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Defeating Hunters at lower levels?Follow

#1 Oct 18 2007 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
I'm 42, and I keep losing to these BM Hunters. I got owned three times by a level 40 Hunter, though I did rez behind him once and jumped him and won. I used Howl of Terror to get the pet off. I abused Death Coil to get health and to get a Fear off. I used Succubus to try to Seduce the Hunter to kill the Cat, and then I tried using Voidwalker as a Sacrifice Shield. I always get him really low before I die, unless he jumps me.

I just don't know how to beat them? Any ideas for the 40's to kill Hunters?
#2 Oct 18 2007 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
If they are BM, not really. You could try CoEx on them and try to get out of range while the Bestial Wrath wears off(pet goes red, neither of them can be feared), not sure if they have this at 40 or not, but if they don't, and your having trouble now, just expect it get worse. BM Hunters and Rogues are the warlock killers, just get used to it, that's all you can really do. AFAIK anyway, and I have tried multiple tactics dueling against my g/f, she's a hunter, nothing seems to work that doesn;t result in her not dieing until after I'm dead.
#3 Oct 18 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
53 posts
In all honesty, BM hunters are pretty damn hard to take down in the low-40's area. I actually thought it got easier (just slightly) as I got higher level but thats just my humble opinion. Anyways, the only way i could beat a BM hunter (in the low 40's) consisted of the following:

1) Mindset: Outlast the BM hunter by stacking on stamina, prolonging the fight, and let the dots kill - very similar to the SL/SL arena mindset. I will admit that this is difficult if you are in world pvp since you may be grinding or questing in a pve-centric, high spell-damage gear (which generally have low stamina stats during the during that timeframe).

2) CoW and siphon life the pet. This is a must - CoW may not help much but it does bring something to the table. Siphon life does not need explanation.

3) Corruption, Amplify --> CoA, siphon life the hunter. Some prefer CoEx over CoA...i've tried both and i prefer CoA only because it's near impossible to kite a hunter. If there is anyway to get off an immolate without too much interruption then try (Ex: I jump the hunter)...

4) Start drain tanking and HOPE for a nightfall proc. Fel concentration really helps here to minimize interruption and keep your drain life going (hence your hp up). Siphon life ticks should be giving you small but still important hp back from both the hunter and pet.

5) I know this sounds stupid, but i send my VW after the hunter --> minimal damage done but the little things can be the difference between a win and a loss. The VW main purpose is for sacrificing and shielding. If the the hunter is low on HP and mine is decent from all the drain life i have been doing, i will *sometimes* offensively sac the VW and get some burst dps by either sbolting or searing pain. Hopefully that should be enough for the win...

6) Hope that the gods on your side and/or the stars are perfectly aligned.

Anyways, the BM hunters i have faced always pop BW in the beginning of the battle...i will ride this out by drain tanking and popping the HS/pot if my drain tanking can't keep up. I will only fear when this is over (i think it has a 5-minute CD...maybe 2 min) and during the VW shield...I fear the pet and not the hunter since the main dps is the pet.

I've beaten a BM with my succy out as well...i seduce and roll into a searing pain. I've noticed that i lose more life trying to get off a shadowbolt since i didn't invest any points in Bane for cast time reduction. Her increased DPS is actually meaningful against a hunter.

I hope this helps...its far from perfect (there's just way too many variables out there) but it's the only way that has given me a chance against a BM hunter during the low-40's.
#4 Oct 18 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
is it possible to seduce the hunter, fear/siphon life the pet, shadowbolt the hunter, reseduce him, shadowbolt him again or deathcoil or something, then dot and drain and maybe fear the pet again, something like that involving seducing and blasting and reseducing with the pet feared. i haven't really tried this cuz in the BGs you dont really have time to cast a shadowbolt cuz there's usually 3 other hunters shooting you too
#5 Oct 18 2007 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
Lathais wrote:
BM Hunters and Rogues are the warlock killers, just get used to it, that's all you can really do.

I don't have a problem with Rogues at all. Felhunter, Spellstone out of those damn Blood Elf Arcane Torrents, DoT the **** out of him, attempting to Drain Life... then if worse comes to worse, Death Coil. If your Death Coil gets off, and your target isn't an Undead with a PvP Trinket, then you tend to win.

I really don't have problems with Rogues at this point.
#6 Oct 18 2007 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Wait until they have the ability to stun-lock you so bad you can't even get off an Instant Cast Howl of Terror, and then if you do, they just Cloak of Shadows out of it and stun lock you again.
#7 Oct 18 2007 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
BM hunters aren't difficult.

I assume you're full Affl. (with demo embrace) b/c you mentioned iHoT.

For VW (simply because I like the bubble):
1. iDot the hunter; minion attacks hunter.
2. CoW the pet, then drain-life the hunter.
3. The hunter will panic and click "OMGBIGREDKITTY!" As an anti-fear tool.
4. Dark pact, then pop the vw. (Until you have a comfortable amount of mana).
5. Add any non-instant dots; refresh if needed.
6. Drain the hunter. Your bubble will end.
7. As soon as his fear-immunity ends, run and iHoT him.
8. Drain him some more; if he uses a pot, simply dc him.


Of course this doesn't take into account debilitating shots the hunter will throw at you, but how you deal with them is a personal choice.
#8 Oct 18 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
53 posts
OveliaLethon has outlined why i actually think BM hunters get easier to beat as you get higher in level...affliction gains iHoT and dark pact while demo gains soul link, etc. With that said, none of those talents are available at level 42 (OP's current level). Not meaning to raise a fuss, just want to keep things in perspective...
#9 Oct 18 2007 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Run straight into their melee range, CoW the pet, CoEx on the hunter, siphon life, corruption, drain life and stay in his melee range. Don't let him get shots off, don't try to fear when he's big and red, keep deathcoil as that ace up your sleeve. Hunters suffer horribly when they get in melee range. They'll try to wingclip you to run away, but you have exhaustion on them so just keep chasing, popping drain life when you can. Hopefully get lucky on some nightfall procs. You could always use a GCD to put corruption on the pet, giving you a higher chance of nightfall procs. CoW on the pet helps by reducing the damage they're causing you.
#10 Oct 18 2007 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
I'm still in shock that Blizzard gave hunters a silencing shot.
#11 Oct 18 2007 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
The OP states that he has HoT and d/c - so everything I said stands with the exclusion of dark pact (which in a full hp/mana fight, is unneeded). Without the full spec description, I don't know if he can afford iHoT or not :S.

I think that CoE has less of a movement-reduction than wing-clip, but I'm not sure.

If you can CoE the hunter, run into the "dead range", and keep the pet down with CoW (note that you should take advantage of this fully before relating to fear tactics), you can escape damage from the hunter (not the pet though :/) - this relies heavily on your own experience and is mainly available to either affliction locks or high-end demo locks. You basically stay within the hunter's dead range while two of your iDoTs kill him. Personally I prefer my way, simply because it takes less concentration (easy to lose perspective in a multi-player fight), and it has a higher damage output (locks are also concerned with overall dps on the boards, not just hks).

It's not especially efficient to CoE the pet - you'll stay out of it's range, but you'll remain in the hunters' ranged attack field, in which case you'll take more damage.

This method is EXTREMELY useful against most melee classes - rogues and npcs in particular. CoE any flag runners in WSG; iDoT+CoE the CoS Rogue; iDoT+CoE+Fear for the npcs in alterac - you'll do great :)

Silencing shot really isn't particularly bad - it's just like a priest's ability to silence :/ I believe the duration is 2-3 seconds? Well, maybe you can get off a quick wand blast XD.
#12 Oct 19 2007 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
First, you just got Death Coil. You need to have a sense of when to use it. Try not to waste it. On a BM hunter in the 40s, he won't have beast within, so you can DC him - but when? I'd DC him when he's stunned you and is about to get an aimed shot on you - if you come out of stun w/ enough time to DC him and stop the AS, do it. Well, a BM hunter at 49 won't have AS ... so use DC to basically try to turn the fight.

You've got to kill the hunter. This is hampered by the unstoppable pet, slowing your casting time. So don't just stand there trying to cast a shadowbolt - you'll die. Oh, of course when I used to bg in the 40s, there was no talent that gave you a 70% chance not to be interrupted - so if you have that one, maybe you can stand there casting shadowbolts.

If you pvp you want insta-cast spells - imp cor - siphon life - shadowburn. And of course, CoA. Imp cor is just five pts in aff, easy. Shadowburn is 11 pts in destruction.

Now, how do you use Shadowburn against a BM hunter? If you have enough shards - and you should if you pvp - consider trying to use Shadowburn twice in the fight. Why? You need to maximize you instacast spells. Shadowburn is a 15 second cooldown. Will your fight last 15 seconds? That's the hitch. I found they often did, and if I opened w/ Shadowburn - I'd have a second Shadowburn available to finish off the hunter at the end of the fight.

So, when a BM hunter gets on you and the pet goes red, I'd do something like:

CoW the pet while closing on the hunter - trying to get into and stay in his dead zone.
Shadowburn hunter if you have it.
Cast all instacast dots.
Death Coil when it makes most sense - try to mess up something he's doing to you - the longer the casting time of the thing - but don't wait too long. It's okay to DC him simply because he's gotten to shooting range and is going to damage the crap out of you.
Try Searing Pain or even wanding - see what works best for you. With a hunter and pet damaging you, long-cast spells like shadowbolt will get very interupted - searing pain and wands have their place in this fight.
Watch for BM to come off pet - if BM was cast before he put the pet on you, it can end w/ time for you to fear the pet off you, if it makes sense to do that.
Shadowburn if it comes up again - you don't need to save this to keep a healer from not dying w/ a sliver of life.

Don't forget your healthstone.

Learn to fight while moving. Often when we start pvping as locks, we're the "rock of gibraltar" - standing there casting fear and shadowbolt. You must move to beat a bm hunter. Again, his dead zone is his weakness. As bad as the unstoppable pet is, if you rush him and lower his dps on you - and max out your burst damage and instacast - and get him dotted - you can beat him. GL
#13 Oct 19 2007 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
IponemaGirl wrote:

Try Searing Pain or even wanding - see what works best for you.

I use Searing Pain spam and melee, since I like Spellstones.

IponemaGirl wrote:

Don't forget your healthstone.

I never forget.

IponemaGirl wrote:

Learn to fight while moving. Often when we...

I run towards the Hunter at all times. I'm not stupid. I don't use Shadowbolts unless it's a nightfall proc. I do try Drain Life if I think the pet is about to kill me in the next few seconds so I might survive the onslaught to get some cooldown back to try to fight back.

Seriously, I'm pretty sure it's the fact that Hunter's gear rocks at this point of the game. I've got some good +STA, but that doesn't compare to what Hunter's damage is capable of at this point.

I can DoT him up, but he'll still get his range on me with or without PvP trinket, which I don't have. They just deal a lot of damage that Warlocks cannot beat at this point.

I decided the only way to win is by surprise. I defeated this one 40 Night Elf Hunter by rezzing right behind him, starting with a Death Coil, Fear, DoT him up, Drain Life, and prepare to Fear again. I owned him at that point, regardless of my resurrection making me have low health and mana. But when a Hunter can see you coming, how the **** can you win?
#14 Oct 19 2007 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
I can DoT him up, but he'll still get his range on me with or without PvP trinket, which I don't have. They just deal a lot of damage that Warlocks cannot beat at this point.

I think thats bull, hunter melee + pet cannot outdps your dots and drain life, just keep practicing. Especially since they dont have TBW yet.

Edited, Oct 19th 2007 4:51pm by mikelolol
#15 Oct 20 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
mikelolol wrote:
I can DoT him up, but he'll still get his range on me with or without PvP trinket, which I don't have. They just deal a lot of damage that Warlocks cannot beat at this point.

I think thats bull, hunter melee + pet cannot outdps your dots and drain life, just keep practicing. Especially since they dont have TBW yet.

I know this. I just said
Pifuaa wrote:
he'll still get his range on me with or without PvP trinket

in reference that he keeps range on me 85% of the battle.
#16 Oct 21 2007 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
Once we locks get d/c, we shine. A good player with decent equipment can destroy every other class in the game.

They just deal a lot of damage that Warlocks cannot beat at this point.

As affliction, your iDoTs (coa, corr, siph life) with drain-life will out-dps the bm hunter, even if you aren't moving and are at perfect hunter range. If you add in properly timed d/cs and iHoTs, healthstone and potion cds, it's very difficult to lose.

I use Searing Pain spam and melee

Never melee. That's even worse than a melee huntard.

I do try Drain Life if I think the pet is about to kill me in the next few seconds

Wrong. This is also why your healthstones aren't helping you. First of all, healthstones have an independent cd than regular potions - which should be giving you the equivalent of two potions per battle - or regular potion use with 1/2 the overall cd. You do not drain life or use a healthstone immediately before death - it resets your global countdowns (on spells), so you'll essentially immediately lose the hp you just gained, as you are unable to perform any action. You drain-life whenever you aren't at full hp. You use healthstones when you're at 1/3 hp or above (better at 1/2 or above), and only while moving.

Also take into account that d/c does not give you the life immediately - there is a delay between damage (2 sec duration) and life gained.

You said that you fear during the duration of d/c - which is a good tactic (and good timing). The problem with bm hunters is the pet, obviously - which is why I suggested using the VW bubble (gives you uninterrupted spell casts). It also respawns after you die - so you don't waste a shard.

Please do not insult other warlocks with more experience than you, especially if you admitted you melee in bg *winces*.

.... ps
Do everyone in your battle group a favor and level to 48 before bging >_>

Edited, Oct 22nd 2007 2:08am by OveliaLethon
#17 Oct 21 2007 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
Please do not insult other warlocks with more experience than you, especially if you admitted you melee in bg *winces*.


Don't dis us when we spend LOTS of time trying to help you.

You asked for ideas. When people give them, accept politely.
#18 Oct 23 2007 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
1,729 posts
You know, I had never thought of using CoW on the Pet. I have now Tried the above strategy(SL and CoW Pet then Insta-DoT the Hunter and Drain Life), and actually win about 50% of the time against BM Hunters in BGs now. If I can catch them alone that is. I attribute the 50% loss to the fact that I am 67 in the BGs and they are probably 69s with better gear. So hey, I guess I was completely wrong.

Rogues still **** me off, but that's not the point of this post.
#19 Oct 23 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
OveliaLethon wrote:

Wrong. This is also why your healthstones aren't helping you. First of all, healthstones have an independent cd than regular potions - which should be giving you the equivalent of two potions per battle - or regular potion use with 1/2 the overall cd. You do not drain life or use a healthstone immediately before death - it resets your global countdowns (on spells), so you'll essentially immediately lose the hp you just gained, as you are unable to perform any action. You drain-life whenever you aren't at full hp. You use healthstones when you're at 1/3 hp or above (better at 1/2 or above), and only while moving.

Oh my god! Are you stupid? I'm not buying potions just to PvP! I'm more focused on leveling for christ's sake! I'm just asking how to beat them in these world PvP situations where I do encounter them! I use my Healthstone whenever I get at about half health. I do not start battles with Death Coil unless I'm already hurt. I don't use Drain Life much since they interrupt me constantly with the fast attacks and the Concussive Shot procs along with Intimidation from the pet!

I can SPAM Drain Life after every 2 freakin' ticks to keep it going, but my Mana cannot hold up to such abuse! I'm not level 70 dammit!

OveliaLethon wrote:

Please do not insult other warlocks with more experience than you, especially if you admitted you melee in bg *winces*.

.... ps
Do everyone in your battle group a favor and level to 48 before bging >_>

Where do you get off? When you are in melee range and don't have a wand, and you want to be able to move, melee doesn't hurt you! Why NOT melee? It makes no sense to not use the oppurtunities you have to use it! I'm not saying to purposely get into melee range just to melee; you just try to find a quote saying that. I melee when I'm in that range: I don't charge in like a ******* Warrior. So bite your tongue.

I haven't run BG's in the 40-cap. I metioned I melee'd in BGs WHEN I WAS OF A CORRECT LEVEL TO PARTICIPATE!

AND FOR THE LAST TIME, I NEVER SAID I HAVE IMPROVED HOWL OF TERROR! I used Howl of Terror to get the pet off me, and that's it! 1.5 second cast, just like normal. Howl of Terror always helps me against pet-using classes.

I don't care if I sound pissy. Don't get off calling me wrong when you've got no damn reason to do so. Back up your words, and don't assume meaning where it's not due.
#20 Oct 23 2007 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good

Since you haven't created a link to your build or armory, I'm going to create one for you, and build off of it.

I'm not buying potions just to PvP!

I have never bought a potion, ever. I never bg with them, only healthstones. Even then, I rarely use a hs unless I'm fighting more than two people at once: I've never needed it otherwise. I'm including it because you obviously are in need of the extra hp. I'll disregard the potions comment when you can beat a huntard with only your hs.

I do not start battles with Death Coil unless I'm already hurt

Not always a good choice: even if you immediately d/c the hunter, and then follow with fear, he is still able to sick the pet on you. I'm assuming that you would iDoT the hunter while the pet hits you, then after you've finished with iDots, you'd HoT the pet away, so you can focus on the hunter. The problem is that by the time your HoT ends, the hunter should have already popped "OMFGBIGREDKITTY", and you're in a bad position.

Rather, it is more productive to simply iDoT the hunter while running away, thus buying you time. When the kitty comes to intercept, turn and begin casting fear on the hunter - note: this is a "mock fear". When the hunter see's you "casting" fear, he'll get scared and pop his big red kitty. As soon as you see him turn red, stop your fear cast and start draining. If you're affliction, you should be focused on drain-tanking, in which case the link (above) will outline a usable build. If you have said build, you should easily be able to continue multiple drains in a row (usually 5-6). If you're low on mana, omg - you have dark pact! Wonderful!

Mana cannot hold up to such abuse

If I ever see an Affliction warlock with Dark Pact say this again, I'm going to write out ten pages of curse words and post it as a reply. This is the stupidest thing I've heard, other than a warlock attempting melee. Simply put, we (affl. dark pact locks) have a HUGE mana pool! HUGE! @#%^ING HUGE! In combination with life-tap and drain-life, you should never be out of mana - unless you're iDoTing 10+ players at once.

If your gear is horrible (low stamina), this is the time you'd either pop your vw or use a hs - either or, your choice. I would suggest the hs so you can keep the *small* dps boost from the vw's phy. attacks.

As soon as his fear-immunity ends, d/c him, follow with a fear, and go back to draining (you're relying on CoW on the pet and your iDoTs - corr, coa, siph life). If you're low on hp, which there is no reason you should be if you're focusing on +stam then +int gear like you should be doing, use your hs. I believe in the rare potion use, simply because I dislike having to walk back to my corpse, and I like beating people who attempt to gank. Note: start looking for +spell at the end of the 49 bracket.

With the above build, and +stam +int gear (of the eagle, and instance drops) you should have at least 1/3 hp. If your gear is lacking, or you're doing world pvp, I previously suggested a vw for a reason - because it gives you reaction time*.

*In the initial bubble (world pvp), you have more than enough time to iDoT the hunter, CoW the pet, and then HoT, followed by a fear to the hunter (and finish with some draining). You should easily get the hunter to 3/4 without taking any damage, and the drain-tanking will allow you to regain lost hp without wasting your d/c.

Once again - use d/c strategically, not a "imscaredgimmehp" button.


I included iHoT because it's attainable in your level bracket. I've included the above on the basis of HoT, because you don't seem to like adapting yourself to anything new.

49 affl pvp build:
I melee when I'm in that range

The only acceptable time to melee is when you're passing a totem (while running) - doing one quick phy. attack to get rid of it to clear for people behind you.

[Edit starts here]
The hunters have a "dead range", which was already discussed. You should be inside of it as much as possible, meaning you should not be in melee range.

When you're in melee range to a player... what the hell are you trying to do? OMG 1 damage! Scary! How about refreshing your iDoTs? How about drain-life? How about something that will KILL the hunter, instead of just waste that half a second? If you don't know why melee for a warlock is utter stupidity, then you need to reroll.

Later on, when you get iHoT (as only a stupid affl. lock would miss), getting in melee range is only acceptable to get close enough to cast. Even then, it is better to stay in the dead zone - and only getting closer to fear more than the hunter and pet (multiple players).
[end of edit]

Don't get off calling me wrong when you've got no damn reason to do so

You're an idiot (and wrong) because:

1. You ask for help, but then don't respect the advice given by people who have played the class infinitely more than you have.

2. You run out of mana when you have dark pact, against one player.

3. You think hunters out-dps warlocks in your bracket.

4. You don't have a medallion / insignia (escape effects).

5. You melee in pvp.

Note to anyone else thinking of posting - this guy is an idiot, don't waste your time.

So why am I "wasting" my time on you? Because I prefer to believe that any lock can become a good lock. So far, you've proved me otherwise; this is my last attempt at anything helpful towards you. If you still fail, go roll another class, we don't want you.

Edited, Oct 24th 2007 12:54am by OveliaLethon
#21 Oct 24 2007 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
#22 Oct 24 2007 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
OveliaLethon wrote:

If you're low on mana, omg - you have dark pact! Wonderful!

Problem. The global cooldown kills me.

OveliaLethon wrote:

Mana cannot hold up to such abuse

If I ever see an Affliction warlock with Dark Pact say this again, I'm going to write out ten pages of curse words and post it as a reply. This is the stupidest thing I've heard, other than a warlock attempting melee. Simply put, we (affl. dark pact locks) have a HUGE mana pool! HUGE! @#%^ING HUGE! In combination with life-tap and drain-life, you should never be out of mana - unless you're iDoTing 10+ players at once.

This is true when you don't have a time limit before you die. Those 4.5 second I use spamming Dark Pact to get like 2 more Drain Lifes off, possible 4 whole ticks, doesn't come out being efficient. And contrary to what you say, yes, a Hunter can out DPS my Drain Life IN MELEE RANGE! Not like he keeps that long with a swift Intimidation/Wing Clip.

OveliaLethon wrote:

If your gear is horrible (low stamina), this is the time you'd either pop your vw or use a hs - either or, your choice. I would suggest the hs so you can keep the *small* dps boost from the vw's phy. attacks.

There. Does that gear look crappy to you? I wouldn't think so.

OveliaLethon wrote:

With the above build, and +stam +int gear (of the eagle, and instance drops) you should have at least 1/3 hp. If your gear is lacking, or you're doing world pvp, I previously suggested a vw for a reason - because it gives you reaction time*.

Let's assume I don't have control over my environment, and that I use a Felhunter actively. How do I beat a Hunter then?

OveliaLethon wrote:

Don't care. I'm sticking to my PvE build.

OveliaLethon wrote:

The only acceptable time to melee is when you're passing a totem (while running) - doing one quick phy. attack to get rid of it to clear for people behind you.

The hunters have a "dead range", which was already discussed. You should be inside of it as much as possible, meaning you should not be in melee range.

I know what the dead range is. There's only 2 yards to work with, so I tend to stick with staying in melee range for safety's sake since I'm not a Mage and BM Hunters can get range on me too easily. If I try to Drain Life at the dead zone, he will Intimidate+Concussive Shot, and then bring on all sorts of ownage.

OveliaLethon wrote:

When you're in melee range to a player... what the hell are you trying to do? OMG 1 damage! Scary! How about refreshing your iDoTs? How about drain-life? How about something that will KILL the hunter, instead of just waste that half a second? If you don't know why melee for a warlock is utter stupidity, then you need to reroll.

You keep auto-attack on so whenever you get in range for WHATEVER REASON, you get an extra hit in WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT! I don't see what's wrong with that!

OveliaLethon wrote:

when you get iHoT (as only a stupid affl. lock would miss)

...unless you're a instance-running build, and HoT sucks in instances.

OveliaLethon wrote:

1. You ask for help, but then don't respect the advice given by people who have played the class infinitely more than you have.

I haven't been an @#%^ but to YOU, only because you were disrespectful to me first.

OveliaLethon wrote:

2. You run out of mana when you have dark pact, against one player.

I run out when I spam Drain Life, instead of wasting GCD's and getting killed in the process.

OveliaLethon wrote:

3. You think hunters out-dps warlocks in your bracket.

When you can't throw bolts at someone continuously, you can't out DPS them.

OveliaLethon wrote:

4. You don't have a medallion / insignia (escape effects).
Ooh, gee, I'm such a noob for not BG'ing more. I should be more hardcore about PvP?

OveliaLethon wrote:

5. You melee in pvp.

I addressed this one.

If you still fail, go roll another class, we don't want you.[/quote]
If I need to be welcomed to my classes' community to be able to play my class, I need to get a life.

Edited, Oct 24th 2007 8:58am by Ignuus

Edited, Oct 24th 2007 9:04am by Ignuus
#23 Oct 24 2007 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
78 posts
Shush... and listen to OveliaLethon
What is the point to argue with all the advice your given
You asked for advice, you're given advice, you do not take advice your given

I just do not see your logic...

Meh...stupidity, stupidity and more stupidity.
#24 Oct 24 2007 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
kizzahunt wrote:
Shush... and listen to OveliaLethon
What is the point to argue with all the advice your given
You asked for advice, you're given advice, you do not take advice your given

I just do not see your logic...

Meh...stupidity, stupidity and more stupidity.

Wrong. I rebute people's claims and claim that I use their strategy, or point out their flaws and wait for a half-viable response. I also don't take ***-hole-ness lightly, so s'cuse me if I don't take it up the ***.

I say what I do so I can get help... I clarify what I do, I point out how their ideas don't work, and I ask for more answers.

Instead, I should just nod when someone gives advice and say "thanks" when you know it's not right. That doesn't answer my question. I guess a pansy would do the aforementioned to keep everyone happy, but I don't feel like reposting the same question until someone with an actual non-stupid change posts, or they recommend something I clearly did not see to use.

Let's have some good discussion instead of finger pointing, ********* and flaming, and then I can say thanks for the help. So far, the only thing I've considered of all the recommendations I've been given and do not already do, is to get an Insignia to remove pesky effects. Not like I wasn't thinking about it... I don't/haven't/won't make that my priority, but perhaps I'll run BG in wait for instance runs. I preferred questing, but like I said, I've CONSIDERED changing my play time to running some more BG's.

Ooh, but then again, Mr. Smartass said I shouldn't run BG at my level, which I agree. What a dilemma!
#25 Oct 25 2007 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
I'll keep this simple, I don't want to contradict myself by wasting time on you.

1. Expand your mana pool.

2. Global cooldowns are part of being a lock, live with it.

3. Imp life tap and drain-life exist for a reason, and are used by almost every affl/demo lock.

4. If you use felpuppy instead of vw (which I did myself between 30-50), figure it out.

5. If you're going to stick to your build, don't ask for advice - you aren't changing anything. I posted those builds as advice, since you never GAVE us your build, idiot.

6. Deadzone - distance addon + practice = solved.

7. Melee? You shouldn't HAVE the time to get that extra hit in - you should have one global cool-down after another. If this is too hard for you (apparently it is, because a staff has a weapon speed of 3+ - which means you stay in melee range for too long), then create macros. I have auto-attack enabled myself - I've never hit ONCE in melee (except for totems) mainly because I'm always doing something else.

8. iHoT is great for pvp, pve, and instances. It's one reason why affl. locks can solo 3 player group quests, it's useful for short-term mass cc (instances), and is amazing for pvp.

9. -blank-

10. Vary your spell rotation.

11. It's possible to out-dps hunters at your level with only idots and drain-life, with the occasional nightfall proc. You can look up the math yourself.

12. Don't complain about pvp if you won't invest the time to get an amazing pvp item. I believe it's between 2-3k honor, which is two and half hours in bg.

13. -blank-

Research a class before you make claims, accept advice by your betters when it's given, and if you're in doubt - always figure out a strategy that fits your play-style. This is how you can improve and play a lock to your full potential.

When you can do these three things, people will stop calling you an idiot.

And it's "Ms. *****" - not "smart-***".

[edited to remove the hate, because I'm not a "huge *****", only a regular one]

Edited, Oct 25th 2007 9:22pm by OveliaLethon
#26 Oct 26 2007 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
Alright, alright. We apparently have different opinions on how to go through this game. I'm done getting bi-polar. I've found solace in playing my Druid, where in my Warlock I was so hell-bent on owning people. So good day... ma'am.
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