the opportunity to get a screenie... but I'll take it :).

As typical, I immediately visited SMV for flight training. Then did my first couple of SSO quests... That whole thing is going to be painful until I get out of my cruddy greens. Finished off the night at the AH picking up an Essence Focuser and looking for other upgrades. Hope to be able to heal some of the less demanding content in Kara and be well on my way toward an epic flyer by next week.

**When TBC launched my 'main' was a newly 60 Dwarf Paladin on a RP-PVE server. I had a Warrior I was levelling very slowly on another (RP-PVP) server. I rolled the Horde Pally on that server to duo through new content with a friend. The duo fell apart before long and I shifted focus to the Warrior on that server who would become my first 70 and new 'main.' The BE Pally got back-burnered at ~lv35 for several months while I geared up the Warrior and got the Dwarf Pally to the level cap. I finally picked the BE back up for levelling (along with 2 other alts) a few months ago.

Edited, Jul 9th 2008 2:07pm by soobooboo
#275 Jul 10 2008 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
Last night we got all the way up to Vashj in SSC. all other bosses in SSC are downe. VR from TK down. Rage from Hyjal is down.

this sunday we plan on farming SSO trash. hopefully i get my Shivering Felspine!

So far, Leo the Blind is an amazingly fun fight, and my personal favorite. we tried a quick attempt on Vashj last night so everyone can see first hand what phase 2 looks like . . . that is going to be a damn crazy fight. . .

Should we be doing more TK before Vashj? or is full clear SSC the standard before TK?
#276 Jul 10 2008 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
The RuenBahamut of Doom wrote:
Should we be doing more TK before Vashj? or is full clear SSC the standard before TK?

First, gratz on all the kills! Really wish I was back in a guild that was doing that content more then on a very sporadic basis.

Second, I don't know the "standard", but looking at guild recruitment posts it is very, very common to see them post, "We are 3/4 TK, 5/6 SSC, X/5 MH, Y/9 BT". That tells me that, while they may have attempted Vashj/Kael, the other bosses are easier and so are more worth their time to kill, thus getting upgrades and making the Vashj/Kael fights more manageable. I don't think there is anything wrong at all with wanting to clear one raid before making more progress in the other, but at the same time the reverse is true: nothing wrong with clearing up to the final boss of 2 raids before killing either.
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