so my RL friends' guild that i joined is getting up on VR right now. We have the dps and the healing (about 1 minute ahead of the enrage timer atm).. and the tanking for it. however, apparently we don't have the brains for it, people getting bolted left and right... really just pathetic. so after a handful of attempts and it getting late and our healers leaving (we still have ~7) we go do DLK... easy epics rite? we get about 2 more healers from pugs that have decent gear and go over to him.
I don't think I died that fast since i went into MC with my first character at level 53 with 3 of my buddies and decided to try one of the giants.
why are people so stupid? is this common? is there still even hope? or should I go to my old guild that is now downing vashj and up to kael in ssc... grrrr :|
on top of that, I went onto my friends warrior because he logged on another guys' healer to and MT'ed. I held aggro through 5 knockbacks and as soon as the 6th one came VR turned around and dominated some poor rogue in the face prior to our feral druid getting aggro.
how did you guys deal with it? I def. don't remember having this many problems the first time I downed him (hell, I had less problems on mag when he was required to get attuned!)