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Melee hunters.Follow

#1 Oct 03 2007 at 6:44 PM Rating: Sub-Default
A touchy subject, of course.

I personally enjoy melee, especially on a hunter. There are many pros and many cons to being a melee hunter.

+DPS can be slightly higher
+Melee abilities cost MUCH less mana, meaning less breaks
+Traps are much easier to deploy
+If specced for survival, melee abilities(RS and MB) get a +20% chance to crit.
+If specced for survival, Wing Clip has a 15%(I think, not sure on that.) to immobilize the target.
+If specced for survival, traps do more damage/last longer and have chance to immobilize target.
+Melee weapons with "Chance on hit" are much more useful.
+Can be very effective in PvP.(but that always depends on the player)

-Much more dangerous, especially against enemies with AOE.
-If specced for survival, you don't get many of the useful BM or MM abilites.(Bestial Wrath, Scatter Shot, etc.)
-Stamina becomes about twice as important as before.(imo)
-Can't use useful shots or stings.(I actually do that before battles begin, but it's still a con in many situations)

I thought of way more pros than cons for some reason lol. But there are obviously way more cons than I listed. I just can't think of them for some reason. Help me out and list the rest of them. But looking at the pros, are those not good enough to make melee hunters at least acceptable in the WoW society?

I just always get crap about meleeing and I never hear a good reason as to why I shouldn't do it. Except when I'm running an instance and the mobs have a melee disease or close range curse or something.

So, discuss please.
#2 Oct 03 2007 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
2,489 posts
Con hunter melee sucks so hard that even a ret pally outdamages us
#3 Oct 03 2007 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
Once again, I hear crap about meleeing suckin' so hard, yet I get no reasoning to it.
#4 Oct 03 2007 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
Oh for...

Let's break it down:

Megatard wrote:

+DPS can be slightly higher Bullcrap. Lower DPS in melee.
+Melee abilities cost MUCH less mana, meaning less breaks Autoshot does more damage, mana free
+Traps are much easier to deploy If you can't pulltrap, reroll, moron
+If specced for survival, melee abilities(RS and MB) get a +20% chance to crit.And still suck, due to CD and that it's Two freaking skills
+If specced for survival, Wing Clip has a 15%(I think, not sure on that.) to immobilize the target.And why the hell would you want to immobilize a melee target? Be consistent
+If specced for survival, traps do more damage/last longer and have chance to immobilize target. And it's a tool for getting to ranged you ****
+Melee weapons with "Chance on hit" are much more useful. You suck at DPS in melee anyway. Melee weapons are for ranged stats
+Can be very effective in PvP.(but that always depends on the player) Melee in PvP means one Raptor then WC kite/trap/get to ranged. Stay in melee, and you will lose against almost any enemy

-Much more dangerous, especially against enemies with AOE.
-If specced for survival, you don't get many of the useful BM or MM abilites.(Bestial Wrath, Scatter Shot, etc.) Surv specc doesn't mean Melee specc, cumrag. Reroll Rogue or Warrior
-Stamina becomes about twice as important as before.(imo) Stamina is for a BM or PvP in general. As Surv, you are Agility geared
-Can't use useful shots or stings.(I actually do that before battles begin, but it's still a con in many situations)

I thought of way more pros than cons for some reason lol. But there are obviously way more cons than I listed. I just can't think of them for some reason. Help me out and list the rest of them. But looking at the pros, are those not good enough to make melee hunters at least acceptable in the WoW society?
FUck no. Melee Hunters are to be shunned, and castrated so they won't pollute the genepool further

I just always get crap about meleeing and I never hear a good reason as to why I shouldn't do it. Except when I'm running an instance and the mobs have a melee disease or close range curse or something.

Of course you get crap about meleeing. You gimp your own DPS. You make yourself completely useless, since a Hunter is a ranged DPS class. In an instance, you trap, sting and DPS. That's it. As a melee Hunter, you fail at everything a Hunter should be.

So, discuss please.

No discussion necessary. You are a moron, and should be shot on sight.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 10:57pm by NorthAI
#5 Oct 03 2007 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
94 posts
Wow. Two replies and both are making jackasses out of themselves. They may have valid points, but seriously, NorthAI, do you really need to insult the guy? Maybe it makes you feel good, I don't know, but personally I think it makes YOU look bad.

Melee hunting is certainly NOT what our class is supposed to be, Mega. But if you enjoy it, then go for it. The only warning I would extend is to not insist on doing it in a group. You will not perform nearly as well as true melee classes, and will eventually hinder the group. In a group setting you should concentrate on CC, ranged DPS, perhaps bandaging, and the other small but important tasks a good hunter excels at.
#6 Oct 03 2007 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
Wow, North you covered it so thuroughly I really don't have anything to add to your statement.

Oh, cept one thing:

Snipe his *** to the ends of the earth and back, when he explodes into tiny little pieces, snipe the pieces so that even the ants cannot eat him less they inherit his stupidity...
#7 Oct 03 2007 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
lerodent wrote:
but seriously, NorthAI, do you really need to insult the guy? Maybe it makes you feel good, I don't know, but personally I think it makes YOU look bad.

You are new here, ain't ya?
#8 Oct 03 2007 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
North... I hate you.. I just inherited your curse, my check came in late too and now have to wait till tomorow to re-activate my account >.<
#9 Oct 03 2007 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
North... I hate you.. I just inherited your curse, my check came in late too and now have to wait till tomorow to re-activate my account >.<
My pay is coming in soon enough, but you'll still get online before I can. In the mean time, I'm creating quite a career in Eve Online, becoming a mining mogul. It's bloody addictive!
#10 Oct 03 2007 at 7:27 PM Rating: Default
94 posts
Certainly newer than thou. But what does that have to do with they topic? I just feel there's no reason to be rude to the guy. I'm not tryin to infuriate you or anything. I'd only like to see some tolerance of newer players opinions.
#11 Oct 03 2007 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
+DPS can be slightly higher - actually much lower. And you have 20% less threat you can generate before pulling aggro.
+Melee abilities cost MUCH less mana, meaning less breaks - actually have less damage-per-mana so the mana cost doesn't matter
+Traps are much easier to deploy - and harder to trap the mob you want
+If specced for survival, melee abilities(RS and MB) get a +20% chance to crit. - and you shouldnt ever be hitting with MB (unless in PvP) and your crits are going to be smaller than regular hits
+If specced for survival, Wing Clip has a 15%(I think, not sure on that.) to immobilize the target. - to allow you to get to range
+If specced for survival, traps do more damage/last longer and have chance to immobilize target. to help you get to range (if you're dropping damage traps you're dropping the wrong one)
+Melee weapons with "Chance on hit" are much more useful. - which you should never get those weapons anyway as you should be focusing on range, for reasons above
+Can be very effective in PvP.(but that always depends on the player) - giving less damage, taking more damage against melee classes, yeah that's effectuve

EDIT: To our new guy on the forums, shut up about being nice. I hate people like you more than I hate the melee hunters. They deserve to be slapped in the face if they are this retarded. And you deserve to be pushed out of the way for standing in front of him. Hang out here, defend 30 people per day who as "what is teh best pet for pwnzoring?" and eventually you'll say "*$*$&$**$*#$*& YOU YOU %**%%*ING ****** LOOK IT UP YOUR OWN *%*%*%*$%ING SELF" along with the rest of us.
-Much more dangerous, especially against enemies with AOE. True
-If specced for survival, you don't get many of the useful BM or MM abilites.(Bestial Wrath, Scatter Shot, etc.) Actually survival spec isn't melee spec. Melee spec is retarded.
-Stamina becomes about twice as important as before.(imo) - Nobody's figured out how important stamina is to a melee hunter because any melee hunter gets dropped from groups too fast to find a spot in raids.
-Can't use useful shots or stings.(I actually do that before battles begin, but it's still a con in many situations) - Um, maybe shots and stings are what hunters are designed for?

I thought of way more pros than cons for some reason lol. But there are obviously way more cons than I listed. I just can't think of them for some reason. Help me out and list the rest of them. But looking at the pros, are those not good enough to make melee hunters at least acceptable in the WoW society?

I just always get crap about meleeing and I never hear a good reason as to why I shouldn't do it. Except when I'm running an instance and the mobs have a melee disease or close range curse or something.

So, discuss please.
So, look at my sig, realize that melee hunters do less DPS, take more damage, and require specs which completely gimp your ranged abilities (and while speccing for melee you can still out-damage yourself if you go ranged). So...roll a rogue or I'll follow through with north's plan.

There are only VERY FEW situations when a hunter SHOULD melee, and those are so situational that building yourself for melee for the sake of those is just futile...but I'll let you figure them out.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 8:35pm by skribs
#12 Oct 03 2007 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
lerodent wrote:
Certainly newer than thou. But what does that have to do with they topic? I just feel there's no reason to be rude to the guy. I'm not tryin to infuriate you or anything. I'd only like to see some tolerance of newer players opinions.
Well, the point was that you obviously haven't realized just how little fondness I have for immensely retarded people. Anyone claiming a Melee Hunter is a good idea, isn't just retarded. No, they go so far beyond normal brain damage that they become idiot savants, thus gaining the mental capability of reducing the intelligence of everything they touch by epic amounts. The only cure for that kind of stupidity, is a fast hard verbal blow to their ego. Or having them suckstart a loaded revolver. Problem solved.

And a little tip for the future:
I have never given much of a shit what anyone thinks of my opinions on such matters as dumbass posters. Instead of attempting to tell me how I should and should not reply to such wastes of oxygen, you should just use your red or green arrows respectively, and otherwise ignore me. Anything else is merely a source of mild entertainment for me.
#13 Oct 03 2007 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
Eve Online... is it free?
#14 Oct 03 2007 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
Eve Online... is it free?

14 day free trial.
#15 Oct 03 2007 at 7:49 PM Rating: Default
To the opp.... YOUR @#%^ING RETARDED.. show me a mele hunter that can do 1mill+ in a single outland 5 man instance and i will show you a @#%^ing liar.

Listen to the voices of reason that have already responded.. your dumb. they are smart.. end of story.

And to north.. lol i know we disagree on alota ****.. but we can agree that mele hunters suck.. so for this one time.. we are on the same side.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 11:51pm by Slammerofkooter
#16 Oct 03 2007 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
97 posts
to OP, get a damage meter and compare your dps vs some mob when meleeing or
when shooting.

there are no pros to being a melee hunter, the surv talents for melee abilities
are just there to increase the hurt of the single raptor strike you hit before
wing clipping and running off to safety.

do however make sure you have maxed out your current melee weapon skill, and
use a 2hander for pvp. other than that, just don't...
#17 Oct 03 2007 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
i dissagree with just about everyone on here.

Melee hunters are fantastic.

+ they never take a spot over me in a group/raid
+ if they're alliance, then it's free honor. Even easier than killing someone 20 levels lower than you.
+ they make me look smarter, no mater how many times i ***** up. I can always say "hey at least i wasn't being a melee huntard"
+ theres no class i like meeting in a BG more than a melee hunter. chain trap them the entire round. I don't even want the honor, ill get em to a quite corner and make it my priority to ensure that they don't move more than 4 seconds at a time for the duration of a BG.

And just to argue the other FAR BETTER side...

+REAL hunters do far more damage. any ****** can prove that with a damage metet
+REAL hunters are much better at traping in any situation. you can make the target go where you want before traping
+REAL hunters get [i]FAR[/] more damage out of their mana per shot
+REAL hunters use thier no damage melee abilities to put thier targets back at range and burn them down
+REAL hunters use there beloved pets as meat shields, which they do very well
+REAL hunters don't give a damn about "chance on retarded hit" weapons and look to stats instead to further up their damage output
+REAL hunters can destroy melee hunters in PvP

just my two cents.

and for once North, i guess i do agree with you
#18 Oct 03 2007 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
I love having opposing opinions to WoW players because every single one of them gets rejected in an instant, and I just get to watch how retarded people sound when they reply to such a simple statement as, "I like melee."
#19 Oct 03 2007 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I'd be careful megapants. Never know when someone crazy enough to kill someone is smart enough to track you down.
#20 Oct 03 2007 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
Megapants wrote:
I love having opposing opinions to WoW players because every single one of them gets rejected in an instant, and I just get to watch how retarded people sound when they reply to such a simple statement as, "I like melee."

Ahh, its a troll guys. Y'all fell for it. Well then, a gentle reminder "Don't feed the trolls" Just clicky on the red arrow for this megatard & move on with life.
#21 Oct 03 2007 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
God it is sooooo slow paced, I dont even know how you stand it...
#22 Oct 03 2007 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
God it is sooooo slow paced, I dont even know how you stand it...

Heh, depends entirely on your vocation.

Piloting a Hulk, tearing through Asteroid fields with Stripminer lasers blasing all over the place while your Drones smack down the Pirates that are trying to kill you and steal your load... well, it's epic. Once you have jettisoned all the cargo, another ship appears, this one a Cargo Vessel. It picks up all the Ore you have mined and initiates it's Warp Drives. Just as it exits Warp near the Jumpgate, it is attacked. Suicide runners, ready to sacrifice their ship to take out yours, so their own Cargo Vessels can take the Ore for themselves. Then your Escorts come screaming out of the void, destroying the attackers and then salvaging parts from the annihilated pirates. The ore will get to the station, and it will be the final components in the great project. A Titan will soon rule the skies of Lowsec space.

Better yet, you have joined a Corp and you struggle with another Corp over the dominion of that patch of space. You and hundreds of other Corpmembers descending on their POS with righteous fury. You leave forces at all nearby Jumpgates, ready to beat down any reinforcements that are coming while you and all other Juggernauts are pounding down their station with Cruise Missiles. Frigates and Cruisers are screaming throughout the blackness, defending the brunt of your attack. You. Battleships devastates the opposition, and their Station seems doomed. Then, a Titan appears. It blots out the stars from thousands of kilometers away. It slowly turns like a vengeful God towards the station, and you know the fight is over. You have achieved dominion over this territory, and your Corporation constructs space stations around the system. Preparing... for the next War.

Eve Online is bloody epic at times. But yeah, in the beginning it is definitely slow. Personally, I am going the Mining route to begin with. Going to be a massive moneymaker, and supply my Corp with Ore, and vital Manufactured items and ships. Once I get far enough in that direction, I will start going down the Combat side of Eve. It is definitely the long route, but in the end it will be the one that benefits both me and my Corp the most.
#23 Oct 04 2007 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Maybe stupid question but..... does your toon ever get out of those space ships?
I almost turned to EVE when AO became unplayable for me (I still miss it tho, WoW cant replace my first love) and EVE looks more alike AO.

The thing is I sort of like to play Barbie dolls with my toons sometimes and if they are stuck in some place and not much visible I would lack a lot of fun in that game.

#24 Oct 04 2007 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
Sethy wrote:
Maybe stupid question but..... does your toon ever get out of those space ships?

Not at the moment, but the next big patch will include being able to walk through the spacestations and so on. I just hope they don't ruin the avatars while doing it. At the moment, my Avatar is approximately fifty times as detailed as any other MMO character I have ever seen, and awesome to boot. If they can pull off a character system in the Spacestations that incorporate the awesome looks of the characters, they have truly won me over.
#25 Oct 04 2007 at 4:42 AM Rating: Good
139 posts
I had this long and well-thought-out bit responding to this that analyzed hunter stats and abilities and the abilities and stats of the real melee classes, but I decided it isn't worth my time to do that. This thread seems to have been hijacked (not that that's a bad thing), but I do want to say this: compare the top two tiers of each hunter talent tree with the top two tiers of each melee class talent tree and you'll have your answer. We have ranged talents, they have melee talents. Your ability to do dps is based largely on talents, so if you completely ignore those top tier talents as a Hunter, isn't it simply logical that you'd be gimping yourself?
#26 Oct 04 2007 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
Allright, who the fUck is ratecamping Caldone? I've had to rate every post he has posted lately back up. Seriously, if you are going to camp someone, camp the ones that actually fUcking deserve it smacktards.
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