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Lock starting in KarazhanFollow

#1 Oct 27 2007 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
Plase can you list what the minimun attributes should be for a lock raiding Kara.

Viable talent set ups.
Best gems to go for.
Usefull enchants.
Spell hit.

Hope you guys can help as I am trying to squeeze the best out of the Warlocks in my guild.
#2 Oct 27 2007 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
How about throwing in a link to your armory profile?

Edited, Oct 27th 2007 11:35am by pompa
#4 Oct 27 2007 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
How about throwing in a link to your armory profile?

This post is to help the Locks in my guild. (And I guess for any other locks passing though the forums). I could link someone from my guild but I think I will get their permission first.
#5 Oct 27 2007 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
redbarrom wrote:
Viable talent set ups.-

Out of curiosity, how come your Affliction build doesn't include Improved Shadow Bolt and Bane? I thought Shadow Bolt spam was the common way to go in raids.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#6 Oct 27 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
821 posts
it is. actually this is a realy odd build he linked there, you use the SB-spam to fill the gaps between refreshing your DoT´s.

This would be more like it:

or this:

this build will even be better if you haven´t got good gear.

feel free to exchange the points from improved howl of terror into maledction,
that would be some really really nice raidutility.

Edited, Oct 27th 2007 10:13am by Oakenwrath
#7 Oct 28 2007 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
Ummmmm ok the links above me have instan cast howl of terror??? what the hell is that for. I have cleared Kara and Gruul's an downed loot reaver so i am not the raid expert, but i have never ever used fear....ever! Also if you are in a raid you should defo not be using curse of agnoy that would be very selfish and very dumb. Becasue chances are there will be at least 2-3 people who would benefit from curse of shadows/elemental. For a raid you need to think of damage output and being able to last 10minutes without worrying about mana while still casting and potting when ever you get the chance, here are 2 great raid builds.
that one is the dark pact / ruin build very long lasting and very high crits with SB or Incinerate alike

And that one is the fire lock build hence why there are no points spent in imp. SB, what demon you sacrifice is your choice but it should either be imp or felhunter. I usually do felhunter and i never ever look at my mana and have never potted once while he has been sacrificed. Now onto your question of stats for kara. Hp has to be above 8K so you can easily survive aran's AoE fireball, Mana should be 10K, enchanst +40 spell dmg on sword and if you can afford it get spell dmg on rings and gloves as well, spell dmg 750ish if you are more affliction and 800+ with a 25% crit if you are more destruction. My spell hit is 102 and i get 1 or 2 resists a boss fight which ****** me off a lot so aim for a bit more if you want but 100 mark is solid.
#8 Oct 28 2007 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Hellllllooooooooo wrote:
Also if you are in a raid you should defo not be using curse of agnoy that would be very selfish and very dumb. Becasue chances are there will be at least 2-3 people who would benefit from curse of shadows/elemental. For a raid you need to think of damage output and being able to last 10minutes without worrying about mana while still casting and potting when ever you get the chance, here are 2 great raid builds.

In a 25-man raid, what are the chances that you're the ONLY Warlock present? Chances are someone will already have Curse of Elements/Shadow on the target.

They don't stack, y'know.

Edited, Oct 28th 2007 4:09pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Oct 28 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
In a 25-man raid, what are the chances that you're the ONLY Warlock present? Chances are someone will already have Curse of Elements/Shadow on the target.

They don't stack, y'know.

Usually theres 3 tops. Curse of shadow, elements and recklessness. Maybe doom depending on melee makeup from 1 warlock, but generally shadow and elements are always up, and recklessness should be up for almost all fights. Even if you're lucky and get to use your dps curses (4 warlocks for example) doom > agony. Only time agony is decent is trash mobs that live long enough for a full dot rotation + shadowbolts.

To the person asking why iHoT, it depends how "hardcore" you are. Most people use their raiding build to farm too, so its nice having a few points spread around like imp CoA and iHoT when possible. Not everyone wants to raid 5x a week AND respec 10x a week on top of that just to farm. My raiding/farming build is 43/0/18. My PVP build is 23/38/0.

edit - if you're affliction you should seriously take 3/3 malediction. That usually means dropping some points depending on your gear, and CoA is generally the first to go. If you have room for both, great, but more +raid damage on bosses is much better then you're own lolcoa damage on trash mobs. Don't be greedy.

Edited, Oct 28th 2007 7:16pm by mikelolol
#10 Oct 28 2007 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Raid debuff *****
More typical Afflic build, with 2 points for iHS, Demonic Embrace, or Intensity
Stubborn Afflic/Ruin spec for better burst in PvP, with leftover points
Something similar to this for pure shadowbolt spam, though you're not likely to have the gear to support it until you get into SSC/TK

Gems - hit if you're not at cap, afterwards +dmg are technically the best but it's not a big difference over dmg/crit or dmg/sta, especially if you get socket bonuses or if you have really low crit (for extra ISB uptime).

Consumables - blackened basilisk, brilliant wizard oil, and either major shadow power or flask of pure death.

Health - enough to survive raid damage - aim for 8k or higher fully buffed
Mana - really don't know >.>
Damage - A high as you can get with hit cap, I'd say 800 is a fairly easily-reachable goal, with 1100+ being the ultimate goal before you step into SSC/Eye.
Hit - 202 preferably, more realistically 100+ and some points in Suppression
Crit - I'd aim for 18% before talents as afflic as a goal, with 12% more realistic.
For succy sac destro sbolt spam, you want 202 hit rating, 20+% crit pre-talents, and 900+dmg ideally, with much less being surpassed by UA for damage.

Biggest thing to boost overall damage is make sure DoT's have as close to 100% uptime without clipping off the last tick (*requires* a decent DoT timer), with hit cap via gear a close second. Quartz and stopcasting macros are important pre-2.3, but with 2.3 stopcasting macros lose their importance (Quartz's latency bar may still be useful, however).
And get them used to throwing out curses that don't put more numbers on their screen, at least in 25-mans. CoS, CoE, and CoR should be up most of the time (CoR only on bosses that don't have AP-based special attacks, and you could drop CoE if you only have one mage).

My humble opinions based off my guild's best warlocks :P

Edited, Oct 29th 2007 1:11am by lsfreak
#11 Oct 29 2007 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
iHoT for raids is essentially useless - due to fear immunity.

In regular instances/heroics, it can be used as a form of mass cc, but requires a coordinated effort within the party. You basically give the tank time to regain aggro on the mobs while kiting all of them to keep them from grabbing adds. Very difficult :S

The chance you'll need to do this is extremely low - iHoT is primarily a pvp talent. In a PUG, your group won't be coordinated enough to take advantage of it (they'll probably just start calling you names because they don't understand what's happening), and in a pre-made, you shouldn't have any problems with pulls or adds.

For Affliction:

Viable talent set ups.

*Malediction should be delegated to only one lock per raid, otherwise it's a waste. Build above is for mana efficiency (long fights) for continuous dps - increased damage to siph. life tic but no draining (dps reduction), dark pact + imp mana/imp for larger mana pool, and cataclysm over imp sb for mana efficiency. Although Imp SB is a great talent overall, the effect will last for less than one tick (at most) in any serious raid.

Best gems to go for. +spell hit and +spell damage

Consumables. Wizard Oil, Blackened Basilisk (food)

Usefull enchants. +40 Spell damage (weapon), etc

Health. 11,000

Mana. 9,000+

Damage. 900+

Spell hit. 50+ (based on above build - needs to be higher if you're destro or don't have 5/5 supp).

Crit. n/a
#12 Oct 29 2007 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Olevia, what's with the build? Demonic Aegis is NOT going to make up for the loss of 5% crit and UA or even Ruin. And not getting ISB? I'll take a mage or rogue or hunter or *anything* else over a lock who doesn't have ISB. Even though it lasts "only a tick," it probably just give out, what... 1500 damage worst-case?
And it annoys me to no end when people think you only need 50-76 hit rating with suppression -_- Suppression is a filler talent until you get 202 hit from gear alone, which is possible (though not particularly easy) to get in Kara gear while still running high +dmg and decent crit.

Also, what's with everyone saying locks need 11000 health? This isn't PvP. 8000 raid buffed is all you need, though decent gear often provides more. It helps with Life Tapping, but +dmg is better for that as well, and healers should generally have enough mana to throw you a HoT if nothing else.
#13 Oct 29 2007 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
I assume you mean something like this?

This is a great build type, assuming you have decent crit and it's a short* fight.

The build I created was based on the following:

By having an overly large mana pool:
- no dangerous life-taps
- constant dot refresh
- recast for resists
- ability to spread multiple dots (idots) to many targets

By having a "large" health pool and mana pool (above)
- reduces stress on your healer
- no need to drain-life for dps loss

By having low crit, but high spell damage:
- more dps for multiple dot spread (sb is for 1 target)
- long-term damage over burst damage
- easy recast for resist ("fire and forget")

If you have decent crit, you should throw away my first build and focus on something like that above (basically a sm/ruin variant). If you don't have decent crit or +spell hit, you'll need an excessively large mana pool to compensate combined with increased damage over time.

Think about it this way: assuming low crit, you're going to have about a 15% chance of crit - which means you'll get that 1500 damage once every 35 seconds or so - which is about what you'd make up with the increased spell damage from dem. aegis. I can show you based on spell rotation, if you wish.

*shrugs* I'd love to see your damage output equation and range of crit. that produces more dps (with a 95% confidence interval); I'm assuming crit as the independent variable. Now, I know this will only be comparable through a damage over time graph, but I currently don't know the equilibrium point myself - I'm leaving that to you. Wait.. I think it's a three dimensional graph, which means intersecting planes... aiks, hard to figure out *headache* T_T

As for +spell hit, saying you need +200 hit is ridiculous - you shouldn't need above 150 until you start running for tier 5. Remember - this is for *initial* entry into kara - you should be raising your +hit as soon as it's possible.

The reason why I'll take another lock over you, is that you don't take the time to understand the reason behind choosing specific talents - you look for one thing and then explain why it's the ultimate truth. Moreover, you're too narrow minded to see how one thing can compensate for the other.
#14 Oct 30 2007 at 1:27 AM Rating: Good
326 posts
The first build you posted 36/15/10 is extremely lacking. No Ruin, no UA no ISB. You are severely gimping your damage output.

Why those points in Demo? While a great talent DE is not as good as an additional 5% crit Devastation. The rest of the points in Demo are almost useless for raiding.

5/5 suppression is nice if you are lacking a lot of +hit but IsFreak is correct in that it is a filler talent til you can reach the hit cap. He didn't say that it was a prerequisite for entering Kara. As for 200 being ridiculous? There is no greater boost to dps than to max your hit and the sooner you can do it the better. Remember bosses have the same resist chance whether it is in Kara or BT.

ISB is a HUGE boost to dps. Even I in my almost non-existant crit gear can can reach almost 20% crit. That is without even a single Kara epic. Remember even as affliction you will be spending ~50% of your time SBing.

My suggestion for Kara entry: (as affliction).
~8k hp and mp, 70 +hit, +700 Shadow Damage and a variant of the following build: 43/0/18
#15 Oct 30 2007 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
I assume you mean something like this?

No, I would mean something like 41/0/20 or 43/0/18. Any points in demo beyond iHS are mostly wasted compared to other available talents (though I wouldn't ridicule a lock for taking a few extra in Demonic Embrace if they PvP heavily, though I would encourage them to respec between raids and arenas if possible).

By having an overly large mana pool:
- no dangerous life-taps
- constant dot refresh
- recast for resists
- ability to spread multiple dots (idots) to many targets

You need to life tap no matter what, and they're not dangerous if you're smart about it. Just don't tap right before predictable damage (ground slam), and watch carefully for less-predictable damage afterwards (orbs).

By having a "large" health pool and mana pool (above)
- reduces stress on your healer
- no need to drain-life for dps loss

Your healers shouldn't be stressed unless the fight's going badly. You have raid healers to heal the raid, who don't have to try and heal the tank. If you're life tapping correctly, then there's no stress placed on them because you should be life tapping during a lull in damage.

By having low crit, but high spell damage:
- more dps for multiple dot spread (sb is for 1 target)
- long-term damage over burst damage
- easy recast for resist ("fire and forget")

By having low crit, you don't contribute to ISB uptime. Crit doesn't determine what spells you cast, you'll be throwing out the same DoTs and sbolts whether you have 10% crit or 30%. You seem to think it does.

Another thing about your build is that you claim it's based on DoT's, but then leave out UA. Erm...?

Think about it this way: assuming low crit, you're going to have about a 15% chance of crit - which means you'll get that 1500 damage once every 35 seconds or so - which is about what you'd make up with the increased spell damage from dem. aegis. I can show you based on spell rotation, if you wish.

I've yet to find a gear level where DA outdoes either UA or Ruin. I'm getting a 50-75dps loss at Kara-level, and worse and worse as the gear gets better. You also have to take into consideration that you're eating other people's charges of ISB by not having it, and as I said, 1500 was worst-case with 4 not-crit sbolts and no DoT ticks. More realistically, it'll be 2-3 sbolts, 1-2 spriest spells, and probably at least 2-4 DoT ticks.

*shrugs* I'd love to see your damage output equation and range of crit. that produces more dps (with a 95% confidence interval); I'm assuming crit as the independent variable. Now, I know this will only be comparable through a damage over time graph, but I currently don't know the equilibrium point myself - I'm leaving that to you. Wait.. I think it's a three dimensional graph, which means intersecting planes... aiks, hard to figure out *headache* T_T

I have no idea what you said or what a crit versus damage graph would prove. Plug the numbers into a damage spreadsheet, that's easier.

As for +spell hit, saying you need +200 hit is ridiculous - you shouldn't need above 150 until you start running for tier 5. Remember - this is for *initial* entry into kara - you should be raising your +hit as soon as it's possible.

It's not overkill by any means. Hit cap is one of the first priorities for any caster, just behind enough health to survive raid-wide damage. Should an Kara-level lock be expected to have 202 rating? No. Should it be a goal as soon as possible? Yes.

The reason why I'll take another lock over you, is that you don't take the time to understand the reason behind choosing specific talents - you look for one thing and then explain why it's the ultimate truth. Moreover, you're too narrow minded to see how one thing can compensate for the other.

I'm a raid leader, theorycrafter, and minmaxer, thanks. I think about specs and gear in insane detail. I scour EJ and other sites regularly, and make avid use of DPS spreadsheets and simulations in order to try and maximize my priest and help others in my guild.
There is no way DA outdoes Ruin or UA. There is no solid reason for needing that much health in raids (if you can get it, great, but it's not *needed,* at least not until well into Tier 5).

Edited, Oct 30th 2007 4:33pm by lsfreak
#16 Oct 30 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
this is for kara don't forget. Why are people commenting to me about there will 4 locks in the 25 man, kara is 10 this post is about kara therefore when he is doing only 25mans he can respec, other than that the 2 specs i have posted are best for kara. :)) (a hugely biased opinion) lol
#17 Oct 31 2007 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
383 posts
My suggestion for Kara entry: (as affliction).
~8k hp and mp, 70 +hit, +700 Shadow Damage and a variant of the following build: 43/0/18

FTW right there. That should get you started. Don't forget the pots, dont be cheap (major shadow power,wiz oil and if you want(cause 23 spell damage is not going to break or make you, Blackened Basilisk)
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