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Paladin and Priest Duo.Follow

#1 Oct 04 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
What would the more experienced Paladins say about leveling with a Priest?

Is there a specific spec that would go better with a priest?

I believe my wife wants to go Shadow and I want to be able to compliment her with my toon. (We are Blood elves so no warrior for me.) I've only leveled a Paladin to level 19 before. So I am still pretty fresh with that deal.

We are currently level 6 and trying to decide what to do.

Appreciate the advice.

#2 Oct 04 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
308 posts
Sounds good to me, although the famed combo would probably be Paladin/Warrior.

But, you get to distribute armor drops more easily.
Just don't expect your wife to do much damage until level 40. It could get quite slow but hey, who cares?
#3 Oct 04 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Retro/Shadow to level?

It's kinda hard to do Prot AoE grind with someone else, especially someone with focused damage so I'd rule that out. And going Holy will make your life hell.

You can take hits just fine as Retro for leveling and since you both can heal, even if not specced for it, you can heal each other if the need arises.

Just my thoughts.
#4 Oct 04 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
Retro/Shadow to level?

It's kinda hard to do Prot AoE grind with someone else, especially someone with focused damage so I'd rule that out. And going Holy will make your life hell.

You can take hits just fine as Retro for leveling and since you both can heal, even if not specced for it, you can heal each other if the need arises.

Just my thoughts.

I would recommend Prot/holy for the pally and shadow for the priest. The reason is that specs dont really matter until about 35-40 anyway. At that point her DPS will start to shine, and his tanking ability will excel. As long as he can toss heals on himself (/holy) than they could go forever.

I would love to AoE grind with a shadow priest, hell having one in a party is nice enough.
#5 Oct 04 2007 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Sounds good. main reason we did the Paladin Priest combo was because we want to start in the same area, level around the same speed (with the exception of quests and random deaths). We can both heal and rez, and we won't fight over who needs an item more.

God I am so glad I didn't do a Paladin, Paladin team. That would suck. (Said Paladin only epic drop falls. I couldn't roll against my wife on something like that. I love her to much. so she would get it.)

Also My Alliance server was currently full so I couldn't make a Human Warrior to go with her current level 40 paladin and she doesn't want to level with my level 33 Night Elf Warrior. (Mixing races isn't good in her book) Said it wouldn't look right running with a tall elf.

I'll go check out the ret tree once I hit level 10 and see what there is there. I'll also check out the Holy tree again. Maybe it will be easier to level with a Shadow Priest backing me up than my other paladin. My level 19 Paladin is Holy. That is rough. Good for groups though.

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 10:37am by HitashLevat
#6 Oct 04 2007 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Leveling in a duo is easy no matter what you spec. No matter what either of you spec. Even the worst complimentary specs will steamroll through world mobs and quests as you grind up. If you're going to play a Paladin with her Priest (with her anything) then make sure you're first capable of enjoying the class in and of itself.

The fact that you lament the lack of a Warrior leads me to believe you're looking for melee DPS. If you haven't managed to catch sight of all the red flags flying around, let me be the first to be upfront and honest with you: even when specced Retribution (our melee DPS tree), Paladin melee DPS blows. Hard. While leveling Retribution is not only possible, but recommended, the vast majority of end-game parties and especially raids will want nothing to do with you. You will most likely be forced to respec Protection or Holy, so be sure that you're ok with tanking and/or healing before you start playing this class.

Furthermore, we're more or less pigeonholed into Holy for arena PvP since Retribution is fairly lame at the moment and Protection is completely worthless for it.

If you're looking solely to compliment her Priest, then Paladin is a great choice. If nothing else you've got blessings, you can heal the two of you while she DPS's as Shadow, and if you're Prot you can do some pretty impressive tanking both in parties and for just the two of you. But if you're looking to hurt things in melee and you're absolutely dead-set on a Blood Elf, then I would strongly, strongly suggest you opt for a Rogue instead.
#7 Oct 04 2007 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I actually like to heal. I have a druid, shaman and Paladin. While the druid is not speced for healing, Those are the rolls I look for in the party.

I am waiting til I hit 30 to spec resto for my druid.

My shaman how ever is Resto and my Pali is Holy.

With that being said. My warrior is Protection at the moment.

I am kind of more worried about how well we can mesh. As the reason when she opted for Priest I told her I would play a BE pali.

My main problem with the warrior is what is said in a post that was not to far away from this one about survivability. They have exactly their health plus any one pot that they are capable of using and Last Stand.

That isn't much in the way of survivability and they cannot drop aggro when stuck in a bad situation.

With my pali I can Heal myself, Heal my wife. Rez her if she dies. and we have a lot greater chance of survival.

I was just looking at finding out what would be a better choice. I like the Holy tree but I was wondering if I was missing a bigger better picture.

Reading some of the posts here trying to get a better idea of this class I am starting to figure that I can do little worrying about touch leveling with Holy or Protection with my wife right behind me backing me up. I will do a bit more research into my options and make my decision tonight when we ding level 10.

If any one has any recommendations I will still read them and take them all into consideration. I appreciate all your thoughts and opinions.

Thank You.

Hitash Levat
#8 Oct 04 2007 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
In my experience with group questing / leveling / grinding, I've liked protection over holy. I have never played a ret pally, though, so I can't give advice about that.

I had two friends that I leveled about 1/3 of the game with. They were playing a hunter and a rouge, so I had plenty of dps to hold aggro against, and protection is the best bet for that. Holy is a lot harder to level, and can't take hits nearly as well. Sure, plate is always better than cloth, but even protection healing isn't -too- horrible... enough to stay alive, anyway.

So taking hits, holding aggro, and even self-healing when the going gets tough, you should be able to rock 'n' roll with a protection pally and shadow priest.

Happy hunting.
#9 Oct 04 2007 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
... a bunch of stuff.

You know, for once it seems like someone is finally approaching the Paladin class wanting to play a Paladin and not something else. I don't foresee you having any problems at all with the concept of it and I think it might be just what you're looking for.
#10 Oct 04 2007 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I get tired of the monotonous:

"I want to throw huge DPS, heal fairly decent, and take big hits..."

Not gonna happen. Not ever. Not paladin. :S
#11 Oct 05 2007 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
476 posts
i play in a shadowpriest + tankadin team with a good friend of mine (lvl 44 atm)

"LF3M dps for <instance name>" is great!
#12 Oct 09 2007 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Well I am back. I want to tell you all that this is one of the best Duos I have ever done! We are both currently level 13 and out of some strange accident we both went holy =O.

We recently body drug ourselves to Azuremyst Isle to try to find Blood elf bandit masks. to no avail. But when I body drug my Warlock I died 8 or 9 times easy at that level and 3 extra forced deaths so I could board 2 alliance boats. (made a mistake and drowned at the wrong one so I had to do it over)

With this pali priest combo I died 4 times and my wife died 5 times. (that is counting the on purpose drowning and 1 death from a higher level alliance killing us. Didnt even die to a mob in arathi. Though my wife took to long to hide from the patrolling guards and got me killed by one. (that is also counted.)

Wow the fact that I can give her an invulnerability bubble and she can give me a bubble that I can fight with is awesome! Never thought this group would do well but we smash everything that is our level range. =D

Thanks again for all the advice!
#13 Oct 09 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Gaudion wrote:
HitashLevat wrote:
... a bunch of stuff.

You know, for once it seems like someone is finally approaching the Paladin class wanting to play a Paladin and not something else. I don't foresee you having any problems at all with the concept of it and I think it might be just what you're looking for.

Thanks for the support =D
#14 Oct 09 2007 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
I did the lower levels with different rules but I picked a paladin so I could play with a friend that chose a mage. I didnt know it at the time but this was a great combo. He did plenty of the damage and I prevented us from dying. A shadow priest should be similar

I picked Divine Intel then Spiritual Focus as my first talents. This gave me a solid basis for healing. This is what I would recommend for your first 10 talents. After than it doesnt make a huge difference for a while.

The first time through I was tired of not having a ranged attack so I continued in holy for Holy shock with the rest in retri for Seal of command and the crit bonus. After BC came out I stayed holy as it was still mostly me and the mage. It is easy to solo as a holy pally, or at least it was. I was doing the quest for the pally hammer around level 20 and was soloing in the dungeon near auberdine (sp? near the shore near the NE home). I went up against 3 level 20 elite naga. Now I had to potion and I popped all my abilities but there was no corpse walk because I could just heal up any damage.

Now I recently tried protection and I did way more damage 62-70. Not unkillable but tanking is fun and a nice change from healing. Either strikes me as viable, you cant go wrong. Just look up a few ppl on the armory to see what talents they liked. You should be able to swing 5 mans as long as everyone is playing ball, not going crazy on damage.

In the end I went back to holy/healing as I really couldnt do what a full on prot warrior or a feral druid can. I didnt have good gear for it and the guild needed more healers anyway.

So dont let ppl talk you out of holy. Sure it is healing oriented but so what, you will destroy PvE because you will outlast everything. Plus it is easier to get into groups as a healer.

Protection is also very solid. You can attract large groups and survive. I had many fights that had add after add and still I didnt go down.

I have not tried it but another pally in my guild was top of the damage chart over my mage friend as a retribution pally. But then he has that lion epic blade and other great gear. So that is doable.

I would think prot is your best bet for a party of two. That way you tank and heal, while your wife is DPS and off healing.
#15 Oct 10 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
We are both currently level 13 and out of some strange accident we both went holy =O.

I am glad you are enjoying success so far, but talent builds really don't start mattering at all until at least level 20. The game doesn't start putting forth any challenge until around that point as well. Trust me when I say that you are going to regret it if you both try to stay Holy much later than that. At least one of you really should respec into a damage-dealing spec before too long.
#16 Oct 10 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Yeah I have 4 points in holy for the str bonus. I enjoy healing but I think my wife does as well. (she has a lvl 40 Holy pali on our alliance server as a main)

Once I start getting a good amount of points. around 30 range or so I think I am gonna respec to prot for tanking so I can pull a LF3M DPS and it be GG.

Might be easier to do SM runs with the Hardest to fill rolls out of the way.
#17 Oct 10 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Gaudion wrote:
HitashLevat wrote:
We are both currently level 13 and out of some strange accident we both went holy =O.

I am glad you are enjoying success so far, but talent builds really don't start mattering at all until at least level 20. The game doesn't start putting forth any challenge until around that point as well. Trust me when I say that you are going to regret it if you both try to stay Holy much later than that. At least one of you really should respec into a damage-dealing spec before too long.

It can't be any worse than solo leveling a holy paladin.

Ugh. I still can't believe I was stubborn enough to do that.
#18 Oct 10 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
46 posts
My first character ever was a holy pally. I just thought I was a bad leveler ^_^.

Ret as my Blood Elf introduced me to exactly how much fun leveling can be for a paladin, and I respecced as soon as I hit 70. Very fun indeed. ^_^

Duoing though, I find that going with any DPS class is superb. I can bubble them, heal them, take the mob off them, all with relative ease. And then they can just do the damage ^_^.

Good luck and have fun, I wish I had someone like that to level with.
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