NorthAI wrote:
Corporate Management training. It is oh-so-useful when toppling the collective thrones of Stygian, Cthulhian and Danteian Hell.
Dante's is the best one. I must have read his Inferno about ten times and it just gets better with each read. Especially the image of greasy Cerberus raking through the souls lying in the muck.
Although, the whole Cthulhian thing is very awesome too. Who would have guessed that blood, pain and horror could be so inspiring? ... Well, me, cause I'm a writer of of horrible tragedies. But who in their right mind would have guessed it?
I'm fighting my instinct here. I tend to hate the bastardisation of language.
Hate it. Although, in this case, it's intentional - rather than being the product of simple obliviousness. I can't say these quotes are quite making me wet my pants as much as it is for Caldone... But try to remember to use your bastardisations for good instead of evil.
Or, should I say, use it for evil instead of retardation. For retardation is a dark path, and not in the wonderful sense of demons and other-worldly terror.