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#1 Oct 03 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
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Okay... let's discuss this, arcane missiles with a lightning capacitor and mystical skyfire diamond and clearcasting.

Arcane missiles launches 5 missiles at an opponent. Each can proc clearcasting, which gives you a free spell 10% of the time. So, every 2nd arcane missile spell (on average) you get a free one. Also, 5% of the time, it casts in 50% of the time. So every 5th cast should be a 2.5 second channel of 5 missiles (pow*pow*pow). Also, with the lightning capacitor, I have a 25% crit percent now, plus the 30% I would get every 3rd volley. So every other arcane missile volley, I should also toss a lightning bolt in there.

Does this sound right? Sounds like I ought to spec full arcane (even without the T5 bonus) and be an arcane missile spammer!
#2 Oct 03 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
If that is the case, then what should go in the other trinket slot? Would the chance to proc Quag's eye be helpful in addition to the Mystical Skyfire Diamond?
#3 Oct 03 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
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That is something I am considering. Quag's eye does stack with the MSD.
#4 Oct 03 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
I thought only the first spell of the channel can proc clear casting, not any one of the 5.
#5 Oct 03 2007 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
Arcane missiles launches 5 missiles at an opponent. Each can proc clearcasting, which gives you a free spell 10% of the time.

Nope, they fixed that AWHILE back. 100% sure now.
Also, 5% of the time, it casts in 50% of the time. So every 5th cast should be a 2.5 second channel of 5 missiles (pow*pow*pow).

Dunno about the proc thing, but im sure it works the same way as Clearcasting, only procs when you begin to channel the spell.
What you ARE wrong on though, is that mystical skyfire DOES NOT affect Arcane missles at all, it affects the CASTING time of spells, not channeling time, and certainly not the spell that you ARE CURRENTLY casting/channeling.
Also, with the lightning capacitor, I have a 25% crit percent now, plus the 30% I would get every 3rd volley. So every other arcane missile volley, I should also toss a lightning bolt in there.

True, but honestly, this is the only valid fact for AM that you've posted.
Besides, I'd use lightning capacitor with AM only in PVE, and never in PVP, but I don't spec arcane in PVE, so I guess combustion works pretty well with LC anyways.
#6 Oct 03 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
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Sorry if I'm skeptical, but I was using this last night in kara and saw arcane missiles shoot out *amazingly* fast. I do believe it corresponded with the proc of the SFD. I will check this tonight on Dr. Boom (static, easy test to look at). Also, I thought that I procced clearcasting on the 2nd or 3rd missile of arcane missiles a few times. This is also easy to check and I will do so tonight.

You could be quite correct, and I'm not trying to be antagonistic, it's just that what you said disagrees with what I *saw* last night. Now, it is possible that there was some wierd lag thing that was going on with the potentially fast missiles I saw, and it could be that it was the first hit of missiles when clearcasting procs (it's hard to see this in the heat of battle sometimes).

I'll test this out and let y'all know. One reason I thought that arcane missiles could proc clearcasting was due to the behavior of each missile acting as a seperate 'hit' (with it's own crit/hit calculations). This is also what allows the lightning capacitor to charge up to 3 charges so quickly.
#7 Oct 03 2007 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
I know that spell haste does affect Arcane missiles, but not completely sure about the SFD. However, Given it's previous effect, I'm somewhat positive that it doesnt, as it did before have 2% chance to make the next spell instant cast.

"Casting time of spells by 50%"

Sure about the arcane missles with arcane concentration though.
#8 Oct 03 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
Asked this question on the O-boards and got several responses such as:

1) AM will only proc clearcasting on the initial cast of AM (what you said)
2) AM *can* use the proc of the MSD (Mystical Skyfire Diamond) and if you're spamming AM, then the next cast of AM will be a 2.5 second cast of 5 missiles.
3) MSD gets 6 chances to proc the effect off of AM from 1) the initial cast and 2) the 5 subsequent missiles.

I'll be testing this for sure tonight, as it still sounds awesome, esp with the lightning capacitor. (I guess I need to redouble my effort to get mags eye).

Thanks for your time and your assistance on the boards, wwcool!

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 3:32pm by ktangent
#9 Oct 03 2007 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
quag eye has an internal cooldown so the other trinket that is useful here is the Ashtongue one.

AM spam is worth looking at with a arcane/fire built. If I get it to work, it will be lazy mode for me...
#10 Oct 03 2007 at 11:18 PM Rating: Good
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wwcool wrote:
Arcane missiles launches 5 missiles at an opponent. Each can proc clearcasting, which gives you a free spell 10% of the time.

Nope, they fixed that AWHILE back. 100% sure now.

Cite on that, or is it just self testing?

Because it was something I was unaware of, which now makes AM spam MUCH more mana efficient than it used to be. I may need to do the math on this one.

#11 Oct 03 2007 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
I think clearcast is a proc on "hit". AM is a spell that abuses this rule, since there are five hits, you can have 5 rolls. This is why clearcasting AM can result in back to back clearcasts.

MSD is based on "cast", casting AM will give you a chance to proc MSD. The Ashtongue trinket is based on crit hit. This way, there are 2 ways of getting spell haste. Quag eye is not suitable because of internal cooldown which I read is at least 10 seconds. Ashtongue also allows you to double dip on arcane potency since it is a on crit trinket. Adding LC in the equation just makes the deal sweeter. Of course one can also use the Nexus horn since the crits makes the dmg higher =)

Mage armor up, shadow priest with VT. The mana usage is OK under this circumstance.
#12 Oct 04 2007 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
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cancerous wrote:
I think clearcast is a proc on "hit". AM is a spell that abuses this rule, since there are five hits, you can have 5 rolls. This is why clearcasting AM can result in back to back clearcasts.

MSD is based on "cast", casting AM will give you a chance to proc MSD. The Ashtongue trinket is based on crit hit. This way, there are 2 ways of getting spell haste. Quag eye is not suitable because of internal cooldown which I read is at least 10 seconds.

So, wouldn't that make MSD less useful on an AM build considering it's 2% every 5 seconds? Pushing the build in favor of a Relentless Earthstorm Diamond(yay for 3% more crit damage)?

Quag's eye has an internal cooldown of something like 40s, iirc. So does Shiffar's Nexus-Horn.
#13 Oct 04 2007 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
794 posts
actually no, lets just say we are using the LC + Ashtongue here with MSD.

AM (normal speed) 5 hits in 5 sec, one crits, Ashtongue triggered.
AM (boosted) 5 hits in 4.XX sec, clearcast procs.
Clearcast AM, MSD proc, crits due to Arcane potency
AM MSDed, another possible clearcast...

Because you are throw more arcane bolts within the same time frame without any spell haste, MSD makes it beneficial since it can proc and be used for the next cast. 10 seconds is more than enough time for me to get another fireball off before the one that proced MSD even hit... The crits of each bolt (LC counts critical hits) also contribute to making the damage higher.

Even if MSD did not proc which is normal, the time taken to cast AM will allow for mana to regen (you would get a full tick since channeling AM is not considered casting)

Nexus horn has a internal CD too!! >.<

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 5:13am by cancerous
#14 Oct 04 2007 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
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cancerous wrote:
Clearcast AM, MSD proc, crits due to Arcane potency
AM MSDed, another possible clearcast...

Alrighty, so what I'm seeing is that it procs and then the bolts continue at normal pace, then you use it on another AM(fine use too, IMO, no matter the spec). But it doesn't proc more often? That's what I'm trying to figure out. If it only procs once out of every 20 Arcane Missile casts(not bolts), then something that procs like that seems wasted on a spell that when spammed only gives you one proc every 1 minute, 40s. Whereas with a fireball spam build, you'd get it once every 1 minute flat. You'd get it even faster with, say, a frostbolt or scorch spam build, but you'd need to be careful to use it on the spell that would benefit most from it, IE, AM.

Unless it's not as the gem says, where it gives you next spell half cast and is instead all spells in 10s are half cast.

Just seems like a build that should focus heavily on crit(for LC procs) would highly benefit from a gem that ups crit damage by 3%.
#15 Oct 04 2007 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
794 posts
you got me confused there, MSD does not have a proc per minute ceiling cos I have gotten back to back procs of the gem's effect more than once. Using a meta slot to increase dmg does seems ok but LC would not accumulate crits quick enough to be a factor. stats from a player using it with 4/5 T6, LC, Ashtongue and MSD state that the LC alone accounted for 7% of his damage.

Where I see a problem with this is mana consumption, I guess it will be more viable when the change to arcane mediation makes it to live. If only 2.3 ptr is up, I would like to try it. Now I got to convince my guild to give me a LC this weekend if we try Kara at all....
#16 Oct 04 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
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cancerous wrote:
you got me confused there, MSD does not have a proc per minute ceiling cos I have gotten back to back procs of the gem's effect more than once. Using a meta slot to increase dmg does seems ok but LC would not accumulate crits quick enough to be a factor. stats from a player using it with 4/5 T6, LC, Ashtongue and MSD state that the LC alone accounted for 7% of his damage.

I didn't say it did have a proc per minute system. I mean it has a 5% proc rate and you're only casting once every 5 seconds. Same 5% proc rate when you're casting every 3 seconds seems like it'd proc more.

Further, I went to Dr. Boom today and chain spammed missiles til OOM 2x. I got no clearcastings except those that procced on the initial cast. Could be bad luck, but I'm not so sure. Will do further testing, but right now I'm not seeing Clearcasting having a chance to proc on each bolt. Which means it's still a bit mana inefficient.

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 9:26am by Poldaran
#17 Oct 04 2007 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
According to ElistJerks, every tick of AM can proc MSFD (plus the initial cast? haven't kept up on the thread, it's boomed since 2.2). Properly specced, AM spam along with MSFD and TLC can actually rival 10/48/3 for dps, which is pretty incredible since 10/48/3 was the clear winner pre-2.2 (and will pull ahead again in 2.3, though probably won't be as clear a winner as it once was).
AM spam also surpasses any AB rotations now, even with 2 tier 5, due to the MSFD changes.
#18 Oct 04 2007 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
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lsfreak wrote:
According to ElistJerks, every tick of AM can proc MSFD (plus the initial cast?

Now that information changes everything. Instead of MSFD proccing once every 60 seconds on Fireballs, if it procs once every 20 seconds on AM spam, that makes it awesome.

It was that information I really needed. Smiley: grin
#19 Oct 04 2007 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
so far I only got one proc at the end of AM cast. I dunno whether it was lagged or is indeed "working as intended".

In the scenario where you get back to back procs of MSD (which is insane, I got this to happen to me when I was farming last nite for a good 5 spells) the damage dealt is madness.
#20 Oct 09 2007 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Well... from actual use, it procs a ton. I cannot stay that arcane build in kara though. No mana battery and AM spam sucks the mana dry at an alarming rate. It is absolutely ungoldy in PvP. Empowered - uninteruptible (except by normal interruptions like kick/counterspell/etc.) AM that hits like a mack truck and every 3rd cast or so is 5 bolts in 2.5 seconds which deals a truck-load of damage. Add to it slow vs casters and hunters (or that pesky warrior that you want to kite but don't have permafrost) and it rocks in PvP. The only bad thing is that your leave a nice long purple trail of bolts that says "Kill ME".

I spec'ed back to 10/48/3 for raiding the other night when I was OOM after way too short of a time on nightbane. Perhaps mages should be stacking mp/5 or something along with the new arcane meditiation talent improvement to make arcane very viable in post 2.3, though fire and frost are going to hold their own without sucking the mana dry vis-a-vis the 10% damage un-nerf.
#21 Oct 09 2007 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
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Perhaps mages should be stacking mp/5 or something along with the new arcane meditiation talent improvement to make arcane very viable in post 2.3

I doubt it. There is NO damage gear that has mana regen on it, save for the chest enchant and maybe boot enchant. Sustainability goes through the roof with a shadow priest and JoW, which at least one of the two should be available on every fight in 25-mans. The downfalling of arcane is mana pre-Gruul, beyond that it should be fine.
#22 Oct 09 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
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I am interested in this discussion since I was just working on theorycrafting up an Arcane gear set and build this week. I found this discussion
to have a surprisingly good amount of info for an o-board post.

Here's the question I've been thinking about: T4 or Spellstrike/Spellfire for Arcane? Have 3/5 T4 in the bank at the moment (waiting for Prince to drop my hat, and not sure if I want to spend DKP on the legs) and Spellfire/Spellstrike on my person, and I'm really thinking the int and spirit on the T4 is worth the loss of damage stats.
#23 Oct 09 2007 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
spellfire with a helm with a meta gem. AM spam will only work that MSD gem. MP5 is next to no use to a mage. Mage armor, mageblood elixir, wizard oil and arcane mediation should give you enough. Use the shoulder piece with the helm. Switch to fireball/scorch whenever necessary.
#24 Oct 10 2007 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
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Now, here's a thought that's crossed my mind relating to arcane missile spam and I'm wondering if anyone has tried it.

Mark of Defiance - anyone know if this thing can proc off of each hit of an AM? Seems like it would give you a lot of the longevity you're missing as an arcane mage.

I never bothered to get one, but if it works, it might be useful to have.

#25 Oct 10 2007 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good
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Ok, just because I cannot allow myself to not mathcraft this in case it's true, here are the numbers for if it does work like that. With a 15% proc rate, that means it'll go off roughly 3 times every 4 AM casts(20 bolts).

Empowered AM 726 mana/cast

Cost for 4 EAM: 2904
Returns from MoD: ~150 x 3 = 450

Percentage mana efficiency given: 15.5%

That would be pretty huge, actually. Better even than Arcane Concentration. Definitely a worthwhile thought if you're on a mana intense fight with that build.
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