The folks I normally run 5-mans with weren't on tonight for a variety of reasons, so I decided to hop into some Alterac Valley action, having not been there since before I was level 60.
I wish I could dazzle you all with tales of my immense crowd control abilities on those silly Horde folks, but there wasn't much time for that. I was totally unprepared for the speed of the runs...the gates open, the sound of 40 mounts being summoned was heard, and my mini-map became a stream of red dots crossing the field to the objective. As such, most of my combat activity was directed towards NPCs as opposed to other players. Nevertheless, since I respecced SV for more crowd control, I'm still rather shocked by the numbers I put up in terms of damage.
4 runs total:
First run: top Damage Done for the entire BG (both factions) by a 30k margin
Second run: second highest Damage Done between both factions (bested by an Alliance Warlock)
Third run: top Alliance damage done (some Hordie went on a killing spree and beat me by about a 50k margin)
Fourth run: second highest Damage Done between both factions (another Alliance Hunter beat me by 7k)
Go go critsauce!!