Let me start by saying, "First Time, Long Time".
Alright, onto the question. Recently I have been looking into macros and getting my feet wet with them. One macro I have been using and enjoying is one to cast "Hunter's Mark" on the target and send my little PorkRocket into assault the target. The macro I use is:
/cast Hunter's Mark
This macro works great for soloing, but I'm not such a big fan of it for instances (for obvious pet control reasons). What I would LIKE to have is a system where one click sends pet and casts Hunter's Mark, and the other click just casts Hunter's Mark. I think something like this:
/cast [button: 2, petattack] Hunter's Mark
I'm not sure if this macro would work at all, let alone how I want it to. I'm at work right now so I can't hop on and test it out. If someone could let me know if this is correct, and if not, what the correct macro (if there is one, I don't know if this is impossible or not...) to use would be, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!!