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#1 Oct 04 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
*sorry but i thought id introduce myself 1st post and all*
i now have enough time to play WoW, so im starting in about a week. When i played back then i played a priest but omg u cant solo much and waiting for mana really sucks. then i thought about druids, they have cool travel forms, and its cool that they can tank , heal and all that other good stuff.Ive been reading druid forum for about two hrs and so and it sounds pretty cool. I basically just want to level at a moderate pace, having alot of fun, i plan on playing a PvP server b/c for me, thats just what this game is all about.
question is:
do you think that making a druid is a good option? and if so, which branch is the funnest to play? And just how effective are they in pvp?
- thanks, your feedback would really be appreciated
- antonz

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 6:21pm by antonz
#2 Oct 04 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
Well, it's the druid forum. We're all going to think a druid is a good option.

Hybrid classes are great if you want to do different things and have options. Druids are highly efficient levelers (post-20) for solo play and versatile in groups, and for a PVP server, they're excellent escape artists (travel form, prowl, dash, root, etc.), which means you often won't have to fight unless it's on your terms. You won't be the master of any one trade (unless you're really good, which case you'll be master of all of them), but you can cast, heal, or melee as the mood strikes you.

But none of that means they're for you. We don't really know what you will find fun. I'd suggest trying a few different classes out and deciding for yourself.

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 6:32pm by teacake
#3 Oct 04 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
my definition of fun is pretty simple, be able to complete quest efficiently and without dieing, and to be able to kill other chars my level
#4 Oct 04 2007 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Lock, you'll never die in solo pve. and you can kill characters 30 lvls above you. Pretty awesome, eh?
#5 Oct 04 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
ya locks are pretty cool, but ive seen them fight and if theyre pets are dead they cant do much.
#6 Oct 04 2007 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
105 posts
Truth to be told, there is no harder class for PvP then a druid I believe. Well, unless you want to spend your life in the Battlechicken form. I find it a lousy immitation of a Mage.
So, if you want to PvP a lot as I read you should pick something else.

Warriors are simple to play and they generally are tough opponents in PvP. Every class has its nemesis, of course, and Warrior's one is Mage. However, Warrior scales very much with gear, so good gear will increase your viability substantially. Also, Warriors are kings of group PvP. With a healer takin' care of their back (be it priest sham pal.. or druid ;]) they can really whip ***.

Mages are kings of solo PvP and crowd control. They are vulnerable to attacks, but their target is vulnerable to theirs as well (I mean, warriors deal a lot of damage and have a lot of health and defense. Mages have little health but deal shlt loads of damage).

Paladin is, on the other hand, somewhat boring yet the easiest class to play. You just pop up the right seal and bam bam bam heal bam bam ... They're good at pvp, if you got nerve to spend 10 minutes for a single fight.

If you like to be a *******, Rogues are cool as well. Sneak up on the dude, bam whoop splat, he's dead. Didn't know what hitem. Rogues with Combat Swords spec are this game's No.1 damage dealers, on par only with Mages. On the other hand, Mutilate Rogues are usually Stun Masters (they can field a 20+ second stunlock. This means they chain skills like Cheap Shot, Gouge, Blind, Kidney Shot so the enemy has no way to retaliate for over 20 seconds).

Hunters are pretty cool. It's the no.1 soloing class, because your pet tanks while you deal ranged damage. Effectively, you're a team of two all the time (after lvl 10 that is). Hunters specced in Marksmanship are also pvp kings, dealing sick damage from afar and being able to stop, snare, silence and stun their target with an appropriate skill.

So generally druids are fun, druids are tricky, druids do everything... but they can't do anything really well and the different parts of 'everything' are placed in different forms, meaning that whenever you wanna pvp, you have to switch forms a lot and mobilize all yer grey cells to win. It's very sophisticated at times.

Oh and druids start slow. Most classes get the most important toys fast - druids get theirs all over to level 70 (you can't be a good tank/melee dPS/ranged DPS/healer all from the very start eh?). It irritated me how... mediocre my druid was at lower levels. Priests heal 3x better, resurrect with no cooldown or reagent. Warriors laugh at my bear's clumsiness. Rogues laugh at my cat's damage output. Mages laugh at the balance spells as they do 2x the damage while casting spells of a different element than they are specced in. All these 'mediocrenesses' slowly wear off... but as you reach 40th level (Resto/Balance spec) or around level 60 for Feral specs.

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 8:41pm by XanNerull
#7 Oct 04 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
yea i understand what your saying, maybe druid would be a better alt. char, idk i just want a char that is sorta easy to gain, useful, and able to kill someone while having someone else on you. maybe asking a little too much eh? lol, i just thought that druid is best at that especially in cat or bear form.
#8 Oct 04 2007 at 5:32 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
XanNerull wrote:
So generally druids are fun, druids are tricky, druids do everything... but they can't do anything really well and the different parts of 'everything' are placed in different forms, meaning that whenever you wanna pvp, you have to switch forms a lot and mobilize all yer grey cells to win. It's very sophisticated at times.

I totally agree with the idea that it's a sophisticated class that requires smarts to play, but saying druids "can't do anything really well" is an exaggeration of the generally accepted understanding that as a hybrid class druids aren't going to be the very very very best at any one "pure" role.

But feral druids can definitely melee dps and tank 'really' well, moonkin druids can deal casting dps 'really' well, and resto druids can heal 'really' well.

Then on top of that druids of each spec make up for the fact that they're not the absolutely optimal healer or dps dealer with the flexibility to adjust strategy when alone or in a party, and when PvP or PvE.

#9 Oct 04 2007 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
i was watching some pvp videos on, and the pvp does look complicated but it looks nice as hell, being able to do damage in bear, cast heal, get into cat do some fast *** damage, get the kill, and if ur being ganked, just pop into travel form real quick heal, and keep running, that looks very very very cool. i know that its at a higher level but damn lol
#10 Oct 04 2007 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
XanNerull wrote:
So generally druids are fun, druids are tricky, druids do everything... but they can't do anything really well

Druid can do all their roles really well.
Just look up the 40 man druid raid taking down ony (this is pre-bc as well)
#11 Oct 04 2007 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
imo rogues are best for solo PvP

there dmg is quick, they stealth and can escape things very easily
ntm stun lock
#12 Oct 04 2007 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
105 posts
By saying 'really well' I didn't mean purely tanking of a bear, purely dpsing as a cat, purely ranged damage as doomkin or purely healing power of the walking plant.
Every parent class has a ton of other useful abilities that make them far better in various situations where simple tanking/dpsing/healing potential ain't enough.
Bears don't get Shield Wall or Recklessness or Execute or Hamstring.
Cats don't get Adrenaline Rush or Cloak of Shadows or Blind.
Trees don't get Mind Control or Power Word Shield or Mass Dispel.
Doomkins don't get Blink or Ice Block or Spellsteal or Teleports/Portals.

As simple as that. A warrior can do without shifting into any other form. A druid can't Bear-form the whole game.
#13 Oct 05 2007 at 1:17 AM Rating: Good
3,114 posts
XanNerull wrote:
By saying 'really well' I didn't mean purely tanking of a bear, purely dpsing as a cat, purely ranged damage as doomkin or purely healing power of the walking plant.

The thing is, even if you're spec'd one thing, you can still do other things.

Bears don't get Shield Wall or Recklessness or Execute or Hamstring. But they can stun and shift out, heal, and jump back in.
Cats don't get Adrenaline Rush or Cloak of Shadows or Blind. But they have roots and other handy spells.
Trees don't get Mind Control or Power Word Shield or Mass Dispel.
Doomkins don't get Blink or Ice Block or Spellsteal or Teleports/Portals.
But both can stealth, melee and tank in times of need.

As simple as that. A warrior can do without shifting into any other form. A druid can't Bear-form the whole game and should therefor be aware of when it's time to change forms to be the best druid you can be. You're not a Bear, you're a Druid in bear form.
#14 Oct 05 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Default
105 posts
And that is exactly what I meant, if you care to read my earlier posts carefully ;]. And that is what makes druids hard to play, compared to other classes.
We can't do as good as any parent class in its very own style. We have to reach for all our skills to be on par with them.
We aren't <enter any parent class> who in addition can turn into this that and that.
We possess main skills of <enter any parent class again> but have to use other abilities to be as successful as <what u chose>.

Edited, Oct 5th 2007 4:04pm by XanNerull
#15 Oct 05 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
Unless you are mting deep into end game, druid arguably is a better tank than warrior, at least from my experience and not worse or inferior by any means to a warrior and since off tanking in end game is pretty much a way of life, you see where I am going with this? Besides, vast majority of people who play wow, aren't in end game. I would bring up healing strength and dps, as well as mage-wannabe to the table but others seem to have that covered.
#16 Oct 05 2007 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
at roughly 30 or so you can tank, heal self while tanking and wonder where your rage when. strange thing is you do more damage while tanking in instances than as a kitty. I checked it out in sunken temple the other day.
tanking 5 pulls of 5-6. x dps.
kitty 5 pulls of 5-6 x-20%

it's an effect of omens, swipe and primal fury. if primal fury could increase the energy, it would be a different story. having a off healing class with you makes grinding/ questing allot easier and faster than if you had a tank or straight dps.
(you've only to pop out of bear to inveterate the healer/dps)
#17 Oct 05 2007 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
Addermine wrote:
at roughly 30 or so you can tank, heal self while tanking and wonder where your rage when. strange thing is you do more damage while tanking in instances than as a kitty. I checked it out in sunken temple the other day.
tanking 5 pulls of 5-6. x dps.
kitty 5 pulls of 5-6 x-20%

it's an effect of omens, swipe and primal fury. if primal fury could increase the energy, it would be a different story. having a off healing class with you makes grinding/ questing allot easier and faster than if you had a tank or straight dps.
(you've only to pop out of bear to inveterate the healer/dps)

Don't forget to include thorns dmg. It really is a significant chunk of tanking dps.
#18 Oct 05 2007 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
deaded wrote:
Lock, you'll never die in solo pve. and you can kill characters 30 lvls above you. Pretty awesome, eh?

I hope that's an exaggeration.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Oct 06 2007 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
I have gots a druid. I find him fun, but he can also be a bit of a nuisance at the same time. But hybrids can do that sometime. The one thing about a druid is, is that it's a hybrid that restricts ALL you're other spells if you are one of the 3 choices.

If you decide to go caster, you are going to get Moonkin, which restricts you to balance spells only and you must get out of it to heal yourself.

If you decide to go DPS or tank, you can only used spells that are specifically for Cat or Bear form. And you must once again, get out of the form to either heal or roots, or whatever.

If you go resto, you'll probably have Tree of Life which doesn't even allow you to use all of your heals, which I personally find ridiculous. So, once again, if you feel the need to roots to get a mob off of you or something, you must get out of the form.

I love my druid, but such difficulties make it a little annoying sometimes. But actually having the option of healing yourself or CC-ing while doing DPS is still a great thing. But if your really wanna play a hybrid without as much hassle, I'd personally say go for a Shammy. But if you're willing to cope with the small nuisances, stick with the druid.
#20 Oct 06 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Default
hrm, i see what you guys are saying. ive been watching pvp videos for druid though and they seem to kick ***, for instant this one video, guy in cat stealths up to a caster, does idk wtf, caster starts running he runs after finishes him off, gets out of form heals, and sees that theres 3 guys behind him about to wtf rape him and he goes into travel form and peace out. thats a nice get away. i think that i might go feral Druid.
do feral druids have any rage attacks to pull monsters out of mob, or would u have to use cat form or something like that?

Edited, Oct 6th 2007 1:16pm by antonz
#21 Oct 07 2007 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
814 posts
Truth to be told, there is no harder class for PvP then a druid I believe. Well, unless you want to spend your life in the Battlechicken form. I find it a lousy immitation of a Mage.
So, if you want to PvP a lot as I read you should pick something else

I love how the majority of people call Boomkins mage wanna be's, yet feral kitties are not wishing they were rogues. Moonkins and Mages are so far apart you cant even compare the two styles of play.

#22 Oct 07 2007 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
Setai wrote:
Truth to be told, there is no harder class for PvP then a druid I believe. Well, unless you want to spend your life in the Battlechicken form. I find it a lousy immitation of a Mage.
So, if you want to PvP a lot as I read you should pick something else

I love how the majority of people call Boomkins mage wanna be's, yet feral kitties are not wishing they were rogues. Moonkins and Mages are so far apart you cant even compare the two styles of play.

What I like is a mage would rather have a moonkin around than another mage. Same for rogues and druids. That 5% crit aura makes us some friends.

I think people equate the classes because moonkins and mages are both magic blasters. I agree that the way in which they do it is quite different, but in the end it's magic blasters.
#23 Oct 07 2007 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
well i decided to make a druid b/c they look pretty cool, level 7 atm, gotta admit its boring as **** lol but w/e i know its supposed to be boring as **** at first idk why. hopeflly it gets to be more fun around bear form :)
#24 Oct 08 2007 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
230 posts
Hang in, it picks up with bear form. Then it really picks up at 20 with cat form.
#25 Oct 08 2007 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
Moonkins and mages may both in the end be magic blasters, but in the end, both warriors and rogues are melee fighters.

And we all know just how big the gap is between their play styles.

Edited, Oct 8th 2007 10:20am by Tenjen
#26 Oct 08 2007 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
I love how the majority of people call Boomkins mage wanna be's, yet feral kitties are not wishing they were rogues. Moonkins and Mages are so far apart you cant even compare the two styles of play.

What I like is a mage would rather have a moonkin around than another mage. Same for rogues and druids. That 5% crit aura makes us some friends.

For the first response - Mage is something pure. He nukes from distance and stays out of melee. He has tools for these goals that work well together. This makes sense. Doomkin on the other hand compensates the lack of "I'm outta here" and "you can't touch this" spells with... plate-like armor and chance on hit mana regen. To me, it's a bizarre combination of opposing tactics that I'm not yet interested in trying out.

For the second response, I was talking and thread author was talking bout 1on1 pvp. No 'other mages' were taken into consideration.

Edited, Oct 8th 2007 6:31am by XanNerull
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