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So I finally dinged 70... and now looking for advice.Follow

#1 Sep 26 2007 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
So I finally dinged 70... and I was stuck for a minute.

What to do next? Should I pvp casually? As that's all I really can do with the amount that I play. Or should I just try to get geared for Kara?

But I got an invite to Botanica by my guild cause they lost one of their DPS and I got the Beast Lord Curiass. Makes me start to wonder... Is PVP gear good for PVE? Or do I really need two different sets? (I have heard both ways)

A few of these questions started running through my mind. So now I come to you, my fellow hunters.

Before that run in Bot I hadn't ran an instance sense lvl 62 so I am only wearing the Quested Blues and greens with the exception of my new Beastlord Curiass and the pvp legs and belt I got from Halaa defense.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

*edit*typos =S

Edited, Sep 26th 2007 11:13am by HitashLevat
#2 Sep 26 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
"What to do next? Should I pvp casually? As that's all I really can do with the amount that I play. Or should I just try to get geared for Kara?"

that tends to say that you don't have time for kara so do you or not? If you do and have access to it through your guild then by all means. Your guildies will appreciate it if you work in some way be it 5 man instances (heroic or regular), BG gear or arena gear. It's no fun carying people when they could do more to help themselves. I would highly suggest getting into an arena team though. the reward for the time spent is without equal. play an hour a week and get a new epic every few weeks. the 2 and 3 man teams are more profitable now days too so you got a whole world that just oppened up at 70.

Best luck to ya!
#3 Sep 26 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts

about the question do I have the time. Depends. I usually play for 4-6 hours on monday through thursday, but not hardly at all during the weekends.

With my wife and daughter at home I kind of like to spend time with them.

So I thought about trying to get attuned for Kara but don't know if I would have enough time to run it. I mean the higher level I am getting the longer the instances are becoming.

I think the first thing I am gonna do is see if I can't get a guild run on Shadow Labs. (theres no special key for that is there?) I looked up the sonic spear and that looks sick.

#4 Sep 26 2007 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
If you mean you're playing 4-6 hours per night Mon-Thurs, that's plenty of time to run Kara. If you're playing 4-6 hours total over those nights, probably not.

In my guild, Kara runs usually go about 3-3.5 hours and are broken up into 2 nights. Normally up to about Curator or Shade on first night, then the rest on the second night. So, it all depends on your guild's schedule really.

Shadow Labs does require a key to get into, but only one member of the party needs the key to open the door. It's not required that everyone is keyed like Kara requires.

As far as running level 70 instances, the time frame for most instances in my experience is 1.5-3 hours depending on the group. Some are really efficient and more quickly. Others are not efficient or wipe to much and the run ends up taking a while. But overall, I'd say you can estimate an average about 2 hours for an instance.

I think the answer to your PvE/PvP gear question really kind of depends. If you want to devote to PvP, then PvE gear really isn't your best option, and vice-versa...a lot of PvP gear is not well suited to PvE. The stats you want to emphasize for either option are not really the same. It is, however, entirely possible to come up with a good hybrid set of gear that works passably for both. Again, it just kind of depends on what you want to emphasize.
#5 Sep 26 2007 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Ok. Thats kinda what I was looking for. Thanks.

I just am still a little fresh with all the new stuff for PVP. Resilliance included. That crap just confuses me. Bout to look it up again and try to figure out how that is implimented and so on.

I play about 4- 6 hours a day. closer to 4 than to 6 most of the time but hey. What do you mean by you split Kara into 2 days? is it 2 sections or does it not reset like most of the instances?
#6 Sep 26 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
most guilds that are only running kara and nothing higher will do it spread over two days. half one night then half the next.

with that kind of playtime you have more than enough time to run kara and get in 2 or 3 heroics a week with some arena and misc. pvp to boot.
#7 Sep 26 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
Kara is set up so that when you kill a boss, the trash mobs before that mob won't respawn. So, you can go in one day kill trash mobs and then kill a boss and then if you return the following day, you can just run to the trash mobs before the next boss in line. The overall instance reset is 7-days. Trash mobs for individual mobs have difference respawn timers. For example, trash before the first boss Attumen is on a 25-minute timer. So, if you can't get Attumen down before 25 minutes, those trash mobs will start to respawn. Once you kill Attumen, though, that trash is gone for the week.
#8 Sep 26 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
I don't know about the 2 days thing, my guild spreads it out over a 5 day time so that nobody gets worn out or spends a week of losing money with no way to earn it back.

Then again... we aren't big enough for higher up stuff, and we havn't done Kara in 2 weeks due to no shows... YOU GUYS ALL NEED TO COME TO MY GUILD!!!!
#9 Sep 26 2007 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
I don't know about the 2 days thing, my guild spreads it out over a 5 day time so that nobody gets worn out or spends a week of losing money with no way to earn it back.

Then again... we aren't big enough for higher up stuff, and we havn't done Kara in 2 weeks due to no shows... YOU GUYS ALL NEED TO COME TO MY GUILD!!!!

Sorry, classleader in my own guild, so I am loathe to surrender this position of power. Besides, these are interesting times in my own guild. We are finetuning the raidgroup to become a 25 man killer of epic proportions, and are on the verge of managing two Karazhan groups a week instead of one. Which will be quite awesome, since some of my Hunters still need certain pieces of loot before truly being 25 ready. Hell, I still need certain pieces from there.

Other than that, this has been my guild since a month after I first started playing WoW, and I've pretty much played on-and-off actively since release. It's an awesome feeling when you look back on those years, and realize that you have helped shape something into what it is today. How it was, how you helped preserve the parts you cherished and helped remove the parts that didn't belong there. How the guild grew, stood against bad times (The month before TBC for instance. How many guilds did not suffer then) and still stands tall. Hell, stands greater than ever before.

Wow, this was a derail, I guess. But still, I had to get a little mushy about my guild. It is quite possibly the only thing that has kept me playing WoW. My guild, and those who I've come to know through it. And there is no denying it. A Guild that has stood since release until now, is something Epic indeed.
#10 Sep 26 2007 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Most guilds raid from ~20:00 - ~0:00 so 4 hours a day is enough to raid (almost) fulltime.

And PvP gear works a bit in PvE, you just cant wear to many pieces of it.
Same for PvE gear in PvP.
But the biggest difference is probably the spec, its impossible to get a spec that is great at both PvP and PvE, so i'd advise you to make a choice on what your priority is. (you can do both so its just what you like more, fighting with 4(/9/24) other people against big bosses or fighting with 1(/2/4) other people against 2/3/5 players. (or BG's but thats more or less everyone for themselves...)

If you want to PvP, its simply playing a crapload of BG's for the epics and Auchindoun instances for the shards (epic ring) and i guess BM for the +stamina bow.
Once you have a decent set, get an Arena team and start playing arena's for the cool PvP epics and a more organized, more challenging PvP adventure.

For PvE, run a crapload of instances for all blue lvl 70 gear, get Kara attuned in the progress (and as much heroic keys as possible) and then find a raiding guild and start killing big ugly bosses ;P

(<insert random advertisement for the link in my sig =P>)
#11 Sep 27 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
250 posts
My guild has two kara runs and they both split it out for 2 days with a 3rd day possible is things don't go well. Every two weeks we take a shot a gruul. We can get him down to about 30% before everyone starts dieing. They're going to take a suicide shot at Mag this weekend just to see then encounter. No one expects to down him since we can't down Gruul. I just wish I wasn't going out of town that day. Oh well, today is day 2 for kara and perhaps tonight, the raid server won't crash.
#12 Sep 27 2007 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
I wonder why it is that we don't have anyone posting on here about how their guilds don't even run TK and SSC anymore because they take two nights to clear Hyjal and then spend the rest working on BT's 4th boss...

#13 Sep 27 2007 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
2,388 posts

Because I personally am not running anything higher than Kara with my guild. If I do anything else, it is because of an invite from a friend to go with their group.
#14 Sep 27 2007 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
I know you and I aren't but there are a significant number of guilds out there doing this content. I just thought it was funny that none of their members seem to post here much. Maybe they are just a class above us commonfolk. I plan to start lookin for a transfer to a hardcore raid guild around november when I have fewer commitments but I'll still come and shoot the bull on here, you can count on it :D
#15 Sep 27 2007 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Heh, I couldn't find a guild that raded 8:30-12:00PM on my server, so I created my own. It was going good for the first 3 weeks, then people started not logging on...
#16 Sep 27 2007 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
>.< Was looking at a few people in my guild on Armory, couldn't find the ones I was needing, typed in their names, they left my guild to go to another one... really getting pissed off. I transfer servers to play with somebody I worked with. He no longer works with me. I create a guild I have put my own money into for vent and website, and now the guild ain't going anywere. Seriously thinking of leaving my own guild and saying **** it, finding a new one. What sucks is I cannot transfer back, damn PVP-PVE server rules...
#17 Sep 27 2007 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
Oh God, you transferred to a PvE server?
I don't think I'd do that if every person I knew irl played on said server.
#18 Sep 27 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
Yeah it sucks, and the guild I was in that got disbanded has reformed and is in Kara, though with all the **** the new Guild Leader is pulling, I don't want to go back to that. Wife is still in that guild though.

1: Only he and his wife can loot anything in Kara (FFO on Trash, Master on boss)(and Ironically he "earned" the money to buy his epic flyer, though he stated all the money from the items was going to the guild bank, though nobody has seen it)

2: He made My Wife and 3 other Vetrans, step down for some guild newbies. Wife was a Class lead, knew her ****, but He was the GM's friend. They also have pushed the Vetrans out of the Raid Slots, even if they signed up first.

3: He kicked a Vetran Guildie out because a DPS warrior was "useless" then switched to DPS himself.

4: Knocked my wife down from MT, made her respec to resto (mind you all her gear is tanking) and then told her she couldn't go on the raids since she didnt have enough + healing, but wouldnt help with getting her geared.

5: Makes everybody pitch in to pay for the Holy Priest's (his wife) repair bill cause it is too expensive, mind you those 2 are the only ones that can loot.

Moral is: If your on Lightning's Blade Server, do not join Soldiers of Erinyes, and please give Dtank/Tomdizzle and Alexcia as much trouble as you can.
#19 Sep 27 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:
I create a guild I have put my own money into for vent and website, and now the guild ain't going anywere. Seriously thinking of leaving my own guild and saying @#%^ it, finding a new one....

Join the club. I lead my own guild from Pre WoW days back to about 4 years ago. Finally couldn't stand playing for everyone else all the time so I did my best to set up the guild with new leadership and find a raid guild on server that I could stand. The leadership promptly followed me to that other guild leaving newer membership in the form of three of the officers that would "co-lead". that went over like a lead baloon as you might immagine. The guild still survives on it's 4th leader now and a few poeple loggin in now and then while the one I moved on to bombed about a month an a half after. (they were the number 3 guild on the server...) and now I am in a guild that's kind of in between. the people are good but the raiding still isn't enough to really get me excited.
#20 Sep 27 2007 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
All I ask is at least 3-5 days a week raiding, any more than that I cannot handle, gets too tiring
#21 Sep 27 2007 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
just last week I was lookin at a guild that was raiding 3 days a week, 4 hours a night. only 12 hours a week but they were doing all of hyjal and part of BT...

Keep lookin, they are out there and they might even take a thick headed, crusty old MM hunter too :D
#22 Sep 27 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Crusty? Old? Im 21...

Also, I am throwing my Resto Shammy out there too cause hey, everybody needs healers :P
#23 Sep 27 2007 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
658 posts
Yeah it sucks, and the guild I was in that got disbanded has reformed and is in Kara, though with all the sh*t the new Guild Leader is pulling, I don't want to go back to that. Wife is still in that guild though.

1: Only he and his wife can loot anything in Kara (FFO on Trash, Master on boss)(and Ironically he "earned" the money to buy his epic flyer, though he stated all the money from the items was going to the guild bank, though nobody has seen it)

2: He made My Wife and 3 other Vetrans, step down for some guild newbies. Wife was a Class lead, knew her sh*t, but He was the GM's friend. They also have pushed the Vetrans out of the Raid Slots, even if they signed up first.

3: He kicked a Vetran Guildie out because a DPS warrior was "useless" then switched to DPS himself.

4: Knocked my wife down from MT, made her respec to resto (mind you all her gear is tanking) and then told her she couldn't go on the raids since she didnt have enough + healing, but wouldnt help with getting her geared.

5: Makes everybody pitch in to pay for the Holy Priest's (his wife) repair bill cause it is too expensive, mind you those 2 are the only ones that can loot.

Holy Lord. Why does anyone stay in that guild?? My guild's tiny (I'm the fourth 70) and we almost never run instances, but we are really good to each other. Our guild leader bends over backwards to help everyone. I casually asked once where a good place to farm silk was because I wanted to level up all of my alts' first aid. Two hours later my mailbox was chock full of page after page of cloth stacks. If anyone gets a good drop, we link it in guild chat and send it to any of the lowbies that could use it. If no one claims, we send it to the enchanters. If they don't need it, then we sell. If anyone's having trouble with a quest or gets stranded in an instance, all the higher ups shuffle out who's available and someone is there as quickly as they can.

We've only had one person who didn't play nice, and after a month's worth of warnings, our GM took him aside, explained that his style didn't mesh with ours, and gave him enough gold to establish his own guild.

I know it's a bit utopian, but still, it exists. Why would anyone put up with a bunch of jerks? Is raiding really rewarding enough to make up for it?
#24 Sep 27 2007 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Holy Lord. Why does anyone stay in that guild?? My guild's tiny (I'm the fourth 70) and we almost never run instances, but we are really good to each other.

Because most of the people in it have been in it before:

We all started in Soldiers of Erinyes. The GM took off without a word for about 2 months so we broke off and made our own guild which fluked badly. I transfered Servers, 3 people leaving for Iraq left the guild. Then the GM came back, re-created the guild, and they came back, now he ids treating them like **** and they stay because of past experience of joining a fluke.

I have been listening to some of my wife's complaints, and one day she was ******** about the repair bill thing and then went to the bathroom, I proceded to chew the GM's *** in the Raid channel for about 5 minutes, not even looking for responses until I was done, once done I looked up and saw no responses. I waited, about a minute later he comes back with- "Wow, you really need to come to me before you blow up like that".

Our guild leader bends over backwards to help everyone. I casually asked once where a good place to farm silk was because I wanted to level up all of my alts' first aid.

I am the same way. Though I am very tired of it being one-sided. I help out my guildies leveling their 60+ alts by going into instances were they need stuff. The last straw was last night when I said I needed Shattered Halls, the one guy I have helped the most. The one guy I transfered servers to hang out and play with. He stated: "Let's try to figure out something that would benifit the guild, going into Hattered Halls would only benifit you, and that is kinda selfish". This after we just had run Sethikk Halls specifically because he wanted a DPS plate belt, when he is specced Prot, and I had already told him a questline for a better tanking belt, but since it was for the Arc key, he didn't want to bother with it because it "did him no good". Lets also add in the fact I got him 600G+ worth in Clefthoof Leather/Knothide to get his leatherworking up to 375. Lets also add into the fact I left 3 PuG Kara runs to help him level this warrior.

And I am being selfish?

The other night the Essence Focuser dropped for a Priest in the guild, and it was put out, does anybody need this? I stated it would be nice to play around with, and so I traded a Royal Nightseye for it. We are usually pretty good about doing that.

Ok, I'm tired.


#25 Sep 27 2007 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
[snipped down a bit and formatted]1)What to do next?
2)Should I pvp casually?
3)should I just try to get geared for Kara?
4)Is PVP gear good for PVE? Or do I really need two different sets?

Before that run in Bot I hadn't ran an instance sense lvl 62 so I am only wearing the Quested Blues and greens with the exception of my new Beastlord Curiass and the pvp legs and belt I got from Halaa defense.

1) You've just started playing, the whole game is ahead of you. That's only slightly sarcastic. The game since BC is faction. The grind to 70 is trivial, now you've got a lot of play ahead of you.

2) Sure, that would seem to suit your play time well. More below.

3) Yes. Also more below.

4) Some PvP pieces work well with raiding gear. So on nights when you're just doing some PvP, work towards those pieces. Which pieces will depend on your current gear, but boots, shoulders, cloak, and hands seem to be popular with Hunters.

You should work towards Heroic keys. This is as easy as running the Instances. Since you haven't done a lot of this since 62, it'll be new and fun. Target a faction and get it to Revered and buy the Heroic key. Then work on another, and another. The goal is to be Heroic keyed for all Instance groups. It's tough, and takes a lot of time. A lot more than it took you to get to 70. And in doing so you'll improve your gear by a huge factor. And then running the Heroics you'll improve your gear even more. And if you peck at your Kara key that's a good thing too. You can get your Kara key while working on the rep for the Heroic keys, so this part doesn't have to be a sprint, but rather a marathon.

And while you're running these Instances and collecting gear, if you start putting together a gear set for PvP, that'll help your PvP play be more interesting. You don't have to have two sets of gear, but it sure helps. Focus on STA, living longer to inflict less damage is better than being taken out before you do much damage. The glass cannon doesn't do very well in PvP.
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