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Druid v ShamanFollow

#1 Sep 30 2007 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
Ok, this is my first post so go easy. However i am an avid reader of others. To the point then, as the subject states i would just like some friendly advice on the more subtle differences between the two. You know, the ones that only players that have spent hours upon hours perfecting their skill know. Pretty much why you'd play one over the other. Also, is there any truth to the saying "if you wanna play caster/healer/feral druid, roll it's parent class". Ok, i lied, i made that up, but i have been wondering about it.
#2 Sep 30 2007 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
48 posts
thats a tough question, and you're probably going to get a lot of "play what fits your play style" answers. i've only played a druid (well, shaman up to 20.. doesn't really count) so i can only tell you what i have experienced as a druid playing along side a shaman.

druids are versatile, IMHO the most versatile class in the game. they can choose to be a healing class, a pew pew class, a dps class, or a tank class. the last two in the same talent tree! sure the 30 min timer on our rez is a major drawback but with all of the other rezzing classes out there it isn't an impassable obstacle. and prowling is nice.. very, very nice.

shaman are versatile as well. they can be pew pew, dps, or healing spec. although they don't get any spec's to make them tanks, they are allowed chain (post 40) which makes them less squishy healers/pewpew'ers. they also get this nifty ability called reincarnation which is sort of like a SS (from what i've seen). makes them my favorite healer after a wipe ;)

so theres what i know. i play a feral druid and i respect shaman healers more than druid healers, boomkins over elemental shammy's, and enhance always seem to beat me a tad bit on the dps scale. (of course this is a generalization, not every player is as skilled as the next. this is suggesting a player of equal or higher skill level)

oh.. and btw. play what fits your playstyle ;)
#3 Sep 30 2007 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Sep 30th 2007 5:31pm by thrashering
#4 Sep 30 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
thrashering wrote:
I always thought it was strange many people say they are similar classes. IMHO they are not. Aside from the fact they are hyrbids. But I don't really consider shaman that much of a hybrid. They are still a healing class, just they are viable in dps roles (but lack cc)

And finally druids can tank in bear and dire bear form. Something a shaman can never do. Druids are more of a hyrbid than shaman. Keep in mind playing a shaman you will be expected to heal almost all the time, unless you can prove you are a very good at dps. At least in the 5 mans. Shaman lack any ability to crowd control mobs at all. We can only slow them down, not stop them. DPS shaman are more used in raids I understand.

thrashering, after reading this and several of your recent posts on the Shaman board I have to say I really don't think you have a clue what the Shaman class is about, which I find rather odd considering you're listing it as one of your favorites.

Shaman have two DPS trees (caster and melee) and one healing tree. That is hardly indicative of a "healing class". Yes, they can settle comfortably into a main-healing role and excel at it if they spec Resto, but the majority of the class' ablities are generally oriented towards offense.
#5 Sep 30 2007 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sep 30th 2007 5:31pm by thrashering
#6 Sep 30 2007 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
From what I've seen Shaman are a rather exellent DPS class. I love there totems especially when I'm healing. I've beaten them in DPS, healing, and the can't really tank so thats kinda a given but a fair amount of the time the beat me at DPS/Healing too. If you roll a druid you can pick and choose, However if you roll sham expect to be ether DPS or healer most likely the one to save the group from running back after a wipe, even a non-restro sham has this ability.

In other words shaman = less versitlity but Generaly better DPS and some nifty class feutures.

and Druid = more versitility and a heavier reliance on gear for better results (fortunetly said gear is available) with awsome class feutures

was that confusing? if it was tell me and I'll tone it down a bit.
#7 Sep 30 2007 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
Thanks all, thrashering not so much. Always good to recieve other players insight. After playing the rogue for abit and beginning to become sick of being made of glass i guess i was just after a similar dps class which could hold its own.
#8 Sep 30 2007 at 9:06 PM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
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#9 Sep 30 2007 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
druids when you get into higher instances get the shaft multiple ways and shaman's primary dps tree ( elememental) is getting a nerf after 2.3 with the current way things are panning out.. and I say elemental since you are far more likely to find an elemental shaman raiding 25 mans than you are enhance due to the fact that many guilds are jsut fvcking stupid LOL

for druids there is the fact that a warrior in full t6 with multiple other tanking pieces is approaching 20k armour or is over it and the fact is once your around that much AC your approaching the armour reduction cap of 75% and since druids can pull say 19k in no gear from raiding..... you can see that they are reaaaaaaly getting the shaft, due to the fact that their only other dmg reduction talent is dodge, while warriors have dodge, block, and parry, and a well setup tank will have over 400 shield block value and 25% or so parry as well as 25% or so dodge, with his almost 75% reduction, while a druid in full t6 will have 75% reduction and like 30% or so dodge which means he will be taking about 20% ish more dmg than the warrior which turns into ALOT of healing

so yeah until blizz fixes druids more they won't ever beat warriors for tanking, and also their dps does not scale as well as many other classes.
#10 Sep 30 2007 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
while warriors have more mitigation (thru Block/parry) they still will never have as mouch Health as a druid and will have to stack more +Def than a druid (490 vs 415ish) to become uncritable these differances make them about even, and also remember that a druid can get 23-24k armor (if I remeber corectly) witch is greater than the warrior can generaly muster.
#11 Sep 30 2007 at 11:29 PM Rating: Excellent
I have a feral druid as a main, and a sexy draenei elemental shaman as my alt. I love them both, but have different playstyles. Shammy's seem to be geared for anything - water walking, underwater breathing, astrall recall... But the buffs you get from totems are fantastic.

I love Druid much more, but thats because my Druids 70. At the end of the day, I'll always toot its horn more than Shamans, but its worth saying I do play both classes and its worth it.(:.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2007 9:15am by Gwynnie
#12 Sep 30 2007 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
Yeah. Right now im leaning towards the druid because im not a fan of the totems. Just seems to me that they are to easily destroyed. My noobness shining through there. If not, heres another. Does an area of effect spell such a blizzard destroy totems?
#13 Sep 30 2007 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
nopers, AoE doesn't touch totems (last time that i was on anywho, things change so quickly ;) ).

btw: you looking for pvp or pve? and if it's pve, whats your playstyle? many groups <3 shammy's because of the effect of their totems for the group. either is effective at soloing (pve) but pvp is where play style really comes in.
#14 Oct 01 2007 at 12:24 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
you looking for pvp or pve?

Well, i pve more than pvp. Even then when i pvp it was battleground stuff to earn items for pve-ing. I did however enjoy defending the flag in WSG when paired with a Nelf hunter. That frost trap and me as a rogue cheap shoting and kidney shot. Ouch! I had a pretty good record and the opposition never seemed to work it out.

whats your playstyle?

Not sure what you mean but i'll hazard a guess. I'll go with mellee DPS hence the rogue. Reason im looking for a replacement is because im sick of being made of glass. Probably me but if anyone has any good ideas to fix this i'd much appreciate it. Just got to figure out how to link my character. Anyone?

#15 Oct 01 2007 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
cut and paste your link from the armory =)

and if you like the rogue play style but want to be able to take a beating, i'd go with the druid. you get the rogue abilities, but towards end game your "Oh @#%^" button gives you 10k+ armor ;)
#16 Oct 01 2007 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
Ok, here he is.
Hope that worked.

Im glass, any ideas to make him made of a slightly denser metal?
#17 Oct 01 2007 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
well, this is OT a bit, but i do love the rogues ;)

lets see, where to start. basically put rogues aren't meant to take that much damage. a good amount of your most powerful attacks come from stealth, then you have the avoidance ability evasion, top that with a good 'ol blind or gauge to help with restealthing and you should be gold.

if that's not working for you, then you may want to try going combat rogue. you can dish it out, plus take on one or two adds if they decide to pop out.

sublety rogue: traditional "cloak and dagger", stealth dependent, attacks from behind
combat rogue: traditional "ninja", can solo multiple mobs, better survivability

i tried combat on my rogue and found it to be not "roguish" enough.. if that makes any sense. maybe thats why i can't get above 52 =P

(PS. your gear looks decent for your level, props for figuring out +agi and + sta are the way to go until you get the triple stat items ~57ish.)

the mighty Nooblestick has compiled a few builds in the sticky, i suggest you check it out. he has a nice lvl 40 combat sword build you might like.;mid=1168843786135015300;num=134;page=1

(i'd hyperlink it but i'm HTML illiterate.. look at sig for proof =P)
#18 Oct 01 2007 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Ryepower wrote:
Why you should be a druid:

You can
buff - anyone - bigtime

Why you should be a Shaman:

You can:

use totems as the situation demands

What? I'm gonna guess that you play a Druid primarily and you've never actually played or regularly grouped with a good Shaman, because I just can't come up with any other explanation as to how you could so easily marginalize Shaman buffs and stress Druid buffs.

Yes, Druids have Mark/Gift of the Wild. But that's pretty much it. Thorns is really only useful for a tank. Compare that to Shamans' totems where you've got upwards of a dozen different buffs; you can buff melee or caster classes six ways from Sunday and you've got the option of doing it several different ways to boot.

Ryepower wrote:
... some more stuff mainly fanboying about Druids and almost nothing about Shaman.

Ok, yes, that confirms my suspicions.
#19 Oct 01 2007 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
Most of people covered the differences between the two, but if you played rogue so much, you will surely miss stealth, the druid brings something new(a bigger something) and you don't loose stealth, for many people loosing stealth is a hard knock.
Edit for the guy above me who think that druids bring to the party only thorns and motw, wrong miste,r each boomkin spell crit,tol healing bonuss,ilotp crit equals totems at least in power and they can't be destroyed.

Edited, Oct 1st 2007 6:08pm by EtherealSin
#20 Oct 02 2007 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Most of this post assumes you are going to party, if you don't party often then I don't think it really matters which one you pick, feral druid did very well for me for soloing, and it's been long since I leveled my shaman(a year and a half now) so I can't really remember how that went, don't recall it being as good though.

Well, you stated you wanted to DPS but not be a glass cannon, that's a bit of a problem. The "pure" DPS classes: Hunters, Rogues, Mages and Warlocks(placed in this order only because I remember characters by armor types, will go on from now on) are all, to some extent glass cannons. Why is that? A class toughness usually comes from either heavy armor: Paladins, Warriors and Druids in bear/dire bear/moonkin forms and also Shamans to some extent. Or from healing: Paladins, Shamans, Druids, Priests.
Yes, I am generalizing, other classes can survive very long via other means(Usually by avoiding taking damage at all for a short duration), bear with me please.

What makes a "pure" DPS class, well, "pure" is the fact that it can't tank, meaning no heavy armor, and can't heal, to compensate that, they get heavier damage. That's how it should work in my book(facts have proven this wrong on more than one occasion). The fact that actually matters is that the "pure" classes, all, have crowd control(priests are an exception, while being "hybrid" they still have serious crowd control). The way it DOES work is that if you are capable of healing, you will be asked to heal very often, if you are capable of tanking, you will be asked to tank very often. When playing my moonkin druid, I have hard time finding PuGs and that's for several reasons:
1) I'm not a tank. Also considering -
2) I'm not a healer. Which only leaves us with -
3) As a DPS class, it doesn't matter how much damage I can deal, the fact that I have almost no crowd control, as beasts are quite rare on 70 instances and dragonkin are nowhere to be found, is what tips the scales against me. Time and time agagin. It is very understandable I have to admit, I'd much rather have a warlock for The Mechanar, and the ability to crowd control at least 2 mobs in shattered halls. Fact is, I can't bring it to the table.
This is 5 man instances talking, as moonkin.
As a feral druid(leveled, and spent quite some time at 70 as feral) I mostly tanked anywhere I've been at, but if you insist on going as DPS you'll still suffer from no crowd control abilities.
Same goes for Shamans , although you can't tank at all(Which makes us skip point 1 entirely), you stated you wanted to DPS, so I assume you're not into healing, which leaves a shaman with the same problem as a druid when being a candidate for an instance, no crowd control whatsoever.

This post starts to get too spread, so let me try to organize things a bit.
If you want to DPS mostly in PvE, both characters will have their problems compared to the "pure" DPS classes which have crowd control.

What I'm trying to say is, if you want to DPS, and do only that, stay with a rogue, rogues have more innate toughness than it seems via cooldowns. If you do decide to turn over to the good side of "hybrids"(I say good side because my first 60 was a shaman and my first 70 was a druid, and my side must be good, right?) then we need more information, as both can melee very well, and each has it's own pros and cons. If you are unsure what exactly do you seek in your character other than survivability and melee, I'd say go with the druid and spec feral because:
1) It's so damn easy to level as one(not entirely sure about enhancement shaman though).
2) You get to melee, as you said you want.
3) At 20 you can prowl. And I think you stated stealth is a big thing in your book.

druids when you get into higher instances get the shaft multiple ways and shaman's primary dps tree ( elememental) is getting a nerf after 2.3 with the current way things are panning out.. and I say elemental since you are far more likely to find an elemental shaman raiding 25 mans than you are enhance due to the fact that many guilds are jsut fvcking stupid LOL

I might have missed, but how is the elemental tree being nerfed in 2.3? I've mostly seen buffs.
Edit: Nevermind, I have just noticed the reduction in Lightning Bolt and Chain lightning's base cast time.
for druids there is the fact that a warrior in full t6 with multiple other tanking pieces is approaching 20k armour or is over it and the fact is once your around that much AC your approaching the armour reduction cap of 75% and since druids can pull say 19k in no gear from raiding..... you can see that they are reaaaaaaly getting the shaft, due to the fact that their only other dmg reduction talent is dodge, while warriors have dodge, block, and parry, and a well setup tank will have over 400 shield block value and 25% or so parry as well as 25% or so dodge, with his almost 75% reduction, while a druid in full t6 will have 75% reduction and like 30% or so dodge which means he will be taking about 20% ish more dmg than the warrior which turns into ALOT of healing

While I do agree with your point(Warriors mitigate damage better than Druids) your reasoning can't be more wrong.
I don't have an armor calculator, but when I was feral, and didn't have a single raiding item I had 22K armor, and about 65% damage reduction. A druid in full tier 6 should be able to get quite near the 75% cap. That's a huge difference.

Warriors have higher dodge+parry than Druid's pure dodge, but it's not by THAT far(50% vs 30% as you stated it). I have no practical information about high end druid tanking, but I know a druid in my guild, who only did Kara up to the curator has 35% or so dodge unbuffed, so I assume you can reach 40% in T6 gear.

Factor in defensive stance and blocks and I guess you get to a stance where the Warrior takes ~5-10% less damage, but that's a total guess, not real number crunching.
The decisive fact about a Warrior being able to mitigate damage better is that as long as shield block is up, and he has decent or better gear, he will NEVER, EVER, EVER get a crushing blow, a Druid is always exposed to them on raid bosses. In addition, Warriors take 84% damage from spells while a druid will always take 100%, on top of that Warriors are able to reflect some spell damage back and have much better access to resistance gear.

Also, you assumed 25% dodge and parry on Warriors' acount, IIRC Nihilum's main tank has 56% total in dodge+parry, he's one of the best(if not the best) geared Warrior out there. So this is totally irrelevant to our more casual(and most hardcore raiders I guess), in lower end game, the difference is not that notable, it's mostly on crushing opponents as the spikey damage is very hard on healers.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2007 7:25am by YuvalR
#21 Oct 02 2007 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Firstly, the amount of feedback has been phenomenal. I plan on mainly solo pve play with the occasional group when things get tough so i guess what your trying to say is " quit posting and start playing " so i will. I plan on starting a druid and shaman and leveling them. Right now though Druid sounds like a better option to me. Oh and by the way i dont mind healing, never done it before but i'd give it a shot so come end game and my druid is wanted for healing over his dps well so be it.
#22 Oct 02 2007 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
" quit posting and start playing "

Yes, but not in such a harsh tone :)

Have fun with both your toons, they rock, honestly.
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