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Retribution getting threat reduction talent...Follow

#52 Oct 22 2007 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
hmm, tanking up tp the 50's as ret is fun... top dps and dsmage taken is very possible. how ever i'd agree with capjack that this is a fair trade. i rolled ret on my second pally because i wanted dps+support (first pally is holy). if i really wanted to tank i'd have rolled a prot pally. this will allow my retadin to be what i created her to be.

side note... if you really must tank ret in the 50's just take 5 points in prot or somewhere else in ret instead of fanatacism... extra crits on judgements is nice, but if you're tanking, it not necessary.just get this when you hit the 60's and are done tanking.

i would not consider rolling with RF and a 2Her tanking, even though i've done it countless times. truth is, pre-60 almost any class can tank if they are a few levels above the mobs. a Ret pally can only hold aggro with a 2H, switch to a shield for dmg reduction and you might as well be *****-slapping the mobs.

Blizz seems to have hardwired a gift for us, saying "If you want dps we wont let you tank, now choose"

My raids feel empty with less than 3 pallies. We QQ over not having Salv, Wis and Kings on the locks.

We did Maulgar with 7 pallies last night. even mages had Might!
#53 Oct 22 2007 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
On a survival or marksman hunter especially, and to some extent a BM hunter, I would not mind having might, kings, wisdom, and salvation. And hey, if there's another Pally I'll take Light as well (especially because chances are it would be a paladin healing me). So yeah, 5 paladins wouldn't be bad, speaking as a hunter.
#54 Oct 22 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
RPZip wrote:
Retadins don't get 3% crit, though. Or, rather, it's not exclusive to them... being as it now requires a very minor side-spec into Ret to pick up, Holyadins can easily snag and apply it.

However, for a Holy Paladin to get that 3% crit, they can't spec deep enough into Protection for Improved Concentration Aura. Gone, then, will be the days of a one-spec-fits-all Holy Paladin that can PvP and raid without respeccing. Are you willing to forfeit that convenience? I sure as hell wouldn't. Especially when you consider that in order to judge Crusader, that Holy Pally is not judging either Light or Wisdom, so I say leave the judging of Crusader up to the Retribution Paladins.

No, as it will come to stand, if I was going to take more than two Paladins to a raid I would prefer the third one be Retribution. Crusader Strike will remove the need for constant judgement jousting, keeping the Holy Pallies safer and less preoccupied, plus three judgements up far more reliably than possible before. They can provide a basic blessing so one of the Holies can use BoK. And they're providing a 2% damage increase on top of all that.

You guys can all keep complaining if you want, but in my opinion, this fixes Retribution Paladins sufficiently enough to make them raid-worthy providing there are at least two other Paladins whose judgements they can serve to refresh. Maybe even without if they're good enough.


skribs wrote:
On a survival or marksman hunter especially, and to some extent a BM hunter, I would not mind having might, kings, wisdom, and salvation. And hey, if there's another Pally I'll take Light as well (especially because chances are it would be a paladin healing me). So yeah, 5 paladins wouldn't be bad, speaking as a hunter.

Nine classes and you want to spend 5, 1/5, or 20% of your total raid slots on one class just for blessings which are largely superfluous after the second blessing and completely unnoticeable after the third?

Well, to each his own, I guess, but that's not a raid I want to be in...

Edited, Oct 22nd 2007 9:30pm by Gaudion
#55 Oct 22 2007 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
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I barely pvp anymore and I already have fights where I joust in and out to keep JoL or JoW up. I'd spec into Ret just to spite a Ret pally.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#56 Oct 23 2007 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
tommyguns wrote:
Blizz seems to have hardwired a gift for us, saying "If you want dps we wont let you tank, now choose"

Nah, the choice comes from whether to use CC or not :) I did near 30% DPS in Heroic Sethekk AOE tanking everything. Wish I got a SS of that ...
#57 Oct 23 2007 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
Maulgak wrote:
tommyguns wrote:
Blizz seems to have hardwired a gift for us, saying "If you want dps we wont let you tank, now choose"

Nah, the choice comes from whether to use CC or not :) I did near 30% DPS in Heroic Sethekk AOE tanking everything. Wish I got a SS of that ...

yeah, i've noticed that good prot pally's can do a lot of dps when they tank multiple mobs. but the ret pally can do more single target damage than the prot can...
#58 Oct 23 2007 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Well every instance I've tanked so far I've come either first or second on the damage meter, second only behind the aggro-magnet Mage or Hunter who refuses to control his DPS at all and then screams "TAUNT OMG" when the mobs smear him across the wall.

I think you know the ones I mean.

With a bit of spelldmg gear, Holy Shield is basically a turbocharged damage reflector, every time something hits you they get a substantial smack in the face from the Shield; add in a Felsteel spike (you do have a Felsteel spike...?) and BoSanc and you can cause a few hundred DPS *per mob*. The only exception is casters, but Blood Elves are even sorted there because you can use Arcane Torrent to pull them into melee range so you can Consecrate.

#59 Oct 23 2007 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent

I to was the same way, trust me that changes at like 62. All the other DPS start skyrocketing. Its ok, we still do more damage than prot warriors.
#60 Oct 24 2007 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
Man, I remember there was some other Retribution change that wasn't too deep in the tree and everyone complained the problem was that other builds could use it so its not a ret buff. People were also complaining that damage buffs are worthless for ret paladins because the real problem was too much threat capping their damage potential.

So what does Blizzard do? They make a talent that does EXACTLY what everyone was asking for, pretty much to the letter.

Now everyone is convinced that retribution paladins don't need a reduced threat ability and its too far into the tree.

If I was blizzard, I'd just take away all paldin's magic abilities about now and change the class name to 'Namby pamby warrior-wannabes' since people are going to complain no matter what they do.


Edited, Oct 24th 2007 1:24pm by digitalcraft
#61 Oct 24 2007 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good

However, for a Holy Paladin to get that 3% crit, they can't spec deep enough into Protection for Improved Concentration Aura. Gone, then, will be the days of a one-spec-fits-all Holy Paladin that can PvP and raid without respeccing. Are you willing to forfeit that convenience? I sure as hell wouldn't. Especially when you consider that in order to judge Crusader, that Holy Pally is not judging either Light or Wisdom, so I say leave the judging of Crusader up to the Retribution Paladins.

No, as it will come to stand, if I was going to take more than two Paladins to a raid I would prefer the third one be Retribution.

Are we talking 10- (or 5-) mans, or actual raids? Because I don't think there's any real question you should be bringing more than one Paladin to a 25-man raid.

"Judgment jousting" really isn't all that hard even in raids, although I know what you mean it's still not that big of a deal for someone to apply it and keep it up.
#62 Oct 25 2007 at 8:02 AM Rating: Excellent
1,441 posts
This just in, according to, in the latest PTR patch, fanaticism's tooltip now shows that the threat reduction won't apply if RF is up. Yay for bringing back more hybridization.
Looks like we're still getting the best of both worlds, after all (if this makes it to live, of course).
#63 Oct 25 2007 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts
Alastaironsiren wrote:
This just in, according to, in the latest PTR patch, fanaticism's tooltip now shows that the threat reduction won't apply if RF is up.

hmm, first thought is that i'm not convinced this is a good idea. admittedly i'm still waiting to do BM to finish getting keyed for kara, so i don't know for sure if this will be good in raids or not. however i've seen too many non tank specs take aggro and at best cause me to waste mana healing a class that has little damage mitigaion compared to a prot war/pally. we'll see how that goes.

second thought is that making ret pallies more viable in general will cause more to roll ret, and adding the ability for a skilled, appropriately geared ret to tank/ot at least most 5mans means maybe we'll see less 'lf1m tank'. i can only hope this turns out for the better.
#64 Oct 26 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent

hmm, first thought is that i'm not convinced this is a good idea. admittedly i'm still waiting to do BM to finish getting keyed for kara, so i don't know for sure if this will be good in raids or not. however i've seen too many non tank specs take aggro and at best cause me to waste mana healing a class that has little damage mitigaion compared to a prot war/pally. we'll see how that goes.

It begs the questions, why are you DPSing in a stance that increases your threat rather than one that decreases it? There is nothing saying a ret pally HAS to have RF up, so why would giving them the option be so bad of an idea?
#65 Oct 26 2007 at 6:03 AM Rating: Excellent
1,441 posts
Like Loki, I fail to see the issue you do. You DPS without RF so you have 30% threat reduction. If you need to offtank you cast RF and suddenly you have 60% or 90% threat generation off holy spells. When whatever you offtank has been picked up, you right-click RF and poof, -30% threat again.

Let's be clear, this change, if it makes it live, is everything we have been asking for in terms of threat management for the Ret changes also planned with 2.3

But it isn't just what we've been asking for, it's also the first time in ages that they add in a change empowering more hybrid gameplay, as opposed to deepening specialization which has been our lot since patch 2.0. I hope it is a sign of more things to come for our class.
#66 Oct 26 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
468 posts
#67 Oct 26 2007 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
RPZip wrote:
Are we talking 10- (or 5-) mans, or actual raids? Because I don't think there's any real question you should be bringing more than one Paladin to a 25-man raid.

You'd have to be positively batty to bring five Paladins into a five or ten-man party.

No, I was referring to the 25-man raid model. And yeah, more than one Paladin isn't a bad thing, but five is really overdoing it. Three Paladins tops is plenty in my opinion, and based on the upcoming changes, if I were the one organizing the raid and had my pick of any spread, I'd prefer two of the Paladins were Holy and the third was Retribution.

"Judgment jousting" really isn't all that hard even in raids, although I know what you mean it's still not that big of a deal for someone to apply it and keep it up.

No, but having a Retribution Paladin in there just makes it that much less of a deal and far more efficient. That, after all, is what raids are all about: potency and efficiency.
#68 Oct 26 2007 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
people can theorycraft and try to debunk the need for Ret pallies but the fact is after 2.3: we're here, we're *****, and gonna get some gear. now live with it.
#69 Oct 26 2007 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
Loki the Sly wrote:

hmm, first thought is that i'm not convinced this is a good idea. admittedly i'm still waiting to do BM to finish getting keyed for kara, so i don't know for sure if this will be good in raids or not. however i've seen too many non tank specs take aggro and at best cause me to waste mana healing a class that has little damage mitigaion compared to a prot war/pally. we'll see how that goes.

It begs the questions, why are you DPSing in a stance that increases your threat rather than one that decreases it? There is nothing saying a ret pally HAS to have RF up, so why would giving them the option be so bad of an idea?

you missed my point and ignored where i said it might be a good thing. i'm not talking about DPS'ing w/ RF up, i'm talking about off spec tanking/OTing. Like i said in my second half that you ignored this might be ok if it allows the more skilled intelligent rets to tank. i've never had a ret tank any outlands instances, so i'm merely concerned based on seeing how fast other non-tank specs take damage. in my experience ot's are unnecessary in 5mans. maybe its because i'm a holy pally who runs w/ a prot tank from my guild about 80% of the time. easy to keep him up on both hp and steady mana forever by spamming fol. the few times i've had an offtank weren't nearly as smooth because i ended up casting many more hl's.

if any 70 rets have good experience w/ tanking cool. i'd be glad to know this is a fully good move my blizzard. its just that my limited experience makes me cautious.
#70 Oct 26 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
ok first off, pull the hostility because there's no reason for it.

however i've seen too many non tank specs take aggro and at best cause me to waste mana healing a class that has little damage mitigaion compared to a prot war/pally. we'll see how that goes.

This is what you said, you talked about taking aggro, not OTing. Those are two completely different things, so you don't need to jump all over Loki for "ignoring" your post.

To clarify:

Taking Aggro: Pushing past the threat that the tank has and therefore provoking the mob to attack you instead.

Off Tanking: Purposefully gearing up and tanking a specific mob or mobs where you may not be the most suitable to main tank, however can get the job done for the time being.

Secondly, non-tanking specs of any class should not be tanking at all once you hit outlands. Before that, a ret or holy or whatever can fill those rolls, but after that it gets harder and harder. I wouldn't let an Arms warrior tank a 70 instance or a Ret Paladin or whatever, it's just not worth it.

Edited, Oct 26th 2007 12:29pm by CapJack
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