Not a huge accomplishment, but this is my 3rd toon(rogue) in outlands. Lvl 61, tried to get ramps groups, but they are nearly impossible for a rogue, since they are a dime a dozen on my server, and the majority suck. I read osiris's guide about how to be a good rogue(to get groups) and started making elixirs for the group, assisted more than DPS if it was needed, and generally played my class well in a PVE environment. The group loved me and said I should have tanked ramps (I could solo any of the mobs with cripp poison and kiting till CD's were up. I actually turned a near wipe into a clear by taking care of 2 mobs after the group all died.)
Eventually, ppl would actually whisper me and ask if I wanted to go to ramps or BF(I'd look in LFG and see 3 other rogues in it...sometimes a higher lvl than me, and I wasn't even in LFG)so groups were easy to get. The garrote string necklace never dropped, but the belt and bracers did. Woot for me.
The next day, I get asked to come to BF because the group couldn't find a tank...the closest thing they had was an enhancement shammy with a green "of the Tiger" 2hander. All of us were 60-61, with the shammy being 64.We did BF with no wipes, because I saw that the shammy couldn't take the hits well, so I would sacrifice my DPS for mob control, relying more on stuns and supplemental dmg(Bleeds) to take down the mobs while keeping our tank alive. On the last boss, the group died while the boss was at 10% so I blew my CD's and cold blood and killed the boss myself. Needless to say, I have to turn groups down now sometimes because too many ppl ask me to join their groups, sometimes while I'm in another group. It feels good to be usefull. I love mut spec and cant wait to take the sub points and put them in compat for the 41/20/0.
Also, my friend, another rogue, gets asked to groups with me. We talk on voice and have done so well together (we know each other irl and I taught him the moves as a rogue, so we know what the other is thinking and complement each other well, i.e., I open with CS, and he automatically opens with garrote, or my KS is on CD, so he knows I'm gonna gouge to get both our energy back up, so a split second before, he automatically stops DPS.)
So in summary, my big accomplishment is finally learning how to play the class and use it to support as well as just DPS, and actually being sought out for groups. Idk why you would care, but my armory is
The spec may not be what most ppl go with, but its what I wanted, and I feel it works for me. Hell, after lvling from 20-40 in sub, any spec seems too easy and fast.I know the gear is crap. This is alt #9, and I've just recently replaced my lvl 31-40 gear. I still had the VC cloak with inc stealth enchant on it till this morning, but surprisingly, I still rarely lost or got killed. Not to sound cocky, but reading info from the more knowledgeable ppl here has made me a pretty good rogue I think. There are probably a few ppl I'm missing, but the ones that come to mind are Theo the sly and Osiris. BTW, the other rogue that I play with is in the same guild. Shankinyoazz
Edited, Oct 23rd 2007 12:00pm by VRTFirestarter