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#227 Apr 28 2008 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
127 posts
I tanked my guild's first successful downing of Gruul and finally replaced my Trashcan Lids with the Justicar Shoulderguards on the same run. Woo!
#228 May 02 2008 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
Had 1500+ threat the entire fight during the one hydra boss in UB. And I finally got enough badges for the 2.4 pally legs. :D
#229 May 02 2008 at 11:08 PM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
Well, I feel slightly betrayed. I was told that I would be used to tank in Hyjal runs, but would be asked to heal in BT runs. Fine, if it means getting more raid time, I'll heal in BT (which I absolutely HATE doing ...). That's the way it's been till Thursday. I was asked to go healy for Hyjal: WTF??? Anyway, I did as I was asked, hearthed out (cause I had logged the night before at the CoT), respecced, and went to Hyjal as a Healbot. Although I absolutely hated it with a blinding passion, it did pay off:

Blessed Adamantite Bracers
and my first Tier 6
Lightbringer Handguards

Still didn't get to see Archie, but I think the guild leaders are gaining more confidence in me each raid, so hopefully soon I'll get to kill a big ugly Man'ari Eeredar!
#230 May 05 2008 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
160 posts
Been awhile since I posted on allakhazam buuuuuuuuut

We (AfterLife/Korgath US) got its first glaive last night after ~month and a half of Illidan kills. I picked up my t6 chest giving me 4pc, but not near as exciting as the glaive. :D

Kalecgos down to 1%/1% before the demon killed the human, hopefully we can get a Kalecgos kill tonight.
#231 May 06 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
Last night was good to my prot. pally.

I was questing on my lvl. 40 warlock when someone in my guild was looking for a tank for the last boss of hero MgT. So I said what the hell I can help he has been trying to get the lock chest for about 2 weeks now. I log on to my tank get summons to the boss buff up and go to it. We wipe twice but 3rd time is the charm we down him I die twice during the fight (druid healer battle rez) at the end I am face down in the dirt but the loot and to my suprise this drops

I like my CFS but really wanted a epic weapon I was going to PvP my *** off when the S2 mace could be bought with honor but I am not a big fan of PvP and it really sucks with a pally tank. I was really happy to get the new mace plus I also got if I ever want to respec to ret.

All in all the 20g repair bill and the 15 min. of time was well worth it.
#232 May 06 2008 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
This baby's mine. Ready to start tanking heroic SP, UB, and maybe Ramps or Mech now. Also gonna try and tank the first 4 bosses in Kara Thursday and may even do Curator if our DPS is good enough.

Gonna keep grinding Shattered Halls and normal Mech until I get my trinket and breastplate to drop, and have the Sha'tar rep for my shield.

Thank you guys for answering all of my pointless questions while I was leveling up and such.
#233 May 07 2008 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
808 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:

Gonna keep grinding Shattered Halls and normal Mech until I get my trinket and breastplate to drop, and have the Sha'tar rep for my shield.

Gratz. Quick question though- how close are you to SSO exalted? My guild's pally tank just grabbed one of the new shields from Quel'danas and it's such an incredible improvement. Losie has done a comparison of them a couple times now and I think the conventional wisdom is now reaching a consensus that the Sha'tar rep shield is more or less obsolete.;mid=12099362305084089;num=19;page=1
#234 May 07 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,826 posts
I have no SSO rep.

Also, I don't like either of the SSO shields.

People may have cruched numbers and found them to be better, but I personally don't care for them. Both of them have a lot of wasted itemization points and I'll be happy with Crest of the Sha'tar until I can get the shield from Nightbane (which is a long way off).

Granted when I get a few gear upgrades from Kara and/or badges, the SSO shields may become more attractive to me, but for now neither really works in my gear set.
#235 May 07 2008 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
i finally started getting some upgrades for my holy pally. got the Dawnsteel Shoulders and last night in Kara i got the bracers from Maiden. they were major upgrades from my high 60's blue shoulders and green bracers... just about 1400 healing now, almost 22% crit and i think i'm now below 80 mp5 again. getting 4mp5 to bracers and the HH head enchant as soon as i can so that should bring me over 80 again. trying to catch my healadin up to my retardin at least in gear.
#236 May 09 2008 at 7:14 PM Rating: Default
ha i made a pally got from 1 to 18 in 5 hours did deadmines got a rare drop 2h mace +11 stam reguires lvl 15 and made a nightelf hunter got to lvl 12 2 hours got good dear and got pet all in one day wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#237 May 10 2008 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Did Kara for the first time on my Pally.

I was the MT for Attumen and Moroes, but put myself on cleansing duty for Maiden and let our warrior tank her. We also did Opera and drew Wizard of Oz. I managed to tank Tito, Strawman, and Roar, while the warrior kited Tinman around.

Got myself the belt from Moroes and the helm from Opera, and lost the roll on Moroes' trinket to the warrior.

Can't wait to go in and finish it up. I'll probably end up bringing my healing gear and helping out with healing on the rest of the bosses while the warrior tanks them, since I don't think 12.7K HP unbuffed is enough for any of the encounters except maybe Netherspite, since being in the green beam gives you like 20k HP anyway.
#238 May 10 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
65 posts
Finally got to go to Naxxramas :) Woho! Didn't get any drops, but that place is aboslutely beautiful. Good design, fun fights and fun environment (wiping on slimes, oh the horror :) ) Kudos to everyone who did this at 60, it must've been hell.

But... WOHO! It was just so much fun, even when we wiped on trash :)

Happy pally :)
#239 May 10 2008 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
65 posts
That trinket is the most sexy trinket ever. It can crit, and when I'm farming BRD for shards, I can just pull a whole room, and when I'm at 30% health, pop trinket and just watch my health fly back up. Get 20-30-40 low lvl mobs hitting on you with that trinket equiped, and you can survive anything :)

#240 May 11 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
Tanked Mag today after our main tank died at 90%. It was fun being the center of the heal. :D
#241 May 12 2008 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I just tanked Magtheridon as my first real boss in 25-raid, successfully.
Reached 20k life points buffed.
Always thought mitigation was 1st goal, but in raid the life pool really shines, now I have seen it by myself.
Yet there are still a few players in that raid taunting me about being a palatank, and it really is annoying but I don't see anything I could do about that, as other tanks don't do better than me but are more trusted (when they die healers are blamed, don't know why).
I upped my mitigation too by changing that terrible new insigna palatank (mageladin?) chest for the generic def one which allowed me to equip the fairmoon trinket.
#242 May 21 2008 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
Our guild finally downed lurker last night.

first loot on the list were the Bracers of Eradication.

i was the only Plate DPS, so no competition and i won the first loot of the first kill for our guild in T5 content!
#243 May 21 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
Took our first visit in Tempest Keep a few days ago, took a while to kill the trash but finally we got to Solarian.

It wasn't a bad run, even though we only got her to around 60% with 3 attempts, but I like to think that at least we're learning something new if nothing else.
Always died because someone with the bomb (called astromancer's wrath or something like that) didn't run away.
Well anyways, I'm not blaming anyone for it, it was a fun run and our guild discovered a new boss.
#244 May 22 2008 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
LOL - I don't post much here, but I was going to post the same thing.

My guild has downed RoS before, but we have lost a few ppl once we wiped on Illidian for a week. Damn quitters!

I used to be a Meatshield on P1 and the healing in P2 and P3 while a warrior did his thing. Then last week the leaders suggested that I take a shot at it. This was my FIRST time ever tanking a 25 man boss. I've done lots of trash, but yeah, it's different.

Sadly we did not kill him but got to single digits quite a few times.

I think I did everything I could to build threat. Wings, max rank consecrate, judge Crusader, warlocks freak me out when they race up the charts and then thankfully drop back. The most nerve racking 2 minutes of my life.

But everyone said that pally tank on Phase 3 was the way to go vs. warrior tank. smoother and easier to heal. If only I had 2 pieces of T6 for the +spiritual attunement buff.

/sigh I'm sure we'll get him (again) tonight.
#245 Jun 02 2008 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
This past weekend I got to finally tank me some murlocs for Tidewalker AND after all this time got to MT Prince instead of trying to melee or off-heal (I suck at both!).

Even got the Netherspite shoulders.

Great weekend and I can attribute a lot of that success to the fine people on these forums. Not to sound cheesy but couldn't have done it without y'all!
#246 Jun 02 2008 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
I love this thread! Everyone's being supportive and NICE to one another. It's great!

I'm a first-time 44 Paladin (first time I've ever had a character over 40), spec'd primarily Ret right now, with some Holy and a little bit Prot. I'm undergeared however... Can't find a good 1h sword... stuck with Vanquisher's Sword with a Fiery enchant on it. I want something with better DPS potential without sacrificing my shield.

Any hope for me?

Edited, Jun 2nd 2008 8:46pm by TheRogueX
#247 Jun 02 2008 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Vanquishers Sword is still pretty good at 44, especially with a Feiry enchant on it. If you really want to make it last a bit longer, grab some Dense Sharpening stones. +8 damage on a bladed weapon, and given it's 2.2 attack speed, you're adding almost 4 DPS to the weapon.

In keeping with the theme, on my BE pally, 38 atm, I was jumped by a +2 rare, it's 2 adds, and 3 regular mobs all +1 that were in the area. It took a while, and I needed all my abilities, but in the end, I was standing and they weren't. I lol'd in my gchat, and everyone began talking about how OP Pallies are in PvE. :)
#248 Jun 02 2008 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
I can almost make my own Dense Sharpening Stones. That +8dmg weapon damage should help quite a bit. I've never quite understood how that works though.. is it +8 to the top end damage? Bottom end? Both?
#249 Jun 03 2008 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
It raises it's weapon damage range by the applicable amount. Instead of being 46-86, it's now effectively 54-94, which makes it 33.6 DPS instead of 30.0
#250 Jun 03 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Excellent
165 posts
Dinged 70 about a month ago and started working on instance-dropped and quested gear. Started out with the crafted basics and went from there.

4 days of playtime later... I got to OT Kara picking up Maiden's hands (passing on the neckpiece for the maintank) and feet from Chess. Due to a bad misdirect, I tanked both Attumen and Midnight at the same time and did great; never dropped much below 10k. I was able to tank Moroes and 2 of his guests at the same time which was a lot of fun. I also got enough badges for my Libram which put me over into uncrushable territory.

Exalted w/ SSO, picked up shield and made my tank Alchemist's stone.

Co-tanked the first two bosses in ZA which dropped crap. The MT died on Akil'zon around 50% and I was able to take over and tank him down the rest of the way. Nakk was cake, tanking on bear form while the warrior took human form.

Kael's mace dropped from Heroic Mgt last night which got gemmed and enchanted this morning for even more tanking goodness.

Life is good.
#251 Jun 03 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
Awesome. Maara, thank you very much for your info. :) I'll keep it in mind as I keep on my grind toward 70!
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