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How do I deal with this situation?Follow

#1 Oct 11 2007 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
So I am running SL with my guildies and I am asked to trap casters.

I am BM/SV spec so No silencing shot available for this pull. When I try to multi trap these casters I get one in the trap and the other resists. I can't Kite a caster that can shoot me further away from me than I can shoot it...

What should I do?

P.S. These casters I think have some Ice resistance cause i get RESIST poppin up alot when I try to trap them.

Thanks again.
#2 Oct 11 2007 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Couple of things.

1) Make sure your party is aware that you're working with trap timers and to time the pull so the first trap is down and your traps are off cooldown (or almost off cooldown).

2) Use pillars/corners/etc. to block the caster's line of site once you've hit them with the pull shot. They'll try to follow you and if you've placed your trap appropriately, they'll go into it. I notice the casters in there seem to be resistant to the first trap, but not the second (maybe a buff they have?). Even if your first trap is resisted/only lasts a couple of seconds, you've got another one ready to go and since the mob is that much closer to you, worst case scenario you can always run up and drop it at the mob's feet. You might take a hit or two but it seems to work pretty well.

Even better if you can convince whoever is marking to not mark casters for trapping...there's always a melee mob in the crowd that makes it easier on you, but that's not to say we don't have options to trap casters.
#3 Oct 11 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
Actually there are several pulls in there with all casters. But it is still fairly easy. Make sure your party knows about your trap CD, and perhaps allows you some time before the pull. Secondly, use Line of Sight. Easy for a Hunter. Third, don't multitrap them. No party should ever have to multitrap casters in SL. The encounters just doesn't call for it. Keep your second trap waiting for the first to break. The only place I can see multitrapping as viable, would be in the room before the second boss. But there you got tons of melee mobs to trap anyway.
#4 Oct 11 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Yeah that second room with the Ogre boss was where we were at. A kind of miss matched group if you ask me but I may be wrong. The main group we had there were 4 casters standing in the middle of the room on the left side.

Our group consisted of a fresh 70 with low gear gained from leveling in Outlands (ME lol)

A warrior with 10k health and another rogue with about 200 more HP than me.
(Both decked out in epics and rares and stuff like that I don't think the warrior was doing to hot of a job tanking for the credit of the healer who was always the first to die. I know the tank from that group normally plays dps to our tank pali but that pali was offline at that time.)

This is the wierd part. Had a Druid healer (good healer though. around 5k hp maybe a little more.) and a Boomkin. sitting at around 6k HP.

My main concern with this party was that we were going to be running back alot if we kept dying. (which we inevitably did.) I was finding it hard to get a good place to lay the traps in that perticular area without going out of LOS of the healer.

That being frustrating me to the point where I almost wanted to do a respec to get 2 points in my abil for less trap resists.

(edit) Found out yesterday that I could Distracting shot a mob while in a trap and it not break. The one time the group actually let me keep a mob trapped our warrior had a hard time pulling him off me because right before the trap broke(5 sec or so if at all possible) Id shoot another Distracting shot at it to keep it on me after all the heals our druid was doing. Obviously right before I shot it I put out another trap in prep for it. (gotta love the -4 sec on trap time from Beastlord set)

I don't think the warrior used taunt though. Makes me curious about her spec or what stance she was in for that matter. Oh well.

Time to look her up in Armory.

Edited, Oct 11th 2007 12:34pm by HitashLevat

Edited, Oct 11th 2007 12:36pm by HitashLevat
#5 Oct 11 2007 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
830 posts
I stand by, awaiting pithy commentary from Caldone... ^_^

As for my own observations, it IS hard to pull casters when you don't have SS. When you do it's so easy it's almost amusing.

I pet pull casters when my SS is on cooldown or I need to save it for party use. I pick the spot where I want the caster(s) to be but it has to be out of casting range of where they are. I run to that spot, drop the trap, then keep running opposite opposite them with that spot in the middle (in my own firing range). Then I send in Morris and slap a heal on him before he engages. I have him hit one, then if there is another, I'll have him hit the other, both need to have one growl on them. I then command him to follow. He runs back. When he's out of their cast range, they follow him. I send him back into attack once they are almost to the spot I want them to be in. He then stops and re-engages them. Another heal and I open up on them. I can keep them entertained for a while, one frozen the other being tanked by Morris. If need be, I can run in and refresh the trap before they are out.

Morris can usually tank two casters, it's harder if they are totem users and requires more work on my part. You can also flip your pet into 'defensive' momentarily and he will attack the totems as he can. Make sure to put him back on passive afterwards. Good tactic for totem users.

I'd expect Beastmaster pets can handle even more abuse. Don't forget your buddy there at your side!
#6 Oct 11 2007 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I didn't even think about pet pulling.

I always send the pet on the skulled mob and I wait till it turns back to me to send it on the next one of the warriors choosing.

Thanks for the suggestion. Next time I go there I'll give that a shot.
#7 Oct 11 2007 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
I'm picturing the three casters around each pole or somethin that you have to kill several sets of before the boss can be engaged.

If that is the case, why are they so **** about you trapping them? People seem to get really carried away with CC alot of times. I have pet tanked that entire room before because we lost a tank and were waiting on a new one to get there.
#8 Oct 11 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Yeah. kind of. They are actually all linked together right next to each other. 2 per row. about 6 in the total side. rogue saps one. Warrior pulls I drag one caster to my trap.

They asked if I knew how to multi trap and I told them I have done it before but not against casters. And later I added to them. and not on mobs that seem to resist the hell out of my traps.
#9 Oct 11 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
797 posts
What methods do y'all use to kill that ogre boss? He gives the groups I've been in a harder time than Murmur.
#10 Oct 11 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
I'm thinking of a different room then. I get my auchinduon (sp?) instances mixed up. Have to disregard me on that. Still though to rely on a hunter to double trap is precarious at best. you simply cannot keep up a double trap so before a trap breaks they better have several dead. If they can kill that fast then just tank em and kill em.

As much as I love the intricacies of the hunter class any group that is going to rely on me to double trap had better figure somethin else out.
#11 Oct 11 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
They were hoping to have at least 1 of the 2 down before the second trap broke so I could re trap it... but we didnt make it that far as I got drained of my life with a quickness.

We never got past that room. Everyone called it quits after 4 tries and we finally got all 6 of those guys and the 2 assassins in the area that we ran into twice.

If we had like maybe a SP or something then we prolly could have made it. But we spent way to much running back. =S
#12 Oct 11 2007 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
Exactly. Bad things hapen to people who rely too much on hunter CC.
#13 Oct 11 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
I stand by, awaiting pithy commentary from Caldone... ^_^

I had to look that up to see if it was a diss or not >.<

Exactly. Bad things hapen to people who rely too much on hunter CC.

Umm, what you smoking?

Hunter CC is very reliable, long as somebody doesn't mess it up :)

To Hitash:

Basically the guys already covered it, but, LOS is your best friend in your case, especially in the rooms before 2nd boss. Place yoru trap right in front of whatevercorner you want to hide behind, pop a shot, the run around the corner/piller. Sometimes the LOS cuby holes are not so obvious, but they are a plenty, you just have to know exactly how Blizz programed the walls so that a cubby that looks like it might not nessecarily be a LOS spot, is now an LOS slot just because Blizz programed it wierd.

Most of the time in instances I have found LOS places by accident, mostly because healer couldnt heal me or I start shooting and it tells me LOS, even though I have a clear viewpoint to the target.

Hopefully this comment was truly a "pithy" remark ;)

#14 Oct 11 2007 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
Usually what we do in SL is have a good tank and we all AE everything without ever doing CC. Also that method actually makes SL not that long. As for group that CC's above advice is great and really there isn't much to add ;p
#15 Oct 12 2007 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
Here's what I did. I specced 20 points into survival for my improved traps. The rest in Beast mastery. I arcane shot them and then move to just out of their line of site. They will come to you.
#16 Oct 12 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Caldone the Shady wrote:

Hopefully this comment was truly a "pithy" remark ;)

I was anticipating some comment directed about the woes of non-MM spec hunters... LOL! (maybe about there being a use for us after all...)

Remarkable restraint Caldone. I applaud you. Heck, I even thought of a few 'pithy' comments about it... HAHA.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming...
#17 Oct 12 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Actually there are several pulls in there with all casters. But it is still fairly easy. Make sure your party knows about your trap CD, and perhaps allows you some time before the pull. Secondly, use Line of Sight. Easy for a Hunter. Third, don't multitrap them. No party should ever have to multitrap casters in SL. The encounters just doesn't call for it. Keep your second trap waiting for the first to break. The only place I can see multitrapping as viable, would be in the room before the second boss. But there you got tons of melee mobs to trap anyway.

There's the room with the first boss that is all casters/Fel Overseers. Can't trap the Overseers (and nobody I know pulls them in groups with the casters anyways). The first three caster pulls are usually pulled back into the curved hallway leading into that room. That's a LoS option right there, but it can get tricky to trap the right mob. Usually, I'll let the tank pull all three into the hallway and then put a trap at the feet of the one I need. The last three pulls in that room are done using the pillars for LoS. Again, without communication it can be tricky to trap the right mob, but it's certainly managable.

The room with the "students" and the second boss can be the tricky one. It requires a bit of coordination with the tank to make sure people aren't dragging mobs through your traps, but with a good group it's also quite managable.
#18 Oct 12 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
I was anticipating some comment directed about the woes of non-MM spec hunters... LOL! (maybe about there being a use for us after all...)

Remarkable restraint Caldone. I applaud you. Heck, I even thought of a few 'pithy' comments about it... HAHA.

I do have a comment about thast toward Hitash:

Spec MM, it solves all your problems :)
#19 Oct 12 2007 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
I was anticipating some comment directed about the woes of non-MM spec hunters... LOL! (maybe about there being a use for us after all...)

Remarkable restraint Caldone. I applaud you. Heck, I even thought of a few 'pithy' comments about it... HAHA.

I do have a comment about thast toward Hitash:

Spec MM, it solves all your problems :)

When they see that they'll figure yer hopeless and won't ask you to trap :P
#20 Oct 12 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
When they see that they'll figure yer hopeless and won't ask you to trap :P


Have you seen my spec...

Its all about trapping you numbskull!! :)
#21 Oct 12 2007 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
When they see that they'll figure yer hopeless and won't ask you to trap :P


Have you seen my spec...

Its all about trapping you numbskull!! :)

Yeah. Which is all wasted when your party hears "MM". Then you'll be demoted to the funny little fellow that follows the cool kids around. They might let you shoot something once in a while to keep you from crying.

#22 Oct 12 2007 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
LOL. I won't ever go back to MM. I am sorry but it doesn't cut it for me. (yes at around level 50 or so I tried MM and hated it.)

I won't be trying Full SV until I get way more agil. My gear is way to crappy to do one of the more gear dependent specs.

#23 Oct 12 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
2,388 posts
Lol, never had a group that wasn't impressed about the trapping :)

Did Moroes again and had a BM hunter doing the trapping (I was on Blue), trap kept coming out and wiping the group, after about the 5th wipe I said **** it and switched to Sull, took him down first try with the hunter complaining and ******** that his trapping was good enough, and got pissed off and left when we got done with moroes
#24 Oct 12 2007 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
HitashLevat wrote:
LOL. I won't ever go back to MM. I am sorry but it doesn't cut it for me. (yes at around level 50 or so I tried MM and hated it.)

I won't be trying Full SV until I get way more agil. My gear is way to crappy to do one of the more gear dependent specs.

While I agree, I've done all three specs at 70 extensively. Too hard to tell at a low level what it's going to be like.
#25 Oct 12 2007 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I just didn't like how garbage my pet became. I picked the Hunter because of 2 things. First and most important. The pet. After playing UO and taming my first 2 dogs and running with them for a while I knew I wanted a game with pets.

second. I started playing ranger characters in Morrowind and Oblivion and I loved it. Was hoping the Hunter would be like that. The game style wasn't the same but the aspect of it I still enjoyed.
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