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Venting about Warriors again.Follow

#1 Sep 19 2007 at 5:32 PM Rating: Excellent

So Seriously I don't want to even party with warriors anymore.

I was tanking underbogs, everyone in the group was impressed with my tanking. We did the first 2 bosses easily. After the hydra our Rogue leaves. I found a 64 warrior to fill in.

I start having hate issues the moment he gets there. He was doing respectable damage, but he didn't think I could tank. He stayed in Defensive stance 'just in case'.

Needless to say hate was bouncing everywhere. I wasnt able to build enough hate to keep if off the healer. In the Swamplord fight, the bear wouldnt stay on me. It was like he was setting me up for failure. We get thru the fight and wipe on the last boss. Soon after we start having a talk in wispers.

I basically said he needed to get out of defensive stance and DPS. I was even gonna give him Salvation. One thing lead to another, we started arguing. He began asking the party if he could tank it. I told him that there was no reason I couldn't do it, and that he just needed to learn to watch his threat like the other DPS.

He basically blames me for the wipe and tells me that I can't hold agg. He also mentioned that he 'has seen my kind of tanking, and wasn't impressed'. I again told him he was a horrible DPS, not because he didnt do damage but because he sucked at threat management.

He leaves the group, logs, and puts me on ignore. I personally asked the other 3 members what they thought. I asked each in a /tell after we all disband. One said my tanking was fine, the other two said some very nice things about my tanking.

Wow now I now why everyone does this. I feel better now. Thanks.
#2 Sep 19 2007 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
384 posts
****, im a warrior and if i was tanking with him in my group i would have kicked his *** out. He obviously doesn't know how to play a warrior. First of all, staying in defensive stance increases the amount of threat he puts out, so that was giving him even more threat problems. Secondly, he should be ******* greatful that he can kick back and dps. He brings nothing else to a 5 man. You can easily find someone else to fill his spot. When i get to dps in an instance, i make sure to **** no one off. Maybe then they'll invite me to dps later. For the most part i hate dps warriors, i rarely bring them to a group when im tanking, and when i do, they are usually bragging about how well they dps, constantly checking the damage meter, not watching their threat and causing wipes. Their ******* stupid.
#3 Sep 19 2007 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
Sounds like you ran into a scrub warrior. Paladins are probably the best 5 man tanks, so don't even let it bother you. I have to agree that he was probably setting you up too, seems like he felt a little less impressive as DPS instead of the tank.
#4 Sep 19 2007 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
Paladin...druid...warrior...they all suck at tanking. They're also all great at tanking. It depends on the player. All I can say is on my warriors I prefer to tank, simply because I'm prot. Of course, if there's a prot pally, I'd rather just find a new group (or have him heal and the other healer DPS if the DPS is healing specced), so we don't have this issue.

But...if I was arms or fury, I would gladly DPS. In berserker stance. And I'd probably prefer salvation to might, because that's a big increase in how much DPS I COULD put out.

But this guy was a moron. He should have just stayed in battle/zerker and switched to defense and taunted if you died. Be glad you're on his ignore list. If you dont group with him again, you'll be better off.
#5 Sep 19 2007 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Yea, the only Warriors I group with when I tank are from my guild cause we know each other and it eliminates this problem. I agree that if you're on his ignore list, you're better off cause you won't have to worry about him anymore.

Seems to me that many of the DPS specced Warriors are a lot like the many many Ret Palys I've seen: they flaunt their DPS, cry for damage meters, can't hold off on their threat, don't want Salvation, then cry that you suck at tanking when they pull aggro and die.
#6 Sep 19 2007 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
It happens to everyone at some point. Someone thinks they can do your job better than you and starts getting obnoxious about it. Kick em from the run early and find someone else.

I've had a feral druid complain that I couldn't heal the run and should DPS. As a holy paladin. He said we had to get a priest, even a shadow priest. Group leader threatened to kick him from the run if he didn't shut up. We filled the last spot(the one he thought should be a "real healer") with a rogue. Run went quite smooth after that.

Moral of the story: You can see problems like this coming. Nip them in the bud.
#7 Sep 19 2007 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
339 posts
At least you can add another name to your blacklist.

Geez, dpsing in defensive ftl. You would think playing for 64 levels would yield some basic experience on warrior stances.
#8 Sep 20 2007 at 12:02 AM Rating: Excellent
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are born with the capacity for true idiocy."

I have a dream that one day the sons of moronic tanks and the sons of dumbass DPS will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood, and then break it while laughing hysterically at Adam Sandler. (Not at the movies; at his name. Hee hee, Sandler.)


Idiots abound. It's the true equal-opportunity sport.
#9 Sep 20 2007 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
RPZip wrote:
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are born with the capacity for true idiocy."

I have a dream that one day the sons of moronic tanks and the sons of dumbass DPS will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood, and then break it while laughing hysterically at Adam Sandler. (Not at the movies; at his name. Hee hee, Sandler.)


Idiots abound. It's the true equal-opportunity sport.

I was looking for a way to convey this very message, but I don't think I could have done it any more potently than that.

I give it two snaps up.
#10 Sep 20 2007 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
been there done that, I once did a shadow labs run with a 'dee pee ess' warrior.
Seeing that I play a 'offspecc' I'm always open to others', when we started clearing I noticed something. I enabled damage meters (yes i know blah blah) and saw that he was doing nearly no damage. It didn't bother me much but when I saw him building up sunders on the second boss I started to get angry.

At certain time he started attacking the mobs I wasn't attacking whilst in dps gear, and starts taunting mobs off me and when I used my taunt he switched to battle stance and used a mocking blow, after the mocking blow the add gets back to me and he used challenging shout. I had a serious chat with him, but he just kept on doing it.
I sent all my other party members a wisper and we decided to remove him from our group, he was really sad about it and wispered me with a 'why???????' after the milioned time I explained him to GET OUT OF THAT FREAKING DEFENSIVE STANCE AND DO FREAKING DAMAGE!
#11 Sep 20 2007 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
The worse ones are the tanks that think they're DPS. Like the guy I did Uld with on my pally (hey, I'm prot, you're DPS spec, but you tank I'll heal since we got no healers). He had a shield out so I thought he knew what he was doing. But, that's what I get for thinking...

I was having problems healing. Now, paladins are NOT designed to be healing 5 targets every fight (meaning the tank, 3 DPS, and one pet). We are in fact designed to heal very efficiently on a single target, but we can still heal a couple guys (albeit not as easily as a priest or shaman).
So I started slacking a bit on my healing and watching the mobs, mainly because I noticed none of them had a warrior's debuff on them (i.e. TC, sunder, demo shout). So I asked him "why aren't you using sunder armor?"
"B/c I'm not in def stance"
"Why aren't you in def stance?"
"Because it sux"
Basically, he was DPSing with a sword-and-board, and we had no tank. He was not building up threat on adds, and the reason the DPS was was so that I didnt get aggro from healing. So instead of spamming FoL on the tank, I was reduced to switching targets for HL every 3 seconds. And of course, when I leave the group (I said "Kick him or I leave and they didnt kick him) he whispers me with his excuse as to why he cant hold aggro "B/c you dont know how to heal." I might add that we wiped about 3 times on trash, and every other pull at least one person would die. And on SM Cath which I healed a few levels before, I managed to keep the group alive when somehow the shadow priest and the rogue tanked the bosses (it was supposed to be VW and warrior, but crap happens). Jup, that was was a wartard.
#12 Sep 20 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good

I cant help but hold a grudge. That guy made me so mad.

I ended up doing a few other runs with half the party. We did very well.

Nice stories, makes me feel like I got smartass one.
#13 Sep 20 2007 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
i think its worse on the horde side, as pally is a relitively new class with less proficiant people then the other 2 tanking classes. plus there is the denial fact that warriors just got replaced in most/all 5 mans in terms of capability when stacked againts a good pally.

i get alot of flack from other tanks, just because ima pally. but when its only me, i get all kinds of praise, from the team. only having to heal one target, healer not pulling agro. and my favorite one is when the CC's are happy they dont have to CC. i let them know they dont have to CC by breaking the CC on purpose every time i see it. halfway through they understand why i did it and they are much pleased.

My advise. you cant take two steps without tripping over some DPS. if the war is that much in denial to just let you tank. kick em.
#14 Sep 20 2007 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
339 posts
So I asked him "why aren't you using sunder armor?"
"B/c I'm not in def stance"

Wow. You can use sunder in any stance. Good lord.
#15 Sep 20 2007 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
greenroom wrote:
So I asked him "why aren't you using sunder armor?"
"B/c I'm not in def stance"

Wow. You can use sunder in any stance. Good lord.

What's even worse is when the Warrior thinks he's tanking because he's in Defensive Stance with a shield on but all he does is spam Mortal Strike and Rend. No Sunder, no Revenge, maybe one Thunderclap to start the fight if you're lucky.
#16 Sep 20 2007 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Gaudion wrote:
What's even worse is when the Warrior thinks he's tanking because he's in Defensive Stance with a shield on but all he does is spam Mortal Strike and Rend. No Sunder, no Revenge, maybe one Thunderclap to start the fight if you're lucky.

My ex-guildleader is a warrior. He thought rend was good to use as a tank. He also didn't understand that Sunder post 60 isn't quite the ultimate tanking tool it used to be, so all he really did was Sunder, Rend, Shield Bash, and occasionally Devastate. Yes, he was prot and rarely used Shield Slam. Needless to say, I had to hold back a lot to not pull aggro. And we'd get enrages. Anywho, one day, one of my guildmates(another refugee from that guild who commonly ran with the guildleader) sent me a link to this comic.

Every time I hear of a tank rending, or even hear the word Rend, I think of him and the comic, and I laugh.

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 12:27am by Poldaran
#17 Sep 21 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
339 posts
so all he really did was Sunder, Rend, Shield Bash, and occasionally Devastate. Yes, he was prot and rarely used Shield Slam

What is with people using rend??? Rend is useless after level 30.

A person who paid a talent point for shield slam, and doesn't use it? Tell me he used revenge at least right? :/
#18 Sep 21 2007 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
i get alot of flack from other tanks, just because ima pally. but when its only me, i get all kinds of praise, from the team. only having to heal one target, healer not pulling agro. and my favorite one is when the CC's are happy they dont have to CC. i let them know they dont have to CC by breaking the CC on purpose every time i see it. halfway through they understand why i did it and they are much pleased.

That's honestly why I do it. It is so mindshattering to other people (especially Horde) when one guy can hold aggro well on all targets. Almost EVERY party that I am in has at least one or two guys who have either never had a Paladin tank or automatically thinks that they must suck cause they are not a warrior or a bear. By one or two pulls, I have converted both groups into the church of Paladin tanking.

For instance, I have been holding on to this story for a bit and I'm gonna throw it out now. I was tanking Shattered Halls about a week ago, and I get into a group with a Paladin healer (blues+pvp epics), hunter, warlock and mage (all 3 seemed to have just hit 70 recently by looking at their gear). I tell them at the beginning that they don't have to cc, a lot of "Wut??" and "OMG we're going to wipe with this guy" started happening. First pull I hold aggro on only 4 guys and the hunter was saying "OMG Paladins are my favorite tank." To which I replied "You aint seen nothin' yet" (Yes I can be a bit cocky when I tank, but I can back it up). The mage was afk the whole time as we went down the first hallway and I aoe tanked every single group with no cc.

Finally at the end of the hallway, I grabbed the 7 mob group, and the 4 sleeping also eventually aggrod (first time that happened to me), and I grabbed and held onto all of them as the hunter tried desperately to pull one off to trap one and the warlock just started spamming Seed of Corruption, effectively making them explode all over the place with the Paladin healer just spamming FoL and HoL occasionally on me. We ended up with no deaths, the healer at about half-mana, and dead fel-orc bodies everywhere with much praise towards me.

Edit: Hunters can't cast Seed of Corruption ;)

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 12:21pm by CapJack
#19 Sep 21 2007 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
339 posts
Good god I hate you Jack, I've had such bad luck with SH

#20 Sep 21 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
Awwww green don't like me :(

I was also on top of the Damage meter from all the AOE tanking by the time we got to the first boss >.> that was the first time that happened to me, and I laughed at the warlock who was all pissed about it, he later started unleashing a lot more as he should have.

Most fun is at the hallway where all the non-elites keep running at you until you get at the end where the archers and the other elites are waiting for you, My tactic is essentially run to the end and aoe them down, it's fun when I'm holding aggro on 20 non-elites and the 3 elites at the end.

#21 Sep 21 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
339 posts

Rubbing it in. And I bet you pulled all those Shattered Hand Gladiators when they had full health!

#22 Sep 21 2007 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
those guys hurt . . . hurt bad.
#23 Sep 21 2007 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Jack probably has done that :) I have, and while not ideal, definently made the encounter "interesting". Frost Trap/Frost Nova FTW there ;)

Yes I can be a bit cocky when I tank, but I can back it up

Yes Jack, me too. But imo, we've earned that right.
#24 Sep 22 2007 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
i feel ur pain dude

but that man is just one horrible warior

He stayed in Defensive stance 'just in case'.
means that he doesnt know how to switch stances (it's even easier than druids shapeshifting, only one click!!!)

def stance generate more hate and has 10% less dmg out put, i wonder y he can be so stupid

and all tanks need ppl to hit them to work well (druid and war need rage! and paly simply need ppl to hit them so that they can block and do holy dmg) so if ur dps starts to pull agro, it's very hard for u to get it back, (althought u can try judging and stun and then judging again, and tell ur group that: when u stun, stop atking that mob)

palys are amazing tanks, and we can heal like gods (non-arena due to mass dispell) and dps well with the proper gear and way of playing (yes, i'm talking about ret! there are good ret pallis out there, very few cause it takes SKILLS not just years of non stop playing)
so all u pally haters out there, STFU
#25 Sep 23 2007 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
120 posts
those guys hurt . . . hurt bad.

Well actually, they are only a pain in heroic mode with a bad/subbar healer..
ohh well, I only started doing shattered halls to get revered fast to summon nightbane anyways :-p
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