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Why do Warriors have to interfere?Follow

#1 Oct 11 2007 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Hunters are often being called Huntards because of things that happen in instances, yet in the outside world of Wow, a lot of warriors are interfering with peoples kills. Was in Wetlands, I have the Ghost Saber from the cat figurines in Darkshore, got him at level 28 so have been leveling him up, cat has claw 3, bite 3, see a croc while questing has bite 4. After quest, stable cat and go back out to tame croc, pass a 26 warrior on my way. I got to a croc and start taming, I'm level 30 and croc is 26 so don't worry about freeze trap, halfway through taming warrior arrives and hits croc, then realizes I'm taming, try again, not enough mana. Warrior meanwhile has aggroed another croc, wouldn't have aggroed if I was the only one there. I now have to kiill 2 crocs, after they are dead, warrior instead of apologizing for hitting the first croc says to me, you should have used freezing trap and runs off.

Just a little side note, I don't interfere with people when they are killing something unless I see things going bad for them. Often I will stand nearby and watch their health, if it is getting lower then what they are killling, then I will let go with an arcane shot, or if they get an add I will help kill the first so they can go onto the second. Warriors on the other hand always seem to have to run past and hit what ever you are killing on the way.
#2 Oct 11 2007 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
658 posts
While I usually give a lot of leeway to people who make mistakes while trying to help, you'd think the big pink hearts over your head would have tipped him off that smacking the croc wasn't the best plan. Especially if he knew enough about taming to suggest the freeze trap.

Oh well, at least he tried I suppose.
#3 Oct 11 2007 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
It's even worse when you're in an instance, and you tell you're groupies to just let you tame this boss so you don't have to fight him, because he's worthless anyway, and they break the trap and wont stop beating on him, getting you killed.

I'm pretty sure you guys know what im talking about.
#4 Oct 11 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
FangXLR wrote:
It's even worse when you're in an instance, and you tell you're groupies to just let you tame this boss so you don't have to fight him, because he's worthless anyway, and they break the trap and wont stop beating on him, getting you killed.

I'm pretty sure you guys know what im talking about.

Or worse, you're in a party with a Huntard who says, "Don't kill this walking loot bag, I'm going to tame him." Then said Huntard starts the tame while the group is all, "WTF!!??" so they try to salvage the situation before their loot ends up in the Hunter's stable, and all they get is whines and moans from the Huntard because he was too dumb to abort the tame when he saw the rest of the party engage the boss.
#5 Oct 11 2007 at 8:36 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm, except, said boss drops only one blue item, that gives absolutely nothing for any class that can actually wear said item, and the "huntard" clearly states, "lets just skip this one, i'll tame him and we can just be on our way", and then the whole group agrees, and yet attacks anyway,breaking the trap, and the taming process, causing the hunter to die, which leads to a wipe because of a mage gaining too much agro, running away, agroing lots of naga, dying, and taking the group with him.

Edited, Oct 11th 2007 9:36pm by FangXLR
#6 Oct 12 2007 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
to enlighten those who arent in the know...

you know if you change your perception and imagine that tail is his head and he's actually bipedal [rather than stuck in the ground]... he makes for a much scarrier boss.

are there anyother tameable bosses? like that uncommon bat boss in instances south of barrens?

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 8:33am by Tenjen
#7 Oct 12 2007 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
FangXLR wrote:
Hmmm, except, said boss drops only one blue item, that gives absolutely nothing for any class that can actually wear said item, and the "huntard" clearly states, "lets just skip this one, i'll tame him and we can just be on our way", and then the whole group agrees, and yet attacks anyway,breaking the trap, and the taming process, causing the hunter to die, which leads to a wipe because of a mage gaining too much agro, running away, agroing lots of naga, dying, and taking the group with him.

Edited, Oct 11th 2007 9:36pm by FangXLR

Yeah, it's not like that chest piece would be good for tanks or anything.

It may offer no stats but has a superior amount of armor.
#8 Oct 12 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Not to mention it drops a few great cloth greens. oh and a few nice leather greens.

Next time research what you say before trying to justify your stupidity.

Just so you all know what boss he is talking about in case any of you don't its

This is also one of the better kills in BFD. lot's of nice drops come from him.

Next time look at all the drops before saying he doesn't drop anything good. That staff of the friar I sold a couple months ago for 35g on my server.

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 8:27am by HitashLevat
#9 Oct 12 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
830 posts
I had a toon wearing that armor piece for quite a while. Taming him nets you a tamed turtle. You can get the same pet specs by taming one of his minions. No need to tame Gamoora.
#10 Oct 12 2007 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
FangXLR wrote:
Hmmm, except, said boss drops only one blue item, that gives absolutely nothing for any class that can actually wear said item, and the "huntard" clearly states, "lets just skip this one, i'll tame him and we can just be on our way", and then the whole group agrees, and yet attacks anyway,breaking the trap, and the taming process, causing the hunter to die, which leads to a wipe because of a mage gaining too much agro, running away, agroing lots of naga, dying, and taking the group with him.

Edited, Oct 11th 2007 9:36pm by FangXLR

You bug me. I don't want you to stop posting though. I like rating them down. Thank you and have a nice day :D
#11 Oct 12 2007 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
If the hunter wants to tame a boss they need to let the group know ahead of time. As long as it's okay with everyone in the group then it's not a big deal.
#12 Oct 12 2007 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
sloshot wrote:
I had a toon wearing that armor piece for quite a while. Taming him nets you a tamed turtle. You can get the same pet specs by taming one of his minions. No need to tame Gamoora.

Oh what a fool I've been! I tamed Humar when I could just have kept the cat from Teldrassil. And why tame a Bear in Winterspring when you got tons of boring gray bears in Hillsbrad! You want a special Spider Skin? Noob. There's tons of spiders all over the place standing there looking generic and boring. TAKE ONE OF THOSE!

There's always a reason for taming the pet you want. I tamed Gamoora myself once, and warned the party ahead of time. Took me five runs to get a party that agreed to skip his loot, but I got him. Just like I've gotten every named tameable beast in the bestiary, except the Horde Spawned beasties. There's always a reason, and phat lewt isn't always the highest priority.
#13 Oct 12 2007 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
this wasn't about the hunte wanting to tame the boss to have as a pet, it was about the hunter wanting to skip it.
#14 Oct 12 2007 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
There's always a reason for taming the pet you want. I tamed Gamoora myself once, and warned the party ahead of time. Took me five runs to get a party that agreed to skip his loot, but I got him. Just like I've gotten every named tameable beast in the bestiary, except the Horde Spawned beasties. There's always a reason, and phat lewt isn't always the highest priority.

Wow, boss is what? 5 feet inside the dorr?

Tame, run out- Reset, go back :)
#15 Oct 12 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
KDenelor wrote:
this wasn't about the hunte wanting to tame the boss to have as a pet, it was about the hunter wanting to skip it.
I have read this thread three times now to figure out what you are talking about. The OP is talking about taming a completely random world mob, I assume in Wetlands. Then Fangtard started moaning about a party ruining his tame of Ghamoora, which was entirely justified unless all agree they... oooh.

Ooooh! Theeeere I got it... Taming a boss just to skip him? What the hell? If absolutely nothing else, a boss yields sellable loot, which will help offset any repairbills. Now there's suddenly two reasons to beat FangXLR with the Bad Huntard Bat.

My point still stands, since I merely replied to Sloshot's claim that taming Ghamoora and one of his minions were basically the same.

Edit: Caldone. Yeah, I know, but apparently that takes too long for most groups. Pah. A Hunter's plight, having to deal with smacktards with no appreciation of the Hunt.

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 2:47pm by NorthAI
#16 Oct 12 2007 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Caldone the Shady wrote:
There's always a reason for taming the pet you want. I tamed Gamoora myself once, and warned the party ahead of time. Took me five runs to get a party that agreed to skip his loot, but I got him. Just like I've gotten every named tameable beast in the bestiary, except the Horde Spawned beasties. There's always a reason, and phat lewt isn't always the highest priority.

Wow, boss is what? 5 feet inside the dorr?

Tame, run out- Reset, go back :)

Lies!!!! That boss is a pain to get to, you have to do that damn platform jumping, makes me feel like I was play mario 64 or something. Then god forbid you get a player in your group that can't run and jump at the same time, you could be there for a good hour or so just waiting for the whole group to get to the other platforms. Hardest boss ever to get to if you ask me.
#17 Oct 12 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
After having had the interference problem once while trying to tame Humar (eventually got him though) I found a simple solution, which has worked nearly every time.

Whenever I get to the spot I am to tame the beast I want, if i see a character close to me or coming my way or anything, I always say, in /say, that I don't need help i'm taming the beast I have marked with hunters mark. I have had only one person mess this up because he was being a jerk, but it was a friend of mine who did it in an area where there were like 400 of what I wanted to tame so it was all in good fun. And it goes without saying that if you see the opposing factiona round you while you're taming you're gonna die so try to wait til after the guy is gone or dead before trying to tame.
#18 Oct 12 2007 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
aha! try getting a red lynx as a dreanai hunter than!

they're only in silvermoons newb area.

not only is it a mightmare reaching there but the low levels either informed everybody of my presence or brought out their mains.

Its very hard to get a red lynx with dozens. YES DOZENS [plural] of people around killing every damn cat you walk to. Not to mentioned everydamn cat period.

I help hunters out whenever i can. One of my best WoW buddies is a hunter. Excellent hunter too.

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 8:16pm by Tenjen
#19 Oct 12 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Tenjen wrote:
aha! try getting a red lynx as a dreanai hunter then!

they're only in silvermoons newb area.

not only is it a mightmare reaching there [menethil/southshore/BOTH PLAGUELANDS!] as a level 10 but the low level BE's either informed everybody of my presence or brought out their mains.

Its very hard to get a red lynx with dozens, YES DOZENS [plural], of people around killing every damn cat you walk to. Not to mentioned everydamn cat period.

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 8:03pm by Tenjen

4:00 AM server time is your friend.
#20 Oct 12 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
Not on my server. Lots of people seem to play late. Or live around that time zone.

It was a guild that was annoying me.
#21 Oct 12 2007 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts

<Sigh> Nobody actually READS what I write so I have no idea why I'm posting this...

I said:

No need to tame Gamoora.

You said:

NorthAI the Hand wrote:
There's always a reason for taming the pet you want.

Since when are WANT and NEED the same thing? I didn't say you couldn't, the inference was that with Pet Normalization there was nothing special about him and therefore it was the same as taming one of his minions. Thus, no NEED to tame him anymore.

I too tamed him once but we specifically went in with a couple of buddies to DO that, we didn't actually run the instance, he was easy to tame as his damage kinda sucks. This was before normalization so I wanted to see if he had any special powers. Now, I wouldn't even waste my time. So my pet can be named Gamoora? He looks like any other turtle... Now if he stayed huge and menacing then it might be worthwhile, IMO. ^_^
#22 Oct 12 2007 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
North, Yes my original post was to about taming a normal croc and got interfered with. As for having something different, I have Deathclaw from Bloodmyst and the Ghost Saber from Darkshore, both different from the norm as most people go for Bjarn at lower levels or a moonstalker. Haven't seen either on this server and often get hunters asking where I got my bear.

Katchii, I probably should have said I was taming, I didn't see the need as I was near the coast in Wetlands, no one else about except for the warrior. I ran past him using aspect of the cheetah and as he was level 26 I didn't think he would have got to me so quick there were a lot of murlocs around there and I would have expected him to fight his way to me.

For the discussion on the merits of taming bosses, certainly it should be decided before entering that you intend to tame him, but if it something you really wish to do, wouldn't it be far easier to get a higher level player to take you in to tame it, level 35 armor is not much use for a level 50+. if it's a guildie they should be willing to help out a pick up, well slip him some gold.

Edited because I spelt Deathclaw with a B :)

Edited, Oct 12th 2007 8:30pm by Mermic
#23 Oct 12 2007 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Lies!!!! That boss is a pain to get to, you have to do that damn platform jumping, makes me feel like I was play mario 64 or something. Then god forbid you get a player in your group that can't run and jump at the same time, you could be there for a good hour or so just waiting for the whole group to get to the other platforms. Hardest boss ever to get to if you ask me.

Huh? I have never gone on top of the platforms, you know there is a shortcut over on the left side right?
#24 Oct 12 2007 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
Normalization there was nothing special about him and therefore it was the same as taming one of his minions. Thus, no NEED to tame him anymore.

Ghamoo'Ra has Bite 4, the other turtles have Bite 3.

He also has a higher chance of having Shell Shield.
#25 Oct 31 2007 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
Just like I've gotten every named tameable beast in the bestiary, except the Horde Spawned beasties.

aha! try getting a red lynx as a dreanai hunter than!

I laugh. The one area where Blizzard likes Horde better. Please cry a little. Your tears are so sweet. Also, the draenei couldn't spell 'drainei', or 'then'.
#26 Oct 31 2007 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Tenjen wrote:
aha! try getting a red lynx as a dreanai hunter than!

Horde hunters trying to get owls?
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