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Melee hunters.Follow

#27 Oct 04 2007 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Allright, who the fUck is ratecamping Caldone? I've had to rate every post he has posted lately back up. Seriously, if you are going to camp someone, camp the ones that actually fUcking deserve it smacktards.
like you? ;)

and if you want to ratecamp caldone, at least say so so you can be camped by caldone and we get a cute little rate/flame war =P
#28 Oct 04 2007 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
433 posts
I'm in a good mood today, so I'm not going to continue North's legacy. However, 't is obvious that those of you that are shocked by North's behaviour are new to this forum. We need North as a counterweight to all the noobs we get here. North scares them off, this is a good thing. [scary]Don't mess with North, you'll be messing with me too![/scary]

Now, onto the OP...

Megapants wrote:
+DPS can be slightly higher

True, it CAN be. But if it is, you're playing the wrong class... A hunter that's Auto Shooting will do more damage than one that's melee.

Megapants wrote:
+Melee abilities cost MUCH less mana, meaning less breaks
+Traps are much easier to deploy
+If specced for survival, melee abilities(RS and MB) get a +20% chance to crit.

True, but most melee abilities need YOU to be the one getting hit, which (if you havn't already guessed by our access to our own pocket tank) isn't really the way it's meant to be. at least not 99% of the times. In addition, you only have one ability which scales with your weapon, and it's an on-next-hit ability. Warriors and rogues have countless instant abilities that scales with their weapons, no needless to say your ability library isn't meant to dish out melee damage.

Megapants wrote:
+If specced for survival, Wing Clip has a 15%(I think, not sure on that.) to immobilize the target.

Yes, but you use Wing Clip to get away from mobs... You've just told me you want to be in their face. And if you're using it for "extra damage"... stop it. Just calculate the Damage Per Mana of it and you'll see...

Megapants wrote:
+If specced for survival, traps do more damage/last longer and have chance to immobilize target.

You realize that very common specs are MM/SV with most trap talents, or (brace yourself!!!) a RANGED SV BUILD!!! Or don't you?

Megapants wrote:
+Melee weapons with "Chance on hit" are much more useful.

Yes, weapons that you shouldn't have needed over warriors and rogues in the first place come to a minimal use to you. Huzza!

Megapants wrote:
+Can be very effective in PvP.(but that always depends on the player)

Meleeing in PvP? Sure, if you've got no other alternative. And the old drive-by Raptor Strike -> Wing Clip -> back to ranged is aways funny, but relying only on melee to defeat an opponent... Have you actually killed anyone that isn't more than 10 levels below you like that?

Megapants wrote:
-Much more dangerous, especially against enemies with AOE.

And the fact that 80% of your melee ability ******* requires you to get hit (have I said this before?).

Megapants wrote:
-If specced for survival, you don't get many of the useful BM or MM abilites.(Bestial Wrath, Scatter Shot, etc.)

Indeed you don't... Your DPS also sucks, and so do you.

Megapants wrote:
-Stamina becomes about twice as important as before.(imo)

Again: Yes, since you're the one taking hits (wouldn't this be the turning point to actually realizing melee:ing isn't such a good idea? :( ).

Megapants wrote:
-Can't use useful shots or stings.(I actually do that before battles begin, but it's still a con in many situations)

That's right, you can't use 70% of all the abilities you train... Great idea!

Megapants wrote:
But looking at the pros, are those not good enough to make melee hunters at least acceptable in the WoW society?

First of all: Most of the pros are faulty. Second of all: No, skilled hunters will always loathe noob hunters that try to convince people the way they're playing the class is right.

You should always do what you think is fun. You pay for the game, so it's totally up to you. But ask us to accept you? Are you even serious? Would I ask you to brutally butcher you whole family and go rape little girls that roam the streets? What you ask is too much. It's too much for any hunter who knows what he's doing. Do never ask this of me again, for my inacceptance of you is something that YOU simply must accept.
#29 Oct 04 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
To be succinct, Megapants, I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Hunter melee DPS is lousy.

Have you tried playing a rogue or a DPS warrior? If you have, compare the sheer number of abilities they have, and the wide range of talents boosting their melee DPS, with our very small number of talents oriented towards increasing melee DPS.

We have abilities like concussive shot and wingclip to slow enemies, which are only useful if you are at range. (Or if you're dealing with a runner.) We have tons of talents which apply to ranged attacks only.

Hunters are, simply, a ranged class.

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 11:04am by seroster
#30 Oct 04 2007 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
A few points I would like to make...

I've tried Eve Online. I gave it 3 days. If Knight Online hadn't been invented, I would consider Eve the worst MMO I'd ever seen.

Also, while mega was a troll, it is not bad that we responded. Now the next newb who walks in sees "melee hunter" and goes "hey, I can actually do it!" We've given him/her the resources to see through it.
#31 Oct 04 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
skribs wrote:

I've tried Eve Online. I gave it 3 days. If Knight Online hadn't been invented, I would consider Eve the worst MMO I'd ever seen.

Hm, care to back that up with something?

I spent 2 years reading and laughing at AO forums - AO versus WoW discussions.
I admit I was guilty of spitting on WoW although I didnt know much about it at that time. I still think AO could be much better game than WoW if Funcom put same effort in fixing the bugs as they do in being arrogant and simply neglecting customers.
The new expansion made the game unplayable for my graphic card and I had no other option but to leave it.

Community on the other hand cannot be even compared. I hardly ever met the typical 12 years old WoW playing brat in AO. Considering that majority of their players moved to EVE as it seems, I would switch from WoW in no time if that patch North is talking about makes it more the way I like my game to be.

Btw I hope none minds me OTing so much but I think EVE is as legit subject on this forum as melee hunter is. Or as inappropriate.

#32 Oct 04 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
lerodent wrote:
Wow. Two replies and both are making jackasses out of themselves. They may have valid points, but seriously, NorthAI, do you really need to insult the guy? Maybe it makes you feel good, I don't know, but personally I think it makes YOU look bad.

Melee hunting is certainly NOT what our class is supposed to be, Mega. But if you enjoy it, then go for it. The only warning I would extend is to not insist on doing it in a group. You will not perform nearly as well as true melee classes, and will eventually hinder the group. In a group setting you should concentrate on CC, ranged DPS, perhaps bandaging, and the other small but important tasks a good hunter excels at.

If the op didn't take so much time I would think he was just trolling. realy though no matter who North has flamed in the past, this guy just plain ol' deserves it. This is the kind of person that seriously ruins our collective reputation and closes doors to good hunters.
#33 Oct 04 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Allright, who the fUck is ratecamping Caldone? I've had to rate every post he has posted lately back up. Seriously, if you are going to camp someone, camp the ones that actually fUcking deserve it smacktards.

I took up the cause with ya earlier this mornin. Who the heck did he **** off? and what's with these people with 50 posts comin up as sages? I'm smellin two accounts scratchin each others back or somethin.

#34 Oct 04 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
Melee hunter = huntard.

If you try to melee one mob in my group, you're gone.

As for soloing - play however you want, just know that you're not playing your class to even a decent potential.
#35 Oct 04 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
NorthAI wrote:
Allright, who the **** is ratecamping Caldone? I've had to rate every post he has posted lately back up. Seriously, if you are going to camp someone, camp the ones that actually ******* deserve it smacktards.

Thanks for that, didn't even notice.

I know I have said some harsh things... maybe... but not nearly as harsh as North, why would anybody want to rate camp me? I know I am a stubborn MM hunter, but hey, is that worth rate camping?

Aethien wrote:
like you? ;)

and if you want to ratecamp caldone, at least say so so you can be camped by caldone and we get a cute little rate/flame war =P

Hmmm... I don't even know if North would deserve it, He at least makes me laugh, instead of the OMG how can somebody be so stupid, I read North's reply and all the sudden I don't feel so pissed off :) Besides, not alot I can usually add to his comments...

I took up the cause with ya earlier this mornin. Who the heck did he **** off? and what's with these people with 50 posts comin up as sages? I'm smellin two accounts scratchin each others back or somethin.

Thus why I was making the comment I did before hand, asking why people with 50 posts, who I have seen nothing good come from, became Sages, when myself, whome people have said I have made some very good comments/guidance for, ended up with just scholar, but then again, as I appear to have the same attitude as North, it's not surprising...

Ill have to see which posts of mine are being rate camped...

Oh wait... Can't do that anymore... can't even see how bad my Karma rating is...
#36 Oct 04 2007 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Looks like after this comment:

NorthAI wrote:

Other than that I cannot think of any comeback >.> <.<

In the OoT 4000 thread, all my comments after that are rated down, somebody didn't like what I said in that thread, and it's pissing me off. If your going to rate me down, TELL ME WHAT THE **** PISSED YOU OFF BAD ENOUGH TO RATE CAMP ME!!! But of course, computers give people the right to sit there and be anonymouse little cowards...
#37 Oct 04 2007 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
747 posts
Melee Hunters are like Melee Mages, sure they can do it, but what the hell for?

If you plan on being a melee hunter, hit the button with the sword on it or daggers on it instead when making your class choice.

Read the class description when making that character, it says RANGED DPS, and in no way suggests melee as a viable option, we have melee spells that allow us to get back to firing range.
#38 Oct 04 2007 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
I took up the cause with ya earlier this mornin. Who the heck did he **** off? and what's with these people with 50 posts comin up as sages? I'm smellin two accounts scratchin each others back or somethin.

Thus my Sig...
#39 Oct 04 2007 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
1,256 posts
Dude. If you want to be a melee tard. try this first.

Make a warrior. Any race will suffice. Hell make a troll or something.

Then go equip the best gun or bow you can, and fight mobs only using range.

Every time a mob gets close enough to you pop blood rage and hamstring it, run away and shoot it till it gets near you. (you getting the hint yet?)

Then when you finally kill a mob. try to kite another mob with your gun. (Can't do it can ya =P )

I bet you will be bored. That or extremely frustrated. Hell maybe both.

Enjoy playing your (Ranger Warrior) LOL! Go play Diablo 2 and be an Amazon if you want to be a melee ranger.
#40 Oct 04 2007 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Er...shouldn't the fact that hunters have like 20 ranged spells and only 3 melee spells clue you into the fact that hunters are supposed to fight at range?

#41 Oct 04 2007 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
KDenelor wrote:

If the op didn't take so much time I would think he was just trolling. realy though no matter who North has flamed in the past, this guy just plain ol' deserves it. This is the kind of person that seriously ruins our collective reputation and closes doors to good hunters.

Okay, now THIS makes sense to me. That is why I warned the OP not to do it in a group. Perhaps I wasn't harsh enough--god knows I hate the bad rep we hunters have because of problems of this nature. However, I still don't know if throwing insults at the guy is the way to go about changing his mind. I know if I got that kinda replay it would seem like a challenge to me to try even harder to defend my point.
#42 Oct 04 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts

this time 57 posts and a sage, HOW THE @#%^!!

*grumble grumble grumble*

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 4:17pm by Caldone
#43 Oct 04 2007 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
94 posts
What are you talking about, Cal?
#44 Oct 04 2007 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
Im talking about the fact that there seems to be a recent upsurge of Sages who have no posting record.

You for instance- 58 Posts and Sage

Another person here somewere has 135 and is a Sage, whereas people like Aethien and NorthAI are Scholors, and actually have a reputation, you come out of the blue and are a Sage already...
#45 Oct 04 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
I see your point. And to be honest with you, I was suprized when I was named "scholar" let alone "sage". I certainly don't know as much about the game as the vast majority on this site do. But what I do know I try to pass on the the Newbs (and Noobs too) that inquire. Even if I disagree with their point of view, I try to disagree in a constructive way. Because of this, I guess, I get rated up.

Now that I've completely hijacked the thread, I'll probably be rated down again to "eraser-cleaner" or something. I can't say I know what I'm talking about...
#46 Oct 04 2007 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
It's all good, just wondering as alot of us have given fountains of knowledge, albiet alot of flaming as well, to this forum for over a year, and havn't seen green :)
#47 Oct 04 2007 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Eh, I was a scholar when I first started. I think what happens is with the rating system, you get a few rateups early on and all of a sudden poof you have scholar, but it goes away just as fast.
#48 Oct 04 2007 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
Man I don't get it. No offense to the OP but the notion of melee hunter has been done to death, to the depths of Hell and back out again. Blizzard gave Hunter, and ONLY hunter, auto-shot for a reason. If they didn't innately design Hunter to be the best ranged DPS (non-magic) class then why give them something that no other class has? For sh*ts and giggles?

I won't go off and insult the OP but Hunter, from day one, was designed to excel at ranged melee damage. There's nothing else to it. If anything they gave the class those few and far between close range melee skills because it wouldn't be fair to make them totally helpless when in close combat. They may as well not given any other class the ability to use a bow at all then.
#49 Oct 04 2007 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
On the topic of the recent upsurge of Sages and even Gurus.

There are ratesocks around. I've seen enough retarded posts be rated to excellent (which takes a minimum of two rateups, usually three) that they simply can't have been rated by people who actually rate posts by their content. Half the current sages on these classboards have rated themselves up there. Don't believe me? Ask an admin to investigate, and I'm willing to bet that we will see a few posters suddenly vanish, and a few other posters suddenly go down to Default.
#50 Oct 04 2007 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
It's all good, just wondering as alot of us have given fountains of knowledge, albiet alot of flaming as well, to this forum for over a year, and havn't seen green :)

Clickin' on your green to ease the pain Cal. I do see where your coming from. I've been on these forums for over a year now, and there seems to be alot of blues and greens popping up.

and to whomever gave me blue, Many thanks.

#51 Oct 05 2007 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
The main problem is that you didn't post in the weekend goals/summary threads when you had a super low post count, and now you have so many posts that any given rate-up doesn't affect you so much. Of course rate-downs don't either so it's sort of a 6 of one situation.

Another way to get a really high rank is to do the Xordon thing and post a super long, ridiculously well written and useful guide to something, get it stickied, all while your post count is around 200. That's a lot of work though, and it requires you to go back in time.

edit: heh, I see someone is rating me down too :(

Edited, Oct 5th 2007 12:03pm by Xsarus
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