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#1 Oct 29 2007 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
After checking out the Rogue forums, I saw a cool thread that looked like it could be applied here too.

Instead of making a new thread every time someone gets a new piece of gear or gets to a certain point in BGs or Arena, just post it here, and we can talk about it and laugh and smile and pat each other on the backs.

Keep it clean, please act maturely and don't degrade someone for their accomplishments even if you think they are minor or laughable. Doing so will invoke the wrath of the karma of the Paladin boards.
#2 Oct 29 2007 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
I'll start by saying my guild just got to Curator in Kara. We didn't kill him yet, but we have cleared Attumen, Moroes, the Opera, and Maiden. Looking forward to doing it all again on Tue.
#3 Oct 29 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
This week end i accomplished quite a bit actually.

Did my Arc Key Quest start to finish (with that bad *** belt reward).

Did my Kara Key Quest start to finish. yes that includes finally beating that damnable BM instance.

Found a Crystal Forged Sword on the AH for 270G and got it enchanted. you wouldnt believe what i was actually useing still ::cough diamond sledgemace cough lvl 62 cough::

strangely enough, i got my Keepers of Time rep AFTER i bought the sword so i didnt end up wasting any money on the continuum blade. So i got my Defenders Gliph and timewardens leggings and decked them out with 50g gems and a clefthide. 111stam total o.O.

Duo'd a 5man quest and got a cool blocking tricket, 15% block when used and some def rating.

Got me those Bracers of the green fortress, damn expensive.

all the instances for the Arc and Kara Key was my firt time through and i stomped them down like they was nothing. im wondering if im ready to start Heroics, the only things that are left for me from normal 5 mans are jade-skull and trink of the collossus.

all this was done this weed week end.

Edit: oh yeah, i went from 1.5k gold to about 150 gold . . >.< stuffs expensive!

Edit: week end, WEEK END. i mean it . . .really . . >.>

Edited, Oct 29th 2007 4:13pm by RuenBahamut

Edited, Oct 29th 2007 4:46pm by RuenBahamut
#4 Oct 29 2007 at 3:17 PM Rating: Excellent
That's funny, those were the last 2 things I needed from 5-mans before I got them. It took me until half-way to exalted with each until they dropped, hopefully it's not as hard for you.

Also, "all of this was done this Weed end"

glad you're tokin' up, makes the whole WoW experience that much more, sorry you're out of weed though :(
#5 Oct 30 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
1) a bump to keep this up ;)

2) not so much an accomplishment as a, "See? Wasn't totally wrong ..." Remember when they changed Seal of Vengeance to deal a small amount of damage on each hit when there was already 5 charges up on the target? And, some of us, including me, were talking about how we were disappointed at how small the damage was?

Patch 2.3.0 patch notes wrote:
Seal of Vengeance: The bonus damage this ability dealt when the debuff is fully stacked was incorrectly too low. It is now increased.

I knew it shoulda been more :D
#6 Oct 30 2007 at 5:29 AM Rating: Good
468 posts
Something like that should be a hot-fix. Why wait for the patch?
#7 Oct 30 2007 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
Just got my kara key after 5 tries at BM!!!! I was the main healer for the instance.

Got my bonus healing over 1100 for a pre-kara geared pally as well.

Main toon is Sideout. Check my armory.
#8 Oct 30 2007 at 5:46 AM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
Gratz Sideout!

And, no idea why Blizz is waiting for the patch, much less why they do ANYTHING they do, but I tested it out and instead of 4 damage with 245 +damage on, I deal 24. Woot!
#9 Oct 30 2007 at 6:01 AM Rating: Excellent
We've lost a few members, recruited more, and are trying to get them attuned /sigh not really fun, but eh, we'll be back in Hyjal/BT soon enough
#10 Oct 30 2007 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
As a palatank (secondary character) I've reached beeing uncrushable for about a month now.

Kara: I became honored with purple eye this WE, got the epic tank ring and the BS plans.

My gear is good enough for heroïcs, wich I need firstly for the libram. I try to upgrade my gear to work on stamina since I'm uncrushable... Last week I bought a Crystalforged sword and put a +40spell damage enchant on it. Threat boost is really a pleasure.

With those upgrades my pally seems to become really popular and wisped for instances... Specially to people doing Shattered Halls with her :)
I'd like to think it's just due to my talent, but I believe palatank is becoming more and more accepted and welcomed everywhere.

My solo gear needs a serious upgrade however, as the stamina on my tanking gear.
I'll work on it.
#11 Oct 30 2007 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
554 posts
Well since goin prot...

Tanked Attunman and midnight at the same time
MT Curator
Mt prince
Actually MTed most of Kara now but were the one that made every one
go WOW Pallys can tank!

Convinced GM I'm capable of MTing Nightbane, this week (yay! guess we will find out)

Got mah figurine of collsus trinket!

Finished Furies deck Just in time for the fair!

not a bad week I must say... might have gotten more done if I hadnt switched druid to restro and have been enjoying that as much as Prot pally :P

#12 Oct 30 2007 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
This isn't really very pally-related, other than the fact that I got it on my holy pally, but I finally got that %#*%ing Horseman to drop his helmet. Go me! ^_^

That laugh is SO AWESOME!!!

P.S. You know how they say third time's the charm? They're wrong, it's actually number 92. True story.
#13 Oct 30 2007 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
I've spec'd prot from 1-60, just dinged 60 today and haven't tanked an instance in 25-30 levels but I managed to get through ramparts once at 59 with only 2 wipes and once at 60 with absolutely no one dying.
#14 Nov 02 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
Well after reading a Rogue grinding strategy I decided to try it out myself.

Basically it's the 12-min BRD run, Disenchanting about 6 or 7 blues a run.

I tried doing it as prot in my dps gear, but I could only get to the 4th blue or so before time ran out.

So to test something out, I made a ret spec specifically designed for doing this kind of thing.

It worked pretty well, I can get to the 5th boss at almost the same rate as the rogue could, however I have a couple hiccups which makes things a little tough.

Problem: I don't have stealth, the rogue who does this has 2 places that he needs to stealth through.

Solution: I have both Lesser Invisibiliy and regular Invisibility potions. The cost of the potions are easily overshadowed by the profit of farming.

Problem: I can't pick-pocket the guy in the bar, so I have to get the guy drunk in order to activate the guard.

Solution: ? This is taking like 2 minutes from my time waiting for this guy, if any one knows how I can get around this that would be helpful.

Problem: There is one group I have to "stealth" by, however a good amount of the time they have a dog there that can see me.

Solution: ? If I use an invisibility potion after aggroing mobs, does it wipe aggro?

Anyway, I was quite impressed by the numbers I was putting out, getting about 900 dps when I blew my cooldowns, and my gear is really not that up to date. And the farming is going pretty well, got about 500g so far with only a couple hours of grinding.
#15 Nov 02 2007 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
490 posts
I have a little accomplishment I'm quite happy about. Last night was only my 3rd Kara run ever, and 2nd on Maiden. The first run I couldn't time my BoSac well with heals and got repentance'd twice. This time, I never repented at all and the fight went really smoothly. I was very happy because earlier on Moroes I blew my Divine Shield on myself AND BoP on someone too early and contributed to a wipe >.<

No PvP accomplishments though, I tried arena for the first time on Monday and sucked hard :P My team wants Devo Aura but I want Conc, what to do what to do...

Edit: Holy crap, I just noticed my name is green! Hooray! ^_^

Edited, Nov 2nd 2007 12:21pm by FenrirSulis
#16 Nov 02 2007 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Solution: ? If I use an invisibility potion after aggroing mobs, does it wipe aggro?

invis pots cant be used in combat sadly. as an alchemist i would eat those all the time as an escape plan if i could. but i cant.

well, at least the lesser ones cant. never tried the normals.
#17 Nov 02 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
Okay, here's my paladin accomplishments this week...
I got to level 17. I healed VC starting at 16 with the absolute worst tank I've ever had in there (worst part was it's my GM's alt), and somehow we only wiped once...when the moron decided to aggro all the way through miner johnson without waiting to kill pats, and then stayed so far out of my LOS that to heal him I aggrod another 2-3 plus an elite /sigh.
#18 Nov 02 2007 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
Nice idea for a thread.

This week in Kara my guild downed the first five bosses in just about 3 hours leaving the rest for the weekend. Also saw a glove that wasn't the gloves of the fallen champion drop for first time in 5 five trips in.

Saw romulo and julianne again so still no epic cloak or helm yet. Ran steam vaults twice more to see the chain drop instead of the helm of penance. Did complete half the quest to get the two books so I can summon nightbane. Still waiting to see if we can get the others down besides the other three we down regularly now (prince, shade of aran and chess event).

I was able to finally get the heroic key for tempest keep and exalted with cenarion expedition.

#19 Nov 02 2007 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
869 posts
Fun thread! Hope it lasts/gets stickied for us.

In the past week my Pallies:

Edurus (70 Dwarf): Did a lot of AV. Well, maybe not as much as some, but more than I'd ever done before. Pulled down about 13k Honor and 50-something tokens. Also put in my requisite Arena time.

I'm hoarding up for new PvP gear once Season 3 gets underway. Right now my kit is pretty lackluster. I'd say I have about 15-20% of the Honor/Arena Points needed to upgrade EVERYTHING... but enough that, by the time S3 hits I should be able to pick up several (4-5) PvP Epics. I also started working on the chain to pick up that Healing helm from Netherstorm (X-52 Technician's Helm).

Recreant (32 BlElf): Respecced Retnoob for levelling. Quested him to 33 1/3. Crafted him some new gear. If STV isnt too bloody this weekend I may make a run for 35 so I can push his cooking skill beyond 225.

#20 Nov 02 2007 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Cool theard.

Well I got a 66 soon to be 67, 3 bars away. Been holy most of time and started doing AV a few weeks ago. Mainly cause a guildie asked for me to join in on the fun. Well the past few nights while doing it I've been in the top 10's for healing. I was pretty excited about that.

Hoping to finish Mana Tombs this weekend. Have gotten up to the Prince, last guy in the place. And we always wipe there. Have a warrior tank and he always loses aggro on him to the mage and warlock in the group. So our warrior tank in the guild got up 66 last night and hoping that he'll run it with us. So really hoping to pull that out.
#21 Nov 03 2007 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
My greatest accomplishment would probably be earlier today. I was pretty bored in darkshire on my Druid when some BE rogue runs by on a mount. She didn't really look 70, but was on an epic mount, so I said "What the hell.." and got on my pally, when I got there I didn't see her but saw Redridge was under attack so I headed there.

As soon as I landed the 61 rogue (from earlier) and another, level 70 rogue is there. Of course, they started on me, so I threw up HS, conc and SoV and started working on the 61, she went dow extremely quickly, and for fun I saw how far I could get on the 70.. Reapplied HS consecration etc, got her down to 50%ish and was low on HP/mana, so I popped LoH and a mana pot, and finished her off. The rogue was probably a new 70, and very undergeared/skilled, but it was still a big accomplishmet for me...I killed my first 70, alone, at level 64, WITH a 61 fighting me as well. Got a few claps for that one from the lower levels there. :)
#22 Nov 04 2007 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Last week I was able to heal two different groups for the headless horseman and have no wipes as a lvl 65 holy paladin. It made quite proud that I was able to keep my group from wiping while only allowing a few deaths due to those mean pumpkin tenets. I also only went OOM on the first run, after which I learned how to better manage my mana regen vs. healing.

I manage to get the healing ring and spell caster ring all the while getting both the blue and purple brooms.
#23 Nov 04 2007 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
got my Shockwave Truncheon :) that was a big upgrade to mark off the list.
#24 Nov 04 2007 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Well this weekend managed to get red riding hood cape, the X-52 Technician's helm after not seeing the Mask of Penance 3 more times. I think SV has it in for me. Spent a boat load of money finally getting the 300 riding skill and a Silver Riding Nether Ray. At Least now, I can go after the nether dragon mount. Otherwise getting closer to exalted with various factions.
#25 Nov 05 2007 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
well.. last week I tried to tank ZA on the ptr with full blues and crest of the sha'tar, but wiped at the bears (2nd wave at 1st boss) xD
#26 Nov 12 2007 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
I finally got into kara tonight and tanked midnight/moroes (OT) - OH at maiden - tanked juliet + curator.. the only drop I got (only plate btw) was the t4 gloves :D think its my best day ever! ^^
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