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QQ why do warriors suck at early levelsFollow

#1 Oct 23 2007 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
all of my alts are lowbies, i have a 25 priest, 19 hunter, 12 rogue, 14 shaman, and just started a 4 pally on the server i transferred my 70 main to. every_single_one of these other classes have had it easier in early levels compared to when i started out with my warrior. heck, i just found out last night i got seal of judgment on my pally, it's like having an execute at level 4. wtf imba o.O
#2 Oct 23 2007 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
Warriors are just like all other classes at low levels. Easymode. Well, Druids are slow pre-20, but still easy to level. Warriors, I've found, are actually faster levelers than most. Charge, *insert horrific slaughter here*, and go on. Goes fast, and downtime isn't bad either.
#3 Oct 23 2007 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Because i like to torture myself i decided to slowly level another warrior.

I have a 70 Human tank, but i decided to roll a Tauren just to see how the other half lives.

I don't know if its because I know how to play one, or i'm used to leveling but damn he just dont stop. hes only level 12, granted, but its charge, kill, charge, kill... over and over, i might bandage every 5 or 6 kills.
I forgot what it was like to level low level (i have not had an alt in while now)

chain kills ftw!
#4 Oct 23 2007 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm, in a way I've struggled with Warrior leveling until you get you talents in line. It's slow, dangerous, and will prolly die a lot. As everyone says "Warrior is very gear dependant". We also don't have a "Oh Noes!!" button like some other classes. We have no healing except for potions/bandages/food, and really no way until Intimadating Shout to get mobs off us when we get multi multi mobs on us.

However, Warrior can survive pretty well. Last night in Shadowmoon I got 3 same level mobs on me... one was a stupid flying dragon acid spitter. I pop'd a potion, but killed all 3 of those suckas.

Stick with it OP, it gets easier. Might want to get a nice 2H weapon starting out. DW you'll miss more than it's worth.
#5 Oct 23 2007 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
842 posts
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
Stick with it OP, it gets easier. Might want to get a nice 2H weapon starting out. DW you'll miss more than it's worth.


my main is a 70 warrior, gyf.

maybe i'll roll a hordie warrior and start all over again. i definitely don't remember my early levels being charge/kill/kill/kill.
#6 Oct 23 2007 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
fromanthebarbarian wrote:
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
Stick with it OP, it gets easier. Might want to get a nice 2H weapon starting out. DW you'll miss more than it's worth.


my main is a 70 warrior, gyf.

maybe i'll roll a hordie warrior and start all over again. i definitely don't remember my early levels being charge/kill/kill/kill.

Smiley: blush Ooopsie, I did not bother reading your sig. lol My bad. Combo of hangover + a.m. typing + work = bad reading.
#7 Oct 23 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
I'm having the same issues. I have a 19 Warrior Alt that just kinda hangs out in ORG as my bank now. He has good gear being that I just take the best of whatever my other ALTs send to Auction. He has about 300 gold on him so I could do even better on gear if I wanted to. I just seem to die on a 10:1 ratio compared to my rogue/Hunter/lock and even druid.

I'm sure its me and I wish I could figure it out. He is easily my favorite character looks wise. I really want to level with a war but man is it getting frustrating dying all the time. I use a 2H'er and I have put all my points into the Arms tree so far. I think its the lack of oh sheeeite abilities. I seem to die from Adds everytime.

Any suggestions from Vets and those with obviously better skill than me would be appreciated ;)

#8 Oct 23 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,164 posts
I have a level 33 Undead Warrior and I aboslutely own everything. Now granted I spent a lot of time getting geared up even at the early 20s. Shining Silver Breastplate with +50 Health along with the Corpsemaker (just about to get Warrior axe from Cyclonian) FTW!!! I top the damage charts in BGs almost every time except for when twink hunters dominate the playing field.

I love my fem warrior. She is overly adequate and completes me in every way. My Druid is fastly taking a backseat to her PVP prowess.
#9 Oct 23 2007 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
really want to level with a war but man is it getting frustrating dying all the time. I use a 2H'er and I have put all my points into the Arms tree so far. I think its the lack of oh sheeeite abilities. I seem to die from Adds everytime.

That's why charge can be a blessing, and a curse.

Sometimes it's better to pull a mob than heading in their headfirst.

#10 Oct 23 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I'm doing it the easy way. I have a paladin I'm levelling with (I'm prot he's holy) and we do mainly instances. It's pretty fun, since some of the content I've never hit before (such as WC or SM:GY, and later we'll do Mara and Uld which I have never done mara and never successfully done uld) and it's easy finding groups because we can go "LF3M just need DPS" (which is easy to find).

But I've never got the hang of soloing a warrior. I prefer classes with CC, pets, or heals for that...pretty much anything but a warrior =P.
#11 Oct 23 2007 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
My problem is I go on in and I'm still in rogue mode. I think I can waltz in any area, take out the offending quest mob and vanish away. I gotta change my mindset. There is no method of escape if you pull adds unless I'm missing something?

I'm enjoying my Druid in bear form so maybe I need to pick up the warrior and try again.
#12 Oct 23 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,047 posts
Deadd wrote:
There is no method of escape if you pull adds unless I'm missing something?

Dying =) Or Intim Shout/Piercing Howl/Shield Wall and doing like Sir Robin. Don't forget to dance to Defensive when running away. If it's just a couple melee mob you can jumpspin-Hamstring.

Usually I just do kamikaze runs though.

Agree with the OP though, unless you have a main to pimp your war or want to spend 3 times as long leveling by farming out the best gear for every level, leveling a warrior is an exercise in anger management. On my old war I really don't remember it getting much better at all til BC (when I was starting out in epix and getting phat Outland booties); I suspected it was because it was my first character, but then I leveled a mage and pally, veritable breezes by comparison, and I'm back to warrior and it still sucks.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2007 1:39pm by Theophastus
#13 Oct 23 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
My usual method of escaping from adds goes something like this:

1.) Charge in and realise I'm going to aggro more than one....crap. Come to the painful realisation I am on my warrior and am now in fact screwed.
2.) Try to kill initial mob
3.) Run away squealing like a little girl to hopefully a spot where I can rez safely.
4.) Put up a heroic last stand while adds buddies point and laugh in my general direction.
5.) Corpse Run, with a stop over at the mob that killed me. Hopefully haunting him.
6.) Profit
#14 Oct 23 2007 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I've always found the early levels to be easy on a Warrior. Some of the later level ranges were frustrating at times but the 1-10 on my Warriors have been a lot easier than some other classes for those levels. The 10-20 was a bit tougher only because that's when the other classes finally start getting some of their more useful abilities. I have tried most of the other classes (except Warlock) and found that Shaman was relatively easy for me 1-10 but Hunter was really hard until I could get a pet. I'm also not so good at casters at low levels and still find them a bit challenging at the mid-levels (highest Mage is 35). I find Rogues a bit tough until I can get the poison quest done (level 20+) and after that it gets a whole lot easier.
#15 Oct 23 2007 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
1,096 posts
My 55 warrior (Hellhorn/greymane) has been a treat to level.

I leveled him up to 12 and then started hid the leveling guides (honzo's ?? and Jame's) and have had no issues whatsoever.

I abandoned the guides at level 45 so I could play with the wife a bit and now I am 55 and using a guide or just winging it, Hellhorn has had no issues leveling at all.
#16 Oct 23 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Might want to get a nice 2H weapon starting out. DW you'll miss more than it's worth.

Not so sure about that, I have a 28 Warrior and I DW with him becuase the Rage generation in alot faster and I seem to kill things faster with it. I still have the Searing Blade, but about level 23 it just wasn't meeting up to the par of DW, picked up the Axe out of SFK, and still having the same issue, DW just kills faster.

I dunno, maybe I am speced wrong or something- I think my Allah is up to date on him if not:


>.< Just realized I was wearing my Cheapie neck and not my good one :P I have a +stam strength one.


Damnit hit post before I was done!

The other thing that pisses me off is the damn dying all the time, though I can't say it is always because of extra adds, it is usually because I forgot to bandage after last fight, or I didn't realize how hard this guy could hit. I have a Hunter Main so I can usually tell if I charge in wether or not it is going to pull another, and in that case, I just use my Crossbow :)

Edited, Oct 23rd 2007 1:16pm by Caldone
#17 Oct 23 2007 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
Might want to get a nice 2H weapon starting out. DW you'll miss more than it's worth.

Not so sure about that, I have a 28 Warrior and I DW with him becuase the Rage generation in alot faster and I seem to kill things faster with it. I still have the Searing Blade, but about level 23 it just wasn't meeting up to the par of DW, picked up the Axe out of SFK, and still having the same issue, DW just kills faster.

I dunno, maybe I am speced wrong or something- I think my Allah is up to date on him if not:


>.< Just realized I was wearing my Cheapie neck and not my good one :P I have a +stam strength one.


Damnit hit post before I was done!

The other thing that pisses me off is the damn dying all the time, though I can't say it is always because of extra adds, it is usually because I forgot to bandage after last fight, or I didn't realize how hard this guy could hit. I have a Hunter Main so I can usually tell if I charge in wether or not it is going to pull another, and in that case, I just use my Crossbow :)

Edited, Oct 23rd 2007 1:16pm by Caldone

If it works for you, keep on going. There will be streaks where it seems like DW is the absolute best way to go, then you try a 2H instance item you got, 'notice' how much faster you kill the mobs and how much more rage gen you get per 2H swing, and stick with that for a while. I've been changing for 49 levels now, since DW was available to me.

One thing I will say is it's easier to keep a single 2H weapon up to date with your level. Finding 2 single handed (not unique or Main hand) that's current. You can change to swd/mace, swd/swd, swd,axe, or any combo of those to keep up with the best weapons possible for your toon, but past level 20ish they start getting spendy.

Instances seemed to drop 2H weapons over 1H. When a 1H weapon did drop almost everyone wants to need for it.

I remember missing a mob up to 8 times straight... flew to the nearest city and got a 2h right after that Smiley: lol
#18 Oct 23 2007 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts

If it works for you, keep on going. There will be streaks where it seems like DW is the absolute best way to go, then you try a 2H instance item you got, 'notice' how much faster you kill the mobs and how much more rage gen you get per 2H swing, and stick with that for a while. I've been changing for 49 levels now, since DW was available to me.

Maybe its just the "sit there and wait for the swing" that bugs me :) I did notice it takes me about 10-20 seconds faster to kill anything with my 2h, and generally the rage per swing gets used up rather quick, with the DW I have a pretty steady flow.

One thing I will say is it's easier to keep a single 2H weapon up to date with your level. Finding 2 single handed (not unique or Main hand) that's current. You can change to swd/mace, swd/swd, swd,axe, or any combo of those to keep up with the best weapons possible for your toon, but past level 20ish they start getting spendy.

Actually I am having the exact opposite problem, I am always seeing 1 handers drop, and no 2 handers. The ones I have currently equipped dropped for me in an instance run. None of my gear I have bought, I just had it sitting on a bank toon or got it in an instance :)

The thing I don't like about 2handers is it's alot slower, and yes you don't miss as much, but when you do miss it is devestating when you are soloing. I usually get out with maybe a ********** worth of life, were if I Dual Wield I maybe loose 20% of life, is which I proceed to the next mob :D
#19 Oct 23 2007 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I switched back and forth between two-handers and dual-wielding a lot as I leveled. The one thing I found I really liked about dual-wielding is that it meant that I was ready to tank whenever it was necessary. On my NE Warrior that used a blue two-hander for over ten levels, I suddenly discovered that all of my one-hander skills were way too low to even consider tanking so I went back to dual-wield simply to get some skill up for a bit.

On my main, I tried going two-hander for a while in my mid-60s but found that I was killing thing faster with two one-handers. I think that may have been partly because I have talent points in one-handed weapons. I do have Terrok's Quill right now so I am thinking of using it a bit just to see if there's still a noticeable difference in solo killing time.
#20 Oct 23 2007 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
I do have Terrok's Quill right now so I am thinking of using it a bit just to see if there's still a noticeable difference in solo killing time.

I just picked that up last night, with a nice tanking necklace from the Brother against brother quest from the same guy. I was going to test that out. I got that for my Hunter currently too.

I also have the Durn the Hunger w/e it's name is quest 2H axe. Ya it's nice. However I think I finally made up my mind about specs. I'm going Protect and just straight instanting the rest from here out...err after I do some quest(s) that will land me better items than I currently have. I'll farm with my Hunter.
#21 Oct 23 2007 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
I do have Terrok's Quill right now so I am thinking of using it a bit just to see if there's still a noticeable difference in solo killing time.

I just picked that up last night, with a nice tanking necklace from the Brother against brother quest from the same guy. I was going to test that out. I got that for my Hunter currently too.

I also have the Durn the Hunger w/e it's name is quest 2H axe. Ya it's nice. However I think I finally made up my mind about specs. I'm going Protect and just straight instanting the rest from here out...err after I do some quest(s) that will land me better items than I currently have. I'll farm with my Hunter.

I was so annoyed about that Brother Against Brother quest because I asked the people who brought me in to tank about quests and they only shared the one (Terrok's Quill reward) with me. If they had told me there was another quest that I could just pick up outside, I would had plenty of time to run out and grab it.

As for Durn the Hungerer, I grabbed the one-hander as it's supposed to be one of the better tanking weapons for pre-Kara tanks. I have been using my Fireguard these past few days though and am quite happy with it so far even though the stats aren't as tank-oriented.

I don't have any other characters close to 70 yet so any farming I do pretty much has to be done on my Warrior. It will be a while before my 52 Rogue gets to Outland. I'm used to farming on my Warrior though so it doesn't bother me that much. I just like to reduce down-time as much as possible. :)
#22 Oct 23 2007 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
383 posts
Id have to agree with the OP. When you just start out(meaning new to game or new to server, in other words no money) then war sucks big time. The first time I rolled a war it was NOT fun. When you have all gray gear war sucks, is not charge kill charge kill. My war Totao definately lvs faster then my lock ever did, hell I rarely die with him, but thats because hes always had good gear throughout the lvs. Well equipped war = pew pew at its finest, broke war = many many headaches.
#23 Oct 23 2007 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
To the OP, I think it's harder for warriors in early lvl's because apparently we get Over Powered enough in the latter lvl's to get nerfed every patch. So to compensate, blizz *****'s us over twice. Once in the beginning and then again at endgame or lvl 70.
#24 Oct 23 2007 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
842 posts
eh actually my warrior at 70 now blows every other aspect of himself away, then again this is really the first time he's been geared "well".

to the posters who insist in dual wielding in their lower levels, if you like it and you have fun with it, hey keep going at it. but i guarantee that if you parse your damage output and health remaining, you'll see that 2h outperforms dual wielding at lower levels simply because of the huge 24% miss rate with dual wielding. at later levels with more +hit gear, you build up enough +hit to negate the miss rate.

edit: i tried to do some "simple" math with the d/w and 2h miss rates and it started getting very involved, then i noticed my brain leaking out and steam blowing out of my ears and had to stop. the math has been posted before though, i remember a very lengthy thread involved RPZip, devious, russki and others involving DPS, i think some of it is in the PvE DPS faq.
#25 Oct 23 2007 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
I had a lot of trouble in certain patches leveling my warrior. Then again, it was my first character. I'm sure I'd do better now.
#26 Oct 23 2007 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
1,096 posts
For the folks out there questioning the validity of the claims of 2-handers being murder weapons of choice, if you are not using slam, you are gimping your dps severly.

I used to be the same way.."man, this sucks, he hit me 4 times to every one of mine"

Then I read a thread about the usefulness of slam and did some experimenting of my own.


Kill times cut in half and if you have a good 2-hander, it hits like a truck. My warrior is currently 55 and using the ice barbed spear when he is 2-handed soloing.

Not to mention, if you are in a BG with a sloooooooow 2-hander and you mortal strike someone, believe me, they really feeeel it.
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