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#952 Aug 28 2008 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
101 posts
Some of you who track this thread maybe know that I joined one guild after few weeks being guildless. Well today that guild is officialy dead. Few very good players left, few officers...

There are still people on this guild but it's a matter of time when people will leave for other raiding guilds. It will be hard to to raid, actually it won't be possible.

I had great time in this guild. I was in MH (i didn't kill third boss) and in BT (4/9). I enjoyed raiding with those people. But it's over now.

It is a sad day for me. :(
#953 Aug 28 2008 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
My s2(s3 legs, rest s2) mage partner and I(s2) came to a draw versus a s2/3(helm and chest s3) mage and s4(except weapons and shoulders) warrior. I actually got the draw, my mage partner died wen the warrior was at 3% and mage was at ~75%. I killed the warrior then healed up for the mage, who miraculously did not eat nor drink. The end came to me being pelted with ice lances and getting a lucky throw crit right after deadly throw at the same time i wsas killed with ice lance.
#954 Aug 28 2008 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
Drayna wrote:
Some of you who track this thread maybe know that I joined one guild after few weeks being guildless. Well today that guild is officialy dead. Few very good players left, few officers...

There are still people on this guild but it's a matter of time when people will leave for other raiding guilds. It will be hard to to raid, actually it won't be possible.

I had great time in this guild. I was in MH (i didn't kill third boss) and in BT (4/9). I enjoyed raiding with those people. But it's over now.

It is a sad day for me. :(

Well if you're intelligent enough to kill your constructs, you shouldn't have a problem getting into another raiding guild.


Honestly thought after my original guild disbanded, I'd never get it.
#955 Aug 29 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
101 posts
Problem is that there are not too many guilds on my realm, and I play as a rogue. On my realm there are so many rogues (way too many), that getting to new T6 raiding guild will be a big problem.

Right now I'm trying to find solution to my guild, I don't want to give up so fast. We lost skilled players, we will lose guild master but in my guild there are still people that want to play together. Maybe we will raid again when we fill up few raiding spots. Morale is low, but it's not the end yet.

BTW: Teron is piece of cake. Really what is hard in pressing 5, then 4 and then spam 3 on 4 constructs? We ended on Bloodboil, but we had only one real raid day for him, and we didn't have best raid team.
#956 Aug 29 2008 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Got blade of savagery and t6 pants last night, would have gotten my shoulders too if 2 had dropped instead of 1. Well, same with chest.
#957 Aug 29 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Well in this page that is nothing but T6 goodness...

i got level 44...
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#958 Sep 01 2008 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
4 Piece T4!

And I'm only ever gonna use one piece of it, if I get the chest I might use that but maybe not.
#959 Sep 02 2008 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
134 posts
just got my first piece of rated S4 omfg i am so happy. S4 gloves and S4 legs rest is S2. Me and a frost mage doing 2v2 its sweet.
#960 Sep 04 2008 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
Got my t6 chest off of Illy tonight! Archi still doesn't want to drop anything but triple conq...he can kma.
#961 Sep 05 2008 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Gonna turn 58 today (I have 5 quests saved to ding) and head to Outlands.

God the old world sucks.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#962 Sep 05 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
MYteddy wrote:
God the old world sucks.

QFT. And grats.
#963 Sep 06 2008 at 12:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
My guild ran ZA for the first time, last night. I was drafted in late because our number 1 rogue upped and /gquit during the week. So there I was wondering if I was good enough, thinking we'd probably ***** up and wipe multiple times on the way to Nalorakk but we didn't.

The chest timer was never going to be an option but we made it through the trash unscathed. We only had 5 minutes on the clock but this was our first time, a learning experience as the MT said. I'd read the strategy, seen the videos and I think everyone else had so we all knew the boss fight inside out. Nevertheless, like a good leader bringing fresh meat to an instance, the RL explained the fight for us and we started with about 30 seconds on the timer. 5 minutes and 12 seconds later, one dead boss.

Then Zul'Jin. We wiped a few times in the gauntlet but when we all stuck together, when the birds were targeted in between the elites, we got through. I think it was about the 4th attempt. Again with the explanation and then we started. The hunter who was doing the birds got distracted and missed an electrical storm so we wiped the first time. On the second attempt I took too much splash/AoE/whatever damage while standing behind the boss and died while the boss was on 60%. A minute later I got a battle rez and that's all she wrote. Another boss down, two badges in the bag.

We had two warrior tanks so the RL decided against Jan'Alai but thought we might have a chance on Halazzi. The trash died quite happily and then we had a couple of attempts at the big guy before calling it off.

Overall, I died more times last night than in a week of normality but goddamnit new content is a blast! No drops for me but the 3 badges were enough for me to buy Ninja Boots so I'm dead chuffed. Oh and I came 2nd on the dps chart.
#964 Sep 06 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
Finally got my rogue to 70 earlier. First character to make it. Just over 17 days played. On the advice of the good people over on the general forum, immediately went and bought my basic flyer.

Woot and yay, as the kids would say.
#965 Sep 06 2008 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Hello fellow rogues...
1st post. I basically made an account to say thank you to all the people who put in all the time and effort educating the rogue community. Reading these boards for the past year or so has been highly rewarding and highly entertaining. I haven't always followed every bit of advice to the letter (assassination spec from level 10, daggers all the way, lol), but I'm still a much better rogue than i would have been if not for this forum.

So here's to you Nooble (where-ever he is), Theo (always makes me laugh, and now I can never watch House the same way again), Eon for helping break me of keyboard turning, MyTeddy, Demea and others I'm sure I'm missing.

I don't have much in the way of a latest accomplishment. My guild is small and we've had our problems, so we're just now breaking into T5. Other than that, my beautiful baby girl was just born, so that's a pretty big accomplishment. Of course, that doesn't leave me with much time to raid these days, but I look forward to getting back to it when I get the chance.

Thanks again, Rogue Boards. You all make life that much more interesting.
#966 Sep 07 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Apsylar wrote:
Hello fellow rogues...
1st post. I basically made an account to say thank you to all the people who put in all the time and effort educating the rogue community. Reading these boards for the past year or so has been highly rewarding and highly entertaining. I haven't always followed every bit of advice to the letter (assassination spec from level 10, daggers all the way, lol), but I'm still a much better rogue than i would have been if not for this forum.

So here's to you Nooble (where-ever he is), Theo (always makes me laugh, and now I can never watch House the same way again), Eon for helping break me of keyboard turning, MyTeddy, Demea and others I'm sure I'm missing.

I don't have much in the way of a latest accomplishment. My guild is small and we've had our problems, so we're just now breaking into T5. Other than that, my beautiful baby girl was just born, so that's a pretty big accomplishment. Of course, that doesn't leave me with much time to raid these days, but I look forward to getting back to it when I get the chance.

Thanks again, Rogue Boards. You all make life that much more interesting.

I don't know about kids... but... I have a dog.

My condolences =P
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#967 Sep 07 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
my beautiful baby girl was just born

#968 Sep 07 2008 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
177 posts
t6 shoulders hello 4set.

Edited, Sep 8th 2008 2:29pm by spdr
#969 Sep 07 2008 at 10:49 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Apsylar wrote:
Hello fellow rogues...
1st post. I basically made an account to say thank you to all the people who put in all the time and effort educating the rogue community. Reading these boards for the past year or so has been highly rewarding and highly entertaining. I haven't always followed every bit of advice to the letter (assassination spec from level 10, daggers all the way, lol), but I'm still a much better rogue than i would have been if not for this forum.

So here's to you Nooble (where-ever he is), Theo (always makes me laugh, and now I can never watch House the same way again), Eon for helping break me of keyboard turning, MyTeddy, Demea and others I'm sure I'm missing.

I don't have much in the way of a latest accomplishment. My guild is small and we've had our problems, so we're just now breaking into T5. Other than that, my beautiful baby girl was just born, so that's a pretty big accomplishment. Of course, that doesn't leave me with much time to raid these days, but I look forward to getting back to it when I get the chance.

Thanks again, Rogue Boards. You all make life that much more interesting.

Creating a life is way bigger than anything you can do in your entire lifetime.

I'd say that's a pretty huge accomplishment, and good luck with T5 it's some of the hardest content in this game pre-SWP.
#970 Sep 08 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
And speaking of SWP, Kalecgos/Sathrovarr down to 39/35%, respectively on our first night of attempts. We'll get him down tonight.
#971 Sep 08 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Another guild run of the 2nd part of Karazhan and this time, no silly mistakes from yours truly. I died 3 times, once on a wipe on Prince and twice in wipes on Nightbane.

On the plus side, I got the T4 helm which I have duly gemmed and glyphed for a cost of around 600g. Worth every penny.
#972 Sep 10 2008 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
802 posts
With a druid pocket healer and my cousin a healing pally we did some AB, Eye and AV yesterday.

Won AB 8 times in a row, 4 times of which we ended up 5 capping and honor farming allies at their spawnpoint. In those games i went about 150 kills and around 40 deaths. It was amazing. Most i died in one AB was around 6 times. The druid and me kept whole teams of people busy. The druid had 10 times (!!!!!) the healing of the second place in the AB's, this happened twice.

Killed all allies near flag and moved to graveyard (some straggler was ordered to cap flag). I sapped one, druid cyclone'd one and i blinded one. Improved expose armor + fairy fire took care of the warriors. Mages and lock's went dead as soon as it was 5 point EA and two or three more combopoints. It's amazing what you can do with some nice gear. I had two kitty druids running after me while i killed their healers, the healers respawned twice before i actually got around to turn my attention to them. As soon as my healer died, i went down too tho :P

Won the AV daily in one turn because of same sort of strategy. I ran in, everyone attacked me, i evasioned and got heals from both, killed everything, capped and moved on. Insane.

4 capped Eye twice in a row with same strategy. The druid had left by then but me and the pally just kept trucking.

I felt imba and it's all thanks to these forums :)

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 2:13pm by samperor
#973 Sep 10 2008 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
207 posts
Did a little happy dance after I had finally gotten a hold of the X44 Goggles, I'm such a happy rogue.
#974 Sep 11 2008 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
New guild went 4/5 in MH and 3 deep into BT tonight, first run. I can haz new gloves. ;)
#975 Sep 11 2008 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Got my hunter to 60. It's looking more and more like hunter will be my new main in WotLK.

Don't get me wrong, I still like rogue, but survival is so much goddamn fun to play. Lock and Load + Explosive Shot = lolwin.

That and the sheer amount of pets (including one of my favorite pets, the wasp) mean that I'm gonna be having fun in WotLK.

Looks like I'll be AFKing in AV for the next few weeks, maybe playing a bit to own some noobs, but other than that getting enough money for my epic ground and epic flyer for Masheen.
#976 Sep 11 2008 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Rogue at 50, and my 29 twink rogue now has his AGM.

Also quite proud that after 4 months of play, I can still do well with my twink. Managed 3 games last night with no deaths... one of these games being against a half pre-made alliance group. They capped 4/5 with only myself and another twink priest from my guild being fully decked out on our team. We held them off wherever we went and neither of us died once. We had some pretty fierce battles too, but I was able to strip them off the priest with only gouge/poisons a few times, focus on their healers, and laugh my **** off at the priest throwing fear bombs around at the most needed of times.

It was good fun to get back in the game again. Now to get my main rogue to 70.
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