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My Paladin, My CurseFollow

#1 Sep 27 2007 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Note: This is a bit of a QQ, but not your typical one
Note2: If you're going to respond, please read this whole post


My Paladin. My pride and joy. I wish I could sell him.

At 15 days /played at level 70, I would venture to say that he is geared out the ***. And it's not just me. And this is my problem.

Being a Paladin on a Horde side has its advantages. Not many people have them end-game ready. Easy raid spots because of this. First time I walked into Kara I walked away with 2 epics. It's been like that for 2-3 months now. Consistently getting loot out of raids. It sucks.

I've been in two raiding guilds so far, and I've always been the bad guy in them. Not because of my attitude, not because of how I act, but because I consistently get loot. What keeps me going in this game is raid progression and the social aspect. I've been in my current guild for about a month now, and everyone hates me. I walked away from Gruul's two weeks ago with both of my tier tokens. I didn't want either. Everyone hates me. I'm not emo, I'm serious. Everyone in my guild hates me.

It's not that I don't understand where they're coming from, I do. Some scrub pally walks into the guild and two weeks later he's surpassed everyone in power. I understand. But it's not my fault. It's not my fault I send whispers in when I need something, and they give it to the pally because I'm the only Paladin in the guild. I hate being the special guy.

It's not that I don't understand how lucky I am. I do. I understand that people have been raiding a hell of a lot longer than I have and still don't have the gear I do. Why? Because I had to roll a Paladin. I love this class. I don't love how quickly it can get you hated when you're on the Horde side. I'd trade all my l33t purplez in for greys in a second if it would just mean I was accepted in a guild, and people actually wanted to talk to me. But no, as always, loot seems to get in the way. Sob story? Perhaps. But when you play the game largely for the social aspect of it, it becomes quite a big deal.

I feel the same way PvPers would feel if Blizzard removed PvP from the game. I'm ready to quit.

Let me also note, that I do my part in the guild. I show up to raids, come with 40 Elixirs of Draenic Wisdom, 5 Superior Mana Oils, 40 Elixirs of Healing Power, 40 Mana Pots, and a stack or two of fishsticks. I give them to unprepared guildies. I could have my epic flyer if people would come to raids prepared. I've given countless primals to guildies when they needed them for patterns for upgrades in gear. So I think if I was a hunter in straight blues, people would love me, no?

***** epics, all I've seen them do is disband guilds and prevent me from getting guildies to say, "Hey Van," when I log on, or better yet, I get crickets chirping when I type, "/g 'Night guys."

***** this, I'm tired of it, and I'm ready to quit. What can I possibly do?
#2 Sep 27 2007 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
There's one thing I don't understand about your situation so I cannot evaluate it appropriately.

The epics you get, is it healing plate? If so, I can only blame people for being stupid. Hell, it's not like it's worth anything to anyone beside a Pally. If it happens to drop when you're there, you're lucky, that's all.

On the other hand, if it's healing cloth/leather/mail and there are other healers, I suppose I can understand the hate, but only if other conditions are met.

If you are given the gear simply because you're the only Pally, it's not fair for everyone else, I suppose everyone would agree with that. If you're rolling on gear you do not need as much as other people who, like you said, have been raiding for longer, it is "fair" by definition but it may still create negative feelings. I could go on and list many situations like that so it'd be better if you just gave an example or two to illustrate.

Like those two tokens you talked about, were you the only one who could use them? Were you forced to roll for them? Have you tried to tell the raid leader that you did not want/need them or, at least, not as much as other people?

One of the last times I played, I went to Kara with a guild in which I knew a few people, but most were strangers to me. Yet, I walked away with 2 or 3 pieces of gear because I was one of two Pallies and the other one was epic'd out already.

Yet, since I had won a few rolls so far, I passed on some pieces that clearly did not benefit me as much as someone else who had been raiding with that guild for longer, etc. I think people were satisfied with my healing performance and didn't think I was a jackass for stealing loot so it was an overall pretty good run.

Boy do I talk too much.
#3 Sep 27 2007 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
1st, being kara geared isnt really "geared out the ***".

2nd, has your guild(s) never heard of DKP? I know lots of guilds dont use DKP for kara, in fact our guild is about to dump the DKP thing since our core peeps are done with it, but DKP eliminates what you are describing. People who put time in get rewarded for it.

If your guild is just doing a /roll system or an officer's discretion you will get problems.
#4 Sep 27 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
It's not just horde side.

My guild doesn't hate me, but.... I could potentially see it coming. I was on a very low pop server, basically just running the same old few heroics I could do with 3 other guild mates. We decided to transfer servers so we could find a Kara guild, and found a nice high pop server. Transfered, and within minutes we had us a Kara guild.

This was a week ago... I now have my T4 helm, epic shoulders, and epic boots. Many guild members congratulated me on my luck, but since I'm always the only pally in the groups, I don't see how this "luck" will stop soon.

Last night, we got to the opera event, and Wizard of Oz popped up. Our raid leader, a healing druid, popped over to his lock to finish the event, and guess what dropped? The healing leather pants. I didn't even want them, as I knew I'd be replacing them with plate pants whenever they dropped. I didn't roll on them, or ask for them, they just gave them to me. No "grats" or anything.

Much more of that, I don't think I'll have many friends.

Edited, Sep 27th 2007 5:01pm by Saaru
#5 Sep 27 2007 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
Seriously, it sounds to me like your guildies are a bunch of assclowns with loot envy. I would kill (ok, maybe not kill, but I would definitely do some hardcore mutilating) to have someone in my guild do the kind of stuff you say you've done.

My advice would be to trade your whiney, self-centred guild in for one with a collective mental age of more than 5. If they're shutting you out purely because you have good luck, or because you're the only pally in the guild, then they're the ones with the problem. If you haven't done anything wrong, there's no reason for you to stick around and take that kind of *********

Sure, if you leave there WILL be those who call you a loot ***** and whine about how you were just using them to get phat lewtz. But they've already proven themselves to be morons of note, so why should you give a crap what they say or think? If you're worried about your rep, get a server transfer.

Bottom line is, if you've put the effort into trying to get along and your guild isn't interested, you should find one that is. I get a lot of enjoyment out of the social aspect of WoW too - hell if I didn't I wouldn't be playing an MMORPG. And I would never stand for that kind of treatment.

I know how much it sucks to not get the loot you want. We've all run that instance 100 times and been screwed every time. And it burns when you see someone else come in and get what they want on their first run. But their bad luck is no excuse to be bitter about your good fortune. All that signals to me is a lack of maturity and friendship. And that's hardly the kind of people I'd want to spend my time with.

By the way, if that came out a little bitter, it's because I went through something similar a while back, and it still kinda gets me going. But I left that guild for a far better one, and I can honestly say it was the best move I ever made in WoW
#6 Sep 27 2007 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
468 posts
The solution is to pass on all rolls

They will all grow to love you

#7 Sep 27 2007 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
468 posts
Funny...I can't beleive people are buying this *********

There are at least 3 other Paladins in his guild with similar gear.
#8 Sep 27 2007 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
lol chood, nice research :)
#9 Sep 27 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Ok, let me respond to this.

1st, being kara geared isnt really "geared out the ***".

No, you're quite right. Maybe I didn't say it right, but I meant at having only about 15 days /played at 70, I think I'm pretty well geared than a lot of other people who have such minimal time at 70.

Like those two tokens you talked about, were you the only one who could use them? Were you forced to roll for them? Have you tried to tell the raid leader that you did not want/need them or, at least, not as much as other people?

The only other person that needed those were a rogue. 2 champion tokens dropped off High King that night, we each got one. 1 champion dropped off of Gruul, we both sent whispers to the leader, they picked me.

Funny...I can't beleive people are buying this bullsh*t.

There are at least 3 other Paladins in his guild with similar gear.

Reading can only get you so far in this situation, as Dragonforce has been in the guild less than a week, and attended one raid, and the other Paladin has been in the guild less than 24 hours and has only attended Kara with us. Thanks for jumping to conclusions and flaming. Yeah, I decided to make up a QQ story and post on in the Paladin forums on Allakhazam. Yeah.

I think KTurner has hit it on the head. We use an officer's discretion system in all raids pre-SSC. DKP has been introduced for SSC, and I rank among the highest, having only missed one raid since its introduction.

This is why I'm pretty excited about getting into SSC and getting stuff done in there, as no one has any right to complain about who gets gear with DKP.

Thanks for the responses so far.
#10 Sep 27 2007 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
I saw lots of QQing that people aren't being friendly with you, but I saw very little of you trying to be friendly with the guild.

Learn people's real names. Learn about their jobs, hobbies, kids (big one), and other stuff. If you take an interest in them, they will take an interest in you. My old guild all the officers never said the character name, we all called each other by our first names. It was great. Most of us moved into a new guild and it goes on still somewhat, but anyway... Just get to know them.

Off-topic, but at least I'm not the only one who can't find a decent mace. I'm in Black Temple (killed 1st boss last night) but I still have a sub-kara mace! lol
#11 Sep 27 2007 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Get in a real raid guild then!

I know on alliance side no one grudges our shammies when they get shammy healing gear. I am guessing it would be doubly so with Plate healing gear on the horde side. We even had a Hunter in the guild who acquired the nickname Mr. Epic because he was the only hunter we had got lots of loot.

(Oh and your +spell crit is kind of low)
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#12 Sep 27 2007 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
I saw lots of QQing that people aren't being friendly with you, but I saw very little of you trying to be friendly with the guild.

Fair enough, I admit to being a quiet guy, especially when it comes to gchat. I should work on that.

(Oh and your +spell crit is kind of low)

Tell me about it. =D

To all who care, tonight seemed to go a bit better. SSC was canceled since our frost tank for Hydross couldn't make it, so we went to TK and did Void Reaver. My T5 shoulders dropped, I passed on them because there were other people who needed the upgrade, and people seemed to be a little bit happier overall.

Maybe I'm too sensitive sometimes, I dunno. But things went better tonight. I finally had a good time raiding without the stress of loot. Thanks for the responses guys, I appreciate the advice, especially the low spell crit =P
#13 Sep 27 2007 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Well how much of a loot ***** are you?

2 pieces per Kara. If it is plate and you are the only one that can use it, fine take a third. If it is something another person can use and they have nothing you better not roll, no matter how bad you want it.

As for 25 mans it should be a dkp system in which case you'd still see healing gear but it would be coming off dkp meaning other healers couldn't be too worked up over it.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#14 Sep 27 2007 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Archfiend bodhisattva wrote:
Well how much of a loot ***** are you?

It's an excellent question and one that might make a good poll on WoW General(hint hint).
#15 Sep 27 2007 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
I'm... sorry, the point of this thread is... what, exactly?
#16 Sep 28 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
i'll be your friend for 500g
#17 Sep 28 2007 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
468 posts
GAJackets wrote:
Reading can only get you so far in this situation, as Dragonforce has been in the guild less than a week, and attended one raid, and the other Paladin has been in the guild less than 24 hours and has only attended Kara with us. Thanks for jumping to conclusions and flaming. Yeah, I decided to make up a QQ story and post on in the Paladin forums on Allakhazam. Yeah.

You are the one that said you were the lone Pally in your guild.
Then I, being the curious guy that I am, looked at your guild roster and see four Paladins all geared similarly. I apologize if you were misleading.

But I admit I was skeptical from the start. It’s just that I have never noticed anyone complain about getting loot before. If you aren’t a ninja and are only getting stuff you can need/use then there shouldn’t be any drama.

Anyway this shouldn’t be an issue anymore since you now have several Pallies to share the wealth with. :)
#18 Sep 28 2007 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Gaudion wrote:
I'm... sorry, the point of this thread is... what, exactly?

Some guy complaining about how miserable his life is because he's getting many epix, apparently.

I'd probably post "thanks for sharing", rate down and never look at the thread again if I were you.

On second thought, if I were *you*, I'd actually post a snarky comment, rate down and never look at the thread again.
#19 Oct 17 2007 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
one word !! DKP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#20 Oct 18 2007 at 1:35 AM Rating: Default
one word !! DKP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

only one problem it's not a word....

it's an acronym Dragon Kill Points
#21 Oct 18 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Necroposting is unhealthy, don't do it, sheesh! You're in the pallie forum, you'll get expelled from the Order for stuff like that.
#22 Oct 18 2007 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
punkspider wrote:
one word !! DKP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

only one problem it's not a word....

it's an acronym Dragon Kill Points

Cool, I never knew what it stood for, and no one could ever tell me!
#23 Oct 18 2007 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
Cool, I never knew what it stood for, and no one could ever tell me!

Behold!!! The power of google!! i google everything.
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