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Screen for no damn reasonFollow

#1 Sep 23 2007 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
2,388 posts

SS of my setup, probly gonna have people saying, well why not this, or that, but meh, it works for me.
#2 Sep 23 2007 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Except for the Map and unitframes, it looks... stock. What kind of resolution do you play at, and do you have an autoshot timer?

Personally, I am fond of the slick UI's. I remove all unnecessary graphics (gryphon bars and so on) and make my buttons and bars smaller. Unitframes, I remove all portraits, and replace it with a tiny class symbol. The round map is replaced by a square map, and the buff display is changed into an orderly list. Depending on the situation (solo PvE, Group/Raid PvE, solo PvP, Group/Raid PvP) I have anything from one to three chatboxes showing. Green text on Black for guildchat, in the same box Blue party chat, and purple whispers. Classchannels in white, same box. General, Trade and all the public channels in one box. White on Seethrough Gray. And Combat Log in a third, modded to be easily read.

For good PvP information, centered around my character I have ArcHUD, and use a SCT mod that suits it. All the information about myself, my pet, my target and my target's target is around my character with enough transparency to not block any views. And I use zHuntermod for Autoshot timer and quickstrip. Only the Aspect bar shows though.

So, no Screenshot from me (don't think I actually have any showing my UI, just pure WoW Graphic SCs), but I hope this explanation shows it well.
#3 Sep 23 2007 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
Lost completely on what you said...

I use stock because that is what I started playing with and I been playing for a year with it and would probly get too confused trying to play with anything else.

It works for me and no I do not have a Shot timer cause I don't need it, I am able to weave Steady and Auto just fine without one :P
#4 Sep 23 2007 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
Oh don't take it as criticism. Stock UI's are fine.
But I have just personally become fond of creating my own UI, since it means I can tailor it to every class I play. Besides, it's just fun. Tearing apart the normal stuff, and create something of your own. Sometimes it turns out to be a mess, but sometimes it just becomes awesome.
#5 Sep 23 2007 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
North, can you make a screenie of your UI? Mine is rather close to Caldone´s with the exception that i use the lower bars and only 1 to the right and i have my petbar+aspect, trap and pet buttons from Zhunter at the left bottom of my screen.
And i dont have a damagemeter or that other square portrait thingy...

But i´m interested in what you have and although i like a more round and smooth UI (i really dislike square minimaps for example, they just look funny to me), i do want to create my own personal UI.

edit: i´ll try to dig up a screenie of my UI now and we can make this the big Hunter UI thread :)

Edited, Sep 24th 2007 8:47am by Aethien
#6 Sep 23 2007 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Its a working progress so dont all get up in arms lol.
#7 Sep 24 2007 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
we can make this the big Hunter UI thread :)

Sure, why not?

Like Caldone, I keep things mostly stock. My UI basically comes from me liking the basic WoW UI, but thinking things like "y'know, I could really use some trap timers" and then adding them. So it's the basic UI with a bunch of useful stuff bolted on.

I've tried some of the flashy prepackaged UIs, and ended up going back to this pretty quick. It may not be pretty, but it's mine.

Out of combat it looks even more stock, all the stuff onscreen, the HUD, the timers, the Threat meter all disappear. Makes taking scenic screencaps a lot easier.
#8 Sep 24 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
Don't have screenies of my UI at the moment, and since the bank got retarded and somehow managed to misplace my last paycheck, my WoW subscription ran out two days ago. Until I get the money back, I can't reactivate the account and take any either. Annoying as hell. Sorry...
#9 Sep 24 2007 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts is very close to my current setup.

This is from quite a while ago, but shows my castbar and the target debuffs.

I'll edit this later with the latest version, in battle, in a group etc.

Edited, Sep 24th 2007 10:03am by Xsarus
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
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#10 Sep 24 2007 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
576 posts
Hey Caldone, What's the bar on the top of your screen?

I liked the way that Titan looked, but I haven't been able to get a version that has worked.
#11 Sep 24 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
TidusBlue wrote:
Hey Caldone, What's the bar on the top of your screen?

I liked the way that Titan looked, but I haven't been able to get a version that has worked.

It is Titan. Works fine for me as well, so all I can say is get the latest version.
#12 Sep 24 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
You know that chimny outside kara? yah...
#13 Sep 24 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
DalaranCaine wrote:
You know that chimny outside kara? yah...

Protip: Strip as nekkid as you can get. If you got a spare ranged weapon, use it. Aggro a ghost, and you can die with next to no Dura loss and ress afterwards. At least I assume so, since that was the tactic to use in WPL and a couple of other places with the same ruin types.
#14 Sep 24 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
2,388 posts
Its a working progress so dont all get up in arms lol.

Not bad, looks nice, though I don't like the buttons all in one area.

Rasen wrote:
Like Caldone, I keep things mostly stock. My UI basically comes from me liking the basic WoW UI, but thinking things like "y'know, I could really use some trap timers" and then adding them. So it's the basic UI with a bunch of useful stuff bolted on.

What is the thing around your toon? Is that Arc Hud?

North wrote:
Except for the Map and unitframes, it looks... stock. What kind of resolution do you play at, and do you have an autoshot timer?

1280x1040- Still ned to update my Monitor to a 20" for higher res.

Tearing apart the normal stuff, and create something of your own. Sometimes it turns out to be a mess, but sometimes it just becomes awesome.

Yeah I don't know how to do that :(
#15 Sep 24 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
Caldone the Shady wrote:

Rasen wrote:
Like Caldone, I keep things mostly stock. My UI basically comes from me liking the basic WoW UI, but thinking things like "y'know, I could really use some trap timers" and then adding them. So it's the basic UI with a bunch of useful stuff bolted on.

What is the thing around your toon? Is that Arc Hud?

Tearing apart the normal stuff, and create something of your own. Sometimes it turns out to be a mess, but sometimes it just becomes awesome.

Yeah I don't know how to do that :(

Yes, it is one version of ArcHUD, but at a strange resolution. I have a slightly different looking ArcHUD, smaller and more transparent even when fighting.

Yeah, ripping apart UI's and recreating them isn't for everyone. More for those with an interest in those things. Don't sweat it, since the stock UI is more than good enough anyway. I played with the stock UI myself for almost a year before I started becoming interested in UI modifications.
#16 Sep 24 2007 at 9:30 AM Rating: Excellent
2,388 posts
Ill have to look into getting ArcHud and playing around with it.
#17 Sep 24 2007 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
Oh! Just remembered something. I suppose a few of you guys also play a Warlock, or have played a Warlock at some point? Well, they are the one class, that has the single most awesome mod in the game.


The usefulness of it isn't why I think it is so awesome, even though it is quite useful, and saves you time when doing all the Stoning and so on. The reason it rocks, is for the Procc/Banish/Diminishing Returns warnings. It's voiceover! Nightfall proccs, and this awesome demonic Unreal Tournament like voice comes and scares the crap out of you... "SHADOW TRANCE!" Unfearable target due to mobtype or DR? Target it, and the addon laughs at you, with this demonic horrible laugh. Your soulstone CD is over? It tells you, with the same voice as before.

If I had the skill, I'd program something similar for Hunters in a heartbeat. Sheesh, I didn't even know about the voiceovers when I installed it, and almost pissed myself when the addon first roared at me.
#18 Sep 24 2007 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
2,388 posts
Yea I have some guildes who use it and thinking or geting it for my lock, though mine is only level 14. Still, would rather get used to it early than later on :P

North, pull that big head out of whatever hole it is hiding in and give us a Necro like UI!
#19 Sep 24 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
There is something similar for Hunters*, but it doesnt have the awesome voice. I used to have Necrosis on my Lock ages ago, but I thought the guy stopped making it?

Yes that is ArcHUD. It's pretty customisable which is why it looks different than out of the box. In combat, it looks as shown, out of combat if my health/mana or my pet's health/focus isn't full, it's virtually transparent, but still visible enough that I know I'm not yet at full strength. When bars are full, and out of combat, it's like it's not there at all.

I love having all the information presented in the middle of the screen. As well as telling me the obvious things, like health bars etc without having to look at the top of the screen, it shows me what my target is targetting, and sometimes, reacting to that can make all the difference.


Edited, Sep 24th 2007 4:49pm by Rasen
#20 Oct 03 2007 at 12:58 AM Rating: Good
17 posts
So after some much needed work I present The Storm UI... and I still messed up, but I need a break so the one bar that is outside can stay. You cant see my pet bar because I was mounted when I snapped the pic, but it is above mini-map right above the border.

Stormscar's UI Final

Let me know what you all think.
#21 Oct 03 2007 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
HellstromThePaladin wrote:
So after some much needed work I present The Storm UI... and I still messed up, but I need a break so the one bar that is outside can stay. You cant see my pet bar because I was mounted when I snapped the pic, but it is above mini-map right above the border.

Stormscar's UI Final

Let me know what you all think.

Good looking, but waaaaay too big for my tastes. And I prefer to have more skills visible. But as UI's go, it is quite nice. But I can't even begin to imagine how cluttered your screen will be in a raid.
#22 Oct 03 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
423 posts
Argh, I hate mods with voiceovers. It's so intrusive. Natur Cast Bars (or whatever it's called) has sneaked them in, and it felt like there was a 15 yo boy playing counter strike in my head.
#23 Oct 03 2007 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Good looking, but waaaaay too big for my tastes. And I prefer to have more skills visible. But as UI's go, it is quite nice. But I can't even begin to imagine how cluttered your screen will be in a raid.

Actually not very at all. My raid panels arent very big and the information is displayed nicely. If you look and count closely you will see every hunter skill on that screen. Yeah its a bit big, but its my first completely custom skin lol.
#24 Oct 03 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
HellstromThePaladin wrote:
So after some much needed work I present The Storm UI... and I still messed up, but I need a break so the one bar that is outside can stay. You cant see my pet bar because I was mounted when I snapped the pic, but it is above mini-map right above the border.

Stormscar's UI Final

Let me know what you all think.

So much wasted space ; ;

Nix the headers over each of the button groups and put them closer together; you know what everything is by sight, I'd hope. Put in a small (3~6 buttons) 'junkpile' button area where you can toss in rank 1 arcane or whatever else you might need for a situation in the recycled space.

Half of your commands aren't even grouped with like kind, but that's more of a nitpick than a problem (Scatter Shot isn't a DoT, and you have Growl and Eagle Eyes up under your buff list).

MonkeyQuest is a flat dumb addon in my opinion, and you're realistically watching way more quests than you could possibly be doing simultaneously.

Nix your portraits. You can see what you, your party, and your target look like on the screen.

Tradeskills do not need to be battle accessible; leave them off your bars completely (or find a fubar/titan/etc plugin that gives you one-click access to them). Bandages and potions are ok mandatory to have around, but FA skill is not.

If you consolidate, I'd bet you could bring the chat window back down in line with the rest of your 'information zone' which would make it way way WAY easier to keep up with it while in combat.

That's what I'd do anyway.
#25 Oct 04 2007 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Nix the headers over each of the button groups and put them closer together; you know what everything is by sight, I'd hope. Put in a small (3~6 buttons) 'junkpile' button area where you can toss in rank 1 arcane or whatever else you might need for a situation in the recycled space.

Its just for looks.

Half of your commands aren't even grouped with like kind, but that's more of a nitpick than a problem (Scatter Shot isn't a DoT, and you have Growl and Eagle Eyes up under your buff list).

Like I said it needed a bit of tweaking. I did this while sick with the flu and dead tired.

MonkeyQuest is a flat dumb addon in my opinion, and you're realistically watching way more quests than you could possibly be doing simultaneously.

Matter of opinion I guess. I found Monkey Quest to be very valuable through my leveling. I haven't unchecked any of the quests because I am at or above the level for them all.

Nix your portraits. You can see what you, your party, and your target look like on the screen.

Once again it is just to make it look nicer.

Tradeskills do not need to be battle accessible; leave them off your bars completely (or find a fubar/titan/etc plugin that gives you one-click access to them). Bandages and potions are ok mandatory to have around, but FA skill is not.

and again its a matter of opinion... Actually the professions is not even close to any of the skills. I do alot of on spot d/e'ing and the last thing I want to do is fumble with menus when I can simply click on the icon and go. FA is damn well required in my book. I have been known while solo'ing to stand back and make bandaids because I am close to running out.

If you consolidate, I'd bet you could bring the chat window back down in line with the rest of your 'information zone' which would make it way way WAY easier to keep up with it while in combat.

That's what I'd do anyway.

I haven't had any problems keeping up with anything. I guess the ultimate thing to remember is that I designed it from scratch. I decided where everything went in photoshop and sample placed it. Most of the stuff is simply for the looks and not functional, but I did that on purpose. I am working on a new skin which is more geared towards raiding and another one which is geared towards pvp. When I solo I love my skin and I guess to each their own if they don't like mine.

#26 Oct 04 2007 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I've always been fine with the stock skin, but recently, my boyfriend changed his, and I'm kinda interested in trying a custom one out. So far, I've gotten adventurous and installed Titan, but I even scale that down a bit, because I can never get enough on to the screen (even with my 1680x1050 resolution). 22" widescreen FTW. And Caldone, if you're in the market for a nice big monitor, the Samsung SyncMaster 226bw is on clearance all over the place, and it's a REALLY slick monitor. 2ms response time and a 3000:1 contrast ratio. I picked one up for $250. I was really weary of going from CRT to LCD because in the past, LCDs have been crap, but I am SOOOO happy with this one. It looks so much better than my old CRT.

oof, that got off-topic.

here's a screen of mine. Don't pay attention to the DPS meter. My hunter was auto-shotting the elites while I was on my boyfriend's computer playing his rogue, lol.
oh, and that missing slot on my action bar is scatter. I forgot to lock the bar, and accidentally clicked it off.
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