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Getting a petFollow

#1 Oct 08 2007 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a dranei hunter with level 12
I have Tame Beast by Hunter Trainer
I believe that I must have a pet
and my question is...

How do I get a pet?

If I need something more, please help me.
I'm New in this game.

other question more

What do I need it for keeping pet?
I've intented to feed a pet but i can't.
please explain me how to do it

PD. In my spell book i don't have feet pet icon.

When I go With Acteon (Hunter Trainer) It doesn't anything with his.

greetings ans thanks...

#2 Oct 08 2007 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Check the FAQ

Up at the top, the one that says EVERY QUESTION ANSWERED HERE!!!

Yeah, and if anybody answers this I will personally down rate them into oblivion.
#3 Oct 08 2007 at 11:28 PM Rating: Good

if you can't figure it out from the Faq here or at (best hunter site in the world), then i would ask a high level hunter or two on your server for some pointers.

most hunters i know are happy to answer questions, as long as they aren't in an instance.

what server are you on karouzo and what side?

cal you want to send me to oblivion, go ahead. i been there before.
#4 Oct 09 2007 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
Try the FAQ (the link that says "every question answered here" -- and this guide

Caldone - this OP is obviously brand new to the game and to our forum.

Threatening to nuke us for helping someone - you can't expect everyone to get this place when they first come here. That's not nice - and not reasonable. I'm the person who invented the boar crusade, and if I think a new person is genuinely having trouble figuring things out - I think you shouldn't just casually dismiss them.

It's overwhelming! The game is - this site is. Count all the buttons you can push - go ahead - count them. The labels mean something to you because you KNOW this site. A newb doesn't! They are intimidated.

Original poster -

Click the button to the right of your character button. Look in beast section for training button and feeding button. Click the feeding button then appropriate food in your inventory to feed your pet.

Caldone! Sit! Stay! Good boy!


Edited, Oct 9th 2007 6:24am by IponemaGirl
#5 Oct 09 2007 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, I'm with Caldone on this one. WoW and this site is retardedly easy to figure out. Everything as basic as pet usage, taming, training and so on should be so easy to figure out that only smacktards can't. And more importantly, forums such as these usually have stickies. For things as basic as the OP's question, the sticky will suffice. And better yet, it is the first thing anyone posting on any forum should have checked out before making a single post. Not doing so, means several things:

1. You are a lazy git.
2. You expect others to spoonfeed you information that is easily attainable.
3. You contribute to drowning out posts that do have merit with this tripe.

New or not. Certain things are universal for both games and forums. Do the tutorials. Read the quest descriptions. Follow instructions. Read the stickies. If you don't, you are defeating the purpose of all the above. You are in fact mocking all the hard work done by the creators of the above aids. The sticky was made for you. The tutorial was made for you. The quest descriptions. The tooltips. All of this was made so you could learn these things.

If you don't try to use these resources before making posts like these, you don't deserve the aid of anyone on these boards.

Edit cuz I no speel gud

Edited, Oct 9th 2007 6:49am by NorthAI
#6 Oct 09 2007 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
Threatening to nuke us for helping someone - you can't expect everyone to get this place when they first come here. That's not nice - and not reasonable. I'm the person who invented the boar crusade, and if I think a new person is genuinely having trouble figuring things out - I think you shouldn't just casually dismiss them.

Iponhema- I respect you so no downrate for you :)

However, think of it from this point-

The New Subject button is right above the sticky that blatantly says "Every Question Answered Here" :)

It's overwhelming! The game is - this site is. Count all the buttons you can push - go ahead - count them. The labels mean something to you because you KNOW this site. A newb doesn't! They are intimidated.

See above explanation ;) They got into the forums didn't they? Thats all the further they need to go in order to see the sticky :)
#7 Oct 09 2007 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe, thanks for not coming after me.

You have a very valid point, both of you.

Here's the thing - you are probably both "computer literate." I'm not. I can make a few things work here and there, but I just "don't get" computers and a lot of websites. I'm not stupid. I can discuss the major "1453 event" in History and argue either side on the question "did this really signal the end of the Middle Ages or not?" I know the difference between so-called fast and slow breeder reactors. I can argue either side of the global warming issue, I can explain many parts of Relativity, and I can explain how String Theory intends to be the ToE by uniting the math that explains gravity with the math that explains e-m, sf and wf.

But a lot computer stuff just leaves me dumbfounded. Dunno why. I'm not a programmer, and I'm not "in synch" with the typical programmer's mindset.

Anyway, I feel sorry for people who just start out and are befuddled by things. Further, I'm going to go read "every question answered here" and see if it really does answer those questions.....
#8 Oct 09 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
797 posts
Based on the grammar used in the first post, I think this is a non-native english speaker. I'd cut him some slack.
#9 Oct 09 2007 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
ItsaGaAs wrote:
Based on the grammar used in the first post, I think this is a non-native english speaker. I'd cut him some slack.

Hang on, you claim non-native English speakers are dumbasses? Or have a right to be lazy smacktards? I simply fail to see the relevance of his nationality here.
#10 Oct 09 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Hang on, you claim non-native English speakers are dumbasses? Or have a right to be lazy smacktards? I simply fail to see the relevance of his nationality here.

I am of the firm opinion, if you want to use english speaking websites, learn to type and read english, enough to were it's not so blatantly obvious your a non-english speaking person, and maybe just a 6th grader ;)

Also, this is primarily an opinion reguarding foreigners that move to America:

Welcome to America, now speak english

The French don't cater to us, the Mexicans don't cater to us, Germans don't cater to us, why do we have to cater to them? I love living in America and getting "Press 1 for English"...
#11 Oct 09 2007 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
271 posts
I completely agree with Caldone. I've always believe that if you plan to live in another country, speak the language. Don't inconvience the hell out of everyone else because you can't take the time to learn the language. Even being a vistor somewhere requires at least a book. Not everyone you meet in another country will know yours! Imagine that! (Which is why for my first foreign trip in january I have bought about 3 books - one on tape - for French, which I understand many in Montreal primarily speak)

Now I work in a hotel, and 90% of the people I work with and around speak more than one language. Hell, my manager speaks 6. Being an operator for a solid year, (and an employee here for 2) I've never, NEVER spoken to anyone that couldn't get through a conversation with me, the ditzy, very American who only speaks English. (conversational in sign language, meaning I can tell you where to go to eat and what's good, but I couldn't discuss politics)

It's common courtesy. Expect to run into people in America that only speak English. *raises hand*
#12 Oct 09 2007 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
797 posts
I'm saying his border-line English might mean he didn't understand what that FAQ subject meant. Posting a link to the FAQ would have been most helpful.

I suggest y'all visit France sometime and put up with the occasional rude Frenchman unhappy with Americans butchering their language. Then reconsider your black-and-white attitude on requiring perfect English to post to these boards.

Edited, Oct 9th 2007 3:26pm by ItsaGaAs
#13 Oct 09 2007 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
271 posts
So it's okay for there to be rude frenchmen but gawd forbid an American get upset with those who can't do the same here? Little hypocritical isn't it?

I expect somethings when I butcher a language. I remember going up to a guest room for a request they had (hearing impaired) and I mixed up the sign for clean, with the sign for nice (very similar), and she laughed and let me know my mistake. I expect to be corrected. I wouldn't have been shocked if she was upset that the one person in the hotel who signed didn't sign well and threw a fit. Language barriers suck, yes. Don't try to break them if you don't know what your doing and can't handle the backlash is you mess up.

Edited, Oct 9th 2007 3:46pm by Raynebow
#14 Oct 09 2007 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Not requiring a "Black and white perfect language"

Just asking punctuation and semi decent grammar :)

Edited to add:

Rayne... Huh?

Edited, Oct 9th 2007 3:36pm by Caldone
#15 Oct 09 2007 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
271 posts
I just meant that he spoke of angry frenchmen who yells at americans who butcher the language. I say if frenchmen can get angry what's wrong with us doing it?
#16 Oct 09 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Ahhh, heh QFT!
#17 Oct 09 2007 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
I only want to point out that more nations speak English besides America. It's called 'English', not 'American' therefore we lose that language crown... lol.

I suppose there was a time we spelled theater, theatre... color, colour... and so on. Now, I natively speak "American English" but sadly, I think ENGLAND can claim to own the language... we're only Johnny Come Lately's and have fun messing their language up for them, as do the Austrailians, and the Canadians, et al.

So, while I'd love to be patriotic, I have to tip the derby to the limey's, it's their language, we just revolted and took some worthless land and made it not so worthless. Then again, we had to throw out or bully the REAL Native American speakers... that's another 'history' subject.

Does anyone like the French? There should be some kind of worldwide poll. I know most of the planet hates American's, I chalk it up to jealousy, but I wonder if the same holds true for France. I don't think anyone wants to be France so that's not jealousy...
#18 Oct 09 2007 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
No the point I was trying to make :)

Other people do not bend to us so why should we bend to them as a Country?
#19 Oct 09 2007 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
Oh, I understood the point, just expanding it a bit more factually... ^_^ We Yanks get accused of being on the high horse all the time, but in this case, the horse belongs to the brits so just giving them the hat tip before we continue the stereotype of American's being major donkey's...

As directly the point, we don't HAVE to bend to anyone. The idea that we should or should not is debateable though.

Yes, we all tire of the 5 millionth post down the same line. Yes, I first read the "All questions answered here" post when I first got here and expect everyone else to do the same.

I *choose* not to bite someone's head off for not doing that, well, because I'm not a big Ozzy Osborne fan and people aren't bats.

So I might make the response to the OP more 'warm and fuzzy' but I can't disagree with the intent of the post. I too had a hard time with a pet function (tamed okay, no clue how to train, and couldn't find a clue how to train- but that was years ago when I first started playing and Blizz hadn't quite got to all the documentation yet.) So, I can't gripe too hard at the OP, but I can strongly suggest to 'read the sticky'...
#20 Oct 09 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
Not all Americans are A S S Wipes.

This should help some:

You get a line of quests starting at lvl 10 called Taming the Beast.]

You're given a taming rod by your quest npc and an assigned creature to look for to use the rod on.
Target creature, click rod in your backpack or hot key and you'll see a countdown of 15 seconds.
The creature will hit you as you "tame" it.
Don't hit back or you'll have to kill it and do it again.
After 15 seconds the creature is yours for 15 minutes.
Go back to your npc and get the next taming rod and repeat (time to tame is one second longer each time).

You can wait the 15 min. for the charm to wear off your pet or you can dismiss it, kill it and move on to the next pet.
After 3 of these "taming lessons" you'll be given spells: Tame Beast, Call Pet and Dismiss Pet and told to go to a specific pet trainer (depending on where you are, horde/alliance etc.) and he'll give you Beast Training, Feed Pet and Revive Pet.
Click the Beast training icon to "train" your pet in various attributes (you'll be getting the hang of it by this time).

As posted in one of these diatribes, a good site for understanding pet training and feeding is - nice hunter info site without a lot of sarcasm and hate like you find here.

Good luck to you.
#21 Oct 09 2007 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
Welcome to the hunter community. Before posting anything else silly..... /removeheadfromass
#22 Oct 10 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
You get a line of quests starting at lvl 10 called Taming the Beast.;maxlev=

You're given a taming rod by your quest npc and an assigned creature to look for to use the rod on.
Target creature, click rod in your backpack or hot key and you'll see a countdown of 15 seconds.
The creature will hit you as you "tame" it.
Don't hit back or you'll have to kill it and do it again.
After 15 seconds the creature is yours for 15 minutes.
Go back to your npc and get the next taming rod and repeat (time to tame is one second longer each time).

You can wait the 15 min. for the charm to wear off your pet or you can dismiss it, kill it and move on to the next pet.
After 3 of these "taming lessons" you'll be given spells: Tame Beast, Call Pet and Dismiss Pet and told to go to a specific pet trainer (depending on where you are, horde/alliance etc.) and he'll give you Beast Training, Feed Pet and Revive Pet.
Click the Beast training icon to "train" your pet in various attributes (you'll be getting the hang of it by this time).

As posted in one of these diatribes, a good site for understanding pet training and feeding is - nice hunter info site without a lot of sarcasm and hate like you find here.

This has nothing to do with American.

This has nothing to do with who is helpful.

This has nothing to do with anybody being an asshat.

This is about people pulling their heads out of their *** and READING THE DAMN STICKY!!
#23 Oct 10 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
ItsaGaAs wrote:
Based on the grammar used in the first post, I think this is a non-native english speaker. I'd cut him some slack.

Hang on, you claim non-native English speakers are dumbasses? Or have a right to be lazy smacktards? I simply fail to see the relevance of his nationality here.


Caldone the Shady wrote:
Hang on, you claim non-native English speakers are dumbasses? Or have a right to be lazy smacktards? I simply fail to see the relevance of his nationality here.

I am of the firm opinion, if you want to use english speaking websites, learn to type and read english, enough to were it's not so blatantly obvious your a non-english speaking person, and maybe just a 6th grader ;)

Also, this is primarily an opinion reguarding foreigners that move to America:

Welcome to America, now speak english

The French don't cater to us, the Mexicans don't cater to us, Germans don't cater to us, why do we have to cater to them? I love living in America and getting "Press 1 for English"...

For the f*cking win

You can't waltz onto a .de or .fr site and start demanding help in English. The same applies in reverse.
#24 Oct 10 2007 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
I *choose* not to bite someone's head off for not doing that, well, because I'm not a big Ozzy Osborne fan and people aren't bats.

this one makes me think hard :D
honestly, i just can't stop thinking of biting people's heads off... i don't care about the rest of this thread, but just remove this picture out of my sick head before i try that :D
#25 Oct 10 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
271 posts
I'm still trying to figure out who said "speak American" as Sloshot laughed about it. I was refering to ~*AN*~ American as in a person. Not a language. Sorry if I seemed like a redneck or something. (not to be offense, for gawd sakes my entire family has last names the revolve around dirt.)

I believe Nerillicus said it best though. If we went to a .de site we wouldn't be able to get help in English, nor would it be.... percieved as anything other than being an arrogant "yank".
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