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Helping a guildie out...Follow

#1 Oct 25 2007 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
Looking at the armory of one of the 70 hunters in my guild, and she had no cape! I was asking her why and she said she has a I explained she could get both.

Well, luckily two cloaks of the craft had dropped for me earlier (in about a 10-minute period of time), so I'm selling one of them to her for 9g. That's 15% of the buyout price I had put them in the AH for originally (60g). She's saving for a flying mount...but then again so am I.

I was just wondering what you guys do to help your guildies? I'll sometimes run alts and/or lowbies through lower level content (if I've established a friendship), and I'll sell guildies stuff they need for cheap (i.e. selling primal earth to the LW for 1g each when they're normally 4g, so he can make leg armor kits, selling a cape for 9g instead of 60), or buy recipes for them off the AH. What do you do? Or are you not in a guild that needs help?
#2 Oct 25 2007 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
Free Dragonscale LW crafting/Generic LW crafting, cooking for those who haven't leveled cooking yet, bring a stack or two of Golden Fishsticks to raids because even fewer people get 375 fishing, the same with Ravager Dogs and Warp Burgers. I provide all the easy to get mats when crafting for others in my guild, or a few specialty items cheaply. I come and pretty much solo any groupquest they need help with in Outlands. I hunt and kill anyone who ganks a guildie. I annihilate their spirits with scathing prose to help them cope with the inevitable feeling of defeat when they come to a raid and turn out to be less than adequate compared to the God that is me. Also, I got three alt characters who all have full banks of Darkmoon Special Reserve that is distributed evenly when needed.

And the list goes on.

It helps that I've been in the same guild pretty much since I first started WoW. Numerous alts have tried other guilds, but I've always returned to this one and have come to think of it as home. Thus, I play nice. Except when some new guy goes retarded of course.
#3 Oct 25 2007 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
146 posts
I'm not rich by some of the long term WoW player's standards, not even close, but I do ok. So I can afford to be a little more generous than some.

I have bought some more expensive gear for guildies. I've bought high end gems, potions, even leg armor patches, and weapons for other players in the guild. I've provided mats for them to obtain crafted gear (including some of my more lucrative mats: felsteel bars and hardened adamantite) - FREE of charge. As a 375 fisherman, and cook, I provide food buffs on a regular basis to those who will most help the guild progress right now, or ones who are in need of a boost. I especially go out of my way to get spicy crawdads for our tanks, and golden fishsticks for our healers. I could make decent coin selling those, but I give them away free.

I'll provide gold to a guildie if he's truly in need of it for a worthy cause (training, gear, enchant, etc). I'm not about to pay for anyone's mount though. They have to work and earn it... at least to a point. I have one guildie who's had a hard time earning gold because he took up 2 crafting profs. His choice. He asked me - nicely - if I could help him in any way to get his epic land mount. Considering his circumstances, I told him how to farm up money fast (it isn't hard, but some people either don't know how, or don't want to put in the time to farm). He had maybe 80G at the time, so I said if he could earn enough money for his training, I'd pay for the mount itself. I know, it's seems a small amount in comparison, but I figured this may motivate him to start earning, and prove to himself that he COULD earn gold quickly. He did. In 2 days. I made good on my promise, even after he said one more day and he'd have it anyway, so I didn't need to get him the mount. Hey, a deal's a deal.

The last few days, I've taken time out of my normal schedule to help one of my guildies farm lower level leathers. She took up LW, and needs to skill up fast. In the long run, it'll be beneficial to the entire guild, so I'll do what I can to help.

I don't run lowbies through dungeons anymore. Even guildies. I might make an exception if there's a specific item they want, and that's all they want out of it. I don't run with lower levels through dungeons 10-15 levels too low for me anymore either. I did that when I was the highest level in my guild, and I wanted people to level as quickly as possible. Now, those people are part of our static dungeon group. And we're all grinding endlessly to gear up. I just don't have time for that anymore. Also, it's really a disservice to them since they should be using those dungeons to better learn teamwork, etc. Not relying on a 70 to bail them out. I WILL make an exception,however, for pallies and lock's mount quests.

Of course, every now and then, you'll get a user. They take everything for granted, take you for whatever they can get out of you, and then /gquit to go off to another guild because "we're not progressing as fast as I want to." Oh really? Who do you think cooled his heals for over 2 months now waiting on everyone else? (including YOU) Some gratitude. It's almost enough to make one a miser, and unwilling to help anyone again. But that's not me. And that's also a different topic.
#4 Oct 25 2007 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I'll do free enchants (with my mats), help people gather mining ores, or give away ore that I already have. I used to run people through low level instances, but I stopped doing that, because it was always the same few people with 10 different alts that never seem to level above 40.

Lately, my guild has been so dead and/or selfish that it's considered "helping out" to DPS in a level 70 instance.
#5 Oct 25 2007 at 11:25 PM Rating: Good
As my main is a miner/herbalist I'll provide to guildies those mats that I have in good supply for free.
So if ever someone needs adamantit, fel steel, khorium or some herbs I'll supply them. Green quality gems are free for everyone, rare gems are only free for those with whom I play on a very regular basis (usually those who raid with me).
My alt is a skinner/leatherworker and I usually help out with armor patches and stuff like that. Crafting for guildies is always for free (including primal nether). Common materials like knothide leather, primal earth and things like that are given away for free. The more seldom materials are supplied by the guildie who wants stuff crafted.
We are a rather small and close guild so helping each other out is not a big deal. Everyone does it all the time.
#6 Oct 26 2007 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
I don't charge guildies for anything, and keep them in mind when I get drops and such. I will give to guildies before AH or anything else.

I have found that I get the same consideration back. I've logged on and had great gear sitting in my mailbox for me and I didn't even ask for it. That's because my fellow guildies know my characters.

I will also forgo a night of my own XP and such to run guildies through stuff. They pay me back by running me through stuff. It all balances out. Our guild is hyper friendly but we are not an end-game guild or levelling guild, we do both but we are all friends first and chat with each other on a first name basis.

It makes it much more fun of a game. Some members have characters in end-game guilds so they can get that fix when they want, but most of the characters tend to stay with the main guild.
#7 Oct 26 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
In my guild;

1) Trade skills - both my toons TS's are Free for Guildies, I will even supply Mats if I have them.

2) Runs - I provide runs to friends and guildies when I want to and am bored but we greatly discourage our members from asking for them.

3) Drops - Most drops I find from trash mobs I will link in G chat and ask if anyone needs it before I DE it. Trade skill recipes again are in gchat or sent to the Guild Trade Skill member or to the G bank.

4) Money - Under no circumstances will I lend $$ to anyone.

We do try to screen new members and keep an eye on those that would exploit our system but it's worked great for well over a year.
#8 Oct 26 2007 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I generally go for half the market value, unless I've made a note to myself about owing them something in which case its free stuff like arcane dust and LPS. How ever the guild I'm in isn't full of 'tards so generally speaking they always farm there own mats/gold and by from the AH or myself.

One of the officers is swimming in primal earths and he just hands them out if people need them. The guild bank generally hands out mats depending on how long you've been here for.
#9 Oct 29 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
NorthAI wrote:
Free Dragonscale LW crafting/Generic LW crafting. I provide all the easy to get mats when crafting for others in my guild, or a few specialty items cheaply. I come and pretty much solo any groupquest they need help with in Outlands. I hunt and kill anyone who ganks a guildie.
thats about what i do for guildies, also run any instance they need a 5th person for and rush alts through instances.
#10 Oct 29 2007 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
576 posts
my guild is a little different then most, we only have 4 or 5 active players, and an GM that quit playing... so the 4 of us that play always help each other out. Now that we've all finally hit 70 we're going to be looking for a guild that can take at least 3 of us on...

But yeah, I always help out guildies... normally if I get a drop I know they can use I'll just mail it to them and vice versa.
#11 Oct 29 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Switch to Stormrage and I know I can guarentee you a guild ;)
#12 Oct 29 2007 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
My guild is very new. Last night I became the highest level member (><) and honestly I saw it as only a temp until I reached 70. Although I am generally liking the fact that they are nice, and a couple of them are brand new. By the time I do reach 70 I doubt that I will be doing much beisdes trying to figure out gear and rep so I may stick with them for awhile since I doubt I'll have time to be a raider. (Honestly I only accepted the invite to the guild because the guild name is Nyte, and it went with my whole using a y instead of i.)

Since I joined about 2 weeks ago, I've lent 25g to a mountless 44 (I am -200g on my epic, so for the highest character being only 52 I am doing well) and I gave a pair of blue gloves I found to a warrior. They seem to do a ton of instances, I tagged along on one this weekend (was 4 days for me) and ended the run with 3 blues. It does seem to balance out, and I was grateful that I went. (Mara was the first instance I had done since I started this server and character)

I do tend to be generous to my guild. It's only when there is no generousity in return that I rethink my line of.... thinking. If no one else is helping out, I don't really consider it somewhere I want to be.
#13 Oct 29 2007 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
576 posts
Switch to Stormrage and I know I can guarentee you a guild ;)

thanks for the offer... but I don't think the Horde and Alliance get along very well... no matter what server I'm on.
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