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2.3 Warrior ChangesFollow

#27 Sep 27 2007 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
Warrior must be tough for Blizz to balance since it is such a heavily gear related class. One warrior with "so-so" gear will get owned. If Blizz buffs that Warrior, then the one with "awesome" gear will completely reck everyone else.

Totally true. Hence the flurry nerf a few patches ago.

What I was realy hopeing for with 2.3 was to see Imp TC moved to the Prot tree since it's a must for any tank.

This isn't such a big deal for me. Any tank is gonna pick up the 5 points in deflection, so I guess I don't really care which tree those 3 points for Imp TC are.
#28 Sep 27 2007 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
My biggest beaf is with Shadow Priests. I still don't understand why they are getting a buff, not a nerf. Now the shield will react with +spell gear ><

The ONLY change is that it simply scales better now, at already scaled with +dmg (since all +dmg is also +heal). But, with the amount of +dmg a shadow priest will have, it'll probably be a nerf due to change in base absorption. This is only a buff to make it so shield isn't quite the POS it is for healing right now.
#29 Sep 27 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
the funny thing is, its less the base abilities of the warrior that are overpowered and more how we synergize with proper support. on the one hand, they cant really nerf warriors anymore without really ******** up the class, but on the other, they cant really nerf the support classes support abilities anymore without destroying the whole point of having a support class in the first place.

sometimes i think id trade all of our supposed power just for having some solo viability. group pvp is great, but every now and then id like to go vs a skilled caster or hybrid and know i stood a chance even if they played their game perfectly, or at least had some kind of support ability of my own that would help me help my support. how id love to be able to spell refect and then intervene my pally, throwing the cyclone/fear/polymorph thats about to CC him back on the offending caster.
#30 Sep 27 2007 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
608 posts
Ok, I've just logged on now to check on an progress on the proposed 2.3 changes, and found out that the Weapon Mastery Nerf that I (and a few others) was so upset about is now a little less of an issue. It appears that ALL disarm immunity effects have been nerfed (that includes Weapon Chain) to be 50% duration instead of immunity.

That makes me a little happier .. I now just need to make sure I get my disarm macro close at hand and use it as often as possible against rogues and warriors (The only classes who can disarm me, and who would have either WM or a weapon chain).

ofc, if I see the fancy enchant glow on a rogues dagger, it just means that he'll be without his weapon for a full 10 seconds, not 5 secs (if he had a weapon chain)

Feeling a lot better now, at least it isn't a total warrior nerf ... other melee classes get affected as well.

#31 Sep 28 2007 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Ok, I've just logged on now to check on an progress on the proposed 2.3 changes, and found out that the Weapon Mastery Nerf that I (and a few others) was so upset about is now a little less of an issue. It appears that ALL disarm immunity effects have been nerfed (that includes Weapon Chain) to be 50% duration instead of immunity.

There was no need to mess with that talent, and it's only warriors that got nerfed while every other class, especially rogues benefits from it - even more so if a weapon chain is going to work the same way.

Riposte disarms for 6 seconds - and happens to have a 6 second CD and only cost 10 Energy.
Disarm cost 20 rage, lasts 10 seconds, and has a whole one minute CD.

A disarmed rogue can vanish, sprint, blind, or whatever else for the duration. As a warrior I'll be standing there - big chunks of agility/stamina/strength ripped out of my hands, my chance to parry reduced to zero for the duration...

Upset? Hell no, I'm pi**ed!

#32 Sep 28 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Yup, don't get me wrong ... I don't like it one bit. I was livid yesterday when I thought that I would be in a situation where the rogue I tried to disarm had a chance to be immune, while he could disarm me (unless I had a weapon chain, in so doing giving up 70 ap). Now that that's not the case, I feel mildly better about the whole thing ... still far from happy, but a bit better.

And yeah, I agree, Thunder had 55 Sta, so a disarm is like a 550 hit right there (You get the Sta back when you get your weapon back, but not the HP that you originally lost). Another disarm would be another 550 hit ... that's gonna hurt !

Edited, Sep 28th 2007 11:13am by robertlofthouse
#33 Sep 28 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Just a note: While the rogues (I cant use apostraphes right now due to my computer being stupid, sorry) disarm has a 6 second CD and only costs 10 energy, you have to keep in mind that for the rogue to use it, they have to parry first. Now I dont know about other rogues... but I personally dont stack +defence or parry on my rogue, and so with that talent I would only have a 10% chance to parry.

On top of that, the warrior disarm is a base ability, whereas the rogues disarm is a talent that effectively costs 6 talents (its pre-req is deflection, which is a tier-2 talent). Thats 6 talent points that the rogue could be putting elsewhere, to more use.
#34 Sep 28 2007 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
the talent point is a good one to a degree, but you'll be hard pressed to find a rogue that doesnt think riposte is at least decent. you get SS-level damage (if not a bit better) for a fraction of the energy cost, as well as 5% more melee mitigation + an attack speed increase on your main hand (parry serves as a haste effect to your MH attack; thus parrying an attack immeidately after swinging with your MH will result in your MH swinging again at a rate of about 40-60% faster, depending on a few factors).

so in other words, yes, rogues need to "use up" talents for riposte/parry that could be used elsewhere, but most will agree that the reward is well worth the cost.
#35 Sep 28 2007 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Mm, I suppose so. I forgot that most of the rogue builds I make are for both raiding and PvP, so I end up having to take 3/3 imp. SnD. So I suppose in a pure-PvP build it works, though at the same time I don't like the higher chance for poisons to be dispelled. Ah well, I suppose the trade-off is worth it there.

Just a note, though: No mutilate rogue will be able to get riposte - only combat rogue - and naturally a Sub. rogue won't get it.
#36 Sep 28 2007 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Taeraq wrote:
Just a note, though: No mutilate rogue will be able to get riposte - only combat rogue - and naturally a Sub. rogue won't get it.

Almost all end-game arena PvP Rogues--which is pretty much like saying "all PvP Rogues" since that really seems to be the only kind of PvP that matters anymore--are Combat. So that point is kind of moot.
#37 Sep 28 2007 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Yeah, true enough. Though I have seen a few rogues who like to be combat-mutilate for PvP. :/
#38 Sep 28 2007 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
4,297 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
Ok, the weapon mastery change just makes me mad ... why the hell would they do that ??

because weapon skill is overpowered.

robertlofthouse wrote:
Hmph, seems that Blizzard is trying to force the issue that as a warrior, my role is a tank and only a tank ...

eh, as long as there's a mortal strike in the arms tree and an imp execute in the fury tree, warriors will have a role in pvp and raids that does not include tanking.

#39 Sep 28 2007 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Axhed i agree. but I must add, if bloodthirst is in the fury tree it also will have a place in dps.
#40 Sep 30 2007 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
608 posts
Hey, I agree with you both ... but in my experience - that opinion is waaay in the minority. Most players you talk to will look down on you for not being a prot spec warrior. I have NEVER received an invite to a group as a warrior where I was not expected to be the tank. That's just the cold hard truth.

I had myself spec'd Fury with quest rewards / world drops / BS crafted items. My AP (unbuffed) was 1650, crit chance in Battle was 25%, and hit rating was 155. I could constantly ouput 700-800 dps against big targets (targets that lasted longer than a few seconds).

I only ever ran 1 SL and 1 SV (non heroic) and topped the damage charts both times, ahead of a mage and rogue in the one and a mage and lock in the other. These are the only 2 runs I've been accepted into as a DPS warrior, hence the reason for running only these, and with my non-instance gear - I kicked ***. (Besides, I can't really say that I enjoy instances ... maybe I'll enjoy them more with my Mage, but I doubt it)

My point is that the majority of the community seems to see us as a Tank only, even though we can do (more than) our fair share of the damage. Now it appears that Blizz seems to be pushing (very subtly) that same Point of View.

Anyway, my opinion, so take it which ever way you see fit ;)
#41 Oct 01 2007 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
As I have stated before the extra threat from MS/BT in defensive better be worth it to warrent the 30 rage used. Considering that revenge has the same cooldown and cost 5 rage.
#42 Oct 01 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i think it will be jim.

it had better be anyway. if it doesnt outpace the threat gen from imp Tclap (for arms anyway) and revenge...then theres really no purpose. if youve got enough rage to use revenge, Tclap and keep sunder up as well as using MS, then you're probably going to die soon.
#43 Oct 01 2007 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
MS affecting drain tanking of locks - I seriously don't know which side I should be on.

I may not have run into good warlocks... but I've only been drain-tanked to death by one lock in one bg match... the rest (demo mostly) are easy...

I can see it being a more noticeable problem in the 70's bracket though - so I guess I'll see when I get there.
#44 Oct 02 2007 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
988 posts
Don't have a problem with warlocks when I am playing my warrior. Once you know how to deal with their fears, they are chopped to pieces before they can do much draining. It's a different story if you are busy with somebody else and they (the locks) are standing in the back and drain. In that case though, you wouldn't have a MS debuff on that player...

What I don't understand about the MS/drain change: Why would you let a lock in MS (melee) range drain you?

I'm looking at this as something that needed fixed for logical reasons, but it's probably not gonna be something that'll have a major impact - if any.
#45 Oct 03 2007 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
kangar, you have no idea what youre talking about. sure, you can pummel drain life, but then its just back on you again 4s later, and it will continue to be up 60% of the time (thanks to the 4s duration, 6s CD). the entire time this is happening, siphon life is ticking (since this refers mostly to SL/SL locks). pummeling assumes youre in zerker, which means 10% more damage from siphon and drain, which means 10% more life healed from the lock.

an SL/SL lock with any pet out can kill a warrior with corruption, siphon life, curse of shadows, and drain life. curse + zerker stance = 20% more siphon/drain damage, which is further increased by fel armor (20-26%). if a voidwalker is out, then thats 10% less physical damage youre doing to him, with another 20% already being absorbed by the soul link. so a 20-30% decrease in YOUR damage, coupled with a 10-20% increase in the damage done to you, with all of it compounding to make killing an SL/SL lock impossible.

this, of course, assumes they actually have good pvp gear. an SL/SL lock with 200+ resilience and 11k+ hp (not hard values to obtain) can sport an easy 700 +dmg. my personal friend, dimofuzz on anetheron, has about 820 or so without any buffs. add in fel armor, and a pet (for demonic tactics) he breaks 1k damage in his pvp gear (which has 250+ resilience and 13k). soul link adds another 5% to the damage hes doing as well.

the impact of all this? warlocks will no longer be able to heal themselves for 800ish hp a second by using two spells. this makes them that much squishier (as they should be).
#46 Oct 03 2007 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
I really don't understand why you refer to the whole change of disarm immunity as a Warrior nerf. Blizzard has changed the entire way disarm works with the change. Not only Warriors got "nerfed" EVERY melee class got nerfed. I think that when you think deeply about it, you might see that Warriors actually got the upper hand.
Now, everyone can be disarmed as weapon chains no longer makes you immune, therefore Warriors, Paladins(retribution mostly), Shamans(enhancement mostly), Hunters and Rogues can be disarmed as well, I'm refering of course only to the classes that might melee you(the ones that actually care, feral druids don't really care about that I guess).
So, who can disarm? ONLY Warriors and Rogues, who can be disarmed? Everyone! NO one is immune anymore. Why is that a nerf?! You'll be disarmed as a Warrior and be ineffective for X seconds? So what? Warriors are one of the two classes that can disarm. On top of that you can get the ability to have another disarm duration reduction(if they stack, even more fun) and ONLY Warriors gets the extra ability.
You should only expect disarms from Warriors and Rogues.
Warriors are all "nerfed" equally, so it's fair in that aspect.
Rogues have a totally different mechanics of disarm, if you disarm them first, they wouldn't be able to parry for 10/5 seconds and they wouldn't be able to disarm you back(Unless I'm mistaken and you can parry without a weapon, though I doubt it).
Enhancement shamans ARE nerfed against Warriors/Rogues in that aspect. They can still cast, true, but you force them to cast when YOU want them to. Same goes for retribution Paladins. If you are fast enough to disarm that Hunter, he won't be able to wingclip you as well(yes, he has a ton of other abilities to use, but then again, Hunters don't really care for melee much).

Explain to me again, how is it a Warrior nerf when EVERYONE gets affected the same, but Warriors are on of the only 2 classes that can disarm?
The way I see it, Blizzard has returned disarm it's viabilty, and gave Warriors and Rogues some love.
The only way Warriors are truly nerfed by being disarmable, is in PvE, I don't think there are enough disarming mobs for that to matter.

If you want to sacrifice your Savagery/Mongoose/Crusader/+healing/whatever enchant on your weapon for weapon chain(Again, if it stacks with WM) to have lower disarmed periods, that's your call, just know that EVERYONE else will still be disarmable, no matter which enchant did they bring on theirs.
#47 Oct 03 2007 at 4:35 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
The shouting and screaming about a "Warrior Nerf" that you are referring to, all occurred BEFORE it became evident that this would be a general Disarm Nerf. Up until then it was clearly a nerf of the particular warrior talent.

No, a weapon chain and Weapon mastery will NOT stack. You'll be wasting 2 talent points or a weapon enchant slot if you went for both.
#48 Oct 03 2007 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Point taken. And thanks for the info about stacking them. Not as good as I thought/hoped, but still give Warriors more options than other classes.
Thank you.

P.S. It's not a disarm nerf, it's a disarm buff :)
#49 Oct 03 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Explain to me again, how is it a Warrior nerf when EVERYONE gets affected the same, but Warriors are on of the only 2 classes that can disarm?

Yes we are one of the only two classes that can disarm but our disarm is on a 60 second cooldown where as a rogue specced for ripost can disarm every 6 seconds provided he parries an attack. Note that is any attack, not just the person he is fighting.

Warriors are also one of the only 2 classes that are affected by disarm. Rogues and warriors are the only two melee dps affected (feral druids aren't affected by disarm).

#50 Oct 03 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
yeah, enh shaman arent really affected by disarm; they can still stormstrike for full damage while its up, they just cant get any WF procs on the MH if disarmed.

a common tactic of giving rogues hell is to sometimes keep a pet on them, thus making it so the rogue has to rely on vanish to gain stealth (which is spotty at best in some cases). this is especially popular with teams that have two pet classes (double lock or hunter + lock). now, anytime a rogue with riposte parries that pet attack they can switch to the warrior and disarm him. three seconds might not sound like a lot, but it can and will make or break some match ups.

but we shall endure. we always do.
#51 Oct 03 2007 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
kangar, you have no idea what youre talking about. sure, you can pummel drain life, but then its just back on you again 4s later, and it will continue to be up 60% of the time (thanks to the 4s duration, 6s CD). the entire time this is happening, siphon life is ticking (since this refers mostly to SL/SL locks). pummeling assumes youre in zerker, which means 10% more damage from siphon and drain, which means 10% more life healed from the lock.

I honestly don't recall a single situation where a warlock had the nerves to drain me while I was right in his face. I am getting drained by locks that I am not directly fighting, or when cooldowns prevent me from breaking/preventing a fear or using an intercept to reconnect after being feared. I don't have a MS on the draining lock in either one of those situations. If I should - tell me how, please.

if a voidwalker is out, then thats 10% less physical damage youre doing to him

Quor, I truly respect and appreciate your opinion in PvP matters, but I haven't really seen a lock with a VV anymore since leaving Stranglethorn Vale, let alone in a BG or arena. Sure, if there was a VV out... Too much theorycraft here I think.

the impact of all this? warlocks will no longer be able to heal themselves for 800ish hp a second by using two spells. this makes them that much squishier (as they should be).

Sounds good in theory but I don't see it affecting the game I'm playing. Not by much anyway.
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