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Sucks to be Ret in 2.3!Follow

#27 Sep 29 2007 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
agro reducer= bubble, mob runs back to tank, you STOP ATTACKING till tank can reestablish firm hold on aggro, then start attacking.

Got news for ya, even those "dps claases with agro reducetion" has to stop dps'ing to ensure they don't "keep" agro.

you'r a fool if you think blizz will give ya a spell/talent that will allow to you to just keep whacking away and not get agro.

agro management is EVERY CLASSes responsibility, and blizz has given EVERYCLASS the ability to managae it, it's called stop attacking.

Pallies have salv (ok, you mention that thats for everyone, we ARE part of everyone), we have divine shield, divine protection, blessing of protection. All of these and STOP attacking will allow the tank to regain control of the mob.

QQing about wanting more is just plain silly.

All raid dps has 1 thing to do. MAX dps WITHOUT drawing agro, not MAX DPS.

so, even if you think a retpally is considered a dps class, you suck at being a dps class if you are crying about this. Agro managament is the name of the game, if you think your agro is too great for the crappy dps you output, guess what, pallies aren't dps classes. If you want some agro dump so can dps more, then you're just a whiney spoiled brat that thinks you can get your way.

play the game by the parameters set by the game maker. stop whining about trying to change them.
#28REDACTED, Posted: Sep 29 2007 at 1:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) a good player shouldn't get agro, unless tank dies or it's a boss that has "agro wipes" and even then a good dps player won't get agro because they'll wait on the tank to get agro.
#29 Sep 29 2007 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
4,049 posts
Hardnote wrote:

Would you like to address how you've been wrong on multiple counts, now, specifically about the Paladin bubble (which you continue to be wrong about) and about warriors having no threat reduction?

#30 Sep 29 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good

and here is where the ****** part came from in retardin. PALLIES ARE NOT DPS CLASS. dream as you might, we just are not dps classes.

Not to metion, we wear plate!!!! they gave the cloth and leather wearers threat reduction cause they CANT take a hit. Guess what plate wearing baffoon who thinks he's a dps class, Plate wearers take the hits, thats why you have plate.

do you hear arms/furry warriors crying about needing an agro reducer? no, because they have come to the realization of what they are.

Warriors have threat reduction, moron. When we're in Battle or Berserker Stance we generate 80% threat.


Got news for ya, even those "dps claases with agro reducetion" has to stop dps'ing to ensure they don't "keep" agro.

you'r a fool if you think blizz will give ya a spell/talent that will allow to you to just keep whacking away and not get agro.

agro management is EVERY CLASSes responsibility, and blizz has given EVERYCLASS the ability to managae it, it's called stop attacking.

Pallies have salv (ok, you mention that thats for everyone, we ARE part of everyone), we have divine shield, divine protection, blessing of protection. All of these and STOP attacking will allow the tank to regain control of the mob.

QQing about wanting more is just plain silly.

All raid dps has 1 thing to do. MAX dps WITHOUT drawing agro, not MAX DPS.


No shit, sherlock.

Except that in raids, you have to be doing as much damage as possible. A lot of fights put strains on a tanks ability to hold aggro - fights like Morogrim Tidewalker, where the tank attacks much slower than normal, or Teron Gorefiend, where you _have_ to be attacking almost from the start of the fight or you'll get overwhelmed. Rogues, DPS Warriors, Enhancement Shaman and Feral Druids are all often pushing the threat cap - doing as much damage as possible, without going over the limit.

A Ret Paladin in such a position can't do _nearly_ as much damage as the other classes, becuase he has to - wait for it - stop attacking. If a Warrior is staying just under the tank's threat cap, a Paladin to do the same can do at MOST 80% of the Warrior's damage, becuase the Warrior has all that tasty additional threat reduction.

PS: If you pull aggro on a raid boss, even for a second, you're almost certainly going to die. Not only that, you have without a doubt killed every Rogue standing nearby as well when they all get Cleaved and got GG'd in their leather.
#31bodhisattva, Posted: Sep 29 2007 at 3:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) RPzip covered it pretty well.
#32 Sep 29 2007 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
The guy quite obviously has no idea what he's talking about, so let's just instate the policy of rating him down and moving on without addressing his posts for the remainder of this thread's longevity. It's not even worth dignifying him with a response.
#33 Sep 29 2007 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
So Blizz is happy with the threat cap...I could live with that and have ret pallies do the least amount of singular DPS...IF there were a deep ret talent that made the soon to be wow-tier talent +3% crit raid-wide look useless.

Any of us that PvP know the drill: when you do well, the rest of your team looks great. Since Blizz doesn't want to address the threat issue and make ret pally's into viable DPS, let them apply the same principle to a raid...Hell, I wouldn't mind sitting right above the tank on damage meter if I knew I contributed enough to the DPS of mages and locks and hunters etc. to make up for it.

Edit: Never post while taking more than 1 medication that may cause drowsiness.

Edited, Sep 30th 2007 1:15am by nonwittyusername
#34 Sep 29 2007 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
This may sound absolutely crazy, what if they used bubbles to help Rets with threat?

It has a 5 minute cooldown, same as soulshatter. What if it reduced agg by a 10% for every two seconds? Hell it could be a talent bonus to Divine shield, or they could make it standard.

Now they should leave Divine protection alone. Tanks could use it to break fear, while rets used Divine shield.

Or they could also give you 2 free seconds, than every 2 seconds beyond that it lowers threat by 10%. If you leave it on for the full 12 seconds you would get -50% threat.
#35 Sep 29 2007 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,175 posts
skribs wrote:
Be careful if you're asking for threat reduction on holy abilities. While that may be nice for ret/holy, think about what it would do to you if you're filling in as tank.

Maybe something along the lines of a reverse righteous fury would be better than a passive reduction in threat.

Seeing as Righteous Fury increases threat generated by holy spells, why not an activated spell that reduces threat generated by holy spells, thus allowing the retribution-spec some threat clearance.
#36 Sep 29 2007 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Seeing as Righteous Fury increases threat generated by holy spells, why not an activated spell that reduces threat generated by holy spells, thus allowing the retribution-spec some threat clearance.

Because that would make Paladins into a (close to) real melee DPS class, which Blizzard doesn't want to do...The class is designed to support others, and everything Blizz is likely to attempt will avoid that result.
#37 Sep 30 2007 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
The class is designed to support others

this makes for a broken class. each spec gets hits with the nerf stick due to this philosophy. in pve there is almost no reason to take a pally over an equivalent class. though i like pallies in certain situations i would usually prefer another class to do the job.(if given the choice between one or the other)

MT - pally for aoe, warrior for everything else
heals - priest hands down, so much versatility
dps - anything else, especially with CC

the Blizzard tunnel vision keeps the entire class confined to a certain design and they refuse to stray from that design. how many times have you heard "pallies weren't designed for that" when addressing aoe, range, dps, cc, dots, hots, etc. rather, they make an entire new class Death Knight.
#38bodhisattva, Posted: Sep 30 2007 at 7:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Prot and Holy Pallies actually do quite well for themselves in raiding and end game pve content.
#39 Sep 30 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
its one of those classes that if it were removed from the game, there would almost be no lasting repercussions. i've seen priests and shammies single target heal like champs(mana pot rotation make oom moot). i have yet to experience a run where a warrior couldn't handle(tho i haven't done SSC yet).

pally buffs are too little to be the scale tipper. pallies, as is, are a 3-4 button class, no matter the spec.
#40 Sep 30 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
this makes for a broken class. each spec gets hits with the nerf stick due to this philosophy. in pve there is almost no reason to take a pally over an equivalent class. though i like pallies in certain situations i would usually prefer another class to do the job.(if given the choice between one or the other)

As was stated, Prot and Holy Pally's have their well deserved places in raids, the only spec that's not accepted by good guilds is ret. Players want a threat dump that, to my knowledge, Blizzard is (rightly) refusing. If pally's were made into feasible self-contained DPS, Rogues would be even more obsolete than they are now. We need some type of Ret-exclusive raid utility...sanctity Aura is a joke, and soon the crit buff will be on every Healadin in the game: Something along the lines of (not a copy of) a Hunter's Ferocious inspiration would let us ride the threat line and add to the raid's DPS without breaking the class.
#41 Sep 30 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
A larger problem in end-game raids is that Paladins blow Priests away in healing, actually, not the other way around. If you've got a Fort, Divine Spirit and Shadow Protection bot there's not a whole lot that Priests do that other healers (Shaman/Druids for AE, Paladins for single-target) don't do much better.
#42 Sep 30 2007 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
I understand what you're trying to say tommy.

However, one of the biggest selling points about MMO's has always been choices or options. If Blizzard was only concerned about filling roles then we'd probably only have four classes. One tank class, one damage-dealing class, one crowd-controlling class, and one healing class.

Having multiple classes able to fill the same role isn't a bad thing as long as all are (ideally) equally competitive at said role because it gives players a choice. Not everyone is concerned with effectiveness. Some people are more occupied with whether or not they enjoy doing X job as X class. For example, I love healing with my Shaman, but I find it to be the most boring task in the world with my Paladin. Thus, I roll a Shaman to heal instead of a Paladin. Can a Pally do it better? I think most people would probably argue so, but I could give a rat's ***.

In this respect, the Paladin is not a "wasted" class because our Protection tree and Holy tree both perform admirably at their designated role. Likewise, just because Paladin buffs can be substituted for something else doesn't mean they won't be missed if they're not there. I would always rather have any buff than not, and there's just no substitute for Salvation.

Even Retribution is not a "wasted" tree. It's just a bad tree because Blizzard is imposing an unfair double standard on it. Holy is not there to fill any kind of hybrid support role; it's there to main-heal, and nothing about that is stopping it from providing any of the support the class is capable of. Likewise, while Protection is often incapable as focusing on support as much as Holy, they can at the very least bless while, again, still carrying out their intended role of main-tanking. However, Blizzard seems to have decided that the Retribution tree alone will define Paladins as hybrids by forcing a limiter on them despite the fact that there is absolutely no place for hybrids in the tunnel vision of raiding environments.
#43 Sep 30 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
RPZip wrote:
A larger problem in end-game raids is that Paladins blow Priests away in healing, actually, not the other way around. If you've got a Fort, Divine Spirit and Shadow Protection bot there's not a whole lot that Priests do that other healers (Shaman/Druids for AE, Paladins for single-target) don't do much better.

Exactly .

Tommy you haven't raid healed. least not as a decked out Pally in a 25 man run. The amount of healing I do is impressive.

Not only that but my heals only generate 1/4 aggro, not 1/2 like a priest. So I can throw a heal out on transitions (say Leotheras demon/belf) and not grab aggro while a priest heal would be pushing it.

Not to mention stacking paladin buffs is the slip nip snizzle sh'it.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#44 Sep 30 2007 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
wow, G pretty much put this mini-argument in a nice package. while i agree with all thats being said, i still am more peeved that paladins(namely ret) get forced into a concentrated roll even with the claim that they are intended as "hybrid" or "support". then when trying to focus on dps they get lost in the limbo between support and moderate dmg...neither of which is adaquate.

if they truly wanted support+dmg they would give pallies some CC, some better instant aggro dumpers for party, some better on the fly buffs(seals are weaksauce), some hots. how bout an "innervate", how bout a 20 repentance(10s in pvp), how bout a +dmg seal, how bout a "misdirect". the only support ret gives atm is a nice /golfclap. the max dmg i've ever put out in pve is 550dps threat limited. why cant ret at least be a spec that is stat limited?

maybe i'll finish leveling my drood and pump out the dps while tanking and healing myself at the same time. but alas, paladin is bound to a concept and cannot evolve past that due to The Creator.
#45 Oct 01 2007 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
The attitudes of people in this thread make me want to never visit this forum again :(
#46 Oct 01 2007 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
It's not our fault ret sucks. We're just calling it as we see it.
#47 Oct 01 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
In my newbie opinnion, i think blessing of salvation is our threat reduction tool, even if we can give it freely to others when we don't dps and this should be a great thing.
#48 Oct 01 2007 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
I dunno why you are saying that, just cause there is a discussion it doesn't mean people have bad attitudes.

Hardnotes had a bad attitude and started attacking people, that was stupid of him and he was shunned for it, that was about it.

Just people venting their frustrations, and it does suck that Paladins have a whole tree that can't really be used anywhere emd-game.
#49 Oct 01 2007 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
EtherealSin wrote:
In my newbie opinnion, i think blessing of salvation is our threat reduction tool, even if we can give it freely to others when we don't dps and this should be a great thing.

This has been covered, it's not a threat reduction tool if everyone has it. While we have 30% less threat that warrior has 44% less threat so we still have to hold back more than that warrior, thus reducing the amount of damage we can do in that fight.
#50 Oct 01 2007 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe "we give the food from our mouth", when we put BoS on others, Blizzard surely take BoS in consideration why shouln't we.
#51 Oct 01 2007 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
Are you saying we should NOT give BoSalv to other classes and just keep it for ourselves? That would gimp the whole raids dps just to suit ourselves which is not a good thing.
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