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Pet for levelingFollow

#1 Oct 11 2007 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
Which "class" of pet should I use to level from 10-70 as BM spec?

Class choice :-
1. Balance
2. Offensive
3. Defensive

I am hoping my pet can take around 4-5 mobs (same level or 1-2 level lower) without dyeing, in which I manage to kill 6 mobs using Balance pet (wolf). I enjoy high dps, but not sure if sacrify armor for higher dps will affect her performance..

Many thanks
#2 Oct 12 2007 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
A pet with screech ability is arguably best solo pve pet. Owl/Bat I prefer Owl, did amazing when I was lvling, like extra taunt and aoe taunt, so if mob added and screech was alone enough for mobs to stay glued to pet even though I was healing it and even could multi shot later without pulling agro, that ae taunt is amazing for solo, mob added on you, np. no need to switch pet, just run by it and it will pull it off automatically with screech, etc. At lower lvls up untill Steady shot at 62 I could easily leave growl off and it still was enough for mob to stay on the pet with me dpsing, not just autos but multi and arcane from time to time. Screech is a nice focus dump, and there is no real need to have claw on, but still claw is useful to have since there are few instances where having screech is not desired.

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 4:02am by Elustriel
#3 Oct 12 2007 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
I don't like birds, aoe screech sucks. I suggest a ravager. You can get one starting at lvl 10 in the Draeni lowbie area. Great DPS, not shabby armor. They know gouge, and bite if I remember. They can learn growl and dash. I've had mine since lvl 14 and I'm lvl 70 now. He's a great all around pet.
#4 Oct 12 2007 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Ravagers are great DPS pets, but they can't multitank which is what the OP wants.

You only really have a few options if you want your pet to actually keep aggro on 4-5 mobs, and one of those is iffy.

Gorilla - The iffy one. Thunderstomp is a nice ability, but it's cooldown makes it considerably less effective. Plus their lack of a speed buff and picky diet makes them not good choices IMO

Owl/Bat/Carrion Bird - Lumping these all in together because they're all good for the same reason, Screech. There is no better AoE skill a pet can have, and it's the reason they can hold aggro on multiple mobs. Of the 3, I'd actually pick a Carrion Bird as they have more armor than the other two, making them more likely to survive multiple mobs on them at once.

#5 Oct 12 2007 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
117 posts
Boar (if you don't mind being same as many others though seen less boars around on my server recently)

Pro's of Boar ...
1) Eat anything
2) Charge is a great skill i think for threat, getting there quick, chasing runners
3) Gore is quite nice as well for damage/threat i think
4) Low to the ground and not as ulky as bears so you can see the mobs
5) Nice balanced pet
6) They wiggle when their bored ;-)

#6 Oct 12 2007 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
I am a little curious about screech though. Does it generate the same amount of aggro as a warriors shouts? If so, then that is very minimal and you would pull aggro with your first multi-shot.

The gorrilas thunderstomp would be great if it didn't have that long CD.

I would really recommend going with what you like. I have a windserpent. Which is an offensive pet. I'm grinding in Hellfire Penninsula, and I can take on 4-5 fell orcs between level 60-63 without any problem. It's not straight send pet in and attack. I have to do a little planning, lay a trap, I'll get hit for a few seconds, but in the end I can do it relatively easy.

Hell I am even able to take on those lvl 63 elite rock giants(forgot their names, but just south of the alliance temple west of Honor Hold). When you fight them, they shrink and pieces break off creating new monsters. Those are a PITA, my pet usually dies in the fight, but in the end I do kill them.

I'm sure you could do the same with a defensive and balanced pet as well, so what it comes down to is what you want, which beast out there in the world when you cross it makes you go, "That beast looks awesome, I would like to have that as a pet" That is the one you want to tame and train. Just make sure it isn't a caster pet.
#7 Oct 12 2007 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
I'll refine the bird with screech recommendation a bit. Use a carrion bird instead of an owl or bat. They've got an easy diet, meat and fish. The carrion birds have higher defense rating and lower offensive rating. They'll take the higher damage dished out by holding multiple mobs a bit better. The greater your pet's defensive rating the less you'll need to heal it and hopefully thereby avoid pulling aggro. If you do pull aggro, freeze trap one. If you pull a second, feign death and dump aggro back on your pet.

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 9:33am by ItsaGaAs
#8 Oct 12 2007 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
I wouldn't rely to heavily on any particular type. If you were basing them off the ability to simply hold aggro well and take a hit when 4 or 5 are on them a turtle would be a good choice too. The shield he throws on himself is similar to a priest tossing out a shield. Gathers alot of hate and generally if you are keeping your +armor up to date it can reduce like 75-95% of the damage they throw at him.

Turtles suck though in general but they probably could handle a beating better than anyone else.

If you really want a pet suggestion, I would probably say a scorpid or wolf. Easy to get, offer decent abilities, and do nice damage. I can handle 4 or 5 mobs no problem with my wolf. I just don't expect him to live through it if they are all hitting him at once. I have to successfully trap and kite the mobs on him.
#9 Oct 12 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
My level BM 50 hunter has leveled up with both a boar and cat for the last 20 levels (alternating, obviously, since you can't have 2 pets out at once).

The cat is considered by some as more offensive and the boar as more of a defensive pet. I have not tried a birdy or wolf except to learn abilities for future pet taming.

I have noticed little difference in leveling/grinding speed between the cat and boar or how many mobs they can take on at once. Their differences, for me, seem to balance out.

The cat (claw, bite, dash, growl) does drop mobs a tad faster, but it requires a little more mana sometimes for extra heals compared to the boar. The boar (gore, bite, charge, growl) does good damage, too, and its charge is on a shorter cooldown than the cat's dash.

I generally don't try to take on more than 2-3 equal level mobs at a time with either pet. Just more micromanagement than I like at one time. Four mobs are doable without much sweat with either pet, and probably any pet, if I cycle through the mobs to get aggro on each so that healing aggro from pet mend wont draw mobs away from the pet. Don't remember trying or having to drop five mobs at once.

A bird with AOE screech might be able to hold healing aggro without having to cycle through and attack every mob before casting pet mend. I just don't have any experience in how much healing you might be able to do before exceeding the threat generated by screech. Obviously, feign death will help, but the more mobs you fight the greater the chance of a resist, which I personally hate when I am just on auto pilot while leveling.

Another consideration is what pet you like. Maybe you don't or won't have a personal preference, but when I've grouped with hunters with birds on my other toons, sometimes the flapping wings got on my nerves.

(I am the type that is about to ditch [for leveling, might use it grouping] the level 48 epic hurricane bow for a 51 blue crossbow because the hurricane fires so annoyingly, to me, fast. The hurricane fires almost once a second with talents. It's purple, but I am not too attached to it because I got it for just 50g. I also never pick a race for a toon that I can't stand to look at for 70 levels plus end game stuff.)

I may get a bird when I hit 70 (the unique carrion bird in terrokar seems tempting [trachela?]), but I don't wanna level with one regardless what it can do just because I really like my cat (ghost saber) and boar (rotting agam'ar) and they get the job done for me.

Trying different pets and seeing which one works for your play style is part of what makes a hunter cool for me. Enjoy.
#10 Oct 12 2007 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
Friar Katie wrote:
I don't like birds, aoe screech sucks. I suggest a ravager. You can get one starting at lvl 10 in the Draeni lowbie area. Great DPS, not shabby armor. They know gouge, and bite if I remember. They can learn growl and dash. I've had mine since lvl 14 and I'm lvl 70 now. He's a great all around pet.

So you just stated that AOE screech sucks with 0 evidence to back that up. Great argument there... lol
#11 Oct 12 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Elustriel wrote:
Friar Katie wrote:
I don't like birds, aoe screech sucks. I suggest a ravager. You can get one starting at lvl 10 in the Draeni lowbie area. Great DPS, not shabby armor. They know gouge, and bite if I remember. They can learn growl and dash. I've had mine since lvl 14 and I'm lvl 70 now. He's a great all around pet.

So you just stated that AOE screech sucks with 0 evidence to back that up. Great argument there... lol

I'm still trying to find this amazingly elusive ravager that knows gouge.

I know what was meant, but some opportunities to be an *** I just can't pass up

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 4:38pm by SynnTastic
#12 Oct 12 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
I am a little curious about screech though. Does it generate the same amount of aggro as a warriors shouts? If so, then that is very minimal and you would pull aggro with your first multi-shot.

Warriors don't shout every couple of seconds. If you have focus for it, (and don't waste it by training Claw) a bird will Screech continually.

Sure, you can't multishot the second your bird flies into a pack of mobs, it's kinda like waiting for a Warrior to get their Sunders up, but after a few Growls and Screeches, you can Multishot relatively safely.

Not to mention Screech locks down aggro on your current target mob hard. The debuff isn't too shabby either. -210AP (at rank 5 IIRC) for all mobs in range means a lot less physical damage for your pet, and unlike Thunderstomp (or almost any AoE in the game) it doesn't break CC.

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 5:53pm by Rasen
#13 Oct 12 2007 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Rasen wrote:
I am a little curious about screech though. Does it generate the same amount of aggro as a warriors shouts? If so, then that is very minimal and you would pull aggro with your first multi-shot.

Warriors don't shout every couple of seconds. If you have focus for it, (and don't waste it by training Claw) a bird will Screech continually.

Sure, you can't multishot the second your bird flies into a pack of mobs, it's kinda like waiting for a Warrior to get their Sunders up, but after a few Growls and Screeches, you can Multishot relatively safely.

Not to mention Screech locks down aggro on your current target mob hard. The debuff isn't too shabby either. -210AP (at rank 5 IIRC) for all mobs in range means a lot less physical damage for your pet, and unlike Thunderstomp (or almost any AoE in the game) it doesn't break CC.

I realize that you don't shout every second or so, but if it is the same ammount of aggro gain, then doing it often is still very minimal. On my KTM at level 60 a shout generated 50 points of aggro. My hunter's multishot, at the same level, does somewhere between 300-800 damage, So even at the lower spectrum of that curve the pet would have to cast 6 screeches just to equal the aggro. Now throw in the fact that it has to growl and bite(because I would hope you would have a damage dealing ability for your pet) the main target, I don't see it throwing out enough screeches all that fast to keep up with aggro from a few multishots.

Don't get me wrong in my statements, I think Screech is a great ability, I just don't see it as a good aggro, even though it is AoE. But that's just my speculation, and of course you could easily refrain from using multishot, and the screech will probably be cast enough to hold aggro from using a mend pet.
#14 Oct 12 2007 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
Doh, you're right. Gore, not gouge. Here is the pet that I lvl'd up from lvl 10. He is now lvl 70 and he's the only pet I use. The only draw back is I have to be careful with him pulling aggro from the warrior, even with growl off(thats what Omen is for). For solo'ing this pet was an awesome pet. He could deal out the damage and between my traps and his growl taking 3 or 4 at a time was not a problem. You can check out my spec at the armory.

The problem I have with the AOE screech is that it is AOE. I don't want to pull aggro off of my tank during PUGs. They are just as bad as bears about being in the way, looting becomes a hassle. They tend to take some "interesting" paths to the mobs and are just generally not worth the hassle. Give me a good solid DPS pet any day. If you are spec'd right and have taken the time to learn how to trap correctly, then the AOE screech is more of a hindrance than it is worth. Especially when fighting in tight corridors. My ravager and I are the ones who add control during Black Morass. I've never let 1 dragon by yet.

In the long run, it's all up to your play style. With growl you should not have a problem with the pet holding aggro and if you are then maybe you should take another look at your shot rotation.

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 11:46pm by Katie
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