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Get to level 25 before posting/ asking questions on forums..Follow

#27 Oct 26 2007 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
sloshot wrote:
That's something that is being addressed right now. The old sticky is still friendly enough to be understood by anyone with a 4th grade education. You just have to invest time to read it and understand it. That is what many of the 'clique' are asking for, sometimes in abrasive terms, and I can understand the request. Like Caldone, I hung out for a while and then decided to hop in.

You seem to be operating from the assumption that every question that gets flamed here (or where the poster is treated poorly for asking it) has the answer contained in the sticky.

Obviously, it's not.

As a prime and recent example, if someone was told there's a quest to get Shadow Meld for their pet, will the sticky provide the answer to that question? No, it won't. Petopia won't provide the answer to that question. A person could spend hours going through all of the quests in Kalimdor trying to find it and their question still wouldn't be answered. So they come here and extremely reasonable thing to do, and they're met with snide idiocy as a response. Is that cool?
#28 Oct 26 2007 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Deadd wrote:
Again, why are people so sensitive anymore? Do you really need to QQ everytime someone posts something you view as negative Aurelius? I come here and get a laugh once in awhile. Most flaming posts by these guys are at least well written and more often than not point the OP to go to a specific place to find the information. Do they feel a wee bit stupid after a verbal beatdown? Probably, but I bet they also learn to do a little research before they blindly post after that.

There's sort of a baseline that I've come to accept in these forums. Ask what the best pet is? Get flamed. Ask what the best spec is? Get flamed. Similar questions, similar responses. In my experience, however, every once in a while it gets out of control. All of a sudden, almost any question not asked by a regular here on the Hunter forums is met with cruelty and derision, and we're back to such a scenario. I think it's crap. I'm saying so. Consequently, I've got people defending their right to treat people like sub-standard human beings, and what's worse...they actually seem to believe what they're saying.
#29REDACTED, Posted: Oct 26 2007 at 10:15 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Please not there are a couple different new posters that have asked good questions, that are not regulars, that did not get flamed down, so that throws your ******** theory out the door.
#30 Oct 26 2007 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
146 posts
It will hurt when you fall off that horse. Its so high. I have more of a problem with people like you that think they are so far and away superior to everyone else that they and they alone can determine what is acceptable.

I know its a huge shock to your ego the alot of people disagree with you. How can we all be so blind to your omnipotence?

I find it funny that you have this huge issue with some sarcastic wit but yet you find it perfectly acceptable to try and impose your moral code on others? Which is worse?

#31 Oct 26 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
So why would you jump the bandwagon and start telling people to do something you yourself were not willing to do?

Read again, I explained why...

Wow, you know, I see alot of your argument might possibly be valid if I hadn't already answered them.

You've missed the point. You can't expect someone to do something you yourself were not willing to do. That's called hypocricy. It's called a double standard. Nothing undermines a leadership role (ie. management, etc.) like expecting people to do something you have never done. That's why "lateral entry" has become such a miserable taboo. So sure, you can refer people to the sticky, but when you talk down to them because they haven't done something that you haven't done, you're just being an ***.

It's not double standards, wether they learn it through threads or through the sticky, the information is there. Pointing them to the sticky is the easiest thing to do besides telling them to read every page on the forums which would take about a year.

And believe it or not, Caldone, other people can be a far more effective resource for finding information than some other options. If you don't want to answer their question, don't. It would be better, I think, if you would not drive people away before those of us who wouldn't mind answering their question have an opportunity to do so. Unless you think you and the rest of the Hunter clique are more important to these forums than anyone else. That in of itself would be very telling.

All I ask is that they READ SOMETHING and become educated before they post.

You're right. Teachers, professors, consultants the world over are being phased out. Who wants to talk to a person when they have a question when they could just as well pour over page upon page upon page of dry information that is mostly irrelevant to their question.

Please not there are a couple different new posters that have asked good questions, that are not regulars, that did not get flamed down, so that throws your bullsh*t theory out the door.

A couple. Not all. I didn't say all, so my ************** theory" is just your ******** interpretation of what you failed to read properly.

Do me a favor, before you start making accusations, do some research ya knucklehead.

Where can I find the information to do that research? Is that in the sticky too?
#32 Oct 26 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
Deadd wrote:
It will hurt when you fall off that horse. Its so high. I have more of a problem with people like you that think they are so far and away superior to everyone else that they and they alone can determine what is acceptable.

I know its a huge shock to your ego the alot of people disagree with you. How can we all be so blind to your omnipotence?

I find it funny that you have this huge issue with some sarcastic wit but yet you find it perfectly acceptable to try and impose your moral code on others? Which is worse?

This is great. Absolutely brilliant.

NorthAI, Caldone, Skribs, etc. etc. etc. set down "unwritten" rules about what is or is not acceptable by way of questions here.

Still with me?

If people fall outside of those guidelines, they are treated poorly.

Have I lost you yet?

You take issue with people who consider themselves so "superior" to others that they are harshly critical of people who fall outside of their guidelines of what is/is not acceptable.

Why aren't you talking to the people who more or less ensure it's always the same people repeating the same would-be humorous tripe about evil minions while newcomers are chased out of the forum because the superior folks on their high horse don't like answering simple questions?

Double standard? Check.

Failed argument? Check.
#33 Oct 26 2007 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
2,388 posts
I love this, I'm done, I answer your questions over and over and you keep asking the same ********* only answering/questioning half the statement.

You take one paragraph, and ask a question, or make a comment about it that I have already answered in another paragraph, and then you tear apart that other paragraph, when it was answered it yet another one.

Read the whole posting, see how it all explains itself, then try to comne up with a retort.

Aight guys, I am done explaining myself about the same damn things over and over again, I get it enough from my wife, I don't need it from a selfrighteous asshat.
#34 Oct 26 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
Aight guys, I am done explaining myself about the same damn things over and over again, I get it enough from my wife, I don't need it from a selfrighteous asshat.

How does it feel Caldone? Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Does it inspire you?

Does it make you want to come back?

Think about how you feel right now the next time you come here and think you're cool and justified in tearing a strip off of a newcomer because they don't meet your standards.
#35 Oct 26 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
356 posts
Ok, well it's obvious that no one's even reading my posts, and I could try to be constructive and try to gather the information in the sticky thread into one new thread...

But I'm not sure why I'd bother.

#36 Oct 26 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
2,388 posts
Ok, well it's obvious that no one's even reading my posts, and I could try to be constructive and try to gather the information in the sticky thread into one new thread...

But I'm not sure why I'd bother.



Sorry, your post wasn't as negative or annoying as Aru's was, though I see your point. If you happen to notice, I have toned down somewhat, but yes, I will still be an arrogant asshat whith a very wide Smart *** streak.


Because I can.

I am in the Armed Forces.

I protect the right to free speech.

I abuse it whole heartedly :)
#37 Oct 26 2007 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
sloshot wrote:
A good rubrick might be:

-Get your ducks in a row first and know of what you speak before you ask.
-Use clear, concise, and correct language to present your conundrum to the forum.
-If you are totally new, don't just hop in the scalding water, tip your toes in the stickies and understand that "Every Question answered here" might just answer your question. Then you might have others NOT contained in there and follow the first two items before asking them.
-Lastly, don't attack, and don't take every post as an attack. Thick skin should be accessoried with a gentle tongue.

I totally agree that in a perfect world, the above are a great ideal. However, the real world is full of people that don't or won't meet those expectations. Expecting every newcomer to meet those criteria and do their homework is very unrealistic. So, the response of some is to attack people because they don't meet the ideal standard, as opposed to simply answering or ignoring them.

In my opinion, the real fault is the lack of an active Admin in the forum. If an Admin were active, then dumb questions would be answered with perhaps a short answer followed by, "See the Sticky" and "Thread Closed". Instead, the forum is a sort of quasi-self-policing entity where people attempt to enforce their own standards through their own methods.

The above argument in this thread is really about two different perspectives about dealing with posts and arguing who is right or wrong. In reality, the lack of real standards and enforcement by Allakhazam is what the ultimate root of the "problem" is, in my opinion. In effect, Allakhazam let's the inmates run the asylum. Not all the inmates agree with each other, so they argue because the warden (Allakhazam) has not explicitly stated what their standards for posting and replying are.

Arguments like this thread are ultimately pointless because neither side will convince the other that their approach is best. Unless Allakhazam defines their standards and people have something to point to as "the law", then neither side is correct and the mob rules.
#38 Oct 26 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
146 posts

You haven't lost me, Don't flatter yourself. You simply are not intelligent enough to do so. Being an elitist snob wanting to impose your carebear will on people and posting walls of texts don't impress me.

I meet your type all the time. You are pretty amusing atually. I'm smiling as I type, are you? I bet not. You just can't grasp others may not agree with you. You can't let it go. You have to bend everyone to your point of view or it will just eat away at you. You can try to deny it but its right here for anyone to see. You visit every discussion just waiting to pounce and cry for what you view as moral or social indescretions. You have to be the champion for the down trodden. The moral compass, protector of Allakhazam! I find it humorous.

I'm new to the WoW forums and you really hurt my feelings with your response to me Aurelius. I demand you post and chastise yourself immediately. You wounded my inner child. Since that won't happen.....

Lets play your game for a bit,

Elistist snob? Check

Holier than thou attitude? Check

Willing to impose your moral code on all other human beings? Check

Failure to see his/her own Double standard? Check

Many Many Many failed arguments? Big Check

That is so cool! See I did it to! Now I can hang with the cool kids to.

In closing, "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ---- I really need to start remembering that. I think Caldone figured it out and left.
#39 Oct 26 2007 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
azwing wrote:
I totally agree that in a perfect world, the above are a great ideal. However, the real world is full of people that don't or won't meet those expectations. Expecting every newcomer to meet those criteria and do their homework is very unrealistic. So, the response of some is to attack people because they don't meet the ideal standard, as opposed to simply answering or ignoring them.

Yes, I believe I said exactly the same thing a few threads of this nature back. So rather than rehash imperical observation, I posted the ideal. I agree with you fully, it is the ideal. To me, the ideal is the goal, not the 'method' of reaching it.

azwing wrote:
In my opinion, the real fault is the lack of an active Admin in the forum. If an Admin were active, then dumb questions would be answered with perhaps a short answer followed by, "See the Sticky" and "Thread Closed". Instead, the forum is a sort of quasi-self-policing entity where people attempt to enforce their own standards through their own methods.

Completely accurate. Then again, with that level of admin, some of the funnier things said would also be constrained so it's a double-edged sword.

If all of us, as a personal choice, stick with the 'ideal' posting behavior, it will rub off on all but the most inconsiderate of newbies. It sets the standard by which just reading a few threads tell a new poster how to behave. If the new poster comes in and doesn't read a darned thing and posts up "How do I...", I fully expect myself to whistle up North and say "Go get 'im boy!" However, if it's clear that the poster at least tried to follow good posting behavior, even 2 out of the four things I mentioned, then they just need a little polishing, some minor admonition, the right answer and as you said Az "thread closed". We need to agree to kill the thread (not just derail, but kill).

At that point, introducing new posters to the Alla world is just a maintenance procedure. It becomes "Clean up on Aisle 5" and we can all juggle that role around. If you don't feel like doing it, like you said Az, ignore it and someone else will. Or we can all clamor for better admin, or just ignore this entire issue and risk becoming bored because it's just all of us common posters and all the new blood is entirely scared away.
#40 Oct 26 2007 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
747 posts
Aurelius, of all the people who have ever posted on this forum you have got to be the most retarded. You are nothing more than a self-righteous, self-serving, asshat who is far too busy thinking about how perfect you are to realize that all you're doing is provoking people, pissing people off and rebuking them the same way that they do to other people.

Get off of your god damned high horse you ignorant, self-absorbed, god-complexed, hypocritical fcuktard.

Take a look at all of your posts, dipsh!t, you're doing the exact same thing you are pissed off at North, Caldone, Smallsword and the rest of us for doing. Like I said before, lead by example not by preaching. I don't think there is a single person on this forum who has seen this post will ever take you seriously again.

I'd like to know what you were planning on accomplishing by posting like this? Pissing people off? Trolling? Or are you really trying to help the "little people" by posting like a holier than thou asshat? Take it from me buddy, nobody wants to be defended by anyone who proclaims themselves to be or portrays themselves as better than everyone else. So stop ******* talking, get on with your life and do something thats actually worth making sure you don't breed.

#41 Oct 26 2007 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
Katchii wrote:
Aurelius, of all the people who have ever posted on this forum you have got to be the most retarded. You are nothing more than a self-righteous, self-serving, asshat who is far too busy thinking about how perfect you are to realize that all you're doing is provoking people, pissing people off and rebuking them the same way that they do to other people.

Get off of your god damned high horse you ignorant, self-absorbed, god-complexed, hypocritical fcuktard.

Take a look at all of your posts, dipsh!t, you're doing the exact same thing you are pissed off at North, Caldone, Smallsword and the rest of us for doing. Like I said before, lead by example not by preaching. I don't think there is a single person on this forum who has seen this post will ever take you seriously again.

I'd like to know what you were planning on accomplishing by posting like this? Pissing people off? Trolling? Or are you really trying to help the "little people" by posting like a holier than thou asshat? Take it from me buddy, nobody wants to be defended by anyone who proclaims themselves to be or portrays themselves as better than everyone else. So stop @#%^ing talking, get on with your life and do something thats actually worth making sure you don't breed.

Your home room teacher is calling.

Kiss your momma with that mouth?
#42 Oct 26 2007 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
747 posts
She's dead *******.....thanks for reminding me.
#43 Oct 26 2007 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
She's dead @#%^.....thanks for reminding me.



Blue post sub-default anybody?
#44 Oct 26 2007 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Like leaving long drawn-out rants about how other people are stupid or how they ask dumb questions is any better. Hmm.. Just a thought.
#45 Oct 26 2007 at 1:23 PM Rating: Excellent
You know, on other class forums, people are generally pretty nice - especially druid and pally forums. They patiently help noobs - while here we have short fuses and "have fun" with the poor noobs (I'm as guilty as any).

Before we make blanket rules, however, about who can and can't ask questions here - well, I for one, when I started wow years ago, read the guides that were here (one is still there - the "how to get your hunter to 20" guide or something, it was pretty good). There was no petopia yet. And I had to ask a few questions that were bugging me - newb questions. And people were very nice about answering me.

I think we've really lost sight of things lately.

Going back to the "golden daze" of the Boar Crusade, we were specifically against noobs with "bad attitude" coming in here, feeling entitled - and asking poorly written, cocky or bizarely ignorant questions (the endless stream of "whatz the best pet dood?" questions were what set me off).

But we all had it in mind that if a nice newb came in asking questions - trying to spell - not making our eyes bleed w/ walls of text - and so on - we'd help them, even if the answer was in the stickie!

Look, that stickie - to be brutally honest - is way too detailed and long. It's not what a newb needs when they have a question burning a hole in their head - to ask them to spend 20 minutes scanning through a whole thread - when one of us could spend 20 seconds answering them - come on!

Let's go back to being "reasonable," I humbly ask!

Let's not jump on every newb who comes here - just the truly awful N00bz! That we've lost the distinction says bad things about us. It's sort of like we've gone from ganking idiots who deserved it to griefing entire newbie zones w/ our seventies. We've crossed a line, and I hope we can come back - and present a more "balanced" form of insanity here!

Well, here's hoping....

Edited, Oct 26th 2007 5:23pm by IponemaGirl
#46 Oct 26 2007 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts

We only jump the guys who have poorly worded and not very well compiled questions.

Or a questions baout what is the best pet for this... or this...

Yeah, gets annoying.

Now if somebody asks were to get a pet, people generally tell him were to go to find out or tell him if it is too dificult.

Srsly, it is a difficult balance, and sometimes I blow off because of a bad day, but meh ;)
#47 Oct 26 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
797 posts
I feel we jump on the noobs too quickly and harshly in the name of keeping a 'quality' forum.
#48 Oct 26 2007 at 2:08 PM Rating: Excellent
I know Caldone, but honestly, the past few months - I think the distinction has sometimes blurred.

Yeah, I have bad daze, too (er, days).

Remember (I know most of you know this) but there are noobs and newbs. And there is a difference.

We want newbs to come here, feel welcome, enjoy themselves, get helped - and become fun, useful contributors.

We want noobs, who are clueless, hopeless jerks (with no hope of redemption) to get so burned they go away. Or - to redeem themselves - it does happen.

So... not meaning to go on and on - I just hope we can go back to using good judgment on when to pounce and when to nurture. That's all. Thanks much!
#49 Oct 26 2007 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
This forum is harsh yes, though if they are not thick skinned enough to stay, it helsp filter out the baddies :)

Notice, not all the newbies have left, some have stayed. Some have stayed and turned good while some just wont stop (Aure) with their noobness.

I like that filtering process :P
#50 Oct 26 2007 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
IponemaGirl wrote:
Going back to the "golden daze" of the Boar Crusade,

Someone called?
#51 Oct 28 2007 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
It's Oink!

Good ta see ya buddy!
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