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Dual wield question.Follow

#1 Oct 19 2007 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
I respecced Fury recently, and went dual wield.
From what I read here on the forums, I came to the conclusion that it's considered best for a Warrior to go with a slow main hand, and a fast off hand. That is for the same weapon DPS I'd rather have a 2.7 weapon on my main hand rather than a 1.3 and vice versa for off hand.
I wanted to know why is that? What is the advantage in that?
The 2 attacks that are instant that Fury can use and care about your weapon base damage (unlike Bloodthrist for example) are Whirlwind and Overpower, now at level 65 I don't have Tactical Mastery yet (going for Impale first), so I can't shift to Battle Stance every time my attack is dodged because I'll lose about 10 rage per shift (and maybe more on the other shift back to Berserker Stance) which make Overpower not useful yet. Whirlwind, while nice, is more of a "rage dump" for me, when I have that little extra I will use it, but not every cooldown, unless I'm lucky with the crits. Is that changed heavily in 70? I guess Overpower will be used alot more often with Tactical Mastery, but what about Whirlwind?
From the other attacks, I figured the 2 that change with weapon speed are Cleave and Heroic Strike. Cleave will duplicate your main hand next attack to another target at the cost of 20 rage plus the rage from your next attack (as it is yellow instead of white), so it rage cose scales slightly with weapon speed, but it's damage considerably so, thus I come to the conclusion that Cleave prefers slow weapon, though I rarely use it as Whirlwind is better. Heroic Strike is a bit harder, it adds +constant to your damage no matter what speed it is, and rage cost scales exactly like Cleave(starts with 15 though) therefore having a fast main hand is prefered here, you'll "lose" less rage because of the upgraded attack and you'll get it in that much faster(Impale might change it though, it's a bit harder to calculate I think).
That's for main hand.
For off hand, I figured 2 reasons to go with fast.
In PvP a fast attack will interupt casting alot more often, but dual wield Fury ain't the "cookie cutter" spec for PvP, so that's only a minor point, the other one is Unbridled Wrath, that talent gives a chance to gain rage per attack, so more attack equals more rage.
Although I do have the feeling that a fast off hand "eats" alot of my main hand flurry procs, it also generates more, does that equalize(or gives a favour to fast off hand) if we consider that my instant attacks couldn't care less about my off hand weapon speed(and a crit instant attack will proc Flurry for me)?

If you have anything to say, answer, flame, comment, add a question, whatever, please explain your reasoning, the answer: "Go with a slow main hand and a fast one!" has been recited to me a thousand times, the reasoning was always: "Because everyone does that!" which is just not enough for me.
As you can see, I reasoned (hopefully) everything I wrote, it may sound like I'm not giving the readers of this post enough credit for being inteligent, this is NOT the case, if it was true, I wouldn't care for your opinions and therefore wouldn't write here in the first place. The reason is, I often have hard time to make myself clear enough, and maybe adding some words helps this. Also I asked for explained answers, so the least I can do is post explained questions.

I read both the stickies("Warrior FAQ" By RPZip and "Warrior PvE DPS F.A.Q" by Devioususer) neither open posts didn't refer to these questions, I didn't bother reading further through as most posts weren't very informative so I stopped at half the first page or so, if I missed something relevant later on, please excuse me and direct me there. One last request, please in your answer, try to give advice for both my current level, 65 without Tactical Mastery, and to 70 with 3/3 Tactical Mastery, keep in mind that I don't PvP, not with this build anyway, so PvP advice, while welcome, is not really needed.

Have a nice day, and thank you for reading this,
Yuval R.
#2 Oct 19 2007 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent
Go with a slow main hand and a fast one!" has been recited to me a thousand times, the reasoning was always: "Because everyone does that!" which is just not enough for me.

I just respec'd Fury last night also =) I always went with a Slow big hitting weapon in the main hand because that's the weapon your Heroic strike, Rend, Overpower, etc get it's base damage on. Heroic Strike: A strong attack that increases melee damage by 208, IMO it's not worth it on a slow weapon with a low single hit rate.

Rend: "Wounds the target causing them to bleed for 182 damage plus an additional [0.05201*(($MWB+$mwb)/2+$AP/14*$MWS)] over 21 seconds." (I suck at formulas, but the "based on weapon damage" makes it easy).

Overpower: "Instantly overpower the enemy, causing weapon damage plus 35." I'm seeing a pattern for base weapon damage here =P

Most of our moves just add to our weapon damage (not by a whole lot either) :/ But would you rather add that small amount of damage to a 70-110 (base) weapon, or a 120-170 weapon?

You'll get better crits on a slower weapon, that's why I keep a slow MH weapon. I'm not really sure what difference it makes at the end. Fast weapon: more attacks, less power; or slow weapon: less attacks, more power.

Good question tho OP. I have a BoP blue sword on my off hand because it's a 1.7 delay, Vs my green 2.? delay.

Edited, Oct 19th 2007 9:03am by GYFFORD
#3 Oct 19 2007 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Thank you for answering me GYFFORD, but I think your arguments are a bit off:

Heroic strike: increases weapon damage by X (a set amount per rank, doesn't change/scale by whatever you are using as far as I know) therefore, without factoring things like Impale (which I haven no idea how or if it's even relevant to factor it in), for total damage you cause, couldn't care less on which weapon you use.
If you attack every 4 seconds for 400(and heroic strike will do 200 damage for example), you'll attack for:
For a total of 400*2+600+400=1800
That's over the course of 4 attacks, 16 seconds.
If you attack every second for 100 (notice, same DPS, but ridiculous speed change in between, just to get the point through) in the same 16 seconds you'll get:
auto*8(100 each)->Heroic Strike(300)->auto*7(100 each)
For 100*8+300+100*7=1800 damage.
Same amount, the difference is that Heroic Strike will cost less rage on fast attacks, because you will convert a smaller amount of white damage into yellow(Both have the base cost of 15 rage, but it also consumes the rage you could have gained from next attack, which for fast weapon, is less).

Rend: deals X damage over Y second + Z damage(dependant on your weapon speed). Rend deals so little damage though I'm afraid, that it's hardly worth the global cooldown it takes for me to put it on, and even if I have some free time, it's a waste of rage. I do agree though that rend favours slow weapons.

Overpower main issue in my opinion, is the very high crit rate(read 50% more with talents). But that's not useable for me yet, as my spec won't allow me to stance dance as freely as I'd like to. Yes, Overpower CLEARLY prefers slower weapons, is that the entire reasoning behind slow main hand? I don't think it's enough on it's own.

Most of our moves just add to our weapon damage (not by a whole lot either) :/ But would you rather add that small amount of damage to a 70-110 (base) weapon, or a 120-170 weapon?

Well if I add EXACTLY the same damage to both, as in, both gets the exact same constant added to them, and both weapons have the same DPS, why would I care? It's nice seeing huge crits, but you'll see them less often, all in all, damage should be same. Or at least, that's what I'm confused about.
What am I missing?

Yuval R.
Edit: Changed some typos and added paragraphing, to reduce the wall of text visuality.

Edited, Oct 19th 2007 10:46am by YuvalR
#4 Oct 19 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
Ok man. I see you're dead set on trying to prove your point. I said I'm not good with formulas, and I really don't even want to check your reasoning for calling my examples 'bit off'. No offense.

Do what you want. If you want to use 2 daggers... have at it. Those are super fast. If the +damage to our weapon abilities don't really matter, then there's nothing to lose. However, you'll still be faced with the faster or slower dagger question.

For me it makes sense that the Critical damage multiplier on a bigger, little slower weapon is better on a H.Strike than on a fast weapon.

You're asking the classic what's better slower with power or agile and fast. In every RE you got the powerhouse monster Vs the small agile player. The little guy usually wins (so go with a fast weaponSmiley: lol).

This was on the Main forums main page. It is about the same subject.
Main page post

Edited, Oct 19th 2007 12:29pm by GYFFORD
#5 Oct 19 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,047 posts
Slow main hand is all 100% about Whirlwind damage (AP is normalized for instants, but raw damage is not - slow weapon = more DPS for Whirlwind). Fury wars typically don't pick up TM and don't even bother wasting the GCD and rage to stance dance to hit Overpower (though I like it for leveling when rage gen is a lot slower). The fast weapon in OH is for more consistent (less spiky) rage generation. In 2.3, WW is going to hit with both weapons, so slow/slow will become popular.

Heroic Strike is something you use when you have too much rage, not as often as you can (think about it anyway, you can't HS every swing because you'd never generate any rage from damage, making the bonus damage per second analysis irrelevant), beside the bonus threat attached to it that makes it somewhat dangerous for DPSing.
#6 Oct 19 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
2,580 posts
That giant wall of text crit my eyes for 9999999.

Anyways was probably said before but you want a slow main hand weapon for better WW, HS, and Cleave dmg. Also slow main hands make better use of HS as a rage dump.

You want a fast off hand for more consistant rage gen. Even when the new patch comes out the difference in WW dmg from a fast off hand to a slow one is only 7ish dps on WW dmg. Not enough imo to warrent the spikey rage gen and risk not having the available rage to keep BT and WW on cooldown.
#7 Oct 19 2007 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good

Heroic Strike is a bit harder, it adds +constant to your damage no matter what speed it is, and rage cost scales exactly like Cleave(starts with 15 though) therefore having a fast main hand is prefered here, you'll "lose" less rage because of the upgraded attack and you'll get it in that much faster(Impale might change it though, it's a bit harder to calculate I think).
That's for main hand.

Yes and no, more on no. Heroic Strike adds constant damage but the key factor is that it acts a special attack, which means it gets the Impale bonus _and uses the base 5% miss rate, not the 24% base DW miss rate_. It takes more effective Rage with a slower weapon (larger Rage loss), but you still get more 'bang for your buck' because the non-scaling Rage cost applies a larger hit/Impale boost to your attacks.


In PvP a fast attack will interupt casting alot more often, but dual wield Fury ain't the "cookie cutter" spec for PvP, so that's only a minor point, the other one is Unbridled Wrath, that talent gives a chance to gain rage per attack, so more attack equals more rage.

UW is on a PPM system now, which is to say it scales based on weapon speed. It's actually slightly better with a slow weapon, because while with a PPM it'll give you (say) 10 rage per minute on autoattacks, as it can also proc on instant attacks with the same PPM proc rate as on normal attacks you get a slightly larger boost.

The difference is miniscule, though. Even at 5/5 UW provides slightly less rage than a aingle point in Anger Management.

#8 Oct 19 2007 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Also remember that HS is not normalized since it isn't an instant attack so you gain more dmg from AP with a slower weapon as well.
#9 Oct 19 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Ok man. I see you're dead set on trying to prove your point.

No mate, I had NO point, I asked what am I missing, I was asking for you to point something to me because I couldn't see it for myself. I'm not sure why you decided to take offense from my response, I'm sorry that you did, I did not mean that. Maybe my wording weren't the best I could do, again I'll apologize, language is a barrier I'm sorry.

Slow main hand is all 100% about Whirlwind damage (AP is normalized for instants, but raw damage is not - slow weapon = more DPS for Whirlwind).

OK, I read a bit about the AP normalization of instant attacks. If I understand it (and please correct me if I'm wrong) then the difference on Whirlwind damage from a slow weapon to a fast one, considering they are both non daggers (only daggers get the 1.7 co-efficient, right?) will be from the base damage of the weapon only? I mean, not from AP bonus.
You also mentioned something about Heroic Strike to be too dangerous for DPS because of it's innate high threat, I read the sticky, but couldn't find that out, is the threat from Heroic Strike a set bonus or a multiplier to the attack?

I now realize why Heroic Strike benefiets more from a slower weapon, thank you RPZip. If I got the Whirlwind idea right, then there is a slight advantage for a slow main hand for it as well.
So that leaves me with 2 questions, first (and a bit off topic), how do you dump rage without Heroic Strike if at all? And back to my opening question , why is it better to have a slow main hand if the main difference is on Whirlwind, and your base weapon damage (Heroic Strike is not viable as you said)?

Thank you all for commenting and sharing your knowledge, continue with the enlightening please,
Yuval R.
#10 Oct 19 2007 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
632 posts
I'm just going to go off on my own and ramble here...

Slow main hand - The basis for every argument of dual wielding, it has been pretty much set in stone... I'll argue both sides to an extent (I'm sure I'll miss something)

basically the main reason is MOAR DAMAGE - with the use of your special abilities [HS, Cleave, OP, WW] they all rely on your weapon damage. The harder the weapon hits, the more damage it will do. Usually, the harder the weapon hits, the slower it is.

The other side of this is what you were saying earlier, if I'm using a faster weapon, it's basically equal? well... yes and no. It is equal in a theoretical situation, but if your slow HS crits, it gets a bigger bonus from impale, while the faster (less damaging) weapon crits, it will get a smaller one. ALSO, keep in mind that every ability we use is rage based. If you are leveling, the odds that your gear isn't 100% GREAT are higher than if you were 70 and have been raiding. Because of this, you'll USUALLY be getting less rage from your attacks (less ap, lower crit, lower hit) and thus, using more HS's with your FAST mh will actually be a lot less rage efficient.

About your whirlwind post, if you have the rage, you should be using it over HS the majority of the time. HS is on NEXT attack and deals weapon damage + x. WW is an INSTANT attack used in between your strikes. Now lets say a mob has 500 hp left, you white attack for 250 and then you HS for 350 after 2.5 seconds [bs numbers, but just a rough estimate]. the other scenario is, white attack for 250, and then WW for 250 and the target dies. That means you take less damage from the mob, because it will probably attack you at least once during the 2.5 seconds.

Regarding off hands, this is how I see it.

Fast off hand - more stable rage generation. This means that when you don't have that much hit (and you probably won't until you're a bit into 70), even if you miss more, you will also hit more. Hitting 3 times for 100 and missing 3 times is better than missing 4 times and hitting once for 200. Also, the other target will dodge more often since you are attacking faster, giving you more chances for overpowers. The flurry thing is exactly what you said, it will balance itself out more often, although slower OH's ARE a tad better still for that like zip noted.

HOWEVER in 2.3, you should be using a slower OH for more WW damage most of the time (at least in my semi-short experience in the PTR and after reading a few forum posts about it) it did give a boost to dps (although a fairly small one, any boost is enough) compared to just using a fast OH.

^ the tl;dr post above is brought to you by my mainly my opinions. None of this is set in stone by the warrior community, nor maybe not by anyone else at all. Just how I feel after the experiences I had.
#11 Oct 19 2007 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
HS is a set 196 extra threat on top of dmg, it is not a multiplier like druid maul.

Most warriors use cleave as a rage dump in light of HS for one of two reasons. A. they are getting too close on threat. Cleave "dumps" more rage and has less innate threat than HS. B. there are more than one dps targets, thus making cleave superior for dps.

As I said both HS and Cleave are not subject to normalization due to the fact that they are "on next attack" instead of instant. There is quite a large dmg difference between a slow main hand and a fast one for those 3 attacks.

For total dps increase slow main hands win hands down.
#12 Oct 19 2007 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
632 posts
since you posted again while I was typing my post, I'll try to answer the other questions.

While soloing, using HS to rage dump is what you should be doing, there is noone there to tank for you and you doing high threat really won't matter.

In raiding and instance/grouping situations, you should be using HS to rage dump and BT and WW should be on cooldown pretty much all the time. When you have 100 rage and both of those are on CD and for some reason you're almost pulling aggro most of the time that just means your tank is really ****** (except in raids, that will happen without salv/TA totems). In those cases, feel free to battle shout again, maybe demo shout if it's not up yet, refresh your rampage, whatever. Having 100 rage all the time and being threat capped means you're already doing the max dps you could be doing with the given group composition.. which just says you're doing your job, and you're doing it well.
#13 Oct 19 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
cleave has threat too, not as much as HS, but it's still some. but with more use's of HS per cycle you build more threat. So a faster MH will generate more threat from more HS/cleave use per cycle.
#14 Oct 21 2007 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
That giant wall of text crit my eyes for 9999999.

#15 Oct 21 2007 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
Don't forget that you have alot more white hits in there than you think and that if your white hits aren't doing sufficient damage your DPS will not be as high.

Sure, Instant attacks are nice with the damage they produce but they are all on some sort of cooldown and in that time you have your auto attacks. I personally prefer the slow MH as I like to see the 1000 white hits and 2k BT's. But hey, you're more than welcome to use fast weapons and be a waste of a dpser. =)

Great wall of text btw.
#16 Oct 21 2007 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
BT doesn't deal damage based on MH speed or damage... Whirlwind and HS are the only two things that will suffer from a fast MH. And it's a minor difference (in the negative fashion).
#17 Oct 22 2007 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Don't forget that you have alot more white hits in there than you think and that if your white hits aren't doing sufficient damage your DPS will not be as high.

I always thought that given the same AP, and same DPS on a weapon, a 1.3 weapon will cause the same WHITE damage as a 2.7(or any other number) one. Your post suggests it is wrong. Care to shed some light on it?

But hey, you're more than welcome to use fast weapons and be a waste of a dpser.

People here have gotten the impression that I am an advoacte of using a fast main hander, if you read my posts more carefully you'd notice that I was simply asking why is it better to use a slow main hand and therefore had to show in my posts both sides of the equation as best as I could.

Thanks to all the people that added they're 2 cents into this subject, I'm learning something from each post, even if I don't agree to it.

Have a nice day,

Edit: Wasn't happy with the wording, changed it a bit.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2007 5:27am by YuvalR
#18 Oct 22 2007 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Same DPS weapons will deal the same white DPS, regardless of speed.

If you find a MH that is fast, but higher dps than your previous MH, use it. The difference you'll see from min/maxing for your secondary damage abilities (HS and WW) is minor.
#19 Oct 22 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
383 posts
I just caught a nice crit of 999999999 damage, I'm not trying to be an ***, but your OP was hard as **** to read.
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