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#1452 Jan 21 2010 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
920 posts
cynyck wrote:
No, you're coming back. In fact, I predict you will have trouble remembering your email for your account, Blizz will keep you on the phone for 45 mins, and you will not be sure which server to come back to.

Or, I read your thread.

Welcome back.

Jeebus, is that you?

Yeah, they actually gave me a free 7 days of playing time. That's not a big deal, but everything counts. I'm just looking for a server. I think I'm going to change to human, too.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#1453 Jan 23 2010 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
920 posts
Second day back, and I got the Helm off of the second boss in FoS, and the gloves from the vendor. Thanks to Nocturnal for grouping with me to get things done. Now, I just need to replace those leet Naxx 10 daggers, and I'll be a super happy camper.

Most of the rest of the gear can be done with badges. But, I've never had luck with a really good dagger. Although, I got both of the crappy Naxx 10 daggers in the same night.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#1454 Jan 24 2010 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
If ya can get into H FoS, the last boss drops a slow dagger and as a trash drop, there is a fast dagger

Edited, Jan 24th 2010 10:17am by Knightswords
#1455 Jan 27 2010 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going. Theo still stop by at all?

My latest accomplishment - I quit, haha...can't bear to cancel my account, or login anymore. Lol, talk about an impasse.
#1456 Jan 28 2010 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Killed Putricide 25 and Lost Tiny Abom in a Jar to the other rogue T.T
#1457 Feb 12 2010 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
802 posts
ooooooooh.... many shinies!

Got my want list OH and MH in one run for 44 DKP. Got a TOC25 throphy for 10 DKP so i got the Thriumph helmet, just need to gem it.

But damn, both my weaps in one run = delicious!

OH (combat): Scourgeborn Waraxe, Gunship 25 => Done!
MH (combat): Bloodvenom Blade, Saurfang 25 => Done!
Belt: Vengefull Noose, 60 frost emblems => Done

I now look like this :P

Still working towards the "insane" title, but as i only play 3 days and need to raid on those evenings i don't have much time for it.

Still need about 80 libram q's and 80 decks to hand in and farm my *** off for goblin rep :/

12 runs left for exalted with Hydraxian Lords (MC), still need 2 runs of MH. Got exalted with the deathsworn. Ran Sunwell and finally finished it (about 14 attempts of fail in 80 raids before i finally made it :S), gave me TBC raid achi :D

Finished some WG achievements by cheating ;) Levelled an Ally alt on a seperate account so i could kill him for the "kill on mount WG and the WG ranger kill achi". Having Allies with 20 tenacity every WG turned out to make it impossible to get this achievement any other way :S

Working towards the PVP achi's is taking a long time, mainly because, like i said i only have 3 nights a week on which i also need to raid, do the daily, do some AH'ing and help friends do stuff....

Over 8k nerd points and counting.

Edited, Feb 12th 2010 7:38pm by samperor
#1458 Mar 12 2010 at 6:18 AM Rating: Good
802 posts
Did 9861 DPS on festergut and only got beaten by a 10515 muti rogue. We got to 200k on the last attempt making it our best one ever. Too many people below 7k DPS unfortunately. It also didn't help that 7 people didn't flask or foodbuff for the last try :S

Got Ikfirus chest for 10 DKP, got Tosks' maximazed bracers for 40 DKP, got the frost badge trinket + the frost badge thrown weap.

Got wrathfull ring + neck. Only 26 wins left for WG battlemaster achi.
#1459 Mar 14 2010 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Last week I killed Lich King, this week with our one day of raiding we got Marrowgar(one tanked it) and Gunship on Heroic. This is all on 10 man.

Next week we should be getting even father.
#1460 Mar 25 2010 at 3:46 AM Rating: Good
802 posts
did 10351 DPS on festergut because i was on the recieving end of my guilds other rogue's ToTT. We downed Blood princes for the second time and are one-shotting bosses on a more regular base now. With my new kid being born and new job i have less time to play but I'm still able to play a role within my guild (helping people with HC's, quests) and doing VOA/OS10-3D/weekly raid every week. I didn't think i would be able too :P We'll see how this will work out in the future.

Did "poke in the eye", "gone and made a mess 25" "must deconstruct faster" achi in one evening, won a bunch of WG's again (only 19 to go!), got revered with Defilers (AB), 3674 rep into revered with Ravenholdt (got someone to farm boxes for me because of lack of playtime), 1200/21k for Darkmoon rep with about 15 decks ready to hand in.

15214/21k for Ashen Verdict rep and still 12 runs to go for MC (Hydraxian Waterlords) exalted.

Now i need to start farming Goblin city rep some more for "the insane" title >:D
#1461 Mar 26 2010 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Deathwhisper, Saurfang, Festergut, Rotface down on heroic. Putricide achieve complete. (All on 10 man)

12k DPS on Festergut 25.
#1462 Mar 27 2010 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
802 posts
Grats moo, I'm guessing that makes you the most raid advanced rogue on the forum :)

Mind explaining the HC 10 man modes from a rogue's point of view? As well as Rogue tactics on professor, sindrigosa and that quarter?
#1463 Mar 27 2010 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Moo's mini guide to Heroic ICC 10:

Marrowgar: Be really good at target switching for spikes, don't stand in whirlwind ever. It will rape you.

Deathwhisper: I was on the shield so same as ever. Be really good at doding ghosts in phase 2, they hurt. Tricks the tank every single time its up, and switch to the add from the back every time its up to give tanks more time for agro.

Gunship: Still lawl Gunship.

Saurfang: We had melee killing one of the beasts, and I was assigned to second stun. I had to make sure to have a full bar of energy so that I could get a full 5 point KS on the beast after it got Bashed or Hammer of Justiced.

Festergut: Easy, just make sure to not stand in the spot marked to be hit by goo.

Rotface: Easy, just don't be near anyone when you're running out so you don't accidentally chain Vile Gas.

Blood Princes: Cloak can be used to get a stack off, but it will start stacking again immediately after.

And that's all I've done so far.
#1464 Mar 29 2010 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
My rogue is now part of the horde...

That is all...

This is scary
#1465 Apr 09 2010 at 12:40 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
My rogue is in the process of apping for a top 1k guild, previously being in a top 6k. Huge jump for me and it looks like I will in fact be getting in.
#1466 Apr 10 2010 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Server transfered to Arathor US. Gone from a rank 6k guild to a rank 1k guild and loving it so far. First night cleared 4 heroic bosses(first wing).
#1467 Apr 12 2010 at 4:49 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
In 3 days I killed 8 bosses I hadn't before. 25 Man Heroic Bosses: Marrowgar, Deathwhisper, Gunship, Saurfang, Blood Princes, Lanathel. 25 Man Normal Bosses: Sindragosa and Lich King.

We made huge progress on Heroic Sindragosa as well, using all but 3 of our attempts on her.
#1468 Jul 31 2010 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
So since I returned to WoW, I've replaced pretty much every piece of PvP gear I owned except for my MH, OH, and my trinkets.

Crazy amounts of honor and WG marks farmed.

Worth it though; I rape clothies now (and everyone with my Envenom spec).
#1469 Aug 02 2010 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Welcome back!
#1470 Aug 08 2010 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
802 posts
theo, question:

what do u use in your sub spec? hemo, hemo, hemo, evisc?

if so, why not glyph of hemo ?

Edited, Aug 8th 2010 11:10pm by samperor
#1471 Aug 08 2010 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
samperor wrote:
theo, question:

what do u use in your sub spec? hemo, hemo, hemo, evisc?

if so, why not glyph of hemo ?

Edited, Aug 8th 2010 11:10pm by samperor

Sprint/Evis/Vigor are better. It's a marginal boost, frankly.
#1472 Aug 14 2010 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Got my Albino Drake at last. Also about 3.4k rep from Ambassador.

Edit: and yes I did do all of IF/Darnassus/Exodar revered in an afternoon. Smiley: facepalm

Edited, Aug 14th 2010 1:33am by Theophany
#1473 Aug 14 2010 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Got my Albino Drake at last. Also about 3.4k rep from Ambassador.

Edit: and yes I did do all of IF/Darnassus/Exodar revered in an afternoon. Smiley: facepalm

Edited, Aug 14th 2010 1:33am by Theophany

Druids have a thread almost twice as long. We win. I accomplished that, well I also make people look bad when I use my combat rogue in PuGs. I thank Alla and you all by extension for that, *highfive*.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#1474 Aug 14 2010 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Got my Albino Drake at last. Also about 3.4k rep from Ambassador.

Edit: and yes I did do all of IF/Darnassus/Exodar revered in an afternoon. Smiley: facepalm

Edited, Aug 14th 2010 1:33am by Theophany

Druids have a thread almost twice as long. We win. I accomplished that, well I also make people look bad when I use my combat rogue in PuGs. I thank Alla and you all by extension for that, *highfive*.

This thread isn't the "Bored Rogue Thread" though. It's the Rogue Accomplishments thread.

Much more important.
#1475 Aug 15 2010 at 4:03 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Got my Albino Drake at last. Also about 3.4k rep from Ambassador.

Edit: and yes I did do all of IF/Darnassus/Exodar revered in an afternoon. Smiley: facepalm

Edited, Aug 14th 2010 1:33am by Theophany

Druids have a thread almost twice as long. We win. I accomplished that, well I also make people look bad when I use my combat rogue in PuGs. I thank Alla and you all by extension for that, *highfive*.

This thread isn't the "Bored Rogue Thread" though. It's the Rogue Accomplishments thread.

Much more important.

I did have an accomplishment though, my rogue is beast and wanted to thank you folks.

On a WoW-vaca for the next week or so as one of my buddies is visiting before he goes back to Korea/Thailand.

Does being on a serious beach and drinking bender count as an accomplishment in these parts?

Edited, Aug 15th 2010 12:03am by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#1476 Aug 24 2010 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
On a completely unrelated note and in an attempt to revive the rogue forums.....


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