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Should we be worried about 2.3 change to +healing?Follow

#1 Oct 02 2007 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts

Hi all just asking for opinon on this "little" note in the 2.3.0 confirmed patch change list. Here it goes:

Spell effects labeled "Increases Healing by x" will now increase spell damage by around 33% of that value as well.

I am a bit worried.. it is not rare that today priests have around 1000+ healing. So that is +333 spell dmg. I understand that this is because of healer QQ that they cannot do dmg. Or is it? I mean should they do alot of dmg? lol I tought you have to choose with talent build.. be a healer or be a dmg badass.

Im just worried that a holy priest who can heal him self for 6k+ with a greater heal with pain suppresion and stuff can still kick out a 1400 mind blast.

Scary stuff or just my fantasy?
#2 Oct 02 2007 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
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It shouldn't be too much of a problem. The real problem was healers were having problems soloing. That's what this is to alleviate. Hopefully it'll help prevent healer burnout and keep more of them around longer.

That, and there are fights that I hear if a healer gets targeted by a certain ability, it's almost a certain wipe as the person targeted is the only one who can attack a mob and it has to die in a short time.
#3 Oct 03 2007 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
794 posts
the fight where priests need to kill something real quick is that Leo the Blind fight.

33% is a ok amount, if it was like 40% or 50% that would be rather bad. More worried about the big holyfires that they will do rather than the 1.4k mind blast.

which begs the question is there a holy based insta nuke that a priest can call on?
#4 Oct 03 2007 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
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cancerous wrote:
the fight where priests need to kill something real quick is that Leo the Blind fight.

33% is a ok amount, if it was like 40% or 50% that would be rather bad. More worried about the big holyfires that they will do rather than the 1.4k mind blast.

which begs the question is there a holy based insta nuke that a priest can call on?

Not that I can think of.
#5 Oct 04 2007 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
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Even with Tier 6 gear and full +healing, a priest will just barely be on part for pure +dmg as a well-geared, starting-of-raid caster. Very well geared priests run +2000heal up to about +2500 at tier 6. That still means they're sitting at +800dmg, about equal to your average beginning-to-raid caster... but abysmal crit rates, and until Tier 5 at least, also abysmal amounts of health. Plus, in PvP I can only see it really being a problem in 2v2, everywhere else they should be distracted enough that they can't afford to blow the GCD on anything but a heal.
For reference, even in that Tier 6 gear, that's only ~1100 blasts and ~1100 holy fires, and most PvP priests will have FAR less than +2500healing.

I understand that this is because of healer QQ that they cannot do dmg. Or is it? I mean should they do alot of dmg? lol I tought you have to choose with talent build.. be a healer or be a dmg badass.

Yes, that's what it's about. Amazing thing, the DPS'ers get pissed when priests bid on damage gear so they can get gold for repairs/consumables/whatever, but they also get pissed when the tanks die when they went OOM because they couldn't afford pots.

Edited, Oct 5th 2007 12:53am by lsfreak
#6 Oct 04 2007 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
3,761 posts
Amazing thing, the DPS'ers get pissed when priests bid on damage gear so they can get gold for repairs/consumables/whatever, but they also get pissed when the tanks die when they went OOM because they couldn't afford pots.


Like you really need raid level gear to farm mobs for mana potions. I'd be pissed too.
#7 Oct 04 2007 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
really this is not about QQing, this change will actually allow for healing classes to spec their healing spec and be able to function on their own. 33% conversion rate ensures that things will not get crazy since any half decent spelldmg set thrown together will be able to outdo damage for most of the healers out there.

Guilds will be confident that their healers are in their healing spec and healers will be glad that their leet healing gear can also serve a purpose while they are not staring at health bars.

Now the only thing left is to somehow let warriors be able to solo well under prot spec.
#8 Oct 04 2007 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
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Like you really need raid level gear to farm mobs for mana potions. I'd be pissed too.

Not for mana pots, for gold. Serious raiding priests will have 8+ stacks of pots and other consumables on them, and they sure as hell aren't cheap. You ever tried taking on level 70 mobs in a healing spec with the +400dmg gear you got while leveling? Sure, raid gear isn't required, but if all you have time for is raiding...
#9 Oct 04 2007 at 11:53 PM Rating: Good
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There are multiple dailies that require little killing.

lsfreak wrote:
Serious raiding priests will have 8+ stacks of pots

You'd only have to carry 2 stacks if you were an engineer. Mana injectors ftw.
#10 Oct 05 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
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Yea, but then it's even more expensive, which is my point :P

EDIT: Grammar > me when I just woke up >.>

Edited, Oct 5th 2007 8:21am by lsfreak
#11 Oct 05 2007 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
Depends on if the new priest ability Chastise for Dwarfs/Draenei will be instacast...
#12 Oct 05 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
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Here's a question to ask...does it add to the "increases damage and healing by X" as well? If so, let's say an item has 30 +dmg/heal, you would actually get 40 +damage out of it.

Also, let's look at this from the perspective of my warrior. I have a friend who made a pally, and we're levelling together. All we do is instances, he'll get some +heal, int, and MP/5 (sometimes at the cost of armor, he's probably about an even amount of mail, leather, and cloth right now) while I'll stack pretty much everything else. So when we duo things, I'm capable of putting out a tremendously higher amount of damage, because I'm geared way better as a melee class, and all his focus is on increasing group survivability. Now, with the added changes, he can keep his +heal gear on and maybe equip a 2-hander when we're duoing those quests outside of dungeons.
#13 Oct 05 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
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Think it works like this:
You have 1800 +healing. In 2.3, you'll have 1200 +healing and +600dmg/heal. Same amount of total heal, extra +dmg. I've gotten mixed notions of whether it will be purely an on-character change, or all items will actually be re-stat'ed to include both +healing and +dmg. I believe all the items are being restat'ed, however, as I remember a post saying something about some ZG items not being changed due to the way itemization points worked.
#14 Oct 05 2007 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I would assume a character thing.

What I was saying is that on items such as Aldor Ceremonial Wraps, which have +23 damage and healing, would you then get another 33% bonus to damage from the +healing? So instead of 23/23 heal/damage, it would be 23/31 heal/damage. So for leveling purposes, if you're playing a mage and you get one of those pieces of gear it would add an additional 8 damage than simply +23 damage would.
#15 Oct 05 2007 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
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I *very* highly doubt it, even if it was a character thing.

Here's the blue post I was talking about. That seems to unquestionably point to reitemization.
#16 Oct 05 2007 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
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Not for mana pots, for gold. Serious raiding priests will have 8+ stacks of pots and other consumables on them, and they sure as hell aren't cheap. You ever tried taking on level 70 mobs in a healing spec with the +400dmg gear you got while leveling? Sure, raid gear isn't required, but if all you have time for is raiding...

I'm still against the idea. Raid drops go to upgrade the raid for future raid encounters. Potions are just not part of that, heck if you can't find time to farm mana potions I'll just give you 20 myself. Thats something I'd talk to the raid leader about.

IMO its ok for tanks and healers to grab dps sets when the raid doesn't need the drops (generally 2 raids behind the progression raid), but that means getting the odd dps piece from kara while your guilds in SSC. Don't try to roll on an SSC piece for farming, that hurts your raids dps and its just plain unfair to the dps'ers. Any cloth healing gear goes to you, now you want our dps gear too?
#17 Oct 05 2007 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
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heck if you can't find time to farm mana potions I'll just give you 20 myself.

K, that's ONE night of pots. Gunna do it every other night too? Really think healers like being dependent on others because they can't solo worth crap unless they spend the time building up 2 sets of gear?

Any cloth healing gear goes to you, now you want our dps gear too?

Your damage gear helps solo. There's doesn't. Now it does.

And like I said before, the extra +dmg isn't all that great without the talents to support it, and it gives none of the crit that's important for druids or shammies. A healer geared out the *** in PvE healing gear will still put out significantly less damage than a dps caster geared in far inferior gear, especially if they don't respec.
#18 Oct 05 2007 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
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My only caveat is that there are other options for farming gold than just straight up killing. Several Daily quests good for a couple hundred gold a week require nothing more than being able to fly around and drop bombs or play a simple memory game worth about 36g a day, iirc. I get bored farming, but doing those easily funds my weekly consumables. Takes me about an hour to do all 3 twice(I have a paladin and a mage). Additionally, I can use the Apexis shards that two of those quests net me to buy roughly 70 mana pots for my current level of raid progression. Or a combination of pots and flasks for such.

Additionally, there are options such as fishing, mining, and herbing which will net you quite a bit of gold an hour. There's a resto druid in my guild(one of my officers, to be more precise), who can solo farm about 100g an hour in mining. Ohmikeghod, a poster here, will tell you wonderful things about fishing. I used to have herbalism, but the guild needed a jewelcrafter. But I can still tell you I made about 50g an hour from it, but I'm easily distracted.
#19 Oct 06 2007 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
1) Dailies are all I do for gold, aside from some mining if I feel like it. My flasks were, until recently, more expensive than yours. The dailies are not based on killrate for the most part, and the ray quest is actually easier as a healer. You should have no problem with gold - and if you do, it is not down to slow killrate.

2) DPS is just as important as healing in TBC. What are you going to do when you hit Leotheras enrage timer? When Vashj has a veritable army of sporebats flying overhead? heal the mobs to death? We need raid gear for damage, you need healing gear for healing. If you really want solo gear, don't be an ***. Take damage gear no one wants - like Karaborian Talisman. If your guild system is really retarded enough to let Healers bid on needed dps items then I for one would quit.

As for the change itself, I'm neutral until I see how it pans out in PvP and s on.
#20 Oct 08 2007 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
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The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
My only caveat is that there are other options for farming gold than just straight up killing.

So what? Up until now, healers were, too often, pidgeonholed not just into healing but also in the ways they have to make money. This change gives them a choice the DPS classes had, it also makes it more viable to actually level as healing specs. It's a big benefit to them, which means less healer burnout, which benefits just about everyone.

Further, this isn't just about dailies and farming, there's also a ton of solo quests at level 70 which healers may want to finish, ideally before dying of old age before a mob eventually drops dead.

I fail to see what there is to complain about for this change, except, perhaps, 2v2 arena. No holy / resto specced healer is going to take a DPSer spot in a raid in his healing gear, but they won't roll on DPS gear for farming anymore. Myself, I'll be able to drop about 5 pieces of gear I'm carrying around just for soloing. And as far as I'm concerned, if I ever hear anyone complaining about this change in one of my groups, that person better be damn good at bandaging.
#21 Oct 08 2007 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
I think its specifically for the Leo the blind fight, every single raiding healer and prot warrior i know (outside my guild included) has an farming alt.
My mage is my farming alt :P

Edited, Oct 8th 2007 2:35pm by Sjans
#22 Oct 08 2007 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
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Alastaironsiren wrote:
So what? Up until now, healers were, too often, pidgeonholed not just into healing but also in the ways they have to make money. This change gives them a choice the DPS classes had, it also makes it more viable to actually level as healing specs. It's a big benefit to them, which means less healer burnout, which benefits just about everyone.

I never said I had a problem with it. Addressing the one aspect that was being focused on.

Alastaironsiren wrote:
Further, this isn't just about dailies and farming, there's also a ton of solo quests at level 70 which healers may want to finish, ideally before dying of old age before a mob eventually drops dead.

I have a level 70 holy paladin. I instanced her a set of farming gear, with some shaman epics in the mix. I farm and solo quest just fine. You don't need to be in epic level gear to farm. And thanks to the daily quests, I can almost farm nekkid.

You heard me. Nekkid.

Alastaironsiren wrote:
And as far as I'm concerned, if I ever hear anyone complaining about this change in one of my groups, that person better be damn good at bandaging.

I'm not complaining. I'm arguing a counterpoint. Calm the **** down, mmkay?
#23 Oct 08 2007 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
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The One and Only Poldaran wrote:

I'm not complaining. I'm arguing a counterpoint. Calm the @#%^ down, mmkay?

I'm calm, no need to throw typography at me. I was argumenting a counter-counterpoint rebounding on your post, not glaring at you in particuliar but rather at an apparent broader sentiment which was apparent in the thread. Don't feel finger-pointed at, mmkay?

(OK, wasn't really obvious from my previous tone but there we are).
#24 Oct 08 2007 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
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I have a level 70 holy paladin. I instanced her a set of farming gear, with some shaman epics in the mix. I farm and solo quest just fine. You don't need to be in epic level gear to farm.

No, you don't need epic gear. However, take your mage, replace half his gear with eagle/owl gear, and remove all your talents except for Imp Fireball/Frostbolt. Would you really want to try and kill something with that setup? That's how many raiding priests solo, especially those with significant lives outside the game and no time to run dungeons for gear.
#25 Oct 08 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
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If your guild system is really retarded enough to let Healers bid on needed dps items then I for one would quit.


I have NO problems with this change to healing gear, I'm glad blizz is making their life a little easier for farming.

BUT -- tanks and healers do not bid on dps gear. Period.
#26 Oct 08 2007 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
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lsfreak wrote:
That's how many raiding priests solo, especially those with significant lives outside the game and no time to run dungeons for gear.

Sounds like the kind of people daily quests are perfect for as far as farming goes.

Nothing like a quick 20-30 minute "wham, bam, gold and gone" bombing run + memory game farming session.

No, you don't need epic gear. However, take your mage, replace half his gear with eagle/owl gear, and remove all your talents except for Imp Fireball/Frostbolt. Would you really want to try and kill something with that setup? That's how many raiding priests solo, especially those with significant lives outside the game and no time to run dungeons for gear.

I'm all for the addition of some spell damage to healing gear. But how is that anything like what you're talking about? I choose not such mediocrity in my farming. If their real lives are such a priority that they can't take the time to run some regular instances for their healing gear and just happen to get some soloing gear, then this change is awesome for them.

But no one save themselves has pushed them into having to solo in crappy gear. You don't need raid gear to solo well. Sure, you may have to put a bit of work into getting what you need, but I managed to do that quite easily as a bonus to what I was really trying to accomplish, which was healing gear. The pieces I set out specifically to get for my soloing set were all from 5 man quests, which it was pretty easy to get groups for as a healer.

This change makes it much easier, obviously. But I still don't see why anyone would run around in eagle/owl gear. I mean seriously.

Edited, Oct 9th 2007 12:11am by Poldaran
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