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people against pally tankingFollow

#27 Oct 02 2007 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
I've actually been thinking about going prot again. Since I'm on night shift these days, I only get to play during the day, when all the tanks on my server are apparently off-duty. It kinda sucks that the two roles my pally excels at are also the least played ones (although it is nice to always be in demand).

On the other hand, I KNOW that the minute I respec, I'll get a dozen people looking for a healer...

Yeah, I know this doesn't have a lot to do with the topic at hand, but I just had to get it off my chest :P

Edit: Bad grammar! Back to your kennel!

Edited, Oct 2nd 2007 10:09pm by MetalM
#28 Oct 02 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
30% is not VERY high, its a good amount. 75% is VERY high and that's what Warriors get.

u are right, 30% is not very high, but with spells along (holy shield+redoubt) we get 30%+30% =60% and that is what warriors dont have, and we can easily reach 75% if we want to, at least much easier than wars, so we can concentrate more on spell dmg and others

also, if u see a paly tank usin a dps type of one hand weapon instead of a caster one hander (the one with 41 dps and +spell dmg) then chances are that the pally is learning from warriors and druids on how to tank, meaning that he cant really tank that well

#29 Oct 03 2007 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
u are right, 30% is not very high, but with spells along (holy shield+redoubt) we get 30%+30% =60% and that is what warriors dont have, and we can easily reach 75% if we want to, at least much easier than wars, so we can concentrate more on spell dmg and others


You serious? We can MUCH easier get 75% block than warriors?

Warrior: One Click
Paladin: Holy Shield... hope Redoubt procs, and find 15% block (120 Block Rating)from gear. OR Holy Shield and find 45% block (360 Block Rating) from gear

Keeping in mind that most Paladins don't even calculate Redoubt in their Block% because it is proc based. So no, Paladins can not get 75% block much easier than wars.
#30 Oct 04 2007 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
#31 Oct 05 2007 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
heh only here to read up for my 21 pally. that said once a group has kara on farm and are just running 5 mans for badges the only choice that is not a complete waste of time is a pally tank. i don't want to spend alot of time waiting for a warr to build aggro and a pally tank can superglue mobs much quicker than a war or druid. and SH with a tankadin gives me the only joy i can get out of running 5 mans.

^^Tankadin loving lock (it aint as wrong as it sounds)
#32 Oct 14 2007 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
pally tanks are the best tanks out there. everytime there is a warrior tanking instead of me the warrior loses aggro to everyone in the grp if ppl say pally tanks suck then they suck giant donkey ballz cause im a pally tank and i have tanked the blood furnace and ramparts with no wepon and had full aggro at level 61 lemme know if a warrior can do that
#33 Oct 14 2007 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
I'm going to be a bit blunt.

I like to tank so far in this game, and if someone doesn't like it, fuck em.
#34 Oct 15 2007 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
638 posts
I think the big reason for people disliking pally tanks is that so many non-prot pallies are expected to tank. People read on the boards about how great pally tanks are and the next time they run an instance and can't get a prot warrior (which have become extremely rare) they grab a random pally and make him tank. Then when he dies, everyone complains about his lack of damage mitigation and stamina. (To tell the truth, I haven't heard anyone knowledgeable complain about his lack of ability to hold aggro anymore).

Pallies make excellent tanks, but to be the main tank for 5-man instances they really need to be specced and geared to tank. It is much harder for a holy or ret paladin to tank than it is for an arms or fury warrior, or even for a non-feral druid with adequate tanking gear. Not hard to keep aggro - blowing all your mana on spell damage usually does the trick even without blessing of salvation - but staying alive isn't so easy.

And after one of these disappointing runs, you have four more people that think pally tanks suck.
#35 Oct 15 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
i have a pally tank right now this is my first attempt at tanking and a pally

so its a new experiance. right now i am sitting at lvl 48 which isnt much and i

havent seen many hard instances. but from what i have tanked

mara,ZF,ulda,rfd,rfc, all of the sm's i havent had a problem with aggro to much

maybe a few here and there. im workin with my guild to get to 70 and tank the

high end instances. personally i love to tank its pretty fun much more fun than

healing and also i am asked by alot of people to tank and have made quite a

few friends from it and keep getting asked to come back. i may not be the best

but i am still in the learning phase.

here is my armory if u have any suggestions.
#36 Oct 15 2007 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
Are you doing that double space thing intentionally, or is something else making you do it? I've seen a couple people do that and it always seems to me like they are writing an essay.

Looking at your Paladin looks like you are making all the right moves with both your gear and talents, keep it up and you'll be looking at a great tanking career.
#37 Oct 15 2007 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
I see alot of interesting comments to pally tanks. Some negative and positive. I've healed in many instances with tanks of every sort. Before I leave for an instance i check the gear of the tank. Through alot of research I look for speciafic things +defense, + dodge,parry and block as well. And thru quick calculations i can get a ball park of his potential. And sometimes when waiting for adds in PUG's i'll look on WoW armoury and get the specifics.

There are alot of counterfits (so called tanks out there)and knowing what to look for is key. Based on what I see tells me weather I'll start without bailing( come up with a last min reason )I know it sounds crappy..but that's me :)..

I'm impartial, and i think any tank, including pallies, serious and skilled for the job is worth having..Look past the class and to the person running it.

I would like to comment on the 80DR ( i'll use 60% armor DR for ref.)

4000-60%=1600 4000-80= 3920 3920-60%=1568

It may not seem like much but all DR is beneficial IMO. Especially for those drawn out fights against bosses where mana conservation is needed to win the day. Though it may not be practical for 5 mans. It can be quite usefull in raids when combined with the other buffs recieved.
#38 Oct 15 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
You need some better healers if that -32 damage is really helping out.

Blessing of Sanctuary is nice, don't get me wrong, it just lags behind when considering other Blessings. It took 4 Paladins in my raid to get to Sanctuary as I consider Kings, Light, and Wis to help out more.
#39 Oct 15 2007 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
sorry bout the double spacing thing bt i was thinkin my post would be long and i didnt want the dreded wall of text making everyones eyes bleed.
right now i just feel i need to upgrade my weapon bad lol. im tryin to get the mace from landslide in mara right now to help with mana while i grind and all.
and also thanks for the words of wisdom.
#40 Oct 15 2007 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
427 posts
Xerobreaker wrote:'re holy specced and geared.

Do you respec for certain raids, or are you full of crap?

Edited, Oct 15th 2007 7:37pm by GWynand
#41 Oct 15 2007 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Nobody seems to be qualifying their arguments here with the relevant situation;

Paladin tanks are worse in high-end, high-damage raids like Gruul. Sadly it's the truth. We lack single-target threat grabbing and a lot of our abilities (Redoubt, Holy Shield) are geared towards fending off many small hits rather than infrequent colossal strikes like you find endgame.

I personally think Paladin tanks are the most reliable tanks for 5man instances in the game; hands down, I would rather have a Paladin for any group of more than two mobs. AoE threat grabbing and Holy Shield are like mob superglue, it takes a very determined Enhance Shaman to pull aggro off me in any instance. Sure Druids have more armour and Warriors have higher block%, but thats a natural consequence of the different tanking styles. Judging a Paladin's stats as if he's a Warrior is as stupid as judging a Warrior based on Druid abilities.

Nobody's yet mentioned the 'free Shield Wall', Ardent Defender; I know a lot of Warriors who'd kill for that ability. Sure Gruul might leapfrog it and kill you outright in one shot, but then he does that to any class.

Paladins do have a very strong tanking role now, people just need to figure it out.

#42 Oct 16 2007 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
I actually prefer a pally tank. I'm always able to pull off an effective aoe without all but one mob peeling off the tank for a dpser snack.

Or maybe I've just grouped with too many really bad warrior tanks. :p
#43 Oct 19 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
I actually do NOT use a 41DPS +dam/heal weapon, and I did not learn to tank from the warriors or druids. I learned from formerly being a warrior, until the day the expansion came out, and then by trying out everything I could and discarding what did not work for me. The weapon I use suites my play style more currently.
I tend to like seeing the Damage/healing procs, especially when I am soloing for quests, and the higher dps does not seem to hurt me yet in groups, especially on single target action.
Once the next big patch comes through, I may end up using a huge +heal with +81 healing on it to do my dps, or I may go with a faction sword with +40 Dam/healing (most likely).
I also use BoS to increase my damage output on multi pulls, the -80 damage pre AC reduction is a pretty minor benifit compared to the extra damage the mobs take.

Edited, Oct 19th 2007 11:40am by rowanwolf
Damn, got a depleted sword yesterday, so had to throw +40 spell damage on to it. My spell damage is MUCH higher, but my single target threat dropped a lot. Overall, it is a better tanking sword though.

Edited, Oct 24th 2007 11:03am by rowanwolf
#44 Oct 19 2007 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,073 posts
Paladin tanks are being accepted in five-mans by necessity (low number of actual tanking characters). They're being accepted into raids by virtue of usefulness.

There are some encounters in SSC and TK, as has been pointed out, that scream for a paladin tank. Morogrim Tidewalker is made MUCH simpler with a pallie off-tank. Leotheras the Blind can be caught significantly easier post-Whirlwind by Avenger's Shield than by a charging move. Solarian trash, Solarian herself, and some segments of the Kael fight are significantly eased by a tankadin.

Any lingering resentment of the tankadin concept is probably due to the healer shortage.

There are some things that tankadins can't do (stance dancing comes to mind); there are some enemies I'd much rather have a different tank on. For isntance, it makes me want to cry when warriors delegate the Overcharging mechs in TK to a tankadin when we could just have a warrior tank it and use Spell Reflect. But overall, prot pallies aren't a "if you must" tanking class or a "last resort" tanking class; they're merely a "different" tanking class.
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