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#1 Oct 16 2007 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
I am asking opinions of those who have or know anything about Ravagers. I dinged 58 and 59 today, and have been looking at ravagers on petopia. I went and got one and have been playing with it a little bit. I read the post about pets and all that stuff so i have seen the math and all that about claw vs gore vs Scorpid poison vs LB

My other pet is a 58 scorpid. I have been using scorpids since level 30 and i love them! DPS is great, armor is awesome, they are a badass pet. Scorpid poison rocks, but it takes some time to stack up. Claw is great against targets that are immune to SP or resist it.

I am just curious if i am wasting my time on my ravager. I havent done the testing yet as far as DPS and stuff. If any of you high level hunters have anything to say i would like to hear it. I see quite a few ravagers on my server running with hunters just curios if they have good role in PvP or PvE/raids.

Thanks you very much for opinions

profile is way off for some reason.
#2 Oct 16 2007 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
Scorpid poison was nerfed to be about as damaging as a dull butterknife in the last major patch. Sory to break it to ya, I loved em too. :(

At this time, as I am sure you've read on petopia, the ravager is the most single target damage you can get on a pet. You will sacrifice the high armor but in instance situations it's kinda irrelevent in my oppinion. Damage is what gets the job done!
#3 Oct 16 2007 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
Wow, i am sorry for being a posting ******, i didnt see there was another Ravager post ON THIS PAGE...... the OP is a asshat and a tool. there i flamed myself.

Thank you for the info though bro.

#4 Oct 16 2007 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
Dun worry...I didn't see the other Ravager post either, so I'll weigh in here.

Ravagers don't seem like very good tanking pets to me. I have a 65 Ravager pet that I'm working towards 70 for a more effective dps torpedo than my Boar in PvE content, and a BM Hunter's ravager pet is a caster's friggin' nightmare in PvP. My 65 Ravager seems to do damage on par with my 70 Boar. I can't really comment on its tanking ability yet, since it's not able to train the last rank of Growl and because it's dps will go up a bit over the next few levels which will also help with threat. I know right now that I have to be very, very careful with threat management if I don't want the mob on me.
#5 Oct 17 2007 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Ravagers aren't great tanking pets, but that's not what they're about. They're about twisting your opponent's arms off and making balloon animals with their intestines.

Sure they lack the graceful beauty of a Cat, or the swift gliding grace of an Owl, but no DPS pet send the message "I want to hurt things" more than a Ravager. They're basically a dangerous collection of spikes on legs... wait, not legs, SPIKES.
#6 Oct 18 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Rasen wrote:
Ravagers aren't great tanking pets, but that's not what they're about. They're about twisting your opponent's arms off and making balloon animals with their intestines.

Sure they lack the graceful beauty of a Cat, or the swift gliding grace of an Owl, but no DPS pet send the message "I want to hurt things" more than a Ravager. They're basically a dangerous collection of spikes on legs... wait, not legs, SPIKES.

Thats why I got mine. It says IM gonna hurt you written all over it. =D
#7 Oct 18 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
Well, Humar doesn't exactly look like he wants to cuddle either. I personally just find the Ravagers.... well... dumb looking. Ugly, exceptionally poor design from a from a practicality point of view, and to be honest they don't even look like they want to hurt you. It's more like "Oh yeah? OH YEAH? Well do your worst! I am going to stand here thrusting my pelvis at you while you hurt yourself on my spikes! Because I can't even reach you to do any damage myself!".

Sure, I know the math and so on... but they are just too ugly for me. Naw, give me a furred powerhouse. A black bundle of sheer muscle, grace and lethality. Green eyes over snow-white fangs. A mane like a king's mantle, and a growl that would give the fiercest creatures reason to reconsider their choice of enemy. Humar the Pridelord next to me, will forever beat any Ravager.

Math and numbers will never be everything. If so, we could just as well be playing it in a textbased shell.
#8 Oct 18 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,235 posts
Well said, NorthAI... Well said...
#9 Oct 18 2007 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
I dont know, i like those certain multi coloured [purple and a host of others] extra spikey ravagers in outland.

But the outland raptors is whats attracting me more.
#10 Oct 18 2007 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Well, Humar doesn't exactly look like he wants to cuddle either. I personally just find the Ravagers.... well... dumb looking. Ugly, exceptionally poor design from a from a practicality point of view, and to be honest they don't even look like they want to hurt you. It's more like "Oh yeah? OH YEAH? Well do your worst! I am going to stand here thrusting my pelvis at you while you hurt yourself on my spikes! Because I can't even reach you to do any damage myself!".

Sure, I know the math and so on... but they are just too ugly for me. Naw, give me a furred powerhouse. A black bundle of sheer muscle, grace and lethality. Green eyes over snow-white fangs. A mane like a king's mantle, and a growl that would give the fiercest creatures reason to reconsider their choice of enemy. Humar the Pridelord next to me, will forever beat any Ravager.

Math and numbers will never be everything. If so, we could just as well be playing it in a textbased shell.

While I agree with your point, there's something to be said for unleashing your Bug of Doomâ„¢ on aggressive into Scarlet Monastery and watching it tear those silly crusaders a new one.

Without your help.

I know Humar can do much the same thing, but it's just doesn't cause the same feeling of sheer glee watching a cat wreak terror on the Armory as it does a pointy, menacing looking ravager. <3
#11 Oct 18 2007 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I got my Ravager for my horde toon.

I already have a lvl 70 GhostSaber on my main and don't plan on lvling another pet.

I did however sit there under that blasted tree for 2 weeks for Humar to spawn... 1 day after I killed it on my warrior... (told my wife how hard they are to come by and then she all of a sudden decided that she wanted one on her hunter... Women... gotta make it difficult)

I should have never told her lol.
#12 Oct 18 2007 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
-"Sir, are you classified as human?"

-"Uh, negative. I am a meat popsicle."

Damnit, racking my brain trying to figure out what that is from!!
#13 Oct 18 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
I already have a lvl 70 GhostSaber on my main and don't plan on lvling another pet.

How do you like that pet? I have a GhostSaber myself, only level 31 though, and I love the thing. But I've been wondering, how does it scale to endgame? I've heard a few people say they wish that they would have gotten one earlier to level up with.

Should I stick with this pet? Or level two pets together?

I don't think I'd ever want to get rid of my translucent kitty tho. :x
#14 Oct 18 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
A ravager is currently the highest DPS pet available. However their poor armor and health mean they can't take the beating they're bound to bring on themselves. I think of them as the mages of the pet world. They're best on instance runs where they don't need to off-tank much, i.e. a party with a solid warrior or feral druid for tank. Consider training cower on your ravager so it can shed aggro on instance runs and not attract a mob's attention from the tank.

I love my ghost saber also. However I'm finding myself using my carrion bird more on instance runs. The screech debuff and higher armor on the bird is nice.

Edited, Oct 18th 2007 12:29pm by ItsaGaAs
#15 Oct 18 2007 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
ItsaGaAs wrote:
A ravager is currently the highest DPS pet available. However their poor armor and health mean they can't take the beating they're bound to bring on themselves.

Actually ravagers get 5% bonus to Armor.
#16 Oct 18 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
ItsaGaAs wrote:
Consider training cower on your ravager so it can shed aggro on instance runs and not attract a mob's attention from the tank.

or consider turning off growl. if he still pulls agro then get a new tank
#17 Oct 18 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
But -7% to health. Sorry, should have checked first.
#18 Oct 18 2007 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I love my GhostSaber... In fact. I am waiting till I hit 20 on my horde hunter to go pick up one. I also got my wife the GhostSaber until she found out how hard it was to get Humar then all of a sudden she wanted that one too... dang her and wanting hard to obtain pets. =(

I have helped 5 hunters obtain the GhostSaber as it is my favorite pet and I am always glad to see a few people using it. (in my own defense the people I helped get it for was in my guild so I am not just advertising the pet everywhere... I like having a pet that no one else seems to have at lvl 70. Most people ditch the GhostSaber for a Rare of something else it seems.
#19 Oct 18 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
1,235 posts
Caldone wrote:
Rykhorne wrote:

-"Sir, are you classified as human?"

-"Uh, negative. I am a meat popsicle."

Damnit, racking my brain trying to figure out what that is from!!

The Fifth Element. Best sci-fi movie ever. :)
#20 Oct 18 2007 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I did some comparisons a little while back between Scorpids, cats and ravagers to quench my own curiosity about which one is the best DPS pet and why and which one suited me best.

The numbers were found by sending pet to attack and tagging the target with one arrow so I still got credit for the kill, but then just stood there with a fully trained pet (growl, claw/gore, bite and dash, cobra reflexes, happy) all the same lvls (lvl 62) and just had them kill 3-4 targets alone and watched my DPS meter. The DPS kind of speaks for itself, so i'll just post them and let you decide, these numbers are all a range because of crit% and other variables... But remember that this was pre-patch and so the Scorpid data would be different now.

Cat= 105-115
Ravager= 100-120

So as you can see, from just the 45 minutes I spent checking this out, (as a BM Hunter with my AP around 1000 at the time) that Cats are the worst of the three, Ravagers better and scorpids best. One thing I did notice though was that the Cat's DPS has the smallest range and therefore has a much more dependable/ constant DPS than the other two.

All numbers aside, i'm with North on this one, Humar is just to badass to give up, I play this game to have fun and part of that is having a pet I like to look at, and Ravagers just look like a pissed off grubworm on steroids, no grace, no pride, just unadulterated ugly.

Speaking of Humar though, North, how's your Humar novella going?

Edited, Oct 18th 2007 5:05pm by Katchii
#21 Oct 18 2007 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
Katchii wrote:
Speaking of Humar though, North, how's your Humar novella going?
Heh, it's not so much about my Humar, as about my Hunter in general. Anyway, I'm being lazy. I've just been working on the notes for the last two chapters, and not really writing too much. Just finetuning what the story is supposed to become, and end like.
#22 Oct 18 2007 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts

I own that movie too >.<

Guess Ill have to watch the hottie again eh?

Talking about the red headed chick, not the dude
#23 Oct 18 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Katchii wrote:

Cat= 105-115
Ravager= 100-120

So as you can see, from just the 45 minutes I spent checking this out, (as a BM Hunter with my AP around 1000 at the time) that Cats are the worst of the three, Ravagers better and scorpids best. One thing I did notice though was that the Cat's DPS has the smallest range and therefore has a much more dependable/ constant DPS than the other two.

This is enough to tell you that Cats are actually more dependable DPS. They have a higher low than the other 2 and being that scorpids poison got nerfed... that drops them completely out of the running. this means. would you rather have

105-115 as a weapon or 100-125 for a weapon. (used the term weapon for a comparison as this is kind of what some games line up damage as.)

For myself... I prefer the higher low as to the higher high. Specially when they both are off by the same amount. Cause if by some random chance I got stuck doing the minimum damage for 1 hour on my pet... I would prefer it to hit harder than its rare hard hits that cause it to hit Higher than the others.

But then again. 5 dps isn't much to fuss about anyway, one way or another.

Edited, Oct 18th 2007 2:57pm by HitashLevat
#24 Oct 18 2007 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
I have had a cat, I tested for a lot more than 3-4 mobs. 30 or so sample of same stuff for each pet. Combat conditions, meaning I was range dpsing and had go for throat going as well the bm focus regen talent. Ravager outperformed cat always, and after 30 mobs had a significant dmg total gap. That is why I chose ravager and not blindly went and got ravager because everyone says it's better dps.

Your tests were too short and not under normal combat conditions.

Having said that, cats are still great pets and if I preferred the look of a cat more than ravager I might have kept using cat regardless.

Edited, Oct 18th 2007 6:29pm by Elustriel
#25 Oct 18 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
scorpids poison got nerfed

So, I am missing something, when did Scorpid poison get nerfed? I asked in a different thread, but cannot find it so I will ask again ;)
#26 Oct 18 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
Since 2.2 it no longer scales with rap like it used to.
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