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FD DrinkingFollow

#1 Sep 28 2007 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent

I've been meaning to ask this for a while but, about a month or 2 ago I found that I couldn't FD and drink during some of the Kara fights anymore. I could usually drink twice during prince but lately, I can't seem to escape combat no matter how many times I FD.

Anyone else know about this?
#2 Sep 28 2007 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but do you take your pet off prince before you feign? If your pet is in combat, you will also be in combat. If this doesn't fix it, Blizz is probably just mking it more difficult for the fight. I haven't done prince yet, so I don't know for sure.
#3 Sep 28 2007 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
Still works for Opera: R&J fight.
#4 Sep 28 2007 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
Two words:

Mana pot.

Buy them/make them and use them. They're instant and you're dps is not interupted. Boss fights in Kara last long enough that topping off your mana once (maybe twice) is enough to not run out of mana. Be prepared with the consumables and you won't gimp your raid group. Stopping to drink, in my opinion, should be a last resort, not a primary plan. Even then, I'd opine that putting up Viper and sticking strictly to Steady Shot-Auto Shot rotation (which can be sustained with Viper at very low mana) is better than removing yourself from dps.
#5 Sep 28 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default

Hehe, I'm just a stingy ******* :p

Yeah, I'm gonna start thinking about buying those potions although the coming changes to aspect of viper might not make that necessary :). Something about a major increase in MP5 when you are almost drained.
#6 Sep 28 2007 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
Ancalimanarion wrote:

Hehe, I'm just a stingy ******* :p

Yeah, I'm gonna start thinking about buying those potions although the coming changes to aspect of viper might not make that necessary :). Something about a major increase in MP5 when you are almost drained.

Don't stop using Mana Potions anyway. In any raid, I expect my Hunters to bring around 20ish Super Mana Potions. Keeping up AotH, the DPS will be increased. Pop the potion at around 50ish% (depending on your manapool of course) to get the Mana Potion CD going. If they get so low on mana and Mana Potion is on CD, then AotV will come into play, but until then you use AotH.

Using AotV to save Mana Potions will lower your DPS, and that means you aren't contributing to the raid as you are supposed to. Super Mana Potions are cheap. Doing a Dailies Run will net you enough cash to buy 20 of them easily. Add another Dailies run, and you will have enough cash to buy other consumables (Flask of Relentless Assault or Major Elixir of Agility, depending on specc and what you feel you are lacking) which is a given in any raid.

That's two days worth of dailies. You still have five days in a raidweek which you can get money for anything else you need from dailies alone. Not to mention any other money you come across from quests/grinds/AH trades.

Keep yourself fully stocked on consumables during a raid, or you aren't a Hunter worth bringing to those raids. Sure, if you are on a Tempest Keep/Magtheridon level of gear, Flasks aren't really needed. But if you are still working on Karazhan/Gruul gear, you really should take the responsibility to keep yourself fully stocked on all consumables. I'd add a stack of 20 Warp Burgers/Ravager Dogs on the mandatory list as well, since getting ahold of a cook to make them should be easy within a guild.
#7 Sep 28 2007 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good

Will do :)
#8 Sep 29 2007 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Warp Burgers/Ravager Dogs

Mudfish too.
2 hours fishing in Nagrand gets me at least 2 stacks of mudfish for baby hunter, 2 stacks of bluefish for lock, 4-5 stacks of gills for pet food (I am sticking to fish eating pets :D) and 3-4 primal waters.
Then I move to Terokkar and get supply of darters for healers and feltails for tanks.
Fishing and cooking FTW :)

#9 Sep 29 2007 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
Heh, yup, i got both maxed out too!
#10 Oct 01 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
I FD and Drink in a lot of fights. Sure you can use mana pots, but when you have a water cooler anyways.... why not use what they give you :D

For Lurker I'm assigned to an island and that's where I stay. Everytime Lurker dives, or the adds die I drop and drink.

Very efficient. Also with the new Scaling of AotV that helps when you get dangerously low.
#11 Oct 01 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
Ebonspine wrote:
I FD and Drink in a lot of fights. Sure you can use mana pots, but when you have a water cooler anyways.... why not use what they give you :D

For Lurker I'm assigned to an island and that's where I stay. Everytime Lurker dives, or the adds die I drop and drink.

Very efficient. Also with the new Scaling of AotV that helps when you get dangerously low.

A lot of fights?

Ok, you give one example where it's an effective tactic. But, for that one example, there are numerous others where it's not a very good tactic. As I said before, in my opinion, gimping dps to skimp on consumables is not a good trade-off. If you want to raid, be prepared to pay the cost. It's not fair to the 24 other people in the group to be unprepared.

Sure, if circumstance allows you a pause in combat to drink, then by all means, do it. But, it's not going to happen very often, so bring pots and be prepared.
#12 Oct 01 2007 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
One thing to consider would be Superior Mana Oil combined with Mageblood Elixir to help with your MP5. You can still use your Major Agility Potion or Onslaught Elixir with those.
#13 Oct 02 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Come on, if we're going to be sticklers on raid consumables, there is no reason for the hunter not to get fel mana pots. All of the benefit, none of the downside for hunters. Yeah, they're more expensive, but more reliable.

As far as FD and drinking goes, this is a viable and reliable way to get mana for certain fights, as have been pointed out (Romulo and Julein, Prince). Hunters can FD and drink during the BREAKS between phases of the fight. As long as it's during a break, it should be fine, and sometimes more reliable than a super mana pot (if that's what you're carrying).
#14 Oct 02 2007 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Must be nice to be 70 and have all that gold. I'm finally getting enough gold to buy my FIRST epic mount- ever. And you guys all go on about affording AH stuff. Haven't seen the inside of the AH except to sell. Can't afford anything in there! LOL!

(edit: tag suckiness)

Edited, Oct 2nd 2007 1:20pm by sloshot
#15 Oct 02 2007 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
Heh, it will get better, especially when you get 2-3 70's all able to do the daily quests, which you can get 60g+ from each day per toon.
#16 Oct 03 2007 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
Ya, now that I got my 2nd 70, who is a herbalist and an alchemist, i am totally self sufficient, I can make my own pots, elixers ect, and i have fishing maxed so stat food is free as well. I spent about 4 hrs fishing, and 4hrs herbing for about a week, and i have enough supplies to last me at least 6 months, about 500 maj agil pots, 1k grilled mudfish, and 100 each mageblood,haste pots, fel mana, and draenic wisdom, not to mention more food for my pet then i know what to do with.

As far as FD and drinking, this used to be a problem, but now that im gettin better gear, and the changes to AotV, I havnt done this for a while. Fel mana pots make all the difference in the world. For a while I only had about 6k mana buffed, and by using the fel mana pots i pretty much never had to fd and drink, except during nightbane, because its such a long fight.
#17 Oct 03 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Default
Must be nice to be 70 and have all that gold. I'm finally getting enough gold to buy my FIRST epic mount- ever. And you guys all go on about affording AH stuff. Haven't seen the inside of the AH except to sell. Can't afford anything in there! LOL!

you have to be doing something wrong. with your lvl and how low your LW (194 where skinning is 360) is i would drop it and pick up enchanting run dm about 6 times then sfk about 10-15 times then sm for long time. just for the fact you can de up over 50 i think i stoped at 55 cause i had the mats to keep going. in sm armory cath lib all the blues de into rad shards theres at least 6-10 g depending on market and if you can get old world drops 50+ de into vision dust they go for 2g each on my server. even only being lvl 44 main i can make about 100 g if i buy low de and sell them in about 1 week. i normaly pay 1.5g for lvl 41+ items in ah or bid that high sometimes higher like 55+ i'll go up to 2g. for lvling your ench go to mouse over profesions click on echanting then when it loads click coments, scroll down to big yellow post tells you easiest way to get to 250 after that starts getting more costly but you can farm your own mats. where i had to buy de use some and sell some so i can buy more to de.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 11:45am by punkspider
#18 Oct 03 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Yeah, what I'm doing wrong is actually PLAYING the game instead of grinding and farming.

I stopped upping my LW skills when I realized it was sucking me dry gold wise and wasn't making me any.

I didn't pick up any new 'farming' skill because I don't have the play time to spend farming. I have about 8 hours total per week to play. I can spend them levelling my character, learning to play, grinding rep for better gear or... farming. Which would you choose? Heck, I spend 'between time' (waiting for guildies and such) fishing, I can turn in several kinds of fish for gold. It's far more effective than leatherworking ever was.

I'm probably going to dump leatherworking for engineering once I hit 80. I was thinking of doing it at 70 but by the time I hit 70, WothLK will be out and I'll need 10 more levels to top out. Whatever engineering trinkets I can get at 70 will be totally outmoded by the 'awesome' new gear from WothLK.

So, right now, I play. I'm always poor. I have over 500g but need a bit more for that epic mount because my guildies keep taunting me to keep up in trying to get places. They are all 70. MOst have flying mounts... most put in 4-6 hours per DAY. I get about 8 a week. I don't have time for gold gathering.
#19 Oct 03 2007 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
very few fights do I drink on. If all adds are dead I drink when moroes vanishes even if it's just for 5 seconds that's alot of mana really. on nightbane when he is flying just before and just after the adds I drop and drink.

lurker is another good example as mentioned above. if he's still diving and the adds are dead then I will drink. this is especially important on this fight if you have to rez your pet a couple times :(

notice though that at no time am I drinking when there is something to be shot. I switch to viper when necessary and I rarely go to a raid with less than about 30 mana pots.
#20 Oct 03 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
sloshot wrote:
Yeah, what I'm doing wrong is actually PLAYING the game instead of grinding and farming.

I would suggest getting two gathering professions then. Engineering is going to be incredibly painful, especially because you're not a miner.

If you have guildies making fun of you for not having a mount, perhaps you have professions covered by every other guild member. With the exception of a few BoP recipes, you shouldn't need a crafting profession--and if you can only play 8 hours a week, you probably won't get the BoP recipes anyway. So, let your guildies craft for you, and use your gathering professions to get the mats you'll need for what you would have made for yourself. Then, sell the extras on the side.
#21 Oct 03 2007 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
830 posts
That's pretty much what I do Herbnosis.

I USED to play almost every night. I USED to have the spare time to farm and gather.

Then I got a life... and WoW hath suffered mightily.

(Edit: spelling)

Edited, Oct 3rd 2007 10:04am by sloshot
#22 Oct 03 2007 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
1,264 posts

So your playtime is limited and you don't have enough time to accomplish some things. Sorry to be blunt, but QQ more. It sounds like you want to have your cake and eat it, too.

You're drawing a distinction between "playing the game" and farming and/or making gold. There really is no such distinction. It's all time management. If you don't choose to make the time, then so be it. That's your perogative. But don't turn around and QQ because you don't have the gold to keep up with the Joneses. Realize that your guildmates playing 4-5 hours a day will completely outpace you with money/mounts/etc. and don't worry about it. So you only have 8 hours a week to play. Big deal. Play at your own pace and style and don't be driven to try to match them when it's just not possible with your more limited play time.
#23 Oct 03 2007 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
830 posts

I understand the limitations of the playtime. You can see that I have done exactly as you say, plan and effectively use the time I have. What I'm tired of is everyone assuming that there is only one way to play the game, that what works for YOU works for everyone else.

My gentle/fun initial commentary was directed at those saying that you MUST use expensive potions and such rather than what the OP was talking about. Not everyone can afford such luxuries.

Then I get bashed for letting one of my professions die off and sundry other insinuations that I'm an idiot and should be rich by now, and I explained that issue and it involved time, no QQ'ing, just facts.

Then I get some good advice, which I noted I was already heeding and made a pithy comment for fun.

Now I stand accused of crying and moaning. I am, in fact, not doing either nor was that my intent. I am not a victim nor am I stating that I'm upset by my guildies teasing me, I take it in stride with my limiations known to them and myself. In FACT, I am rectifying the problem by slowly saving up and buying my own mount (I can note that several guildies have offered to loan or outright buy the mount for me but I've refused- QQ'ers would've taken the offers). Combined with I still RUN my guildies through lower level instances. I still run the higher level stuff and continue to play and learn to play, not just for my benefit but that of my guildies.

If any of that sounds like a person who is used to QQ'ing to gain serious sympathy tossing tantrums to get their way, then we have different definitions of what that kind of person is.

My style of posting tends to be more lighthearted and giving the benefit of the doubt to people.

I understand that most players really like their way of playing and want everyone to play like them, however, that flys in the face of truth that we can't all play the same way because we aren't all the same people with the same talents, thoughts and skills.

So, if FD drinking works well for one player, and several others chime in to say "Well, this works well for me" rather than "You idiot, do THIS". Which do you think nets a better response for the community.

I appreciated Herbnosis's post. He tried to assist me. Everything else was negativity that didn't produce much except more text from me.

What I would like to see is fewer 'serious' accusational posts aimed at a person and more that address different options because therein lies the truth. It's the options in the game that give it the diversity and appeal to all levels and kinds of players. From the die hard 24/7 folks to the casual folks.

It would be great if more folks make an attempt to read people's posts with a grain of salt, and assume the BEST you can about what the person is saying, not the worst. Look at context and intent. If they are tossing jokes or wry humor around, they are likely not serious about much else in the post beyond some poignant observations. If they are using terms like, L2P, QQ, and sundry other insultive forms subtle or not, then it takes on a more serious tone and doesn't help anything much. In fact, it tends to torque them off and nobody really learns much from forum wars...
#24 Oct 03 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
Sloshot, I apologize if you took offense. I didn't mean to insult, nor did I mean to attack. I did mean to be blunt. Your clarifications point out that you're basically doing what I suggested, whereas earlier posts were not so clear that you weren't just QQ'ing. Sometimes intent and meaning are lost in translation. Rereading my own post, it probably comes across a little more harshly than I intended. My real point was, don't worry about others expectations and play how you want with the time available to you.

I would like to follow up on one point, which is back on the original topic.

paraphrase of what Sloshot wrote:
So, if FD drinking works well for one player, and several others chime in to MUST use expensive potions and such rather than what the OP was talking about. Not everyone can afford such luxuries.

Unfortunately, in this case, it's not really a matter of play style or doing what you want. When you're in a raid and everyone else is dependent on you, then it really is incumbent on you to perform at the peak. In the case of the OP, FD drinking is less than optimal and the real answer is to use consumables. I understand not everyone has a wealth of gold, but if you want to raid, there are costs that need to be paid. Skimping on them may be a play style, but it is one that guilds will probably not look too favorably on. You can try to say that they're trying to dictate how someone plays, but in a raid, they have every right to demand the best performance from their members. If someone doesn't have the time to farm/grind and can't afford certain things, then maybe raiding isn't an option. But, if you raid, come prepared. What would you say, for example, if a paladin came to raid and didn't buff anyone because the reagents were too expensive?

Don't get me wrong here. I'm not trying to say anyone should play a certain way. I'm not one to trumpet a particular build as the best, etc. I don't answer people's questions about MM builds by saying spec BM (for example). But, in this particular case, there really is a "correct" answer (aside from the exceptions in fights that others have pointed out).
#25 Oct 03 2007 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
Perhaps you havn't been a bystander in this situation in order to understand where people's hostility comes from but alot of folks have and are tired of others not pulling their weight.

That same hunter who says "it works fine for me" probably discounts the fact that he is consistantly at 60% of the other hunters DPS and just refuses to believe that there is anything wrong with the way he plays.

I'll be the first to say that one should play how they see fit but they should also not complain about me being elitist when I don't want to be grouped with them. In WoW's high end content bring your A game or go find another game because I'm not spending my time farming so that someone unwilling to perform can give me needless repair bills and consumable expense,
#26 Oct 03 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Apology accepted, offense was minor but still there... sorry if it seemed an overreaction.

I completely agree that people need to 'bring their A game' and that not every guild or group needs to put up with a sub-capable player, or one unwilling to farm and do the things necessary to make the high-end game work. Some guilds like mine tolerate people like me because we at least keep improving our game and someday, heroics and such will be within our reach. We are a levelling guild and not focused on the high end stuff.

That being said, most of the high-end players in my guild are part of raiding and high-end focused guilds with their best characters. These 'elite' players have the time and talent to play the game to win at all levels. I'd love to be able to be that level of player but I know I'm not, nor would I expect to allowed in one yet.

To bring it back around again, clearly there are places where FD drinking could be used without sacrificing survivability or playability. If a player was good enough at the skill that it didn't inflict pain on the group during a fight, I could see everyone saying 'neat trick but risky' and debating it, thus ending up with a guild rule. That's the way of things and totally acceptable in my mind. I don't see it as 'correct' or 'incorrect'.

Each given fight has a different flow and point of balance. If the hunter is oom and you're down to the last non-boss or hard target in a mob fight, everyone is relatively healthy and it seems a done deal, I wouldn't gripe at the hunter for using FD Drinking to save those resources at the expense of thier dps. It's an economic decision at that point.

PUG's are an entirely different matter and a lottery draw as far as ability goes. You usually don't find the best players in them, and even during leveling I've given up on them.

As a personal take on this, I agree, I would only go into an instance with the proper materials & resources to provide proper play for my position. I have no disagreement there. I also have no compunction about helping out friends to get to that point if I have the stuff to spare, but that's a personal choice and nobody should be forced to part with materials that took time and effort to obtain for someone unwilling to put in same or repay in kind. There are guild members I wouldn't go out of my way to help because they are ungrateful. The vast majority though, I'd help out in a second.

I'm actually starting to look at the dailies and my guildies tell me that it's where they get the gold to get all this stuff from...
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